Netmaker is a tool for creating and managing virtual networks

Connect any computers together over a secure, fast, private network, and manage multiple networks from a central server.

What is Netmaker?

Netmaker is a tool for creating and managing virtual networks. The goal is to make virtual/overlay/mesh networking easy for non-networking people. It should be like clicking a button. Netmaker consists of a server, an agent, and a UI. You spin up the Netmaker server and then install netclient (the agent) on your computers. Netmaker will do the rest. It will tell all of your computers how to reach each other and will keep them informed of any changes to the network.

Netmaker's handy dandy UI can be found here.

Under the hood, Netmaker uses WireGuard to create encrypted tunnels between every node in your virtual network, creating a full mesh overlay. Netmaker takes the work out of manually configuring machines with WireGuard and updating them every time you have a change in your network. The netclient agent is self-updating and pulls any necessary changes (such as new peers) from the server.

Why Netmaker?

  1. Create a flat, secure network between multiple/hybrid cloud environments
  2. Integrate central and edge services
  3. Secure a home or office network while providing remote connectivity
  4. Manage cryptocurrency proof-of-stake machines
  5. Provide an additional layer of security on an existing network
  6. Encrypt Kubernetes inter-node communications
  7. Secure site-to-site connections

Compatible Systems

Netmaker works on most linux systems that have systemd. It works with Fedora, Ubuntu, and Raspian. Just make sure you have WireGuard installed. Having a problem? Open an issue or Contact us.

In future releases, we have plans to support other platforms such as Windows and MacOS.


For more information, please read the docs, or check out the Quick Start below:

Quick Start

Video Tutorial


  1. A server with an IP reachable by your computers (a small ec2 instance or droplet would do just fine).
  2. Linux installed on the above server (we use Ubuntu, but anything that runs Docker should work).
  3. Install Docker (can run without Docker as well, but is not preferred. If this is a requirement, view the Advanced Usage docs).

Launch Netmaker:

  1. Clone this repo or just copy contents of "docker-compose.yml" to your Netmaker server (from prereqs).
  2. In docker-compose.yml, change BACKEND_URL to the public IP ofthat machine.
  3. Run sudo docker-compose up
  4. Navigate to your server's IP in the browser and you should see the Netmaker UI asking to create a new admin user.
  5. Create a new admin user
  6. . Click "Create Network" and fill out the details
  7. You are now ready to begin using Netmaker. Create a key or enable manual node sign up so that your nodes can connect.

On your machines :

Run the following: curl -sfL | SERVER_URL=:50051 NET_NAME= KEY= sh -
(Note: Key can be left out if manual node signup is enabled)


Netmaker's source code and all artifacts in this repository are freely available. All versions are published under the Server Side Public License (SSPL), version 1, which can be found under the "licensing" directory: LICENSE.txt.


Email: [email protected]

We build the distributed cloud.
  • Nobody can ping anybody, including netmaker

    Nobody can ping anybody, including netmaker

    Hi, standard AWS setup as per the docs, on an EC2 Micro 20.04.2 instance. DNS, dashboard etc. are working. Tunnels are up, but no-one can ping anyone. Even on the netmaker server:

    $ ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
    ping: sendmsg: Destination address required
    From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
    ping: sendmsg: Destination address required
    From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
    ping: sendmsg: Destination address required

    My docker-compose.yml:

    version: "3.4"
        container_name: netmaker
        image: gravitl/netmaker:v0.9.1
          - /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket:/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
          - /run/systemd/system:/run/systemd/system
          - /etc/systemd/system:/etc/systemd/system
          - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup
          - /usr/bin/wg:/usr/bin/wg
          - dnsconfig:/root/config/dnsconfig
          - sqldata:/root/data
          - NET_ADMIN
          - SYS_ADMIN
        restart: always
        network_mode: host
        privileged: true
          SERVER_HOST: "<public IP>"
          SERVER_API_CONN_STRING: "api.netmaker.<domain>.com:443"
          SERVER_GRPC_CONN_STRING: "grpc.netmaker.<domain>.com:443"
          COREDNS_ADDR: "<public IP>"
          GRPC_SSL: "on"
          DNS_MODE: "on"
          SERVER_HTTP_HOST: "api.netmaker.<domain>.com"
          SERVER_GRPC_HOST: "grpc.netmaker.<domain>.com"
          API_PORT: "8081"
          GRPC_PORT: "50051"
          CLIENT_MODE: "on"
          MASTER_KEY: "<key>"
          SERVER_GRPC_WIREGUARD: "off"
          CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN: "*"
          DATABASE: "sqlite"
          NODE_ID: "netmaker-server-1"
          AUTH_PROVIDER: "google"
          CLIENT_ID: "<id>"
          CLIENT_SECRET: "<secret>"
          SERVER_HTTP_HOST: "api.netmaker.<domain>.com"
          FRONTEND_URL: "https://dashboard.netmaker.<domain>.com"
        container_name: netmaker-ui
          - netmaker
        image: gravitl/netmaker-ui:v0.9.1
          - "netmaker:api"
          - "8082:80"
          BACKEND_URL: "https://api.netmaker.<domain>.com"
        restart: always
          - netmaker
        image: coredns/coredns
        command: -conf /root/dnsconfig/Corefile
        container_name: coredns
        restart: always
          - "<EC2 private IP>:53/udp"
          - "<EC2 private IP>:53/tcp"
          - dnsconfig:/root/dnsconfig
        image: caddy:latest
        container_name: caddy
        restart: unless-stopped
        network_mode: host # Wants ports 80 and 443!
          - /root/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
          # - $PWD/site:/srv # you could also serve a static site in site folder
          - caddy_data:/data
          - caddy_conf:/config
      caddy_data: {}
      caddy_conf: {}
      sqldata: {}
      dnsconfig: {}


        # LetsEncrypt account
        email software@<domain>.com
    # Dashboard
    https://dashboard.netmaker.<domain>.com {
    # API
    https://api.netmaker.<domain>.com {
    # gRPC
    https://grpc.netmaker.<domain>.com {
        reverse_proxy h2c://
  • feature enhancement for work on pi like server

    feature enhancement for work on pi like server

    please can you make some feature enhancement for netmaker server work with raspberry pi like a server,it work with x86 architectura but not wit arm,now i have a server working with debian 10 installed on virtual mode,thanks in advanced image

  • [Bug]: netclient unable connect to mq server[Unable to connect (A TLS error occurred.)]

    [Bug]: netclient unable connect to mq server[Unable to connect (A TLS error occurred.)]

    Contact Details

    [email protected]

    What happened?

    netclient was unable to connect to the MQ server because of a certificate problem。

    I have three clients, two Linux and one Mac OS. None of them can connect to the MQ server.

    When I use the OpenSSL command to verify the certificate, one Linux can pass the verification, but the other Linux and MacOS fail. The following is the version and verification output of OpenSSL.

    version: Linux1: OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020 Linux2: OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips 26 Jan 2017 MacOS: LibreSSL 2.8.3


    root@ubuntu:/etc/netclient/ openssl verify -CAfileroot.pem client.pem
    client.pem: OK
    root@ubuntu:/etc/netclient/ mosquitto_pub -h -p 8883 -t hello/test -m 'dddxxx' --cert client.pem --cafile root.pem --key /etc/netclient/client.key -d
    Client mosq-bI0YtDTTcIrbLGxeXV sending CONNECT
    Client mosq-bI0YtDTTcIrbLGxeXV received CONNACK (0)
    Client mosq-bI0YtDTTcIrbLGxeXV sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'hello/test', ... (6 bytes))
    Client mosq-bI0YtDTTcIrbLGxeXV sending DISCONNECT


    [root@localhost]# openssl verify -CAfile root.pem client.pem
    client.pem: C = US, O = Gravitl, CN = CA Root
    error 6 at 0 depth lookup:unable to decode issuer public key
    140375689643920:error:0609E09C:digital envelope routines:PKEY_SET_TYPE:unsupported algorithm:p_lib.c:239:
    140375689643920:error:0B07706F:x509 certificate routines:X509_PUBKEY_get:unsupported algorithm:x_pubkey.c:148:
    140375689643920:error:0609E09C:digital envelope routines:PKEY_SET_TYPE:unsupported algorithm:p_lib.c:239:
    140375689643920:error:0B07706F:x509 certificate routines:X509_PUBKEY_get:unsupported algorithm:x_pubkey.c:148:
    140375689643920:error:0B06E06C:x509 certificate routines:X509_get_pubkey_parameters:unable to get certs public key:x509_vfy.c:2098:
    [root@localhost]# mosquitto_pub -h -p 8883 -t hello/test -m 'dddxxx' --cert /etc/netclient/ --cafile /etc/netclient/ --key /etc/netclient/client.key  -d
    Error: Unable to load client certificate "/etc/netclient/".
    OpenSSL Error[0]: error:0609E09C:digital envelope routines:PKEY_SET_TYPE:unsupported algorithm
    OpenSSL Error[1]: error:0B07706F:x509 certificate routines:X509_PUBKEY_get:unsupported algorithm
    OpenSSL Error[2]: error:140BF10C:SSL routines:SSL_SET_CERT:x509 lib
    Unable to connect (A TLS error occurred.).

    MacOS: root# openssl verify -CAfile root.pem client.pem
    client.pem: C = US, O = Gravitl, CN = CA Root
    error 6 at 1 depth lookup:unable to decode issuer public key
    8673539756:error:06FFF09C:digital envelope routines:CRYPTO_internal:unsupported algorithm:/AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/66382bca-8bca-11ec-aade-6613bcf0e2ee/Library/Caches/
    8673539756:error:0BFFF06F:x509 certificate routines:CRYPTO_internal:unsupported algorithm:/AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/66382bca-8bca-11ec-aade-6613bcf0e2ee/Library/Caches/
     root# mosquitto_pub -h
    com -p 8883 --cafile ./root.pem --cert client.pem --key ../client.key -t hello/wt -m x -d
    Client null sending CONNECT
    Error: host name verification failed.
    OpenSSL Error[0]: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
    Error: A TLS error occurred.

    Although the openssl command of Linux 1 and mosquitto_pub command runs successfully, but when netclient is started, it is still unable to connect to the MQ server.

    Please let me know how I can solve this problem. Thank you!



    What OS are you using?

    Linux, Mac

    Relevant log output

    [root@localhost ~]# netclient daemon -vvv
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:05 initializing network default
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:05 pulling latest config for  default
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:08 waiting for interface...
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:08 interface ready - netclient.. ENGAGE
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:10 started daemon for server
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:10 netclient daemon started for server:
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:40 unable to connect to broker, retrying ...
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:40 could not connect to broker connect timeout
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:40 connection issue detected.. attempt connection with new certs
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:40 register at
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:40 certificates/key saved
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:42:41 restarting netclient.service
    [netclient] 2022-05-17 23:43:11 local port has changed from  0  to  51821
    root@ubuntu:~# docker logs mq --tail 20 -f
    1652845513: New connection from on port 8883.
    1652845513: OpenSSL Error[0]: error:14094412:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert bad certificate
    1652845513: Client <unknown> disconnected: Protocol error.

    Contributing guidelines

    • [X] Yes, I did.
  • netclient on mipsle, build failed.

    netclient on mipsle, build failed.

    there does not have a MIPS architecture NetClient, but i only use wireguard in openwrt. when i build with GOARCH=mipsle go build -ldflags "-s -w" , There's an error /tmp/go-build2451609279/b001/pkg.a(netclient.syso): unsupported arch 5

  • unable to run netclient-arm in openwrt

    unable to run netclient-arm in openwrt

    OS: openwrt 19.07.7 OPENWRT_BOARD="bcm53xx/generic" OPENWRT_ARCH="arm_cortex-a9"

    Router Model: Buffalo WZR-1750DHP

    I think this router use ARMv7 processor

    root@router:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
    processor	: 0
    model name	: ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l)
    BogoMIPS	: 800.00
    Features	: half thumb fastmult edsp tls 
    CPU implementer	: 0x41
    CPU architecture: 7
    CPU variant	: 0x3
    CPU part	: 0xc09
    CPU revision	: 0

    But I tried with all three version in latest release , no one works.


    root@router:~# wget -O netclient.arm64
    Downloading ''
    Connecting to
    Redirected to /351486934/df182280-9c36-11eb-9747-cd0a85c259f1?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20210414%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20210414T084743Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=63210426e0712f508982bf394526fe448fed481ca13909e9ee00d70e898e0f38&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&key_id=0&repo_id=351486934&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dnetclient.arm64&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream on
    Writing to 'netclient.arm64'
    netclient.arm64      100% |*******************************| 15052k  0:00:00 ETA
    Download completed (15413376 bytes)
    root@router:~# chmod +x netclient.arm64
    root@router:~# ./netclient.arm64
    ./netclient.arm64: line 1: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")


    oot@router:~# wget -O netclient.arm7
    Downloading ''
    Connecting to
    Redirected to /351486934/6749f800-9c36-11eb-8088-a2c5c13159bc?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20210414%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20210414T084836Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=476322616ef762811ecd546afa722566bd9c6ebd87f08a93a5a6a5868994dc04&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&key_id=0&repo_id=351486934&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dnetclient.arm7&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream on
    Writing to 'netclient.arm7'
    netclient.arm7       100% |*******************************| 13701k  0:00:00 ETA
    Download completed (14030586 bytes)
    root@router:~# chmod +x netclient.arm7
    root@router:~# ./netclient.arm7
    Illegal instruction


    root@router:~# wget -O netclient
    Downloading ''
    Connecting to
    Redirected to /351486934/84f46e80-9bf0-11eb-85f0-b095d1f8b6ab?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20210414%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20210414T084920Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=8a5169f0d410a9d0b060bc37234876b86740480c20fb6e5b6bff88c0139546d2&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&key_id=0&repo_id=351486934&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dnetclient&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream on
    Writing to 'netclient'
    netclient            100% |*******************************| 13836k  0:00:00 ETA
    Download completed (14168935 bytes)
    root@router:~# chmod +x netclient
    root@router:~# ./netclient
    ./netclient: line 1: ELF: not found
    ./netclient: line 2: syntax error: unexpected "("

    Did I miss something ? maybe some libraries ??

  • [Bug]: no interfaces found, but interface was up after 5 seconds

    [Bug]: no interfaces found, but interface was up after 5 seconds

    Contact Details

    No response

    What happened?

    our server 2016 takes about 5 seconds for the interface to become up, which is causing the join command to fail

    2022/03/22 20:01:02 [netclient] waiting for interface...
    no interfaces found
    2022/03/22 20:01:02 [netclient] error installing: could not reliably create interface

    after checking the code its only waiting for less than 4 seconds for the interface to be up, and this time could be highered to say 10 seconds!



    What OS are you using?


    Relevant log output

    No response

    Contributing guidelines

    • [X] Yes, I did.
  • Helm Chart Not Working (0.2.0)

    Helm Chart Not Working (0.2.0)

    Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: create: failed to create: Secret "sh.helm.release.v1.netmaker-helm-1657841004.v1" is invalid: data: Too long: must have at most 1048576 bytes

    Maybe to do with .helmgitignore , special characters or something else... ?

  • [Bug]: Could not connect to broker.netmaker.domain.tld

    [Bug]: Could not connect to broker.netmaker.domain.tld

    What happened?

    Installation works fine and is able to create network and key but cannot add nodes to the network. It continues to complain that cannot connect to the broker. Although the *.netmaker.{{domain}} is forwarded correctly, which is required for the acme certificate anyway. I can ping the master node where I have installed netmaker but not the peers. Also cannot ssh to the master node even if I can ping and ufw shows the open port.

    The ufw ports are open on the server and client as well: To Action From

    443/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
    53/udp ALLOW Anywhere
    53/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
    51821:51830/udp ALLOW Anywhere
    8883/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
    22/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
    443/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
    53/udp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
    53/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
    51821:51830/udp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
    8883/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
    22/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)

    Here is the dashboard image. It seems to recognize the devices and get the right ip addresses but cannot ping the image



    What OS are you using?


    Relevant log output

    [netclient] 2022-06-05 16:15:24 joining default-net at api.netmaker.{{domain}}:443 
    [netclient] 2022-06-05 16:15:24 starting wireguard 
    [netclient] 2022-06-05 16:15:27 certificates/key saved  
    [netclient] 2022-06-05 16:15:57 unable to connect to broker, retrying ... 
    Ping tcp://broker.netmaker.{{domain}}:8883({{ip_address}}:8883) - Connected - time=131.885665ms
    Ping tcp://broker.netmaker.{{domain}}:8883({{ip_address}}:8883) - Connected - time=190.40443ms
    Ping tcp://broker.netmaker.{{domain}}:8883({{ip_address}}:8883) - Connected - time=130.113114ms
    [netclient] 2022-06-05 16:16:01 could not connect to broker broker.netmaker.{{domain}} connect timeout 
    [netclient] 2022-06-05 16:16:01 connection issue detected.. attempt connection with new certs and broker information 
    [netclient] 2022-06-05 16:16:01 certificates/key saved  
    [netclient] 2022-06-05 16:16:33 could not connect to broker at broker.netmaker.{{domain}}:8883 
    [netclient] 2022-06-05 16:16:33 failed to publish update for join connection timeout

    Contributing guidelines

    • [X] Yes, I did.
  • arm64 container images are only published on the test-workflow tag

    arm64 container images are only published on the test-workflow tag

    Based on comments in #480 I thought that arm64 images were being published but I ran into the same issues described in #457 when trying to run v0.9.3, v0.9.2, and v0.9.1. Then I looked at the actual images on docker hub and noticed that only the test-workflow tag has an arm64 version published. However that tag was published 2 months ago. I'd like to use the current version and upgrade when new versions are released.

    Can you start publishing arm64 container images for new versions?

  • failed to create admin

    failed to create admin

    sudo wget -qO - | bash -s -- -d -e [email protected] Installation succeeded, use open the web, create admin failed, tips:Could not reach server

  • Feat/coredns plugin netmaker

    Feat/coredns plugin netmaker

    Netmaker when running on HA architecture needs a shared filesystem to store the DNS data. These shared filesystems are hard to build and maintain. The goal of this plugin is to rely on the API (hence the database) as the only source of truth.

    This allows to run a CoreDNS server uncorrelated from the Netmaker installation that handles the DNS queries accurately.

    In order to build this I started the creation of a netmaker client library. If this part is too shady, we can directy import it in the CoreDNS plugin.

    Is this PR interesting for you ?

  • [Bug]:  The egress gateway configuration VLSM not working

    [Bug]: The egress gateway configuration VLSM not working

    Contact Details

    [email protected]

    What happened?

    My internal LAN has 10 network segments such as and I have configured VLSM ​​doesn't work, but 24-bit subnet mask alone works



    What OS are you using?


    Relevant log output

    No response

    Contributing guidelines

    • [X] Yes, I did.
  • [Bug]: Netclient MacOS, win10 not connect

    [Bug]: Netclient MacOS, win10 not connect

    Contact Details

    No response

    What happened?

    Netclient latest version, Mac10.15, Win10 Failed to join (((

    [netclient] 2023-01-08 18:36:09 error deleting wireguard interface error flushing routes file does not exist [netclient] 2023-01-08 18:36:09 error running command: wg-quick down /Applications/Netclient/config/.conf [netclient] 2023-01-08 18:36:09 wg-quick: `/Applications/Netclient/config/.conf' does not exist



    What OS are you using?

    Windows, Mac

    Relevant log output

    No response

    Contributing guidelines

    • [X] Yes, I did.
  • [Bug]: Unable to connect remote nodes to a node on an lxc behind NAT.

    [Bug]: Unable to connect remote nodes to a node on an lxc behind NAT.

    Contact Details

    [email protected]

    What happened?

    Unable to connect remote nodes(tried on several differnt OS's and systems) to a node on an LXC Container behind NAT.

    I have another netmaker server on v0.16.1 and the same setup on the same network was performing just fine. When I setup this instance I installed everything following the new quickstart script. The nodes seemed to connect for a moment but were more often than not unable to connect. I did try switching the new netmaker server to Traefik to no avail. After downgrading back to v0.16.1 everything is working fine.



    What OS are you using?


    Relevant log output

    No response

    Contributing guidelines

    • [X] Yes, I did.
  • Domain Join of computers do not work

    Domain Join of computers do not work


    I have spent quite some time attempting to join PC's to domains utilizing Netmaker. It would appear that the varying communication pieces to the DC is not allowed for the establishing of domain connectiity. I am looking to understand through a blanket statement if AD works in general utlizing Netmaker.

    The high level detail:

    I have install scripts that ive been testing to see if domain joining clients would work after ext client setup. When the scripts did not work I performed the setup manually and it still wouldnt work. I then utilized the netclient however and that still resulted in the same issue.

    After analysis of the packets It would appear that clients are unable to send domain join queries to the domain controller when utilizing the Netmaker. From the looks of wireshark it would appear that some of the packets are being intercepted by netmaker and they never actually make it to the DC from the client computer.

    I then decided to domain join the machines without Netmaker in play and then setup Netmaker post test deployment and now the machines simply have no way to reach the DC with Netclient installed or with the machine being setup as an ext client.

    This is a deal breaker for me and I would assume for many others utilizing AD services to properly authenticate machines.

    You help is greatly appreciated in advanced!

  • [Bug]: brew installed netclient can't find wg in M1 Mac

    [Bug]: brew installed netclient can't find wg in M1 Mac

    Contact Details

    No response

    What happened?

    netclient can't find wg in M1 Mac



    What OS are you using?


    Relevant log output

    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) pwd           
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) which wg-quick 
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) cd                      
    ➜  ~ brew uninstall netclient
    ==> Uninstalling Cask netclient
    ==> Running uninstall script 
    Error: Cask 'netclient' definition is invalid: uninstall :script without :executable.
    ➜  ~ brew uninstall --cask netclient
    ==> Uninstalling Cask netclient
    ==> Running uninstall script 
    Error: Cask 'netclient' definition is invalid: uninstall :script without :executable.
    ➜  ~ ls /Library/LaunchDaemons                                   org.wireshark.ChmodBPF.plist                              com.jamfsoftware.startupItem.plist                        inSyncDecommission.plist           com.jamfsoftware.task.1.plist                             inSyncUpgradeDaemon.plist
    ➜  ~ cd -     
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) sudo bash                                                    
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) ls /Library/LaunchDaemons
    com.gravitl.netclient.plist                               com.jamfsoftware.task.1.plist                             inSyncUpgradeDaemon.plist                                              org.wireshark.ChmodBPF.plist           com.jamfsoftware.startupItem.plist                        inSyncDecommission.plist
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) less /var/log/com.gravitl.netclient.log
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.gravitl.netclient.plist
    Warning: Expecting a LaunchAgents path since the command was ran as user. Got LaunchDaemons instead.
    `launchctl bootout` is a recommended alternative.
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) launchctl stop com.gravitl.netclient                               
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) less /var/log/com.gravitl.netclient.log
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) tail !$
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable) tail /var/log/com.gravitl.netclient.log
    2023/01/04 22:23:30 WireGuard not installed. Please install WireGuard (wireguard-tools) and try again.
    2023/01/04 22:23:40 WireGuard not installed. Please install WireGuard (wireguard-tools) and try again.
    2023/01/04 22:23:50 WireGuard not installed. Please install WireGuard (wireguard-tools) and try again.
    2023/01/04 22:24:00 WireGuard not installed. Please install WireGuard (wireguard-tools) and try again.
    2023/01/04 22:24:10 WireGuard not installed. Please install WireGuard (wireguard-tools) and try again.
    2023/01/04 22:24:20 WireGuard not installed. Please install WireGuard (wireguard-tools) and try again.
    2023/01/04 22:24:30 WireGuard not installed. Please install WireGuard (wireguard-tools) and try again.
    2023/01/04 22:24:41 WireGuard not installed. Please install WireGuard (wireguard-tools) and try again.
    2023/01/04 22:24:51 WireGuard not installed. Please install WireGuard (wireguard-tools) and try again.
    2023/01/04 22:25:01 WireGuard not installed. Please install WireGuard (wireguard-tools) and try again.
    ➜  0.17.1 git:(stable)

    Contributing guidelines

    • [X] Yes, I did.
  • [Bug]: Windows Netclient not setting routes

    [Bug]: Windows Netclient not setting routes

    Contact Details

    [email protected]

    What happened?

    We use a Egress Gateway to connect to our Office Networks. After boot or when changing networks (e.g. LAN to WLAN) netclient does not set the routes for the egress networks. The Wireguard tunnel comes up fine and the route for the VPN itself exists but all routes for the egress networks are missing. After doing a netclient pull manually the routes are set correctly. This problem seems only to exist on Windows. I couldn't reproduce this on Linux.



    What OS are you using?


    Relevant log output

    No response

    Contributing guidelines

    • [X] Yes, I did.
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