🚀 GoDI: Generic based DI in Go

🚀 GoDI: Generic based DI in Go



  • go get -u github.com/MaximZayats/godi/
  • import "github.com/MaximZayats/godi/di"


  • go get -u github.com/MaximZayats/godi/cmd/godi
  • go run github.com/MaximZayats/godi/cmd/godi init ./storage/decorators
  • go run github.com/MaximZayats/godi/cmd/godi --help


  • Simple: Getting from container

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        di.AddSingletonByFactory[float32](func(c *di.Container) float32 {
            return 11.22
        di.AddByFactory[string](func(c *di.Container) string {
            return "aabbcc"
        fmt.Println(di.Get[int]())     // 123
        fmt.Println(di.Get[string]())  // "aabbcc"
        fmt.Println(di.Get[float32]()) // 11.22
        fmt.Println(di.Get[float32]()) // 11.22
  • Injection: Pass arguments to function (Simple code generation is required)

    Full code: godi-fiber-example


    type H = func(*fiber.Ctx) error
    // `stringFromDI` will be injected into the handler
    func handler(c *fiber.Ctx, stringFromDI string) error {
        return c.SendString("Hello from di: " + stringFromDI)
    func main() {
        di.AddInstance[string]("I'm string from DI!!!", c)
        app.Get("/", injection.Inject[H](handler))

Other examples


  1. Getting from container:

    • See examples above
  2. Injection (decorating):

    • Generate package for storing decorators:
      • go run github.com/MaximZayats/godi/cmd/godi init ./storage/decorators
      • Configure godi.injection:
        • import (
      • Use injection:
        • // `a` and `b` will be auto injected in the function
          func Handler(c context.Context, a int, b string) int {
              fmt.Println(c, a, b)
              return a
          // H is the type alias for the function after injection
          type H = func(context.Context) int
          decoratedHandler := injection.Inject[H](Handler)
          // IMPORTANT! You need to verify injection
          See full example



goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/MaximZayats/godi/benchmark
cpu: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor
BenchmarkGetFromFactorySingleton-12     500488393                2.443 ns/op
BenchmarkGetInstance-12                 495795447                2.403 ns/op
BenchmarkGetFromFactory-12              361722957                3.273 ns/op
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