Composable OpenAPI Specification (aka Swagger)

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Library for building, composing and serving OpenAPI Specification (aka Swagger).


This lib provides:

  • golang structs which reflect OpenAPI Specification (check "Limitations" below),
  • embedded Swagger UI (through go:embed) and http.Handler for serving it,
  • functions for merging OpenAPI Specifications and dumping them into a file


  • included golang structs not cover entire OpenAPI Specification
  • Swagger UI cannot be customized (only setting specification URL is possible)


go get

Example code


Let's assume we're building a simple e-commerce app (same as in dbmigrat). This app is split into three modules. For now, each module exposes one REST API endpoint:

  • auth (provides an endpoint for signing up)
  • billing (provides an endpoint for fetching orders list - only for authenticated users)
  • inventory (provides an endpoint for fetching a single product)

At the end of this mini-tutorial we will have documentation for each separate module and one merged doc:

That's how our project's directory layout looks like:

|-- ecommerceapp
|   |-- auth
|   |   `-- openapi.go
|   |-- billing
|   |   `-- openapi.go
|   |-- cmd
|   |   |-- dump_openapi
|   |   |   `-- main.go
|   |   `-- start_http_server
|   |       |-- main.go
|   |       `-- openapi // this dir contains dumped specs
|   |           |-- auth.json
|   |           |-- billing.json
|   |           |-- inventory.json
|   |           `-- merged.json
|   `-- inventory
|       `-- openapi.go

At first, let's define OpenAPI Specification for each module. To save space in this README, I'm pasting spec only for the billing module.


package billing

import (

var Openapi = compoas.OAS{
	Openapi: "3.0.0",
	Info: compoas.Info{
		Title:   "Billing API",
		Version: "1.0.0",
	Components: &compoas.Components{
		Schemas: map[string]compoas.Schema{
			"Order": {Type: "object", Properties: map[string]compoas.Schema{
				"id":    {Type: "integer"},
				"buyer": {Ref: "#/components/schemas/User-Read"},
				"items": {Type: "array", Items: &compoas.Schema{Ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"}},
			"User-Read": auth.Openapi.Components.Schemas["User-Read"],
			"Product":   inventory.Openapi.Components.Schemas["Product"],
		SecuritySchemes: auth.Openapi.Components.SecuritySchemes,
	Paths: map[string]compoas.PathItem{
		"/billing/orders": {
			Get: &compoas.Operation{
				Tags: []string{"Billing"},
				Responses: map[string]compoas.Response{
					"200": {Content: map[string]compoas.MediaType{
						"application/json": {Schema: &compoas.Schema{
							Type:  "array",
							Items: &compoas.Schema{Ref: "#/components/schemas/Order"},
				Security: []compoas.SecurityRequirement{{"bearerAuth": {}}},

inventory/openapi.go: check here

auth/openapi.go: check here

Now it's time to build a command for starting an HTTP server which will be exposing:

  • OpenAPI Specifications as JSON files
  • Swagger UI

Let's begin creating cmd/start_http_server/main.go file:

package main

import (

//go:embed openapi
var dumpedSpecs embed.FS

func main() {
	oasHandler, err := compoas.UIHandler(
		compoas.SwaggerUIBundleConfig{Urls: []compoas.SwaggerUIBundleUrl{
			{Url: "/openapi/merged.json", Name: "All"},
			{Url: "/openapi/auth.json", Name: "Auth"},
			{Url: "/openapi/billing.json", Name: "Billing"},
			{Url: "/openapi/inventory.json", Name: "Inventory"},
	if err != nil {

Above code configures handler for serving Swagger UI.

The first argument to the compoas.UIHandler defines URLs where specifications are available.

We want to have Swagger UI under route http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui. For that reason, the second argument to the compoas.UIHandler is /swagger-ui. If Swagger UI should be directly under http://localhost:8080 we would provide / as the second argument.

Now create a handler for static JSON specifications, configure routes and start listening:

package main

import (

//go:embed openapi
var dumpedSpecs embed.FS

func main() {
	oasHandler, err := compoas.UIHandler(
		compoas.SwaggerUIBundleConfig{Urls: []compoas.SwaggerUIBundleUrl{
			{Url: "/openapi/merged.json", Name: "All"},
			{Url: "/openapi/auth.json", Name: "Auth"},
			{Url: "/openapi/billing.json", Name: "Billing"},
			{Url: "/openapi/inventory.json", Name: "Inventory"},
	if err != nil {

+ 	mux := http.NewServeMux()
+ 	mux.Handle("/swagger-ui/", oasHandler)
+ 	mux.Handle("/openapi/", http.FileServer(http.FS(dumpedSpecs)))
+ 	log.Fatalln(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux))
+ }

As a final step, we need to prepare command for dumping specifications into JSON files. Let's start creating cmd/dump_openapi/main.go file:

package main

import (

func main() {
	const dir = "cmd/start_http_server/openapi"

	err := auth.Openapi.Dump(true, path.Join(dir, "auth.json"))
	err = billing.Openapi.Dump(true, path.Join(dir, "billing.json"))
	err = inventory.Openapi.Dump(true, path.Join(dir, "inventory.json"))

In the code above we're dumping each module's pretty-printed specification. To dump merged specifications we need to create a new empty specification, the remaining specifications will be merged into it:

package main

import (

func main() {
	const dir = "cmd/start_http_server/openapi"

	err := auth.Openapi.Dump(true, path.Join(dir, "auth.json"))
	err = billing.Openapi.Dump(true, path.Join(dir, "billing.json"))
	err = inventory.Openapi.Dump(true, path.Join(dir, "inventory.json"))

+ 	rootOpenapi := compoas.OAS{
+ 		Openapi: "3.0.0",
+ 		Info: compoas.Info{
+ 			Title:   "e-commerce app",
+ 			Version: "1.0.0",
+ 		},
+ 		Components: &compoas.Components{
+ 			Schemas:         map[string]compoas.Schema{},
+ 			SecuritySchemes: map[string]compoas.SecurityScheme{},
+ 		},
+ 		Paths: map[string]compoas.PathItem{},
+ 	}
+ 	err = rootOpenapi.Merge(auth.Openapi).
+ 		Merge(billing.Openapi).
+ 		Merge(inventory.Openapi).
+ 		Dump(true, path.Join(dir, "merged.json"))
+ 	if err != nil {
+ 		log.Fatalln(err)
+ 	}
+ }

It's time to start our HTTP server:

  1. make sure that directory cmd/start_http_server/openapi exists
  2. dump specifications - run go run cmd/dump_openapi/main.go
  3. start server - run go run cmd/start_http_server/main.go
  4. visit http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui in your web browser
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