A Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for Jsonnet

Jsonnet Language Server

A Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for Jsonnet.


Jump to definition


Error/Warning Diagnostics


Linting Diagnostics


Standard Library Hover and Autocomplete




To install the LSP server with Go into "${GOPATH}"/bin:

go get -u github.com/grafana/jsonnet-language-server

To download the latest release binary from GitHub:

curl -Lo jsonnet-language-server https://github.com/grafana/jsonnet-language-server/releases/latest/download/jsonnet-language-server


Contributions are more than welcome and I will try my best to be prompt with reviews.


Individual commits should be meaningful and have useful commit messages. For tips on writing commit messages, refer to How to write a commit message. Contributions will be rebased before merge to ensure a fast-forward merge.

Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO)

Contributors must sign the DCO for their contributions to be accepted.

Code style

Go code should be formatted with gofmt and linted with golangci-lint.

Editor integration


Refer to editor/jsonnet-language-server.el for an example of enabling the LSP server with lsp-mode.

VSCodium / VSCode

Use the vscode-jsonnet extension

Grafana Labs
Grafana Labs is behind leading open source projects Grafana and Loki, and the creator of the first open & composable observability platform.
Grafana Labs
  • New release (0.7.1) keeps crashing

    New release (0.7.1) keeps crashing

    Hi, I was working with the previous release (0.7.0) and all good so far. As soon as I upgraded the version to the latest one (0.7.1) the language server keeps crashing:

    [Info  - 3:54:06 PM] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.
    [Info  - 3:54:06 PM] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.
    [Info  - 3:54:06 PM] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.
    [Info  - 3:54:06 PM] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.
    [Error - 3:54:06 PM] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted.

    Any ideas how to get more logs so I can help here? Also, any ideas how to rollback to the previous version in my setup?

  • added config option for ext_code

    added config option for ext_code

    For various tasks I need to use the extCode parameter in the jsonnet cli. Hence why I wanted to include it into this codebase, so that I can work with it easily.

  • Lint alway warning when use std.get

    Lint alway warning when use std.get

    When I use std.get, LSP get two warning from lint

    local getValue(obj, key) = std.get(obj, key, null);

    it always reports Indexed object has no field "get" and Called value must be a function, but it is assumed to be void

  • Failing to expand helm chart

    Failing to expand helm chart

    RUNTIME ERROR: Expanding Helm Chart: exec: "helm": executable file not found in $PATH /Users/cyril/work/deployment_tools/ksonnet/vendor/github.com/grafana/jsonnet-libs/tanka-util/helm.libsonnet:46:23-67 thunk <chartData> from <function <anonymous>> /Users/cyril/work/deployment_tools/ksonnet/vendor/github.com/grafana/jsonnet-libs/tanka-util/helm.libsonnet:48:21-30 thunk from <function <anonymous>> /Users/cyril/work/deployment_tools/ksonnet/vendor/github.com/grafana/jsonnet-libs/tanka-util/k8s.libsonnet:43:7-13 thunk from <function <anonymous>> /Users/cyril/work/deployment_tools/ksonnet/vendor/github.com/grafana/jsonnet-libs/tanka-util/k8s.libsonnet:13:21-27 thunk from <function <anonymous>> <std>:31:26-27 thunk from <function <anonymous>> <std>:31:17-28 function <anonymous> /Users/cyril/work/deployment_tools/ksonnet/vendor/github.com/grafana/jsonnet-libs/tanka-util/k8s.libsonnet:13:8-28 function <anonymous> /Users/cyril/work/deployment_tools/ksonnet/vendor/github.com/grafana/jso...

    While I do have helm in the path, vs-code seems to complains, not sure how to resolve it.

  • feat: dynamic formatting configuration

    feat: dynamic formatting configuration

    Allow users to customize the formatting parameters using LSP runtime configuration, which is modifiable w/o restarting the jsonnet-language-server.

    Sample configuration looks like:

    settings = {
    	formatting = {
    		Indent = 4,
    		StringStyle = 'double',

    See TestConfiguration_Formatting for a complete list of allowed keys.

  • Split find into multiple files

    Split find into multiple files

    Here are the main feature of this PR:

    • Processing functions are split into multiple files
    • Tests are unmodified, they still pass the same way
    • Finding a field now returns an array of objectRange instead of a field directly. This will allow us to implement issues that require multiple definitions (such as listing overrides and getting autocomplete)
    • Finding a parameter has been split from finding a var bind (as suggested here: https://github.com/grafana/jsonnet-language-server/pull/16)
  • Find definitions through function applies

    Find definitions through function applies

    Started in https://github.com/grafana/jsonnet-language-server/pull/63 and https://github.com/grafana/jsonnet-language-server/pull/70 I think this now covers all (or most) cases Most of this PR is just tests, since the missing code was just a few missing switch cases

  • Support symbols for computed fields

    Support symbols for computed fields

    Bug introduced in https://github.com/grafana/jsonnet-language-server/pull/60 The server currently panics while trying to get symbols when there's a computed field present This will instead list the fields at [field.content] in symbols

  • Enable go-to-definition for computed field names.

    Enable go-to-definition for computed field names.

    When finding node by position, push field.Name to the search stack. This allows us to now search through the field names as well when finding definitions.

  • Symbols support

    Symbols support

    Report symbols to clients of the language server This allows features like the VSCode outline

    In the following screenshots, see the tab in the lower left

    image image

  • Unable to run vscode extension

    Unable to run vscode extension

    I've installed the latest v0.3.1 version. Opening the Visual Studio Code console shows this:

    Not using custom binary path. Using default path
    Binary path is /Users/heydonovan/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/grafana.vscode-jsonnet/bin/jsonnet-language-server (exists: true)
    Auto-update is enabled. Fetching latest release from https://api.github.com/repos/grafana/jsonnet-language-server/releases/latest
    Latest release is 0.8.0
    Failed to get current version from /Users/heydonovan/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/grafana.vscode-jsonnet/bin/jsonnet-language-server
    Error: Command failed: /Users/heydonovan/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/grafana.vscode-jsonnet/bin/jsonnet-language-server --version

    Manually attemping to run that binary results in:

    $ cd /Users/heydonovan/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/globalStorage/grafana.vscode-jsonnet/bin/
    $ ls -lah
    total 13M
    drwxr-xr-x 3 heydonovan staff  96 Aug 30 13:25 ./
    drwxr-xr-x 3 heydonovan staff  96 Aug 30 13:25 ../
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 heydonovan staff 12M Aug 31 14:33 jsonnet-language-server*
    $ ./jsonnet-language-server
    fish: Job 1, './jsonnet-language-server' terminated by signal SIGKILL (Forced quit)
    $ ./jsonnet-language-server --version
    fish: Job 1, './jsonnet-language-server --ver…' terminated by signal SIGKILL (Forced quit)
    $ uname -m
    $ sw_vers
    ProductName:	macOS
    ProductVersion:	12.5
    BuildVersion:	21G72
  • License question

    License question

    Hi, thanks for this great tool!

    Tanka & jsonnet-bundler are Apache-2.0, why not this repo? The choice of AGPL seems quite arbitrary to me. Furthermore, as you may know, this specific license is entirely forbidden in several open-source friendly companies such as Google (see here, even for personal productivity use.

    Would you consider Apache-2.0 instead?


  • Will this project be available through NixPkgs?

    Will this project be available through NixPkgs?

    I couldn't help but notice that this project has Nix files but it is not submitted to NixPkgs? Why is this the case? It will be really nice to be able to install this project trough Nix without extra steps.

  • Command: Evaluate at position

    Command: Evaluate at position

    The language server currently has the evaluateFile and evaluateExpression commands. Another very useful one, but much harder to implement, is evaluateAtPosition. This could allow a user to check the value of self, or a local at any location

    Since locals cannot be queried, we could define temporary attributes at runtime, like this:

      local my_key = 'test',
      temp:: my_key, // Line added at eval time (not defined by the user)
  • CodeLens: Add `jb` support

    CodeLens: Add `jb` support

    An operation that has to be done quite often for jsonnet projects is to interact with dependencies. A very common package manager for jsonnet is the jsonnet bundler.

    The language server could have CodeLens buttons (a-la-gopls) to check for updates and if there are any, buttons to update dependencies. That would prevent users from having to call jb directly

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