Build awesome Golang desktop apps and beautiful interfaces with Vue.js, React.js, Framework 7, and more...


Guark allows you to build beautiful user interfaces using modern web technologies such as Vue.js, React.js..., while your app logic handled and powered by the amazing Go.

InstallationGetting StartedContributingLicense

Guark Vue Template

🖳 About The Project

Guark is an open-source framework to build cross platform desktop GUI applications.

📢 What Guark stands for?

Go + Quark = Guark

🔮 Guark mission

Simplify cross platform desktop apps development.

🎸 How it works

Demo Video:

Guark backend and logic part handled by native Go code, while the user interfaces built with modern web technologies (Vue.js, React.js, etc...), and with Guark javascript API you can communicate between your Go and UI framework, and calling your exported Go functions and plugin(s) methods.

💌 Main Features

  • Desktop applications with GO
  • One codebase for Gnu/Linux, macOS, and Windows.
  • UI Hot Reload.
  • You can use any front end framework.
  • Supports Chrome, and native webview engine or both.
  • Windows MSI bundler builtin.

📜 Installation

1. Install guark CLI tool:

go get -u

2. Some Requirements:

// fedora
sudo dnf install gtk3-devel webkit2gtk3-devel gcc-c++ pkgconf-pkg-config

// Ubuntu
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev build-essential

// Windows

Getting Started

After installing guark CLI tool, the next step is to create a new guark project based on the template that you like:

Create a new project

# cd to empty directory and run:
guark init --template vue --mod

Start Dev Server

After creating new project run:

guark run

Export your first GO function to JS API

1. Create a new file in lib/funcs directory:
// lib/funcs/foo_bar.go

import (

func FooBar(c app.Context) (interface{}, error) {

   c.App.Log.Debug("Foo bar called")

   return "This is a my return value to javasript", nil
2. Then export it to Guark JS API in lib/config.go file:
// Exposed functions to guark Javascript api.
var Funcs = app.Funcs{
    "foo": funcs.FooBar,
3. Then you can call your function in javascript:
import g from "guark""foo")
    .then(res => console.log(res))
    .catch(err => console.error(err))

See Vue template as an example:

Guark Engines:

You can change the engine in guark.yaml file.

  • webview: Uses native system webview.
  • chrome: Uses and requires google chrome.
  • hybrid: Uses chrome if exists in the system, if chrome not available guark will switch to native webview by default.

Build Your App

You can build your app with

guark build

Bundle Windows App

After building your app you can bundle your windows app into msi using WIX.

guark bundle

Wix required!

Install it from:

Cross Compiling To Windows From Gnu/Linux:

You can build windows app from your linux based system, using mingw64

1. Install mingw64:

// Fedora
sudo dnf install mingw64-gcc

// Ubuntu
sudo apt install binutils-mingw-w64

2. Configure guark-build.yaml File:

Double check the binary paths in guark-build.yaml.

3. Build The App:

# this command will build and compile linux, and windows app. you can find your compiled apps in `dist/` directory.
guark build --target linux --target windows

You can use any cross compiler for example: guark build --target darwin. just change the options in guark-build.yaml file.


You can also bundle windows app into MSI file from your linux based system via guark bundle, but you need to install wix tools:

# fedora
dnf install msitools

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install wixl


PRs, issues, and feedback from ninja gophers are very welcomed.


Guark is provided under the MIT License.

Build Cross Platform GUI Desktop Apps With GO.
  • Installation on windows using zserge instead of webview

    Installation on windows using zserge instead of webview


    • OS: Windows
    • Version: 10
    • Go Version: 1.15

    Describe the bug When running the installation on Windows, it is trying to use zserge/webview instead of webview/webview.

    go get:[email protected] updating to
  [email protected]: parsing go.mod:
            module declares its path as:
                    but was required as:

    Cloning from the guark repository itself, seems to compile ok, but when trying to init I get an error:

    2020/11/03 07:43:39 Request error: 404 for

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. go get -u

    Expected behavior Should use dependency and not the older zserge/webview

  • no window show on macos

    no window show on macos


    • OS: [MacOS]
    • Version: 13.6
    • Go Version: 14.3

    Describe the bug when i run command guark dev

    ❯ guark dev
    ✔ UI server started successfully.
    ✔ Starting guark dev app...
    DEBU[0000] config loaded.                                context=guark
    DEBU[0000] Initialize plugins.                           context=guark
    DEBU[0000] Init: dialog plugin.                          context=app
    DEBU[0000] Init: notify plugin.                          context=app
    DEBU[0000] Init: clipboard plugin.                       context=app
    DEBU[0000] Plugins Initialized.                          context=guark
    DEBU[0000] starting guark server.                        context=guark
    DEBU[0000] Starting new window.                          context=guark
    DEBU[0000] ---- HOOK: App created! ----                  context=app
    DEBU[0000] ---- HOOK: App mounted! ----                  context=app

    all looks run but no window show.

  • guark run - level=fatal msg=

    guark run - level=fatal msg="exec: \"\": executable file not found in %PATH%" lebel=app


    • OS: Windows
    • Version: 10
    • Go Version: g1.16.2

    Describe the bug guark run fails with the following error

    D:\src\guark>guark run
    warning ..\..\package.json: No license field
    ✔ UI server started successfully.
    ✔ Starting guark dev app...
    time="2021-03-12T14:32:36+01:00" level=fatal msg="exec: \"\": executable file not found in %PATH%" lebel=app
    exit status 1
    exit status 1

    To Reproduce

    1. go get -u
    2. guark init --template vue --mod tools.rpi/Ghardo/guark
    3. guark run

    tools.rpi/Ghardo/guark is a git repo in my private network

  • Go get deprecated

    Go get deprecated


    • OS: Linux Mint
    • Version: 20.2 Uma
    • Go Version: go1.17.6

    Describe the bug I wanted install Guark (your instructions) and I had this message:

    CODE: go get -u

    OUTPUT: go get: installing executables with 'go get' in module mode is deprecated. Use 'go install pkg@version' instead. For more information, see or run 'go help get' or 'go help install'.

    go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmd/guark/utils/output.go:25:14: o.spinner.Active undefined (type *yacspin.Spinner has no field or method Active)

    I intent to solve this problem but it doesn't worked:

    CODE: go install

    OUTPUT: go install: module found (v0.1.1), but does not contain package

    What I can to do?

  • How Guark Communicates with GO from Javascript ?

    How Guark Communicates with GO from Javascript ?

    Hi @melbahja,

    Thanks for building a great tool. I really loved this.

    But i have question i would like to know how guark communicates with GO functions from JS Webview under hood ?

    Does it communicates via websocket, http or what ?

    Thank you

  • Dev 0.1.0

    Dev 0.1.0

    v0.1.0 release WIP.

    v0.1.0 Goals

    • Clean actions code.
    • Add: runtime configuration ~~.guarkrc~~ build.yaml file to specify cross compilers.
    • Fix: embed all assets in the binary.
    • Fix: serve files from FS instead of local http server (windows only).
    • Add: manifest for windows (meta file).
    • Add: embed icon and manifest in windows binaries.
    • Add: entry point (open with).
    • Add: bundler (eg: AppImage)
    • Resolve: #15 and #12
  • Installation error

    Installation error


    • OS: Windows
    • Version: 10
    • Go Version: 1.13

    Describe the bug When I try to install it appears undefined vars and does not install completely

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Empty project
    2. go get -u

    Screenshots Image

  • failed to install debian

    failed to install debian


    • OS: debian
    • Version: buster (10)
    • Go Version: go version go1.15.3 linux/amd64

    Describe the bug

    Unable to install due to go dependencies

    To Reproduce

    1. Install Ubuntu dependencies successfully
    2. Install guark as described in readme

    Expected behavior

    I expected guark to install correctly :-)


    user@dev:~$ go get -u
    go/src/ undefined: _CPU_SETSIZE
    go/src/ undefined: _NCPUBITS
    go/src/ undefined: cpuMask
  • install fail

    install fail


    • OS: [Windows]
    • Version:10
    • Go Version: 1.14.6

    Describe the bug install fail

    To Reproduce Run "go get -u"

    Expected behavior go: found in v0.0.1 go: upgrade => v0.1.7 go: upgrade => v2.0.3+incompatible go: upgrade => v0.0.12 go: upgrade => v2.0.0 go: upgrade => v0.0.0-20200724161237-0e2f3a69832c go: upgrade => v1.0.0 go: upgrade => v2.3.0 go: upgrade => v0.0.0-20200724072439-e0c01595b361 go get:[email protected] updating to[email protected]: parsing go.mod: module declares its path as: but was required as:

  • added the ability to use a temporary profile for lorca

    added the ability to use a temporary profile for lorca

    There is an issue on windows with lorca where it doesn't close gracefully, causing the app then launch a chrome browser window. By using a temporary profile, chrome doesn't remember that it wasn't closed gracefully and will not complain.

    This is also a bandaid fix for #53

  • Embeded resources on Windows is created using \ instead of / in resource path

    Embeded resources on Windows is created using \ instead of / in resource path


    • OS: Windows
    • Version: 10
    • Go Version: 1.15

    Describe the bug On windows, a guark build generates embedded paths using \ instead of /.

    This creates a build error

    ⠇ Building Windows App...#
    lib\embed.go:13:5: unknown escape
    lib\embed.go:15:3: duplicate key "" in map literal
            previous key at lib\embed.go:13:3
    lib\embed.go:15:5: unknown escape
    lib\embed.go:16:3: duplicate key "" in map literal
            previous key at lib\embed.go:13:3
    lib\embed.go:16:5: unknown escape
    lib\embed.go:17:3: duplicate key "" in map literal
            previous key at lib\embed.go:13:3
    lib\embed.go:17:5: unknown escape
    lib\embed.go:18:3: duplicate key "" in map literal
            previous key at lib\embed.go:13:3
    lib\embed.go:18:5: unknown escape

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install guark on windows
    2. Build demo

    Expected behavior

    File IDs should be

    "/css/app.1748279e.css": &[]byte{...}

    instead of

    "\css\app.1748279e.css": &[]byte{...}

    Additional context Hack:

    		embeds = append(embeds, &Item{
    			ID:   strings.Replace(files[i], e.Root, "", 1),
    			Path: files[i],
    			Data: gzdata.Bytes(),


    		embeds = append(embeds, &Item{
    			ID:   strings.Replace(strings.Replace(files[i], e.Root, "", 1), "\\", "/", -1),
    			Path: files[i],
    			Data: gzdata.Bytes(),
  • Window build exe opening the chrome window

    Window build exe opening the chrome window


    Thanks for creating this tool. Love to work.

    After I build the windows EXE when I open it for the first time it is working fine. Without closing the window when I open second-time multiple windows appear and only one window contains actual data the other screens are blank.

    After I close all the window, every time i click on EXE it is opening in chrome instead of an inbuilt window and it is showing "Chrome is controlled by automated software"


  • Dialog bug

    Dialog bug


    • OS: macOS Big Sur
    • Version: 11.2
    • Go Version: 1.16.5

    Describe the bug Sometimes dialog function (, dialog.error, dialog.file) doesn't pop up after calling it via button click. And if it's already show up, I can't close it.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Just create fresh guark app with guark init --template vue --mod
    2. Run guark run
    3. Try to click one of dialog button.

    Expected behavior Dialog should be pop up when calling it via button click, and can be close as well.

    Screenshots Some screen recording

    Additional context Not sure this will be useful, but I'm running on MacBook Pro Retina 13", Early 2015, with 8 GB RAM

  • Init With No Template?

    Init With No Template?

    I was wondering if there is a way to init a new project without any UI frameworks, but still get the bare bones skeleton of the necessary files?

    Or if don't have to init what would be the bare bones skeleton files that would otherwise be needed?

    Thanks for the help.

  • How to prevent console messages getting intercepted.

    How to prevent console messages getting intercepted.

    When a standard console.log() is issued, Guark seems to intercept this and sends it through logrus(?) with json formatting. How can this be disabled or at least change the format to text instead of JSON?

    I have changed the Guark logrus to use console formatting, and it works for all things going through the app context, but for some reason the console.log gets intercepted and do not go through the Guark log. I am not sure where this is occurring.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • How to run in debug & test mode?

    How to run in debug & test mode?

    How can I run Guark in debug mode from VSCode? is undefined since it requires the guark cli.

    Also, I need to run tests that interoperate with the UI and Guark. How can I bootstrap tests where Guark is enabled?

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