:balloon: A lightweight struct validator for Go


Mentioned in Awesome Go GoDoc Go Report Card Build Status Coverage Status GitHub release (latest by date)

Go versions supported


go get github.com/guiferpa/gody/v2


package main

import (

    gody "github.com/guiferpa/gody/v2"

type RequestBody struct {
    Name string `json:"name" validate:"not_empty"`
    Age  int    `json:"age" validate:"min=21"`

func HTTPHandler(v *gody.Validator) http.HandlerFunc {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        var body RequestBody
        if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&body); err != nil {
	defer r.Body.Close()

	if isValidated, err := v.Validate(body); err != nil {

func main() {
    validator := gody.NewValidator()

    validator.AddRules(rule.NotEmpty, rule.Min)

    port := ":3000"
    http.ListenAndServe(port, HTTPHandler(validator))

Others ways for validation

There are others ways to valid a struct, take a look on functions below:

  • RawValidate - It's a function that make validate with no rule, it's necessary put the struct for validation, some rule(s) and tag name.
gody.RawValidate(interface{}, string, []gody.Rule) (bool, error)
  • Validate - It's a function that make validate with no rule, it's necessary put the struct for validation and some rule(s).
gody.Validate(interface{}, []gody.Rule) (bool, error)
  • RawDefaultValidate - It's a function that already have built-in rules configured, it's necessary put the struct for validation, tag name and optional custom rule(s).
gody.RawDefaultValidate(interface{}, string, []gody.Rule) (bool, error)
  • DefaultValidate - It's a function that already have built-in rules configured, it's necessary put the struct for validation and optional custom rule(s).
gody.DefaultValidate(interface{}, []gody.Rule) (bool, error)

Contribution policies

  1. At this time the only policy is don't create a Pull Request directly, it's necessary some discussions for some implementation then open an issue before to dicussion anything about the project.
Guilherme Paixão
🍕 A lover of containers, travel, games and algorithms.
Guilherme Paixão
  • Loyalty on show field name

    Loyalty on show field name


    There is a problem when the JSON API has a field in camelCase. For this scene the gody change the field name to lowercase letters.

    For example:


    POST - /users


      "firstName": ""


    field firstname cannot be empty


    Probably a solution for it can be get field names from tag json, for example:

    type User struct {
        FirstName string `json:"firstName" validate:"not_empty"`

    In this case the field name must will be firstName

  • Adjustments for better maintainability

    Adjustments for better maintainability

    Unexported functions which were not needed by outside user, added some documentation, made tag name optional and made "validate" the default tag name when none is passed. Validate now accepts many tag names, and uses any of the tag names to serialize when found.

  • required-validation


    In release v1 the required-validation is only applicable for strings type. However there are scenes that someone needs of required-validation for default values in Golang that was not necessary inputted.

    Code example:

    type UserRequestBody struct {
        FirstName string `json:"fname"`
        LastName  string `json:"lname"`
        Age       int    `json:"age" validate:"required=true"`
    var b UserRequestBody
    payload := `{"fname": "Arthur", "lname": "Coimbra"}`
    requestBody := strings.NewReader(payload)
    if err := json.NewDecoder(requestBody).Decode(&b); err != nil {
    fmt.Println(b.Age) // 0

    This code above must is wrong because of the inputted payload not contains an age value and given validate tag this validation must return an error about it. Because of Golang default values the instance of struct contains a value 0 but it's not correct if the tag validate:"required=true" is used.

    Ps.: The required rule name will be replaced by not_empty coming more sense for itself. Take a look at #7 .

  • Multi level validate

    Multi level validate

    This package already make validation about the first layer of a struct but when we get on second layer it's not work.

    Take a look at test commented about this feature: https://github.com/guiferpa/gody/blob/master/validate_test.go#L72

  • Remove the necessity for tag in struct and slice validation

    Remove the necessity for tag in struct and slice validation

    It's a problem how gody works today because of necessity for tags in slice and struct.

    An example about how it works today:

    type Owner struct {
        Name string `validate:"not_empty"`
    type Task struct {
        Title       string `validate:"not_empty"`
        Description string `validate:"max_bound=140"`
    type TaskList struct {
        Owner Owner  `validate:"required"` // It's necessary
        Tasks []Task `validate:"required"` // It's necessary

    The tag with some value is necessary for validation of fields above (Owner and Tasks).

    Take a look at line: https://github.com/guiferpa/gody/blob/master/serialize.go#L49-L53

    There is the condition to serialize a field. However today it's just verified if it has a tag with any value or haven't, if it contains tag with some value it'll be serialize but if not it'll be ignored.

    The purpose is to make the validation even if there's tag or not. Letting the struct typing more clean like this example below:

    type TaskList struct {
        Owner Owner  // Tag isn't necessary anymore
        Tasks []Task // Tag isn't necessary anymore
  • Change name of required rule

    Change name of required rule

    Change required rule name by not_empty because of word sense. For now the required rule just take care of string values. Changing to not_empty it'll give more sense for itself.

  • Boolean rule implementation

    Boolean rule implementation

    It's not necessary parameters for some rules in tag for runtime validation.


    • There's no sense put true as parameter value below
    type Body struct {
    	Text string `json:"text" validate:"required=true"`
    • Instead of the example above it could be just the rule name
    type Body struct {
    	Text string `json:"text" validate:"required"`
  • gody.Validate contract

    gody.Validate contract

    Until now to validate some struct we need to type as below:

    b := struct {
      Test string `validate:"required=true"`
    valid, err := gody.Validate(b, /* the rules implemented will be put here */)

    There's just one way to put your custom rules, for this I was thinking something looks like it:

    For default rules

    b := struct {
      Test string `validate:"not_empty"`
    valid, err := gody.DefaultValidate(b, /* the rules implemented will be put here */)


    b := struct {
      Test string `validate:"not_empty"`
    rules := []gody.Rule{
        /* the rules implemented will be put here together with default rules */
    valid, err := gody.Validate(b, rules)

    For custom rules

    validator := gody.NewValidator()
    rules := []gody.Rule{
        /* the rules implemented will be put here */
    if err := validator.AddRules(rules); err != nil {
    valid, err := validator.Validate(b)
  • Set rule from dynamic values

    Set rule from dynamic values

    Nowadays there's only support to static configuration. For example, configuring some rule to Enum validation it's necessary set this Enum value statically.

    I had on problem using defined const values in my source code in validation rule, follow the code example below:

    type Status string
    const (
        StatusCreated Status = "__CREATED__"
        StatusPending Status = "__PENDING__"
        StatusDoing   Status = "__DOING__"
        StatusDone    Status = "__DONE__"
    type Task struct {
        Name   string
        Status Status `json:"status" validate:"enum=__CREATED__,__PENDING__,__DOING__,__DONE__"`
    validator := gody.NewValidator()
    task := Task{}

    With the previous example we have a problem of duplicity and my suggestion for the static config problem is likely this source code below:

    type Status string
    const (
        StatusCreated Status = "__CREATED__"
        StatusPending Status = "__PENDING__"
        StatusDoing   Status = "__DOING__"
        StatusDone    Status = "__DONE__"
    type Task struct {
        Name   string
        Status Status `json:"status" validate:"enum={status}"`
    validator := gody.NewValidator()
            Name: "status", 
            Value: fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%s", StatusCreated, StatusPending, StatusDoing, StatusDone),
    task := Task{}
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