The Snappy compression format in the Go programming language.

The Snappy compression format in the Go programming language.

To download and install from source:
$ go get

Unless otherwise noted, the Snappy-Go source files are distributed
under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.


The golang/snappy benchmarks include compressing (Z) and decompressing (U) ten
or so files, the same set used by the C++ Snappy code (
and note the "google", not "golang"). On an "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @
3.40GHz", Go's GOARCH=amd64 numbers as of 2016-05-29:

"go test -test.bench=."

_UFlat0-8         2.19GB/s ± 0%  html
_UFlat1-8         1.41GB/s ± 0%  urls
_UFlat2-8         23.5GB/s ± 2%  jpg
_UFlat3-8         1.91GB/s ± 0%  jpg_200
_UFlat4-8         14.0GB/s ± 1%  pdf
_UFlat5-8         1.97GB/s ± 0%  html4
_UFlat6-8          814MB/s ± 0%  txt1
_UFlat7-8          785MB/s ± 0%  txt2
_UFlat8-8          857MB/s ± 0%  txt3
_UFlat9-8          719MB/s ± 1%  txt4
_UFlat10-8        2.84GB/s ± 0%  pb
_UFlat11-8        1.05GB/s ± 0%  gaviota

_ZFlat0-8         1.04GB/s ± 0%  html
_ZFlat1-8          534MB/s ± 0%  urls
_ZFlat2-8         15.7GB/s ± 1%  jpg
_ZFlat3-8          740MB/s ± 3%  jpg_200
_ZFlat4-8         9.20GB/s ± 1%  pdf
_ZFlat5-8          991MB/s ± 0%  html4
_ZFlat6-8          379MB/s ± 0%  txt1
_ZFlat7-8          352MB/s ± 0%  txt2
_ZFlat8-8          396MB/s ± 1%  txt3
_ZFlat9-8          327MB/s ± 1%  txt4
_ZFlat10-8        1.33GB/s ± 1%  pb
_ZFlat11-8         605MB/s ± 1%  gaviota

"go test -test.bench=. -tags=noasm"

_UFlat0-8          621MB/s ± 2%  html
_UFlat1-8          494MB/s ± 1%  urls
_UFlat2-8         23.2GB/s ± 1%  jpg
_UFlat3-8         1.12GB/s ± 1%  jpg_200
_UFlat4-8         4.35GB/s ± 1%  pdf
_UFlat5-8          609MB/s ± 0%  html4
_UFlat6-8          296MB/s ± 0%  txt1
_UFlat7-8          288MB/s ± 0%  txt2
_UFlat8-8          309MB/s ± 1%  txt3
_UFlat9-8          280MB/s ± 1%  txt4
_UFlat10-8         753MB/s ± 0%  pb
_UFlat11-8         400MB/s ± 0%  gaviota

_ZFlat0-8          409MB/s ± 1%  html
_ZFlat1-8          250MB/s ± 1%  urls
_ZFlat2-8         12.3GB/s ± 1%  jpg
_ZFlat3-8          132MB/s ± 0%  jpg_200
_ZFlat4-8         2.92GB/s ± 0%  pdf
_ZFlat5-8          405MB/s ± 1%  html4
_ZFlat6-8          179MB/s ± 1%  txt1
_ZFlat7-8          170MB/s ± 1%  txt2
_ZFlat8-8          189MB/s ± 1%  txt3
_ZFlat9-8          164MB/s ± 1%  txt4
_ZFlat10-8         479MB/s ± 1%  pb
_ZFlat11-8         270MB/s ± 1%  gaviota

For comparison (Go's encoded output is byte-for-byte identical to C++'s), here
are the numbers from C++ Snappy's

make CXXFLAGS="-O2 -DNDEBUG -g" clean snappy_unittest.log && cat snappy_unittest.log

BM_UFlat/0     2.4GB/s  html
BM_UFlat/1     1.4GB/s  urls
BM_UFlat/2    21.8GB/s  jpg
BM_UFlat/3     1.5GB/s  jpg_200
BM_UFlat/4    13.3GB/s  pdf
BM_UFlat/5     2.1GB/s  html4
BM_UFlat/6     1.0GB/s  txt1
BM_UFlat/7   959.4MB/s  txt2
BM_UFlat/8     1.0GB/s  txt3
BM_UFlat/9   864.5MB/s  txt4
BM_UFlat/10    2.9GB/s  pb
BM_UFlat/11    1.2GB/s  gaviota

BM_ZFlat/0   944.3MB/s  html (22.31 %)
BM_ZFlat/1   501.6MB/s  urls (47.78 %)
BM_ZFlat/2    14.3GB/s  jpg (99.95 %)
BM_ZFlat/3   538.3MB/s  jpg_200 (73.00 %)
BM_ZFlat/4     8.3GB/s  pdf (83.30 %)
BM_ZFlat/5   903.5MB/s  html4 (22.52 %)
BM_ZFlat/6   336.0MB/s  txt1 (57.88 %)
BM_ZFlat/7   312.3MB/s  txt2 (61.91 %)
BM_ZFlat/8   353.1MB/s  txt3 (54.99 %)
BM_ZFlat/9   289.9MB/s  txt4 (66.26 %)
BM_ZFlat/10    1.2GB/s  pb (19.68 %)
BM_ZFlat/11  527.4MB/s  gaviota (37.72 %)
The Go Programming Language
  • Weird failure when building on Raspbian / Debian 10.11

    Weird failure when building on Raspbian / Debian 10.11

    Getting this error upon attempting to run:

    `go get

    asm: 00001 (/root/go/src/ TEXT "".emitLiteral(SB), NOSPLIT, $32-56: unaligned frame size 32 - must be 8 mod 16 (or 0) asm: 00119 (/root/go/src/ TEXT "".encodeBlock(SB), $32896-56: unaligned frame size 32896 - must be 8 mod 16 (or 0) asm: assembly failed`

  • Fast skipping on uncompressible data

    Fast skipping on uncompressible data

    This simple change will allow the encoder to skip checks if there are many consecutive match misses. This gives about 3% performance decrease on ordinary data, and in some cases up to 1%, but usually 0.1% compression loss. However, the speedup on uncompressible data is >20x.

    Considering the typical use case of Snappy, I think this is a reasonable tradeoff.

    I have added an additional "random data" test, as well as a benchmark that print the compression ratio.

    Benchmark and size comparison:

    benchmark               old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
    Benchmark_ZFlat0-4      386453        395917        +2.45%
    Benchmark_ZFlat1-4      5243380       5430495       +3.57%
    Benchmark_ZFlat2-4      1219780       41927         -96.56%
    Benchmark_ZFlat3-4      1219781       41859         -96.57%
    Benchmark_ZFlat4-4      876567        323408        -63.11%
    Benchmark_ZFlat5-4      1511665       1558024       +3.07%
    Benchmark_ZFlat6-4      1297856       1317876       +1.54%
    Benchmark_ZFlat7-4      1134592       1161773       +2.40%
    Benchmark_ZFlat8-4      3508325       3570376       +1.77%
    Benchmark_ZFlat9-4      4529655       4626386       +2.14%
    Benchmark_ZFlat10-4     392659        403983        +2.88%
    Benchmark_ZFlat11-4     1060197       1071549       +1.07%
    Benchmark_ZFlat12-4     10637050      226674        -97.87%
    benchmark               old MB/s     new MB/s     speedup
    Benchmark_ZFlat0-4      264.97       258.64       0.98x
    Benchmark_ZFlat1-4      133.90       129.29       0.97x
    Benchmark_ZFlat2-4      100.91       2935.84      29.09x
    Benchmark_ZFlat3-4      100.91       2940.62      29.14x
    Benchmark_ZFlat4-4      116.82       316.63       2.71x
    Benchmark_ZFlat5-4      270.96       262.90       0.97x
    Benchmark_ZFlat6-4      117.18       115.40       0.98x
    Benchmark_ZFlat7-4      110.33       107.75       0.98x
    Benchmark_ZFlat8-4      121.64       119.53       0.98x
    Benchmark_ZFlat9-4      106.38       104.15       0.98x
    Benchmark_ZFlat10-4     302.01       293.55       0.97x
    Benchmark_ZFlat11-4     173.85       172.01       0.99x
    Benchmark_ZFlat12-4     98.58        4625.91      46.93x

    This is the compression loss - percentage added to compressed size:

    | Dataset | Loss % | | --- | --- | | html | 0.04% | | urls | 0.07% | | jpg | 0.00% | | jpg_200 | 0.00% | | pdf | 0.74% | | html4 | 0.02% | | txt1 | -0.06% | | txt2 | 0.16% | | txt3 | 0.04% | | txt4 | 0.15% | | pb | 0.13% | | gaviota | 0.00% | | random | 0.00% |

    Sheet of compression loss data

  • Not working on apple m1

    Not working on apple m1

    version 0.0.2, 0.0.3: crash version 0.0.1: OK crashes in encode_arm64.s

    error cause is
    related to snappy, arm64
            /usr/local/go/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:741 +0x230 fp=0x1400159e140 sp=0x1400159e100 pc=0x10303b9f0, 0x1304, 0x1304, 0x14000dc6000, 0x102f, 0x13bc, 0x14000195b01)
            $HOME/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/encode_arm64.s:666 +0x360 fp=0x140015a61e0 sp=0x1400159e150 pc=0x1037118c0, 0x1306, 0x1306, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x4, 0x140015a62f8)
           $HOME/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/encode.go:39 +0x17c fp=0x140015a6230 sp=0x140015a61e0 pc=0x103710dfc
  • port amd64 assembly to arm64

    port amd64 assembly to arm64

    This change was produced by taking the amd64 assembly and reproducing it as closely as possible for the arm64 arch.

    The main differences:

    • arm64 uses registers R1-R17 which are mapped directly onto an amd64 counterpart
    • arm64 requires 8 additional bytes of stack so callee args are displaced by 8 bytes from amd64
    • operands to CMP instructions are reversed except in a few cases where arm64 uses a BLS (branch less-same) instead of JAE (jump above-equal)
    • immediates in some cases have to be split to a separate MOVD instruction
    • shifts can be combined with another instruction, such as an ADD, in some cases
    • The amd64 BSFQ instruction is implemented with a bit reversal and leading zero count instruction
    • memclear on arm64 makes use of the SIMD instructions to clear 64 bytes at a time and uses a pointer comparison instead of a counter to reduce the number of instructions in the loop

    Tested on an AWS m6g.large (ARMv8.2):

    name              old time/op    new time/op     delta
    WordsDecode1e1-2    29.2ns ± 0%     26.2ns ± 1%   -10.51%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    WordsDecode1e2-2     187ns ± 0%      107ns ± 0%   -42.78%  (p=0.000 n=7+10)
    WordsDecode1e3-2    2.16µs ± 1%     0.95µs ± 0%   -55.85%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsDecode1e4-2    30.1µs ± 0%     10.4µs ± 2%   -65.40%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsDecode1e5-2     348µs ± 0%      168µs ± 0%   -51.86%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    WordsDecode1e6-2    3.47ms ± 0%     1.71ms ± 0%   -50.66%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsEncode1e1-2    19.4ns ± 0%     21.7ns ± 1%   +12.06%  (p=0.000 n=8+10)
    WordsEncode1e2-2    2.09µs ± 0%     0.25µs ± 0%   -88.14%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    WordsEncode1e3-2    6.67µs ± 1%     2.49µs ± 0%   -62.63%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsEncode1e4-2    63.5µs ± 1%     29.4µs ± 1%   -53.63%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    WordsEncode1e5-2     722µs ± 0%      345µs ± 0%   -52.21%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsEncode1e6-2    7.17ms ± 0%     3.41ms ± 0%   -52.46%  (p=0.000 n=10+8)
    RandomEncode-2       106µs ± 2%       78µs ± 0%   -26.02%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat0-2            152µs ± 0%       69µs ± 1%   -54.90%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _UFlat1-2           1.57ms ± 0%     0.77ms ± 0%   -51.10%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    _UFlat2-2           6.84µs ± 0%     6.55µs ± 0%    -4.25%  (p=0.000 n=10+8)
    _UFlat3-2            312ns ± 0%      183ns ± 0%   -41.35%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _UFlat4-2           15.4µs ± 1%      9.7µs ± 1%   -36.79%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat5-2            625µs ± 0%      301µs ± 1%   -51.88%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    _UFlat6-2            570µs ± 0%      278µs ± 0%   -51.18%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _UFlat7-2            490µs ± 0%      240µs ± 1%   -50.95%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat8-2           1.52ms ± 0%     0.74ms ± 0%   -51.01%  (p=0.000 n=8+7)
    _UFlat9-2           2.00ms ± 0%     1.01ms ± 0%   -49.49%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat10-2           132µs ± 0%       62µs ± 2%   -53.19%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat11-2           497µs ± 0%      258µs ± 0%   -48.11%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _ZFlat0-2            346µs ± 1%      136µs ± 5%   -60.70%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _ZFlat1-2           3.63ms ± 0%     1.76ms ± 0%   -51.60%  (p=0.000 n=10+8)
    _ZFlat2-2           13.2µs ± 0%      9.5µs ± 0%   -27.62%  (p=0.000 n=8+9)
    _ZFlat3-2           2.49µs ± 0%     0.45µs ± 0%   -81.96%  (p=0.002 n=8+10)
    _ZFlat4-2           50.5µs ± 0%     15.7µs ± 1%   -68.96%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _ZFlat5-2           1.40ms ± 0%     0.56ms ± 0%   -60.20%  (p=0.000 n=9+9)
    _ZFlat6-2           1.13ms ± 0%     0.54ms ± 0%   -52.39%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _ZFlat7-2            961µs ± 0%      472µs ± 0%   -50.83%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _ZFlat8-2           3.03ms ± 0%     1.43ms ± 0%   -52.90%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    _ZFlat9-2           3.88ms ± 0%     1.95ms ± 0%   -49.72%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _ZFlat10-2           339µs ± 0%      123µs ± 3%   -63.82%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _ZFlat11-2           973µs ± 0%      433µs ± 0%   -55.49%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    ExtendMatch-2       22.1µs ± 1%      9.8µs ± 0%   -55.63%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    name              old speed      new speed       delta
    WordsDecode1e1-2   342MB/s ± 0%    382MB/s ± 1%   +11.77%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    WordsDecode1e2-2   535MB/s ± 0%    934MB/s ± 0%   +74.43%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsDecode1e3-2   463MB/s ± 1%   1049MB/s ± 0%  +126.52%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsDecode1e4-2   333MB/s ± 0%    961MB/s ± 2%  +189.04%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsDecode1e5-2   287MB/s ± 0%    597MB/s ± 0%  +107.72%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    WordsDecode1e6-2   288MB/s ± 0%    584MB/s ± 0%  +102.67%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsEncode1e1-2   515MB/s ± 0%    460MB/s ± 0%   -10.70%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsEncode1e2-2  47.8MB/s ± 0%  403.3MB/s ± 0%  +743.40%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsEncode1e3-2   150MB/s ± 1%    401MB/s ± 0%  +167.66%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    WordsEncode1e4-2   157MB/s ± 1%    340MB/s ± 1%  +115.66%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    WordsEncode1e5-2   138MB/s ± 0%    290MB/s ± 0%  +109.24%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    WordsEncode1e6-2   139MB/s ± 0%    293MB/s ± 0%  +110.35%  (p=0.000 n=10+8)
    RandomEncode-2    9.93GB/s ± 2%  13.42GB/s ± 0%   +35.15%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat0-2          672MB/s ± 0%   1489MB/s ± 1%  +121.75%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _UFlat1-2          446MB/s ± 0%    913MB/s ± 0%  +104.48%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    _UFlat2-2         18.0GB/s ± 0%   18.8GB/s ± 0%    +4.44%  (p=0.000 n=8+8)
    _UFlat3-2          641MB/s ± 0%   1091MB/s ± 0%   +70.19%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat4-2         6.66GB/s ± 1%  10.53GB/s ± 1%   +58.19%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat5-2          655MB/s ± 0%   1362MB/s ± 1%  +107.80%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    _UFlat6-2          267MB/s ± 0%    547MB/s ± 0%  +104.82%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _UFlat7-2          255MB/s ± 0%    521MB/s ± 1%  +103.89%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat8-2          281MB/s ± 0%    574MB/s ± 0%  +104.14%  (p=0.000 n=8+7)
    _UFlat9-2          241MB/s ± 0%    478MB/s ± 0%   +97.97%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat10-2         896MB/s ± 0%   1914MB/s ± 2%  +113.64%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _UFlat11-2         371MB/s ± 0%    715MB/s ± 0%   +92.72%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _ZFlat0-2          296MB/s ± 1%    754MB/s ± 5%  +154.57%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _ZFlat1-2          194MB/s ± 0%    400MB/s ± 0%  +106.63%  (p=0.000 n=10+8)
    _ZFlat2-2         9.35GB/s ± 0%  12.92GB/s ± 0%   +38.17%  (p=0.000 n=8+10)
    _ZFlat3-2         80.3MB/s ± 0%  445.6MB/s ± 0%  +454.64%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _ZFlat4-2         2.03GB/s ± 0%   6.54GB/s ± 1%  +222.19%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _ZFlat5-2          292MB/s ± 0%    733MB/s ± 0%  +151.25%  (p=0.000 n=9+9)
    _ZFlat6-2          135MB/s ± 0%    284MB/s ± 0%  +110.05%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    _ZFlat7-2          130MB/s ± 0%    265MB/s ± 0%  +103.38%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _ZFlat8-2          141MB/s ± 0%    299MB/s ± 0%  +112.30%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    _ZFlat9-2          124MB/s ± 0%    247MB/s ± 0%   +98.90%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _ZFlat10-2         350MB/s ± 0%    967MB/s ± 3%  +176.44%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    _ZFlat11-2         189MB/s ± 0%    426MB/s ± 0%  +124.65%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
  • slice bounds out of range in decode

    slice bounds out of range in decode

    I'm trying to get a full working repro, but my current best guess is this was while trying to read a file which had experienced a partial write of the compressed data:

    panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range
    goroutine 69 [running]:
    panic(0xf4cf00, 0xc82000e0b0)
        /go/src/runtime/panic.go:464 +0x3e6*Reader).Read(0xc89eb43730, 0xcb1ae08000, 0x10000, 0x10000, 0xa, 0x0, 0x0)
        /gopath/src/ +0xba4
        /go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97 +0x1e9
    bufio.(*Reader).Read(0xc9eb4603c0, 0xc93f20326d, 0xd93, 0xd93, 0xc82b48fd00, 0x0, 0x0)
        /go/src/bufio/bufio.go:207 +0x260
    io/ioutil.(*nopCloser).Read(0xc91fe04ec0, 0xc93f20326d, 0xd93, 0xd93, 0x20e1843c1a693, 0x0, 0x0)
        <autogenerated>:4 +0x82
    bufio.(*Scanner).Scan(0xc837df2500, 0x11b6370)
        /go/src/bufio/scan.go:208 +0x97b
  • Integrated sync.Pool + Multiple Optimizations

    Integrated sync.Pool + Multiple Optimizations

    I've made the following optimizations:

    1. sync.Pool is now used to avoid reallocating buffers for both Reads and Writes. This should drastically speed up all cases where snappy is used more than once within a reasonable time. There is very little disadvantage, even if the buffers are never reused and always expire from the pool; the overhead for that is negligible.
    2. I prepared the header slice of bytes to avoid it being recalculated every time.
    3. I added additional constants to avoid runtime calculations.
    4. I reduced the number of writes to the underlying writer from 2 to 1 on an average write by including the chunk header in the same slice of bytes as the chunk body (uncompressed chunks are still written with 2 writes, but compressed chunks are now written in 1 write.) In a normal case this would half the number of writes to the underlying writer. Writes can be expensive, especially to disk, so this should give a significant performance increase.
    5. I added a buffer on the Writer which is used to group small writes into one larger write. Writes that are already over half of the max chunk size are written directly without copying to the buffer. Small writes are copied to the buffer and written together as one chunk. This was done carefully so as not to give a performance decrease in any circumstance: only small writes are buffered, large writes are written directly, and a combination of small and large writes will work fine. This feature should enhance both write speed and compression for many small writes without any decrease in performance for large writes.
    6. I added the function WriteOnce, which makes encoding a single slice of bytes with snappy more efficient. This is the same but much faster than NewWriter -> Write -> Close.
    7. I made a number of minor optimizations, including separating Encode into two functions, which saves some redundant calculations if encode is called via the Write function.

    Note on compatibility: due to the addition of the buffer on the Writer it is now necessary to Close() the writer. This makes this version of snappy incompatible with the previous version. However, the performance gain is significant and so I believe it is reasonable to expect people to update their code. The Reader does not have to be closed, but not doing so will mean the buffers are not repooled.

  • all: simpler import path

    all: simpler import path

    this CL simplifies the import path from: to:

    it also adds the "vanity" import path to make sure we get only one version of this code.

  • Fix wrong arm64 scaled register format

    Fix wrong arm64 scaled register format

    Arm64 does not have scaled register format, casue snappy test failed for current go tip:

    	$ go version
    	go version devel go1.17-24875e3880 Tue Apr 20 15:14:05 2021 +0000 darwin/arm64
    	$ go test
    	./encode_arm64.s:385: arm64 doesn't support scaled register format
    	./encode_arm64.s:675: arm64 doesn't support scaled register format
    	asm: assembly of ./encode_arm64.s failed
    	FAIL [build failed]


  • Avoid allocating table on stack.

    Avoid allocating table on stack.

    The current implementation allocates a 64-128KB table on the stack on every call to Encode.

    While this is reasonably fast, with a slight modification we can reuse this table across calls. This is a particular gain for the framing encoder, but even for the stateless Encode function this gives a slight speedup.

    Furthermore the table is now int32, which saves 50% memory on 64 bit systems. This change does not itself affect the speed, but only the memory usage.

    To be able to reuse buffers across calls to Encode we store the used tables in a sync.Pool.

    The table size is now fixed. We can experiment with the size later.

    >go test -bench=ZFlat >new.txt && benchcmp old.txt new.txt
    benchmark               old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
    Benchmark_ZFlat0-8      347674        334371        -3.83%
    Benchmark_ZFlat1-8      4742511       4677414       -1.37%
    Benchmark_ZFlat2-8      1098529       1043970       -4.97%
    Benchmark_ZFlat3-8      1101338       1052056       -4.47%
    Benchmark_ZFlat4-8      789205        769194        -2.54%
    Benchmark_ZFlat5-8      1330515       1349258       +1.41%
    Benchmark_ZFlat6-8      1145645       1139680       -0.52%
    Benchmark_ZFlat7-8      1051315       988243        -6.00%
    Benchmark_ZFlat8-8      3153910       3096453       -1.82%
    Benchmark_ZFlat9-8      3997054       4006660       +0.24%
    Benchmark_ZFlat10-8     348186        339939        -2.37%
    Benchmark_ZFlat11-8     935487        925993        -1.01%
    benchmark               old MB/s     new MB/s     speedup
    Benchmark_ZFlat0-8      294.53       306.25       1.04x
    Benchmark_ZFlat1-8      148.04       150.10       1.01x
    Benchmark_ZFlat2-8      112.05       117.91       1.05x
    Benchmark_ZFlat3-8      111.77       117.00       1.05x
    Benchmark_ZFlat4-8      129.75       133.13       1.03x
    Benchmark_ZFlat5-8      307.85       303.57       0.99x
    Benchmark_ZFlat6-8      132.75       133.45       1.01x
    Benchmark_ZFlat7-8      119.07       126.67       1.06x
    Benchmark_ZFlat8-8      135.31       137.82       1.02x
    Benchmark_ZFlat9-8      120.55       120.26       1.00x
    Benchmark_ZFlat10-8     340.59       348.85       1.02x
    Benchmark_ZFlat11-8     197.03       199.05       1.01x
  • asm: invalid instruction

    asm: invalid instruction


    this is a follow-up to #30. The same build but for golang 1.6 fails for another reason:

    asm: invalid instruction: 00228 (/home/travis/gopath/src/   MOVWQZX table+120(SP)(R11*2), R15
    asm: invalid instruction: 00234 (/home/travis/gopath/src/   MOVW    AX, table+120(SP)(R11*2)
    asm: invalid instruction: 00589 (/home/travis/gopath/src/   MOVW    AX, table+120(SP)(R11*2)
    asm: invalid instruction: 00606 (/home/travis/gopath/src/   MOVWQZX table+120(SP)(R11*2), R15
    asm: invalid instruction: 00610 (/home/travis/gopath/src/   MOVW    AX, table+120(SP)(R11*2)
    asm: asm: assembly of ../../golang/snappy/encode_amd64.s failed

    Full log is located here, with the error message starting on line 348 -

    Just to provide a bit more info (which is in that log anyway):

    1. go version go1.4 linux/amd64
    2. Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS, 3.13.0-29-generic
    3. gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3

    Please let me know if this is not related to golang/snappy itself and I should open a ticket on Travis CI. Thanks!

  • Fix max block size check

    Fix max block size check

    Since Go 1.1, int has been 64-bits on 64-bit platforms instead of 32-bits. This patch fixes the check to make sure the uncompressed length is at most 2^32-1 bytes.

    Fixes #15

  • README: update instructions to install CLI

    README: update instructions to install CLI

    • Fix the go get command, explaining that it now only works for installing libraries, and add the now-mandatory @<version> suffix.
    • Add instructions for using go install to run the binary.
  • How should I validate encoded data?

    How should I validate encoded data?


    I try to use snappy with golang, I see JS and Java has a function named isValidCompressed which can validate the encoded buffer, but I can't see that function with golang. I am thinking to use decode function directly. And if it returns error, it means the encoded buffer is invalid. But I am not sure that's safe/correct or not. Such as below: byte[] bytes = Snappy.isValidCompressedBuffer(recordBytes) ? Snappy.uncompress(recordBytes) : recordBytes; Anyone have any ideas on how to safe and quickly validate the encoded buffer?

  • Test failure on 32 bits arches

    Test failure on 32 bits arches

    With version 0.0.2 on Golang 1.15, the tests are failing on ARMv7hl and i686:

    Testing    in: /builddir/build/BUILD/snappy-0.0.2/_build/src
             PATH: /builddir/build/BUILD/snappy-0.0.2/_build/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin
           GOPATH: /builddir/build/BUILD/snappy-0.0.2/_build:/usr/share/gocode
      GO111MODULE: off
          command: go test -buildmode pie -compiler gc -ldflags " -X -extldflags '-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed  -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld  '"
    --- FAIL: TestDecode (0.00s)
        snappy_test.go:365: #29 (decodedLen=0; tagCopy4, 4 extra length|offset bytes; with msb set (0x93); discovered by go-fuzz):
            got  "", snappy: unsupported literal length
            want "", snappy: corrupt input
    exit status 1
    FAIL	0.628s
  • How come snappytool does not support stream format?

    How come snappytool does not support stream format?

    I looked at the history of snappytool and it seems like the tool was purposely rewritten to use block format instead of stream format. What's the reason behind this? Why can't the snappytool support both stream and block format?

    I would love to have stream format support because, then, I can use the tool to decode a snappy encoded stream (that is stored in some DB) for troubleshooting and debugging purposes.

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