Package shapes provides an algebra for handling shapes


Package shapes provides the algebra and machinery for dealing with the metainformation of shapes of a tensor.

Why a shape package?

The shape package defines a syntax and semantics that describes shapes of values.

The goal is:

  • to describe the notion of shape;
  • to implement various automation to work with shapes (example a a tool that verify if shapes of different inputs are compatible to be used with one operator)

What is a Shape?

A shape is a piece of meta-information that tells you something about a tensor.

A rank-2 tensor is also commonly known as a matrix (mathematicians and physicists, please bear with the inaccuracies and informalities).


Let's consider the following matrix:

⎡1  2  3⎤
⎣4  5  6⎦

We can describe this matrix by saying "it's a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns". We can write this as (2, 3).

(2, 3) is the shape of the matrix.

This is a very convenient way of describing N-dimensiional tensors. We don't have to give the dimensions names like "layer", "row" or "column". We would rapidly run out of names! Instead, we just index them by their number. So in a 3 dimensional shape, instead of saying "layer", we say "dimension 0". In a 2 dimensional shape, "row" would be "dimension 0".

Components of a Shape

Given a shape, let's explore the components of the shape:

 +--+--+--------- size
 v  v  v
(2, 3, 4) <------ shape
 ^̄  ^̄  ^̄
 +--+--+--------- dimension/axis

Each "slot" in a shape is called a dimension/axis. The number of dimensions in a shape is called a rank (though confusingly enough, in the Gorgonia family of libraries, it's called .Dims()). There are 3 slots in the example, so it's a 3 dimensional shape. Each number in a slot is called the size of the dimension. When refering to them by their number, the preferred term is to use "axis". So, axis 1 has a size of 3, therefore, the first dimension is of size 3.

To use the traditional named dimensions - recall in this instance, that dimension 1 is "rows" - We say there are 3 rows.

Shape Expr: Syntax

The primary data structure that the package provides is the shape expression. A shape expression is given by the following BNF

<shape>    ::= <unit>| "("<integer>",)" | "("<integer>","<shape>")" |
               "("<shape>","<integer>")" | "("<variable>",)" |
               <binaryOperationExpression> | <nameOfT>

<integer>  ::= <digit> [ <integer> ]
<digit>    ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<unit>     ::= "()"
<variable>  ::= ...
<binaryOperationExpression>  ::= "("<variable> <binop> <integer>",)" |
                       "("<variable> <binop> <variable>",) |
                       "("<integer> <binop> <variable>",)"
<binop>   ::= + | *

<expression> ::= <shape> | I n <expression> | D <expression |
                 K <expression> | Σ <expression> | Π <expression> |
                 <variable> | <expression → <expression> |
                 (<expression> → <expression>) @ <expression> // TODO
T ::= (I n E,) | (D E,) | (Σ E,) | (Π E,) // TODO
A compact BNF

The original design for the language of shapes was written in a compact BNF. This was expanded by Olivier Wulveryck into something that traditional computer scientists are more familiar with.

Here, the original compact BNF is preserved.

E ::= S | I n E | D E | K E | Σ E | Π E | a | E -> E | (E -> E) @ E
S ::= () | (n,) | (n, S) | (S, n) | (a,) | B | T
T ::= (I n E,) | (D E,) | (Σ E,) | (Π E,)
B ::=  (a O n,) | (a O b,) | (n O a,)
O ::= + | ×
n,m ::= ℕ
a,b ::= variables

The BNF might be brief, but it is dense, so let's break it down.

Primitive Shape Construction

<shape>    ::= <unit>| "("<integer>",)" | "("<integer>","<shape>")" |
               "("<shape>","<integer>")" | "("<variable>",)" |
               <binaryOperationExpr> | <nameOfT>

What this snippet says is: a shape (<shape>) is one of: the four possible definitions of a shape:

  1. <unit> - This is the shape of scalar values. () is pronounced "unit".
  2. "("<integer>",)" - <integer> is any positive number. Example of a shape: (10,).
  3. "("<integer>","<shape>")" - an <interer> folowwed by another <shape>. Example: (8, (10,)).
  4. "("<shape>","<integer>")" - a <shape> followed by another <integer>. Example: ((8, (10,)), 20).

From the snippet, we have generated 4 examples of shapes: (), (10,), (8, (10,)) and ((8, (10,)), 20). This isn't how we normally write shapes. We would normally write them as (10,), (8, 10) and (8, 10, 20). So what's the difference?

In fact, the following are equivalent;

  • (8, (10,)) = (8, 10)
  • ((8, (10,)), 20) = ((8, 10), 20) = (8, (10, 20)) = (8, 10, 20)

What this says is that the primitive shape construction is associative. This is useful as we can now omit the additional parentheses.

On <unit>

The unit () is particularly interesting. In a while we'll see why it's called a "unit".

For now, given the associativity rules, what would (10, ()) be equivalent to? One possible answer is (10, ) - afterall, we're just removing the internal parentheses. Another possible answer is (10, 1).

TODO write more.

Introducing Variables

Now, let us focus, once again on line 2 of the BNF, but on the latter parts:

<shape> ::= ... | (<variable>,) | ...

What this says is that you can create a <shape> using a variable. I'll use x and y for real variables.

Example: (x,) is a shape. Combining this rule with the rules from above, we can see that (x, y) is also a valid shape. So is (10, x) or (x, 10)

To recap using the examples we have seen so far, these are exammples of valid shapes:

  • (x,)
  • (x, 10)
  • (10, x)
  • (10, 20, x)
  • (10, x, 20)

Introducing Binary Operations

In the following snippet (still on line 2 of the BNF), this is introduced:

<shape> ::= ... | <binaryOperationExpression> | ...

And <binaryOperationExpression> is defined in the following line as:

<binaryOperationExpr>  ::= "("<variable> <binop> <integer>",)" |
                       "("<variable> <binop> <variable>",) |
                       "("<integer> <binop> <variable>",)"

What this says is any valid <binaryOperationExpr> is also a valid <shape>.

<binop> is defined as:

<binop>   ::= + | *

That is, a valid mathematical operation is a addition or a multiplication.

So what line 3 of the BNF says is that these are valid shapes:

  • (x + 10,)
  • (x + y,)
  • (10 + x,)

An astute reader will observe that "("<integer> <binop> <integer>")" (example: (10 × 20,)) isn't allowed. The reasoning is clear - if you know ahead of time what the resulting shape will be, don't put a mathematical expression in. Note that though there is a restriction in the fomal language, this is not enforced by the package machinery.

Recap 1

To recap, these are all examples valid shapes:

  • ()
  • (10,)
  • (10, 20)
  • (x,)
  • (x, 10)
  • (10, x)
  • (x, y)
  • (x+20,)
  • (x×y,)
  • (x+20, 10)
  • (10, x×y)

We wil leave the last part of the definition of S (S ::= ... | T) to after we've introduced the notion of expressions.

Shape Expr: Semantics

\frac{}{E_1 \rightarrow E_2}\ \frac{E_1 \rightarrow E_2 \ \ \ \ \vdash E_3: S}{E_1 \rightarrow E_2  @ E_3 \Rightarrow  {S/a} E_2}

TODO: write more

Why So Complicated?

Why introduce all these complicated things? We introduce these complicated things because we want to do things with shape expressions.

It is a System of Constraints

Ideally, the shape expression should be enough to tell you what an operation does to the shape of its inputs.

Consider for example, a shape expression that is the following:

(a, b) → (b, c) → (a, c)

What does this expression say? It says the operation takes a matrix with shape (a, b), and then takes another matrix with the shape (b, c), finally, it returns a matrix of shape (a, c).

This simple expression contains a lot of information:

  • The inputs are matrices only.
  • The inner dimension of the first input must be the same as the outer dimension of the second input.
  • The output is a matrix only, not of any other rank.
  • The matching dimensions disappear.

In fact, there is precisely one operation that is described by this expression: Matrix Multiplication.

Here we see one of the functions of the shape expression: it's to provide constraints to the inputs. e.g. the inputs must be matrices; the matching dimensions; etc.

A Second Example

Here's another example. Consider this shape expression, can you guess what it does?

(a, b) → (a, c) → (a, b+c)

It's a concatenation on axis 1. A concrete example is given:

t :=
shape: (2, 3)
⎡0  1  2⎤
⎣3  4  5⎦

u :=
shape: (2, 2)
⎡100  200⎤
⎣300  400⎦

Concat(1, t, u) =
shape: (2, 5)
⎡  0    1    2  100  200⎤
⎣  3    4    5  300  400⎦

It is a System of Evolving Constraints

The shape expression system can not only define constraints, it can also evolve them.

Going back to the matrix multiplication example, now let's extend it.

(a, b) → (b, c) → (a, c) @ (2, 3)

When this is run through the interpreter of the expression, the result will be the following shape expression:

(3, c) → (2, c)

The constraints have now evolved.

Recall that the @ symbol is an application of a function to an input. So when given an input matrix of a known size - (2, 3), we can evolve the constraints, so the next input will only require one check instead of two.

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