Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets

GoGo Protobuf looking for new ownership

Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets

Build Status GoDoc

gogoprotobuf is a fork of golang/protobuf with extra code generation features.

This code generation is used to achieve:

  • fast marshalling and unmarshalling
  • more canonical Go structures
  • goprotobuf compatibility
  • less typing by optionally generating extra helper code
  • peace of mind by optionally generating test and benchmark code
  • other serialization formats

Keeping track of how up to date gogoprotobuf is relative to golang/protobuf is done in this issue

Release v1.3.0

The project has updated to release v1.3.0. Check out the release notes here.

With this new release comes a new internal library version. This means any newly generated *pb.go files generated with the v1.3.0 library will not be compatible with the old library version (v1.2.1). However, current *pb.go files (generated with v1.2.1) should still work with the new library.

Please make sure you manage your dependencies correctly when upgrading your project. If you are still using v1.2.1 and you update your dependencies, one of which could include a new *pb.go (generated with v1.3.0), you could get a compile time error.

Our upstream repo, golang/protobuf, also had to go through this process in order to update their library version. Here is a link explaining hermetic builds.


These projects use gogoprotobuf:

Please let us know if you are using gogoprotobuf by posting on our GoogleGroup.


Getting Started

There are several ways to use gogoprotobuf, but for all you need to install go and protoc. After that you can choose:

  • Speed
  • More Speed and more generated code
  • Most Speed and most customization


To install it, you must first have Go (at least version 1.6.3 or 1.9 if you are using gRPC) installed (see Latest patch versions of 1.12 and 1.15 are continuously tested.

Next, install the standard protocol buffer implementation from Most versions from 2.3.1 should not give any problems, but 2.6.1, 3.0.2 and 3.14.0 are continuously tested.


Install the protoc-gen-gofast binary

go get

Use it to generate faster marshaling and unmarshaling go code for your protocol buffers.

protoc --gofast_out=. myproto.proto

This does not allow you to use any of the other gogoprotobuf extensions.

More Speed and more generated code

Fields without pointers cause less time in the garbage collector. More code generation results in more convenient methods.

Other binaries are also included:

protoc-gen-gogofast (same as gofast, but imports gogoprotobuf)
protoc-gen-gogofaster (same as gogofast, without XXX_unrecognized, less pointer fields)
protoc-gen-gogoslick (same as gogofaster, but with generated string, gostring and equal methods)

Installing any of these binaries is easy. Simply run:

go get
go get{binary}
go get

These binaries allow you to use gogoprotobuf extensions. You can also use your own binary.

To generate the code, you also need to set the include path properly.

protoc -I=. -I=$GOPATH/src -I=$GOPATH/src/ --{binary}_out=. myproto.proto

To use proto files from "google/protobuf" you need to add additional args to protoc.

protoc -I=. -I=$GOPATH/src -I=$GOPATH/src/ --{binary}_out=\
Mgoogle/protobuf/ \

Note that in the protoc command, {binary} does not contain the initial prefix of "protoc-gen".

Most Speed and most customization

Customizing the fields of the messages to be the fields that you actually want to use removes the need to copy between the structs you use and structs you use to serialize. gogoprotobuf also offers more serialization formats and generation of tests and even more methods.

Please visit the extensions page for more documentation.

Install protoc-gen-gogo:

go get
go get
go get
go get


It works the same as golang/protobuf, simply specify the plugin. Here is an example using gofast:

protoc --gofast_out=plugins=grpc:. my.proto

See for an example of using gRPC with gogoprotobuf and the wider grpc-ecosystem.


This software is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License ("BSD License 2.0", "Revised BSD License", "New BSD License", or "Modified BSD License").

Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets
  • grpc-gateway calls golang/protobuf/jsonpb

    grpc-gateway calls golang/protobuf/jsonpb

    This particular bug bit us:

    To properly serialize/deserailize enums in jsonpb you need to call RegisterEnum. gogo/protobuf-generated messages register with gogo/protobuf/properties.go. However, if you have a library that is not under your control (e.g. gRPC Gateway), it will be using standard golang/jsonpb and thus the golang/protobuf/properties registration. Thus, any library using golang/jsonpb will not know about enums field maps.

    Can we have a fix for this? Proposals include:

    • having gogo register by only with golang/protobuf
    • having gogo register with both, or passing it up.
  • GoGo Protobuf looking for new ownership

    GoGo Protobuf looking for new ownership

    I write to you on behalf of the GoGo Protobuf project, which has long been supported by a small group of dedicated developers taking time out of their lives to keep the project up to date and add new features, to the benefit of all users. Unfortunately, the personal circumstances of the maintainers have changed and we are no longer able to keep up with the issues and feature requests that naturally crop up for a popular open source project.

    In particular, the recent golang/protobuf release 1.4.x (AKA APIv2:, has created a big chunk of work required to be compatible with the new world of Go protobufs. While longer term this work will likely make gogo/protobuf much more compatible with the rest of the ecosystem, there is currently no one to take on this piece of work, and users are living in uncertainty around the future of the project.

    We are therefore reaching out to industry users such as yourself to ask for help with maintaining the project. Without external help, it is likely that the GoGo Protobuf project will be discontinued. We know there are many organisations out there that use the project, so we're hoping that one or more of them would step up to take on this maintenance.

    Please let us know if you are a user that can take on (co)ownership of this project. It is as simple as commenting on this issue.


    @awalterschulze and @johanbrandhorst

    From Walter:

    I want to thank @jmarais and @donaldgraham for doing a great job stepping up to take on maintenance of GoGo Protobuf over the past 2 years. I want to also thank @johanbrandhorst for developing and maintaining the GRPC interoperability. I am very lucky and proud to call you all my friends.

  • sdrawkcab fubotorp lahsraM

    sdrawkcab fubotorp lahsraM

    .)(eziS gnitupmoc-erp )yledetaeper dna( ylevisrucer diova ot ,)elbissop nehw( drawkcab dezilaires era stcejbo taht os cigol eht lla esreveR

    Fixes #559

  • customtype test failures on 32-bit (and Big Endian) architectures

    customtype test failures on 32-bit (and Big Endian) architectures

    As reported in

    Builds of golang-gogoprotobuf on 32-bit architectures such as i386 and on ppc64 (the only big-endian architecture on which its build dependencies were available) all failed with test suite errors because various results weren't as expected. The details vary by architecture, per

    Could you please take a look?

    See full build logs on armel, armhf, i386 and ppc64. Tests do not fail only on amd64, arm64 and ppc64el.

  • Work In Progress: Separate binary with default code generation behaviour for normal proto files.

    Work In Progress: Separate binary with default code generation behaviour for normal proto files.

    There are a bunch of dropbox internal customization which I'm interested in upstreaming. In particular:

    1. We've rename Size() to ProtoSize()
    2. We've enable marshaller, unmarshaller, and sizer by default

    To avoid breaking the rest of the world, I was thinking of creating a struct which would holds the default values (and we'll only patch this struct within dropbox). something like

    type DefaultParams struct {
       sizeMethodName string
       isMarshaller bool
       isUnmarshaller bool
       isSizer bool

    the world would use:

    params := DefaultParams{"Size", false, false, false}

    while dropbox would override the defaults to:

    params := DefaultParams{"ProtoSize", true, true, true}

    Is this acceptable?

    Also, on the experimental side, I want to backport plugins from to generate proper mutator APIs (we've got burn by goproto's lack of proper mutator api a few of time recently, especially around repeated field). Is this something you would be interested in?

    Thanks, Patrick

  • Fix cases where the fix for issue260 was not enough

    Fix cases where the fix for issue260 was not enough

    The previous fix had some corner cases not covered by the useTime fix, since time.Time might only be used in the unmarhsaler plugin.

    This PR makes useTime public and adds it to the lines of unmarshaler where it is needed.

    Sorry, for having to do this fix.

  • Unable to use google.rpc.Status

    Unable to use google.rpc.Status

    In our code at we're using google.rpc.Status in some of our own protobufs. Unfortunately, this results in errors of the following form when building:

    ./dataset.pb.go:270:16: this.Error.Equal undefined (type
        has no field or method Equal)
    ./dataset.pb.go:308:16: this.Error.Equal undefined (type
        has no field or method Equal)

    Our team are temporarily working around the issue by forking our own copies of &, but are curious if modifying our gogo generator somehow would be a better solution. Any thoughts?

  • Known Issue: proto.MarshalTextString cannot handle custom types with Bytes method

    Known Issue: proto.MarshalTextString cannot handle custom types with Bytes method

    If a custom type implements proto.raw (i.e., has a Bytes() []byte method) proto.TextMarshaler.writeStruct will call it, causing invalid bytes to be written.

    For example, I have a UUID type with a Bytes() []byte method which returns the UUID's text format as a slice of bytes (it reduces allocations for other methods like MarshalText).

    I use this as a custom type and when I do I get the errors seen here.

    I'm not sure what your take is on this. Either there should be some docs (I know you said before custom type has issues, so if I could help let me know) or instead of Bytes() []byte the interface should be type raw interface { bytes() []byte } so no external types can implement it.

  • Merge ptypes from golang/goprotobuf

    Merge ptypes from golang/goprotobuf

    I am not sure what your policy on back-porting changes from goprotobuf, but it looks like ptypes has landed. Using these has been a pain point up until now.

  • WIP: Memory pooling

    WIP: Memory pooling

    This is the initial work for memory pooling, wanted to put it up before I spent too much time on it so we could look it over. Tldr for a message with a few fields and a repeated field of size 10, 1664B and 33 allocs/op -> 0B and 0 allocs/op.

    Check out the test/pool directory.

    Note there is no change for existing users. You have to enable the (gogoproto.pool) option, and even if you enable it, there is no functional change in in terms of current usage - messages can still be allocated with or without a backing Pool.

    Some caveats:

    • String and byte slice fields are not pooled. Strings basically never could be since they are immutable, byte slices in theory could, but it would cause a world of pain and not be backwards compatible to try to pool them when they are fields. I added a MarshalPool method that does do byte slice pooling using a seg list with a wrapper *mem.Bytes type, however.

    A lot has changed since this PR was first put up. See the discussion below for the current state of this PR.

  • Work In Progress: casttype (new type of customtype)

    Work In Progress: casttype (new type of customtype)


    package main
    //go:generate protoc -I. -I$GOPATH/src -I$GOPATH/src/ --gogo_out=. repro.proto
    type T uint32
    func main() {


    package repro;
    option go_package = "main";
    import "";
    option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
    message M {
      required uint32 X = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.customtype) = "T"];
    $ go generate && go build
    # _/home/tv/src/2014/protobuf-bug-type
    ./repro.pb.go:69: invalid operation: m.X |= uint32(b) & 127 << shift (mismatched types T and uint32)
  • Call command.Generate(req *plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest) twice could cause bug.

    Call command.Generate(req *plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest) twice could cause bug.

    Here is the code below.

    Look at the TestOK(), I call MyGenerate() once, so the test passed.

    Look at the TestFail(), I call MyGenerate() twice, so the test failed.

    And I think the reason is that var plugins pluginSlice in generator.go is a global variable.

    So if I use gogo as a binary(such as .exe) through command line console, then gogo works well.

    But if I import gogo and try to use gogo in my go code, then gogo could not work.

    package adminProtoComponent_test
    import (
    	gogoplugin ""
    // test.proto
    syntax = "proto3";
    message Foo {
    	int32 A = 1;
    	int32 B = 2;
    func GetFd() *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto {
    	var fd descriptor.FileDescriptorProto
    	jsonText := `{"name":"test.proto","message_type":[{"name":"Foo","field":[{"name":"A","number":1,"label":1,"type":5,"json_name":"A"},{"name":"B","number":2,"label":1,"type":5,"json_name":"B"}]}],"source_code_info":{"location":[{"span":[1,0,6,1]},{"path":[12],"span":[1,0,18]},{"path":[4,0],"span":[3,0,6,1]},{"path":[4,0,1],"span":[3,8,11]},{"path":[4,0,2,0],"span":[4,2,14]},{"path":[4,0,2,0,5],"span":[4,2,7]},{"path":[4,0,2,0,1],"span":[4,8,9]},{"path":[4,0,2,0,3],"span":[4,12,13]},{"path":[4,0,2,1],"span":[5,2,14]},{"path":[4,0,2,1,5],"span":[5,2,7]},{"path":[4,0,2,1,1],"span":[5,8,9]},{"path":[4,0,2,1,3],"span":[5,12,13]}]},"syntax":"proto3"}`
    	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonText), &fd)
    	if err != nil {
    	return &fd
    func MyGenerate(protoFileNames []string, fdProtos []*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) *gogoplugin.CodeGeneratorResponse {
    	g := generator.New()
    	g.Request = &gogoplugin.CodeGeneratorRequest{
    		ProtoFile: fdProtos,
    	g.Request.FileToGenerate = protoFileNames
    	files := g.Request.GetProtoFile()
    	files = vanity.FilterFiles(files, vanity.NotGoogleProtobufDescriptorProto)
    	vanity.ForEachFile(files, vanity.TurnOnMarshalerAll)
    	vanity.ForEachFile(files, vanity.TurnOnSizerAll)
    	vanity.ForEachFile(files, vanity.TurnOnUnmarshalerAll)
    	vanity.ForEachFieldInFilesExcludingExtensions(vanity.OnlyProto2(files), vanity.TurnOffNullableForNativeTypesWithoutDefaultsOnly)
    	vanity.ForEachFile(files, vanity.TurnOffGoUnrecognizedAll)
    	vanity.ForEachFile(files, vanity.TurnOffGoUnkeyedAll)
    	vanity.ForEachFile(files, vanity.TurnOffGoSizecacheAll)
    	vanity.ForEachFile(files, vanity.TurnOffGoEnumPrefixAll)
    	vanity.ForEachFile(files, vanity.TurnOffGoGettersAll)
    	vanity.ForEachFile(files, vanity.TurnOnMessageNameAll)
    	resp := command.Generate(g.Request)
    	return resp
    // --- PASS: TestOK (0.00s)
    func TestOK(t *testing.T) {
    	fd := GetFd()
    	resp := MyGenerate([]string{*fd.Name}, []*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto{fd})
    	assert.Equal(t, 7276, len(*resp.File[0].Content))
            	Error Trace:	D:\proj\mine\gopath\src\gitee-server\web\admin\adminProto\adminProtoComponent\GogoProto_test.go:87
            	Error:      	Not equal:
            	            	expected: 7276
            	            	actual  : 2591
            	Test:       	TestFail
    --- FAIL: TestFail (0.01s)
    func TestFail(t *testing.T) {
    	for i := 1; i <= 2; i++ {
    		fd := GetFd()
    		resp := MyGenerate([]string{*fd.Name}, []*descriptor.FileDescriptorProto{fd})
    		assert.Equal(t, 7276, len(*resp.File[0].Content))
  • How to customize the name of an enumeration value, using the extension `enumvalue_customname ` seems unable to complete.

    How to customize the name of an enumeration value, using the extension `enumvalue_customname ` seems unable to complete.

    This is the official test case:

    In the above example, line 43 in the "enumcustomname.proto" file uses the "enumvalue_customname" extension to customize the name of the enumeration value. In the 34th page of "enumcustomname.pb.go", the variable name is the name of a custom enumeration value. However, lines 39 and 44 have not been replaced with custom enumeration names. But I think the generated code should be like this:

    const (
    	// The following field will take on the custom name and the prefix, joined
    	// by an underscore.
    	MyCustomEnum_MyBetterNameA MyCustomEnum = 0
    	MyCustomEnum_B             MyCustomEnum = 1
    var MyCustomEnum_name = map[int32]string{
    	0: "MyBetterNameA",
    	1: "B",
    var MyCustomEnum_value = map[string]int32{
    	"MyBetterNameA": 0,
    	"B": 1,
  • Panic: reflect: Elem of invalid type

    Panic: reflect: Elem of invalid type


    I'm using the following versions:

    • v1.3.2
    • v1.4.3
    • go version 1.17.1
    • macOS Catalina 10.15.7

    The .proto file:

    message ServiceAttestation {
      string field1 = 1;
      string field2 = 2;
    message ServiceAttestationRequest {
        repeated ServiceAttestation request = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];

    The request (PUT) to the service was a json like this:

        "request": [
                "field1": "some_string",
                "field2": "aother_string"

    Panic message:

    2022/06/06 14:57:13 http: panic serving [::1]:64968: reflect: Elem of invalid type packagepb.ServiceAttestation
    goroutine 148 [running]:
            GOROOT/src/net/http/server.go:1802 +0xb9
    panic({0x27de9c0, 0xc003abc760})
            GOROOT/src/runtime/panic.go:1047 +0x266
            GOROOT/src/reflect/type.go:954 +0x134*messageConverter).New(0xc00149a6b0)
            external/org_golang_google_protobuf/internal/impl/convert.go:462 +0x29*listReflect).NewElement(0x2a360e0)
            external/org_golang_google_protobuf/internal/impl/convert_list.go:134 +0x22*Unmarshaler).unmarshalValue(0x286e820, {{}, 0x2a360e0, 0xc0035e9230, 0x7}, {0xc0001a61e0, 0xea, 0xf0}, {0x2f01c20, 0xc0009262a0})
            external/com_github_golang_protobuf/jsonpb/decode.go:402 +0x6ef*Unmarshaler).unmarshalMessage(0xc003ab62b8, {0x2ef11b0, 0xc003abc740}, {0xc00062a800, 0x0, 0x100})
            external/com_github_golang_protobuf/jsonpb/decode.go:339 +0x1c8c*Unmarshaler).UnmarshalNext(0xc000189180, 0x2a53ac0, {0xc79e7c0, 0xc003abee80})
            external/com_github_golang_protobuf/jsonpb/decode.go:127 +0x14e, {0x2a53ac0, 0xc003abee80})
            external/com_github_grpc_ecosystem_grpc_gateway/runtime/marshal_jsonpb.go:176 +0x70{0xc79e7a0}, {0x2a53ac0, 0xc003abee80})
            external/com_github_grpc_ecosystem_grpc_gateway/runtime/marshal_jsonpb.go:149 +0x25{0x2ea34b0, 0xc0035e91a0}, {0x2ec1f60, 0xc0014920f0}, {0x2e96a08, 0xc001492180}, 0xc0035e4f00, 0x16)
            bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild-ST-3891b650e255/bin/proto/manualattestation/manualattestationpb_go_proto_/ +0x112{0x2e962e8, 0xc0009922a0}, 0xc0035e4f00, 0xc000191680)


  • oom


    fatal error: runtime: out of memory

    runtime stack: runtime.throw(0x7e6913, 0x16) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/panic.go:608 +0x72 runtime.sysMap(0xc96c000000, 0x35c000000, 0xb389b8) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/mem_linux.go:156 +0xc7 runtime.(*mheap).sysAlloc(0xb20260, 0x35c000000, 0x80, 0xc000a33e30) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/malloc.go:619 +0x1c7 runtime.(*mheap).grow(0xb20260, 0x1ac19a, 0x0) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/mheap.go:920 +0x42 runtime.(*mheap).allocSpanLocked(0xb20260, 0x1ac19a, 0xb389c8, 0xc000a33ed8) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/mheap.go:848 +0x337 runtime.(*mheap).alloc_m(0xb20260, 0x1ac19a, 0xc001550101, 0x1) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/mheap.go:692 +0x119 runtime.(*mheap).alloc.func1() /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/mheap.go:759 +0x4c runtime.(*mheap).alloc(0xb20260, 0x1ac19a, 0x300000101, 0xc000000300) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/mheap.go:758 +0x8a runtime.largeAlloc(0x358334000, 0xc000510100, 0xc000534f01) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/malloc.go:1019 +0x97 runtime.mallocgc.func1() /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/malloc.go:914 +0x46 runtime.systemstack(0x0) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:351 +0x66 runtime.mstart() /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/proc.go:1229

    goroutine 1 [running]: runtime.systemstack_switch() /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:311 fp=0xc00ca1e640 sp=0xc00ca1e638 pc=0x453d90 runtime.mallocgc(0x358334000, 0x0, 0xc00ca1e700, 0x4c6478) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/malloc.go:913 +0x896 fp=0xc00ca1e6e0 sp=0xc00ca1e640 pc=0x40b916 runtime.growslice(0x770c00, 0xc6a7dd8000, 0x2acf5bfe3, 0x2acf5c000, 0x2acf5c013, 0xc00ca1e7a8, 0x5b32b1, 0xc0010469c0) /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/slice.go:197 +0x219 fp=0xc00ca1e748 sp=0xc00ca1e6e0 pc=0x43f9c9 go/printer.(*printer).writeString(0xc00ca217e8, 0x0, 0x0, 0xd77a74b, 0x206f9, 0x2, 0xc0010469c0, 0x30, 0x20601) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/printer.go:310 +0x356 fp=0xc00ca1e7b8 sp=0xc00ca1e748 pc=0x5b2d06 go/printer.(*printer).writeComment(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc00639ba60) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/printer.go:652 +0x47a fp=0xc00ca1e890 sp=0xc00ca1e7b8 pc=0x5b3f6a go/printer.(*printer).intersperseComments(0xc00ca217e8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40000c51, 0x7ac9f, 0x1a72, 0x38, 0x1a72) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/printer.go:748 +0x11b fp=0xc00ca1e988 sp=0xc00ca1e890 pc=0x5b42bb go/printer.(*printer).flush(0xc00ca217e8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40000c51, 0x7ac9f, 0x1a72, 0x38, 0x40000c51) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/printer.go:1022 +0xb7 fp=0xc00ca1ea00 sp=0xc00ca1e988 pc=0x5b50a7 go/printer.(*printer).print(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc00ca1eb30, 0x2, 0x2) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/printer.go:982 +0x274 fp=0xc00ca1eb00 sp=0xc00ca1ea00 pc=0x5b49c4 go/printer.(*printer).block(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e7c37d0, 0x1) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1052 +0x1c1 fp=0xc00ca1eb80 sp=0xc00ca1eb00 pc=0x5ac4b1 go/printer.(*printer).stmt(0xc00ca217e8, 0x882340, 0xc11e7c1700, 0x1) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1260 +0x22f3 fp=0xc00ca1f158 sp=0xc00ca1eb80 pc=0x5aefa3 go/printer.(*printer).stmtList(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e791c00, 0x6, 0x8, 0x1, 0xb03201) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1027 +0x170 fp=0xc00ca1f1e0 sp=0xc00ca1f158 pc=0x5ac140 go/printer.(*printer).block(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e7c3800, 0x1) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1050 +0xed fp=0xc00ca1f260 sp=0xc00ca1f1e0 pc=0x5ac3dd go/printer.(*printer).stmt(0xc00ca217e8, 0x882180, 0xc11e7c1740, 0x0) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1326 +0x60f fp=0xc00ca1f838 sp=0xc00ca1f260 pc=0x5ad2bf go/printer.(*printer).stmtList(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e7c1800, 0x3, 0x4, 0x1, 0xb03201) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1027 +0x170 fp=0xc00ca1f8c0 sp=0xc00ca1f838 pc=0x5ac140 go/printer.(*printer).block(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e7c3830, 0x1) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1050 +0xed fp=0xc00ca1f940 sp=0xc00ca1f8c0 pc=0x5ac3dd go/printer.(*printer).stmt(0xc00ca217e8, 0x882340, 0xc11e7cc380, 0x100) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1260 +0x22f3 fp=0xc00ca1ff18 sp=0xc00ca1f940 pc=0x5aefa3 go/printer.(*printer).stmtList(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e7c84f0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1027 +0x170 fp=0xc00ca1ffa0 sp=0xc00ca1ff18 pc=0x5ac140 go/printer.(*printer).stmt(0xc00ca217e8, 0x881f40, 0xc11e7cc3c0, 0x7fb2c0cc0100) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1284 +0x20e8 fp=0xc00ca20578 sp=0xc00ca1ffa0 pc=0x5aed98 go/printer.(*printer).stmtList(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e791e00, 0x6, 0x8, 0x0, 0xb03201) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1027 +0x170 fp=0xc00ca20600 sp=0xc00ca20578 pc=0x5ac140 go/printer.(*printer).block(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e7ca9c0, 0x0) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1050 +0xed fp=0xc00ca20680 sp=0xc00ca20600 pc=0x5ac3dd go/printer.(*printer).stmt(0xc00ca217e8, 0x882780, 0xc11e7ca9f0, 0x101) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1289 +0xdce fp=0xc00ca20c58 sp=0xc00ca20680 pc=0x5ada7e go/printer.(*printer).stmtList(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e791880, 0x8, 0x8, 0x1, 0xb03201) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1027 +0x170 fp=0xc00ca20ce0 sp=0xc00ca20c58 pc=0x5ac140 go/printer.(*printer).block(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e7caa20, 0x1) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1050 +0xed fp=0xc00ca20d60 sp=0xc00ca20ce0 pc=0x5ac3dd go/printer.(*printer).stmt(0xc00ca217e8, 0x882180, 0xc11e7cc680, 0x0) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1326 +0x60f fp=0xc00ca21338 sp=0xc00ca20d60 pc=0x5ad2bf go/printer.(*printer).stmtList(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e791f00, 0x5, 0x8, 0x1, 0xc00ca21401) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1027 +0x170 fp=0xc00ca213c0 sp=0xc00ca21338 pc=0x5ac140 go/printer.(*printer).block(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e7cab10, 0x1) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1050 +0xed fp=0xc00ca21440 sp=0xc00ca213c0 pc=0x5ac3dd go/printer.(*printer).funcBody(0xc00ca217e8, 0x3e, 0xb, 0xc11e7cab10) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1687 +0x4b4 fp=0xc00ca21558 sp=0xc00ca21440 pc=0x5b13d4 go/printer.(*printer).funcDecl(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e7cab40) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1711 +0x193 fp=0xc00ca215c8 sp=0xc00ca21558 pc=0x5b16d3 go/printer.(*printer).decl(0xc00ca217e8, 0x8821c0, 0xc11e7cab40) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1721 +0x160 fp=0xc00ca21618 sp=0xc00ca215c8 pc=0x5b18c0 go/printer.(*printer).declList(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc03d1e4000, 0x6a99, 0x7800) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1764 +0x12c fp=0xc00ca21690 sp=0xc00ca21618 pc=0x5b1a8c go/printer.(*printer).file(0xc00ca217e8, 0xc11e8e4600) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/nodes.go:1772 +0x13a fp=0xc00ca21700 sp=0xc00ca21690 pc=0x5b1cba go/printer.(*printer).printNode(0xc0079717e8, 0x787140, 0xc11e8e4600, 0xc11e8c9750, 0x0) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/printer.go:1152 +0x59c fp=0xc00ca217a8 sp=0xc00ca21700 pc=0x5b5a2c go/printer.(*Config).fprint(0xc00ca21a68, 0x87f160, 0xc00010e000, 0xc005143140, 0x787140, 0xc11e8e4600, 0xc11e8e9950, 0xd, 0x1acf) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/printer.go:1293 +0x170 fp=0xc00ca21950 sp=0xc00ca217a8 pc=0x5b64b0 go/printer.(*Config).Fprint(0xc007971a68, 0x87f160, 0xc00010e000, 0xc005143140, 0x787140, 0xc11e8e4600, 0xc11e8e4600, 0x0) /usr/lib/golang/src/go/printer/printer.go:1351 +0x72 fp=0xc00ca219a8 sp=0xc00ca21950 pc=0x5b6752*Generator).generate(0xc00010e000, 0xc004a79b80) /data/home/user00/ +0xb97 fp=0xc00ca21d58 sp=0xc00ca219a8 pc=0x60c617*Generator).GenerateAllFiles(0xc00010e000) /data/home/user00/ +0x27e fp=0xc00ca21ea8 sp=0xc00ca21d58 pc=0x60b47e, 0x5) /data/home/user00/ +0x17f fp=0xc00ca21f30 sp=0xc00ca21ea8 pc=0x73c99f main.main() /data/home/user00/ +0x1e4 fp=0xc00ca21f98 sp=0xc00ca21f30 pc=0x73d194 runtime.main() /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/proc.go:201 +0x207 fp=0xc00ca21fe0 sp=0xc00ca21f98 pc=0x42bb07 runtime.goexit() /usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1333 +0x1 fp=0xc00ca21fe8 sp=0xc00ca21fe0 pc=0x455cf1 --gogofaster_out: protoc-gen-gogofaster: Plugin failed with status code 2.

Encode and decode Go (golang) struct types via protocol buffers.

protostructure protostructure is a Go library for encoding and decoding a struct type over the wire. This library is useful when you want to send arbi

Nov 15, 2022
Create a Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) plugin, which is executed with the protoc compileCreate a Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) plugin, which is executed with the protoc compile

Interview Assignment Overview You assignment is to create a Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) plugin, which is executed with the protoc compiler. In this ex

Nov 19, 2021
A scanner/exploitation tool written in GO, which leverages Prototype Pollution to XSS by exploiting known gadgets.
A scanner/exploitation tool written in GO, which leverages Prototype Pollution to XSS by exploiting known gadgets.

ppmap A simple scanner/exploitation tool written in GO which automatically exploits known and existing gadgets (checks for specific variables in the g

Jan 9, 2023
Go support for Google's protocol buffers

Go support for Protocol Buffers This module ( contains Go bindings for protocol buffers. It has been superseded by the goog

Dec 29, 2022
A proxy server than converts JSON request bodies to protocol buffers
A proxy server than converts JSON request bodies to protocol buffers

Welcome to Protoxy ?? What is Protoxy? Protoxy allows you to test your REST APIs that use Protocol Buffer serialization through Postman and other API

Nov 1, 2022
A new way of working with Protocol Buffers.

Buf All documentation is hosted at Please head over there for more details. Goal Buf’s long-term goal is to enable schema-driven de

Jan 1, 2023
Encode and decode Go (golang) struct types via protocol buffers.

protostructure protostructure is a Go library for encoding and decoding a struct type over the wire. This library is useful when you want to send arbi

Nov 15, 2022
A Protocol Buffers compiler that generates optimized marshaling & unmarshaling Go code for ProtoBuf APIv2

vtprotobuf, the Vitess Protocol Buffers compiler This repository provides the protoc-gen-go-vtproto plug-in for protoc, which is used by Vitess to gen

Jan 1, 2023
🔄 A command-line utility to export Protocol Buffers (proto) files to YAML, and JSON

proto2yaml ?? A command-line utility to export Protocol Buffers (proto) files to YAML, and JSON. Currently supported exports are for: Packages Service

Nov 10, 2022
Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format

Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format Copyright 2008 Google Inc. Overview Protocol Buffe

Jan 3, 2023
Package pbpgx provides a toolkit for easier Protocol Buffers interaction with PostgreSQL databases.

PBPGX Package pbpgx provides a toolkit for easier Protocol Buffers interaction with PostgreSQL databases. Pbpgx supports the Protocol Buffer types gen

Jun 27, 2022
A plugin of protoc that for using a service of Protocol Buffers as http.Handler definition

protoc-gen-gohttp protoc-gen-gohttp is a plugin of protoc that for using a service of Protocol Buffers as http.Handler definition. The generated inter

Dec 9, 2021
Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format

Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format Google's data interchange format. Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.

Dec 15, 2021
Estudos com Golang, GRPC e Protocol Buffers

Golang, GRPC e Protocol Buffers Estudos com Golang, GRPC e Protocol Buffers Projeto feito para fins de estudos. Para rodar basta seguir os passos abai

Feb 10, 2022
This is a golang C2 + Implant that communicates via Protocol Buffers (aka. protobufs).

Br4vo6ix DISCLAIMER: This tool is for educational, competition, and training purposes only. I am in no way responsible for any abuse of this tool This

Nov 9, 2022
Protocol Buffers to HTTP client code generator/converter

Proto2http Proto2http provides a code generation tool to convert your protocol buffers (.proto) files into invokable HTTP request. Usage proto2http -p

Oct 23, 2022
wire protocol for multiplexing connections or streams into a single connection, based on a subset of the SSH Connection Protocol

qmux qmux is a wire protocol for multiplexing connections or streams into a single connection. It is based on the SSH Connection Protocol, which is th

Dec 26, 2022
Eunomia is a distributed application framework that support Gossip protocol, QuorumNWR algorithm, PBFT algorithm, PoW algorithm, and ZAB protocol and so on.

Introduction Eunomia is a distributed application framework that facilitates developers to quickly develop distributed applications and supports distr

Sep 28, 2021
A simple tool to convert socket5 proxy protocol to http proxy protocol

Socket5 to HTTP 这是一个超简单的 Socket5 代理转换成 HTTP 代理的小工具。 如何安装? Golang 用户 # Required Go 1.17+ go install Docker 用户 docker pull m

Jan 2, 2023
A project outputs Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensors data in InfluxDB line protocol formatA project outputs Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensors data in InfluxDB line protocol format

Intro This project outputs Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensors data in InfluxDB line protocol format. It integrates nicely with the Telegraf execd inpu

Apr 15, 2022