rpCheckup is an AWS resource policy security checkup tool that identifies public, external account access, intra-org account access, and private resources.

rpCheckup - Catch AWS resource policy backdoors like Endgame


rpCheckup is an AWS resource policy security checkup tool that identifies public, external account access, intra-org account access, and private resources. It makes it easy to reason about resource visibility across all the accounts in your org.


We (Gold Fig Labs) built rpCheckup based on a part of how we assess customer AWS accounts. While there are many tools to assess and analyze IAM policies, the same treatment for policies attached to resources is a blind spot. As product iteration sometimes necessitates overprovisioned access to just get things working, finding such issues after the fact across a slew of different AWS resource types, accounts, and regions isn't straightforward.

rpCheckup generates an HTML & CSV report to make this easy.

Supported AWS Resources

rpCheckup uses the resources supported by Endgame as the high-water mark for analyzing attached policies.

Resource Type rpCheckup Endgame AWS Access Analyzer
ACM Private CAs
CloudWatch Resource Policies 🔜
EBS Volume Snapshots
ECR Container Repositories
EFS File Systems
ElasticSearch Domains
Glacier Vault Access Policies
IAM Roles
KMS Keys
Lambda Functions
Lambda Layers
RDS DB Snapshots
RDS Cluster Snapshots
S3 Buckets
Secrets Manager Secrets
SES Sender Authorization Policies
SQS Queues
SNS Topics


  • AWS credentials (~/.aws/, env variables, metadata server, etc)
  • Docker
  • If running from source; go version >= go1.15


  1. Download the latest release:


curl -Lo rpCheckup https://github.com/goldfiglabs/rpCheckup/releases/latest/download/rpCheckup_linux
chmod a+x ./rpCheckup

OSX x86:

curl -Lo rpCheckup https://github.com/goldfiglabs/rpCheckup/releases/latest/download/rpCheckup_darwin_amd64
chmod a+x ./rpCheckup

OSX M1/arm:

curl -Lo rpCheckup https://github.com/goldfiglabs/rpCheckup/releases/latest/download/rpCheckup_darwin_arm64
chmod a+x ./rpCheckup
  1. Run from source:
git clone https://github.com/goldfiglabs/rpCheckup.git
cd rpCheckup
go run main.go


Run ./rpCheckup and view the generated report found in output/.

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rpCheckup uses goldfiglabs/introspector to snapshot the configuration of your AWS account. rpCheckup runs SQL queries to generate findings based on this snapshot. Introspector does the heavy lifting of importing and normalizing the configurations while rpCheckup is responsible for querying and report generation.


If the account you are scanning is not the master account in an Organization, other accounts in the Organization may be detected as external accounts. This is because non-master accounts may not have access to see the organization structure.

Since rpCheckup relies on Introspector's snapshots, rpCheckup is unable to detect policies that are no longer attached. When detecting flapping or transient access, please use tools which utilize audit and security logs (CloudTrail, etc). See here for further information in preventing resource exposure.

Sample Reports

See sample reports in sample/

Screen Shot 2021-02-26 at 9 59 12 PM

rpCheckup report against Endgame sample account:

Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 4 05 40 PM


Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Gold Fig Labs Inc.

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v.2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

Mozilla Public License v2.0

  • Roles needed to run rpCheckup

    Roles needed to run rpCheckup

    What role(s) does the user require in order to run all the checks? I'm getting the following error:

    sudo go run main.go
    INFO[0000] Running postgres                             
    INFO[0000] Waiting for postgres to be healthy           
    INFO[0032] Postgres is healthy                          
    panic: no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds: GetMetadata, http response error StatusCode: 404, request to EC2 IMDS failed
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    	/home/ec2-user/rpCheckup/main.go:214 +0xef3
    exit status 2

    From experience typically when running such tools the SecurityAudit and/or Read-Only is required.

  • Support AWS sub-accounts

    Support AWS sub-accounts

    Currently goldfiglabs/introspector doesn't support sub-accounts, and as a result, neither does rpCheckup. When it does, add support back to rpCheckup.

  • Improve error message when credentials can't be found

    Improve error message when credentials can't be found

    Fixes #6

    The AWS sdk gives a slightly cryptic error when it can't find credentials. Return our specific error with a link to the credential management page.

  • Document permissions required, include terraform module

    Document permissions required, include terraform module

    Fixes #7

    • Includes documentation for required permissions to run rpCheckup
    • Includes shell script to run with an assumed role
    • Includes terraform module to create an appropriately-permissioned role
  • Add documentation and a terraform module for required permissions

    Add documentation and a terraform module for required permissions

    AWS-Managed SecurityAudit and ViewOnlyAccess cover most, but not all of the permissions required.

    Verify that the remaining permissions are covered by:

    • apigateway:GetRestApis
    • efs:Describe*
    • acm-pca:List*
    • acm-pca:GetPolicy

    Document a role and policy to create these permissions. Optionally, add a terraform module to provision this role.

  • Depend on smaller postgres docker image

    Depend on smaller postgres docker image

    The supabase/postgres image is great, but huge. This tool does not actually need many of the additional features, like plv8. Once https://github.com/goldfiglabs/introspector/issues/5 is addressed, we should be able to move to a much smaller standard postgres docker image.

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