Package for comparing Go values in tests

Package for equality of Go values

GoDev Build Status

This package is intended to be a more powerful and safer alternative to reflect.DeepEqual for comparing whether two values are semantically equal.

The primary features of cmp are:

  • When the default behavior of equality does not suit the needs of the test, custom equality functions can override the equality operation. For example, an equality function may report floats as equal so long as they are within some tolerance of each other.

  • Types that have an Equal method may use that method to determine equality. This allows package authors to determine the equality operation for the types that they define.

  • If no custom equality functions are used and no Equal method is defined, equality is determined by recursively comparing the primitive kinds on both values, much like reflect.DeepEqual. Unlike reflect.DeepEqual, unexported fields are not compared by default; they result in panics unless suppressed by using an Ignore option (see cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported) or explicitly compared using the AllowUnexported option.

See the documentation for more information.

This is not an official Google product.


go get -u


BSD - See LICENSE file

Google ❤️ Open Source
  • Implement an AllowAllUnexported Option

    Implement an AllowAllUnexported Option

    Hi, I was wondering if you would consider adding a new option which would apply the AllowUnexported Option to all types and would not require a slice of input like the current AllowUnexported function does?

    My use case is that I have a lot of tests which use the package, which ultimately uses reflect.DeepEqual for comparing two objects, that break in Go 1.9 because they try to compare structs which contain time.Time fields. Admittedly, I could define an Equal method for all such structs but that doesn't seem to address the root of the problem to me, which is that I would like reflect.DeepEqual functionality (which compares all fields, both private and public) with the caveat that I would like to check if the types being compared have an Equal method for testing equality. Furthermore, while for structs I could pass the structs being compared to AllowUnexported, I would like the same behavior for composite types as well (e.g. maps and slices) which is not supported by AllowUnexported currently since it specifically checks that the types of the objects passed to it are structs.

    I would be more than happy to put up a PR for such an Option, a first look at the code leads me to believe that we could define an additional field on state indicating that we want to always check private fields. Then, when set to true, we would always extract a struct's fields in tryExporting. With that being said, I got the impression that you might be opposed to such an Option given the warnings for AllowUnexported already and so I thought it better to open an issue first where we could discuss.


  • comparer not called with different concrete types of interface

    comparer not called with different concrete types of interface states "If T is an interface, it is possible that f is called with two values of different concrete types that both implement T."

    I'm trying to compare different concrete types of an interface, but my Comparer is never called.


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	var i1 I
    	var i2 I
    	i1 = &A{}
    	i2 = &B{}
    	cmp.Equal(i1, i2, cmp.Comparer(ic))
    	panic("not compared")
    type I interface {
    type A struct {}
    func(a *A) Foo() {}
    type B struct {}
    func(b *B) Foo() {}
    func ic(i1 I, i2 I) bool {

    Results in:

    panic: not compared
    goroutine 1 [running]:
            /tmp/main.go:16 +0x111
    exit status 2
    $ go version
    go version go1.13 linux/amd64
    $ go env
    CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2"
    CGO_CXXFLAGS="-g -O2"
    CGO_FFLAGS="-g -O2"
    CGO_LDFLAGS="-g -O2"
    GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build444735255=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches"
  • Should Transformers be recursive?

    Should Transformers be recursive?

    The current implementation of cmp.Equal recursively applies any Transformers that remain after applying all the filters. For a trivial Transformer of the type func(T) T, this will be recursively apply to the output since it will always match. For this reason, the cmpopts.SortSlices is wrapped with a FilterValues that acts as a "base-case" to prevent infinite recursion. One alteration to the algorithm is to say that a given Transformer cannot be recursively applied on a value that was transformed at some point by that very Transformer.

    The major advantage of non-recursive Transformers is:

    • A naive use of func(T) T works as expected without any need for a "base-case" filter.

    The disadvantages of non-recursive Transformer is:

    • The additional documentation needed to explain the special-case where Transformers are not executed. The implementation of this is essentially a set of "spent" Transformers, where transformers are added to the set when descending down the tree, and popped when ascending up the tree.
    • In some rare use-cases you may actually want Transformers to be recursive. Imagine you have a non-binary tree, where each node is essentially a set of children. When comparing this data-structure, you may want to sort each node using a transformer. You would need the property of recursive transformers to ensure each node may get transformed.
    • The need for "base-case" filters to prevent recursive cycles.

    Thoughts? I do see the value in non-recursive Transformers. It simplifies use of them, but prevents some very rare use-cases.

    \cc @bcmills @jba

  • Add DiscardElements helper transformer

    Add DiscardElements helper transformer

    In some situations users want to compare two maps where missing entries are equal to those that have the zero value. For example, the following maps would be considered equal: x := map[string]int{"foo": 12345, "zero":0} y := map[string]int{"foo": 12345}

    To help with this, we add DiscardElements to cmpopts that transforms maps and slices by stripping entries based on a user provided function. To strip zero values, the user can provide: cmpopts.DiscardElements(func(v int) bool { return v == 0 })

  • Allow use of AllowUnexported on GopherJS

    Allow use of AllowUnexported on GopherJS

    GopherJS does not have a complete implementation of unsafe, but it is complete enough that it can do basic pointer arithmetic, which is all we need to forcibly export an unexported field.

  • refactor: expose the DefaultReporter

    refactor: expose the DefaultReporter

    I am trying to stop go-cmp from calling fmt.Stringer, as this in some cases makes the output worse instead of better.

    The DefaultReporter implementation is quite customizable, but this functionality is not exposed to the user.

    While users can register custom exporters, they would then need to re-implement the entire DefaultExporter, even though changing a single bool in it's config would suffice.

    This PR exposes the DefaultReporter implementation so it can be customized and used outside of this package

  • [FR] Change cmpopts.SortSlices param from `interface{}` to `func(a,b interface{}) bool`

    [FR] Change cmpopts.SortSlices param from `interface{}` to `func(a,b interface{}) bool`

    I just tried using cmpopts.SortSlices, and I know.. there are no generics in Go yet, but I think the current signature is not intuitive.

    Current state of the world:

    opt := cmpopts.SortSlices("yay") // can do whatever I want, it's an interface{}
    cmp.Diff(someFoo, otherFoo, opt)

    My desired state of the world:

    // Can still mess things up, but it's more obvious.
    opt := cmpopts.SortSlices(func (a, b interface{}){ return a.(Foo).Val < b.(Foo).Val })
    cmp.Diff(someFoo, otherFoo, opt)

    This proposal goes against Issue #67 but we could make it work like...

    opt := cmpopts.SortSlices(cmpopts.DefaultSort) // renamed GenericLess to DefaultSort
    cmp.Diff(someFoo, otherFoo, opt)
  • Bump minimum version to Go1.8

    Bump minimum version to Go1.8

    Go1.8 went GA on AppEngine. The lack of Go1.8 support was the primary reason for much of these backwards compatibility hacks.

    Bumping to Go1.8 still ensures that we're supporting at least the latest 2 versions of Go, which are Go1.8 and Go1.9.

  • Use reflect.Value.IsZero

    Use reflect.Value.IsZero

    Now that Go 1.13 is the minimum version, we can use the reflect.Value.IsZero method instead of our own internal/value.IsZero function. Interestingly, our IsZero function pre-dates the IsZero method, but fortunately has the exact same semantics, since both are targetting semantics defined by the Go language specification.

  • retrieveUnexportedField violates Go 1.14's checkptr validation, fails under -race

    retrieveUnexportedField violates Go 1.14's checkptr validation, fails under -race

    With Go tip (to become Go 1.14) and its new checkptr mode (enabled by default in -race mode on anything but Windows for now):

    === CONT  TestDiff/EqualMethod/StructE1
    panic: runtime error: unsafe pointer arithmetic [recovered]
            panic: runtime error: unsafe pointer arithmetic [recovered]
            panic: runtime error: unsafe pointer arithmetic
    goroutine 142 [running]:
            /home/bradfitz/go/src/testing/testing.go:881 +0x69f
    panic(0x6f3c00, 0xc00000f5e0)
            /home/bradfitz/go/src/runtime/panic.go:679 +0x1b2
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/compare_test.go:70 +0xfe
    panic(0x6f3c00, 0xc00000f5e0)
            /home/bradfitz/go/src/runtime/panic.go:679 +0x1b2, 0xc000128ad8, 0x199, 0x6ad073, 0xd, 0x6b70c3, 0x31, 0x778440, 0x6d34e0, 0x0, ...)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/export_unsafe.go:22 +0x7d, 0x8, 0x42c5e0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc00026f6c0, 0x203000)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/path.go:190 +0x187*valueNode).PushStep(0xc0000a8420, 0x775540, 0xc0002bd300, 0x45bc9a)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/report_value.go:54 +0x5d*defaultReporter).PushStep(0xc00027d680, 0x775540, 0xc0002bd300)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/report.go:24 +0x6e*state).compareAny(0xc0002be900, 0x775540, 0xc0002bd300)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/compare.go:214 +0x22d*state).compareStruct(0xc0002be900, 0x778440, 0x6e33c0, 0x6e33c0, 0xc000128ad8, 0x199, 0x6e33c0, 0xc000128ae0, 0x199)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/compare.go:383 +0x548*state).compareAny(0xc0002be900, 0x775480, 0xc000012a00)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/compare.go:252 +0x1a58*state).comparePtr(0xc0002be900, 0x778440, 0x6d8140, 0x6d8140, 0xc000128ad8, 0x16, 0x6d8140, 0xc000128ae0, 0x16)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/compare.go:513 +0x526*state).compareAny(0xc0002be900, 0x775280, 0xc0000129c0)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/compare.go:258 +0x18e6, 0xc000128ad8, 0x6d8140, 0xc000128ae0, 0xc00000f580, 0x2, 0x2, 0x580c98)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/compare.go:107 +0x406, 0xc000128ad8, 0x6d8140, 0xc000128ae0, 0xc00012ab70, 0x1, 0x1, 0xc000106000, 0xc000106070)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/compare.go:127 +0x1ce, 0xc00023c600, 0xc0002f7ec8)
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/compare_test.go:74 +0x138
            /home/bradfitz/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmp/compare_test.go:75 +0x99
    testing.tRunner(0xc000238d00, 0xc0001c1bd0)
            /home/bradfitz/go/src/testing/testing.go:916 +0x19a
    created by testing.(*T).Run
            /home/bradfitz/go/src/testing/testing.go:967 +0x652
    FAIL    0.116s
  • proposal: support cyclic data structures

    proposal: support cyclic data structures

    Hi The following program crashes on an infinite recursion:

    package main
    import ""
    type Node struct {
    	Next *Node
    func main() {
    	a := &Node{}
    	a.Next = a
    	cmp.Equal(a, a)

    Fixing this is needed to use this package in testify.

    I saw that there is already a TODO comment.

  • Whether the converted value field cannot be ignored

    Whether the converted value field cannot be ignored

    image image image I use the `cmp.Transformer `method to perform special processing on some values, but I find that the fields under this type cannot be ignored after transformation? How can I use it to make it effective?
  • Output of comparing two Japanese words is unreadable

    Output of comparing two Japanese words is unreadable


    When I want to compare two Japanese words and there is diff, the returned value of Diff method is unreadable.


    Here is an example.

    func Echo() string {
    	return "プライベート ブランド シャツ"

    test code

    func TestEcho(t *testing.T) {
    	expected := "プライベート ブランド ジャケット"
    	actual := Echo()
    	if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, actual); diff != "" {
    		t.Errorf("%s result mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", t.Name(), diff)

    cmp.Diff produces

    --- FAIL: TestEcho (0.00s)
        main_test.go:13: TestEcho result mismatch (-want, +got):
                    "プライベート ブランド \xe3\x82",
            -       "\xb8ャケット",
            +       "\xb7ャツ",
              }, "")
    FAIL    cmpbug  0.347s

    the above output is not readable. I expect the following output

    ❯ go test ./...
    --- FAIL: TestEcho (0.00s)
        main_test.go:13: TestEcho result mismatch (-want, +got):
                     "プライベート ブランド ",
            -       "ジャケット",
            +       "シャツ",
    FAIL    cmpbug  0.229s

    version info

    • go: 1.19.2
    • cmp: v0.5.9
  • Ignore all unexported fields

    Ignore all unexported fields

    Is there a way to ignore all unexported fields?

    I have a library where I do comparisons and I need a generic way to skip unexported fields. ie. protobuf types.

  • string difference not visible due to

    string difference not visible due to "elided lines"

    Sometimes I get output where the relevant difference between two strings is not shown because one or both get truncated with elided lines. Example:

            - 			SystemErr: Inverse(simplify, string(
            - 				"""
            - 				> Enter [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:54 <time>
            - 				INFO: before
            - 				< Exit [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:54 <time>
            - 				> Enter [BeforeEach] e2e - set up framework | framework.go:xxx <time>
            - 				STEP: Creating a kubernetes client - framework.go:xxx <time>
            - 				INFO: >>> kubeConfig: yyy/kube.config
            - 				STEP: Building a namespace api object, basename test-namespace - framework.go:xxx <time>
            - 				INFO: Skipping waiting for service account
            - 				< Exit [BeforeEach] e2e - set up framework | framework.go:xxx <time>
            - 				> Enter [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:98 <time>
            - 				INFO: extension before
            - 				< Exit [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:98 <time>
            - 				> Enter [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:62 <time>
            - 				INFO: before #1
            - 				< Exit [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:62 <time>
            - 				> Enter [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:66 <time>
            - 				INFO: before #2
            - 				< Exit [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:66 <time>
            - 				> Enter [It] works - cleanup_test.go:81 <time>
            - 				[FAILED] failure
            - 				In [It] at: cleanup_test.go:90 <time>
            - 				< Exit [It] works - cleanup_test.go:81 <time>
            - 				> Enter [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:99 <time>
            - 				INFO: extension after
            - 				< Exit [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:99 <time>
            - 				> Enter [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:70 <time>
            - 				INFO: after #1
            - 				< Exit [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:70 <time>
            - 				> Enter [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:77 <time>
            - 				INFO: after #2
            - 				< Exit [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:77 <time>
            - 				"""
            - 			)),
            + 			SystemErr: Inverse(simplify, string(
            + 				"""
            + 				> Enter [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:54 <time>
            + 				INFO: before
            + 				< Exit [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:54 <time>
            + 				> Enter [BeforeEach] e2e - set up framework | framework.go:xxx <time>
            + 				STEP: Creating a kubernetes client - framework.go:xxx <time>
            + 				INFO: >>> kubeConfig: yyy/kube.config
            + 				STEP: Building a namespace api object, basename test-namespace - framework.go:xxx <time>
            + 				INFO: Skipping waiting for service account
            + 				< Exit [BeforeEach] e2e - set up framework | framework.go:xxx <time>
            + 				> Enter [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:98 <time>
            + 				INFO: extension before
            + 				< Exit [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:98 <time>
            + 				> Enter [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:62 <time>
            + 				INFO: before #1
            + 				< Exit [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:62 <time>
            + 				> Enter [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:66 <time>
            + 				INFO: before #2
            + 				< Exit [BeforeEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:66 <time>
            + 				> Enter [It] works - cleanup_test.go:81 <time>
            + 				[FAILED] failure
            + 				In [It] at: cleanup_test.go:90 <time>
            + 				< Exit [It] works - cleanup_test.go:81 <time>
            + 				> Enter [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:99 <time>
            + 				INFO: extension after
            + 				< Exit [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:99 <time>
            + 				> Enter [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:70 <time>
            + 				INFO: after #1
            + 				< Exit [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:70 <time>
            + 				> Enter [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:77 <time>
            + 				INFO: after #2
            + 				< Exit [AfterEach] e2e - cleanup_test.go:77 <time>
            + 				... // 27 elided lines
            + 				"""
            + 			)),

    In this example, I started with the expected string set to empty, copied as much of the actual string as possible, and then repeated. But because not all of it was shown, I am missing some lines. I was hoping to get a diff with the missing lines, but the heuristics apparently decided to just show both strings.

    The simplify function does some string->string replacement to get rid of some line numbers and time stamps.

    It's not entirely clear to me why this happens. I tried to reproduce it with exactly these strings and without a transformer, but then it worked as expected (showed a diff). I also tried with a transformer, with the same result.

  • take address of field for comparison

    take address of field for comparison

    I'm using intsets.Sparse as a field in a struct:

    type T struct {
       v intsets.Sparse
       // other fields

    When traversing T, the field v is copied, causing all methods to fail. This precludes the use of Transformer.

    Ideally, there would be an Option that would take the address of the field for use with other Options. Notably, Sparse has an Equals(*Sparse) bool method, so perhaps an alternate idea is to allow different equality methods? But I'm not sure whether go-cmp will take the address of a field in order to invoke the Equal method.

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