Pulumi-hcp - A Pulumi provider for interacting with the Hashicorp Cloud Platform

Terraform Bridge Provider Boilerplate

This repository contains boilerplate code for building a new Pulumi provider which wraps an existing Terraform provider. These instructions are primarily intended for internal use by Pulumi as we have not yet refined the process for general consumption by the community at large, but this document may serve as a rough guide for community members who want to create their own Pulumi providers that wrap an existing Terraform provider.

Creating a Pulumi Terraform Bridge Provider

The following instructions assume a Pulumi-owned provider based on an upstream provider named terraform-provider-foo. Substitute appropriate values below for your use case.

Note: If the name of the desired Pulumi provider differs from the name of the Terraform provider, you will need to carefully distinguish between the references - see https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure for an example.


Ensure the following tools are installed and present in your $PATH:

Creating and Initializing the Repository

Pulumi offers this repository as a GitHub template repository for convenience. From this repository:

  1. Click "Use this template".
  2. Set the following options:
    • Owner: pulumi (or your GitHub organization/username)
    • Repository name: pulumi-foo
    • Description: Pulumi provider for Foo
    • Repository type: Public
  3. Clone the generated repository to the appropriate location in your $GOPATH.

From the templated repository:

  1. Run the following command to update files to use the name of your provider:

    make prepare NAME=foo REPOSITORY=github.com/pulumi/pulumi-foo
  2. Modify README-PROVIDER.md to include the following (we'll rename it to README.md toward the end of this guide):

    • Any desired build status badges.
    • An introductory paragraph describing the type of resources the provider manages, e.g. "The Foo provider for Pulumi manages resources for Foo.
    • In the "Installing" section, correct package names for the various SDK libraries in the languages Pulumi supports.
    • In the "Configuration" section, any configurable options for the provider. These may include, but are not limited to, environment variables or options that can be set via pulumi config set.
    • In the "Reference" section, provide a link to the to-be-published documentation.
    • Feel free to refer to the Pulumi AWS provider README as an example.

Composing the Provider Code - Prerequisites

Pulumi provider repositories have the following general structure:

  • examples/ contains sample code which may optionally be included as integration tests to be run as part of a CI/CD pipeline.
  • provider/ contains the Go code used to create the provider as well as generate the SDKs in the various languages that Pulumi supports.
  • sdk/ contains the generated SDK code for each of the language platforms that Pulumi supports, with each supported platform in a separate subfolder.
  1. In provider/go.mod, add a reference to the upstream Terraform provider in the require section, e.g.

    github.com/foo/terraform-provider-foo v0.4.0
  2. In provider/resources.go, ensure the reference in the import section uses the correct Go module path, e.g.:

  3. Download the dependencies:

    cd provider && go mod tidy && cd -
  4. Validate the schema by running the following command:

    make tfgen

    Note warnings about unmapped resources and data sources in the command's output. We map these in the next section, e.g.:

    warning: resource foo_something not found in provider map; skipping
    warning: resource foo_something_else not found in provider map; skipping
    warning: data source foo_something not found in provider map; skipping
    warning: data source foo_something_else not found in provider map; skipping

Adding Mappings, Building the Provider and SDKs

In this section we will add the mappings that allow the interoperation between the Pulumi provider and the Terraform provider. Terraform resources map to an identically named concept in Pulumi. Terraform data sources map to plain old functions in your supported programming language of choice. Pulumi also allows provider functions and resources to be grouped into namespaces to improve the cohesion of a provider's code, thereby making it easier for developers to use. If your provider has a large number of resources, consider using namespaces to improve usability.

The following instructions all pertain to provider/resources.go, in the section of the code where we construct a tfbridge.ProviderInfo object:

  1. Add resource mappings: For each resource in the provider, add an entry in the Resources property of the tfbridge.ProviderInfo, e.g.:

    // Most providers will have all resources (and data sources) in the main module.
    // Note the mapping from snake_case HCL naming conventions to UpperCamelCase Pulumi SDK naming conventions.
    // The name of the provider is omitted from the mapped name due to the presence of namespaces in all supported Pulumi languages.
    "foo_something":      {Tok: tfbridge.MakeResource(mainMod, "Something")},
    "foo_something_else": {Tok: tfbridge.MakeResource(mainMod, "SomethingElse")},
  2. Add CSharpName (if necessary): Dotnet does not allow for fields named the same as the enclosing type, which sometimes results in errors during the dotnet SDK build. If you see something like

    error CS0542: 'ApiKey': member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type [/Users/guin/go/src/github.com/pulumi/pulumi-artifactory/sdk/dotnet/Pulumi.Artifactory.csproj]

    you'll want to give your Resource a CSharpName, which can have any value that makes sense:

    "foo_something_dotnet": {
        Tok: makeResource(mainMod, "SomethingDotnet"),
        Fields: map[string]*tfbridge.SchemaInfo{
            "something_dotnet": {
                CSharpName: "SpecialName",

    See the underlying terraform-bridge code here.

  3. Add data source mappings: For each data source in the provider, add an entry in the DataSources property of the tfbridge.ProviderInfo, e.g.:

    // Note the 'get' prefix for data sources
    "foo_something":      {Tok: makeDataSource(mainMod, "getSomething")},
    "foo_something_else": {Tok: makeDataSource(mainMod, "getSomethingElse")},
  4. Add documentation mapping (sometimes needed): If the upstream provider's repo is not a part of the terraform-providers GitHub organization, specify the GitHubOrg property of tfbridge.ProviderInfo to ensure that documentation is picked up by the codegen process, and that attribution for the upstream provider is correct, e.g.:

    GitHubOrg: "foo",
  5. Add provider configuration overrides (not typically needed): Pulumi's Terraform bridge automatically detects configuration options for the upstream provider. However, in rare cases these settings may need to be overridden, e.g. if we want to change an environment variable default from API_KEY to FOO_API_KEY. Examples of common uses cases:

    "additional_required_parameter": {},
    "additional_optional_string_parameter": {
        Default: &tfbridge.DefaultInfo{
            Value: "default_value",
    "additional_optional_boolean_parameter": {
        Default: &tfbridge.DefaultInfo{
            Value: true,
    // Renamed environment variables can be accounted for like so:
    "apikey": {
        Default: &tfbridge.DefaultInfo{
            EnvVars: []string{"FOO_API_KEY"},
  6. Build the provider and ensure there are no warnings about unmapped resources and no warnings about unmapped data sources:

    make provider

    You may see warnings about documentation and examples, including "unexpected code snippets". These can be safely ignored for now. Pulumi will add additional documentation on mapping docs in a future revision of this guide.

  7. Build the SDKs in the various languages Pulumi supports:

    make build_sdks
  8. Ensure the Golang SDK is a proper go module:

    cd sdk && go mod tidy && cd -

    This will pull in the correct dependencies in sdk/go.mod as well as setting the dependency tree in sdk/go.sum.

  9. Finally, ensure the provider code conforms to Go standards:

    make lint_provider

    Fix any issues found by the linter.

Note: If you make revisions to code in resources.go, you must re-run the make tfgen target to regenerate the schema. Pulumi providers use Go 1.16, which does not have the ability to directly embed text files. The make tfgen target will take the file schema.json and serialize it to a byte array so that it can be included in the build output. (Go 1.17 will remove the need for this step.)

Sample Program

In this section, we will create a Pulumi program in TypeScript that utilizes the provider we created to ensure everything is working properly.

  1. Create an account with the provider's service and generate any necessary credentials, e.g. API keys:

    • Email: [email protected]
    • Password: (Create a random password in 1Password with the maximum length and complexity allowed by the provider.)
    • Ensure all secrets (passwords, generated API keys) are stored in Pulumi's 1Password vault.
  2. Copy the pulumi-resource-foo binary generated by make provider and place it in your $PATH ($GOPATH/bin is a convenient choice), e.g.:

    cp bin/pulumi-resource-foo $GOPATH/bin
  3. Tell Yarn to use your local copy of the SDK:

    make install_nodejs_sdk
  4. Create a new Pulumi program in the examples/ directory, e.g.:

    mkdir examples/my-example/ts # Change "my-example" to something more meaningful.
    cd examples/my-example/ts
    pulumi new typescript
    # (Go through the prompts with the default values)
    npm install
    yarn link @pulumi/foo
  5. Create a minimal program for the provider, i.e. one that creates the smallest-footprint resource. Place this code in index.ts.

  6. Configure any necessary environment variables for authentication, e.g $FOO_USERNAME, $FOO_TOKEN, in your local environment.

  7. Ensure the program runs successfully via pulumi up.

  8. Once the program completes successfully, verify the resource was created in the provider's UI.

  9. Destroy any resources created by the program via pulumi destroy.

Optionally, you may create additional examples for SDKs in other languages supported by Pulumi:

  1. Python:

    mkdir examples/my-example/py
    cd examples/my-example/py
    pulumi new python
    # (Go through the prompts with the default values)
    source venv/bin/activate # use the virtual Python env that Pulumi sets up for you
    pip install pulumi_foo
  2. Follow the steps above to verify the program runs successfully.

Add End-to-end Testing

We can run integration tests on our examples using the *_test.go files in the examples/ folder.

  1. Add code to examples_nodejs_test.go to call the example you created, e.g.:

    // Swap out MyExample and "my-example" below with the name of your integration test.
    func TestAccMyExampleTs(t *testing.T) {
        test := getJSBaseOptions(t).
                Dir: filepath.Join(getCwd(t), "my-example", "ts"),
        integration.ProgramTest(t, &test)
  2. Add a similar function for each example that you want to run in an integration test. For examples written in other languages, create similar files for examples_${LANGUAGE}_test.go.

  3. You can run these tests locally via Make:

    make test

    You can also run each test file separately via test tags:

    cd examples && go test -v -tags=nodejs

Configuring CI with GitHub Actions

In this section, we'll add the necessary configuration to work with GitHub Actions for Pulumi's standard CI/CD workflows for providers.

  1. Generate GitHub workflows per the instructions in the ci-mgmt repository and copy to .github/ in this repository.

  2. Ensure that any required secrets are present as repository-level secrets in GitHub. These will be used by the integration tests during the CI/CD process.

Final Steps

  1. Ensure all required configurations (API keys, etc.) are documented in README-PROVIDER.md.

  2. Replace this file with the README for the provider and push your changes:

  3. If publishing the npm package fails during the "Publish SKDs" Action, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to NPM Packages and sign in as pulumi-bot.
    2. Click on the bot's profile pic and navigate to "Packages".
    3. On the left, under "Organizations, click on the Pulumi organization.
    4. On the last page of the listed packages, you should see the new package.
    5. Under "Settings", set the Package Status to "public".

Now you are ready to use the provider, cut releases, and have some well-deserved 🍨 !

Initial commit

  • Update README to reflect upcoming Pulumiverse migration

    Update README to reflect upcoming Pulumiverse migration

    We'll be donating this provider to the Pulumiverse organization; this adds information about this to the README in preparation for that move.

    Signed-off-by: Christopher Maier [email protected]

  • Upgrade underlying Terraform provider to v0.26.0

    Upgrade underlying Terraform provider to v0.26.0

    pulumi-hcp is currently based on v0.24.1, but v0.26.0 is the current release.

    The key change we get by this is https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-hcp/pull/290.

  • Update `artifacts` Buildkite plugin to `v1.6.0`

    Update `artifacts` Buildkite plugin to `v1.6.0`

    Update artifacts Buildkite plugin version to v1.6.0


    This change was executed automatically with Shepherd. 💚🤖

  • Update `docker` Buildkite plugin to `v5.3.0`

    Update `docker` Buildkite plugin to `v5.3.0`

    Update docker Buildkite plugin version to v5.3.0


    This change was executed automatically with Shepherd. 💚🤖

  • Update `vault-env` Buildkite plugin to `v0.2.0`

    Update `vault-env` Buildkite plugin to `v0.2.0`

    Update grapl-security/vault-env Buildkite plugin version to v0.2.0


    This change was executed automatically with Shepherd. 💚🤖

  • Update `docker` Buildkite plugin to `v3.14.0`

    Update `docker` Buildkite plugin to `v3.14.0`

    Update docker Buildkite plugin version to v3.14.0


    This change was executed automatically with Shepherd. 💚🤖

  • Update dependencies

    Update dependencies

  • Update upstream provider to v0.36.0

    Update upstream provider to v0.36.0

    Updates the upstream HCP provider to v0.36.0, and the Pulumi SDK to v3.36.0.

    The HCP v0.36.0 release is here: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-hcp/releases/tag/v0.36.0

    The last version of the upstream provider we used here was v0.33.0; the difference between the two versions can be seen here: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-hcp/compare/v0.33.0...v0.36.0

  • Update upstream provider to v0.33.0

    Update upstream provider to v0.33.0

    See release notes at https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-hcp/releases/tag/v0.33.0

    Signed-off-by: Christopher Maier [email protected]

  • Update upstream provider to v0.32.0

    Update upstream provider to v0.32.0

    See release notes at https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-hcp/releases/tag/v0.32.0.

    Signed-off-by: Christopher Maier [email protected]

  • Update `vault-login` Buildkite plugin to `v0.1.3`

    Update `vault-login` Buildkite plugin to `v0.1.3`

    Update grapl-security/vault-login Buildkite plugin version to v0.1.3

    Picks up additional logging features, specifically https://github.com/grapl-security/vault-login-buildkite-plugin/pull/26

    This change was executed automatically with Shepherd. 💚🤖

  • seo fixes

    seo fixes

    make tgen and make do not work, so let me know what gen command i should be using

    this cleans up a few seo things and will need a new release after merging for registry to know about the changes

  • Loading plugin fails intermittently

    Loading plugin fails intermittently

    Hi 👋

    first off, thanks for creating and maintaining this provider! It's really useful!

    I've been getting an intermittent error. It occurred last week, seemed to have resolved itself the next day, but now it's happening again. It only occurs in projects that use this plugin.

    error: could not load plugin for hcp provider 'urn:pulumi:production::template-base::pulumi:providers:hcp::default_https_/github.com/grapl-security/pulumi-hcp/releases/download/v__VERSION_': no resource plugin 'pulumi-resource-hcp' found in the workspace or on your $PATH, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install resource hcp`

    The v__VERSION_ part of that error message looks like maybe the actual latest version could not be found or could for some other reason not be inserted.

    Running pulumi plugin install resource hcp as the error above suggests, results in another error.

    error: 404 HTTP error fetching plugin from https://api.github.com/repos/pulumi/pulumi-hcp/releases/latest. If this is a private GitHub repository, try providing a token via the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. See: https://github.com/settings/tokens

    This one does not support the theory that Pulumi does not know which version to use. Instead it seems to be looking for the plugin under the wrong organization name.

    The only workaround I've found so far is manually specifying the plugin server and version.

    pulumi plugin install resource hcp \
      --server 'https://github.com/grapl-security/pulumi-hcp/releases/download/v0.1.9/' \
      --exact 'v0.1.9'
  • Create Java SDK

    Create Java SDK

    Pulumi supports Java SDKs now, so it would be nice to publish a Java version.

    The main work here is setting up the CI/CD pipeline to build and test Java packages, as well as creation of a repository account for publication.

  • Create .NET SDK

    Create .NET SDK

    We create Python, NodeJS, and Go SDKs, but not one for .NET. The main reason for this is just lack of familiarity with the .NET ecosystem. We should dig into this so we can provide SDKs for all languages that Pulumi supports.

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