Go package to make lightweight ASCII line graph ╭┈╯ in command line apps with no other dependencies.


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Go package to make lightweight ASCII line graphs ╭┈╯.



go get github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph


Basic graph

package main

import (

func main() {
    data := []float64{3, 4, 9, 6, 2, 4, 5, 8, 5, 10, 2, 7, 2, 5, 6}
    graph := asciigraph.Plot(data)


Running this example would render the following graph:

  10.00 ┤        ╭╮
   9.00 ┤ ╭╮     ││
   8.00 ┤ ││   ╭╮││
   7.00 ┤ ││   ││││╭╮
   6.00 ┤ │╰╮  ││││││ ╭
   5.00 ┤ │ │ ╭╯╰╯│││╭╯
   4.00 ┤╭╯ │╭╯   ││││
   3.00 ┼╯  ││    ││││
   2.00 ┤   ╰╯    ╰╯╰╯

Command line interface

This package also brings a small utility for command line usage. Assuming $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH, simply go get it then install CLI.

CLI Installation

go install github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph/cmd/asciigraph

or download binaries from the releases page.

Feed it data points via stdin:

$ seq 1 72 | asciigraph -h 10 -c "plot data from stdin"
  72.00 ┼
  65.55 ┤                                                                  ╭────
  59.09 ┤                                                           ╭──────╯
  52.64 ┤                                                    ╭──────╯
  46.18 ┤                                             ╭──────╯
  39.73 ┤                                      ╭──────╯
  33.27 ┤                              ╭───────╯
  26.82 ┤                       ╭──────╯
  20.36 ┤                ╭──────╯
  13.91 ┤         ╭──────╯
   7.45 ┤  ╭──────╯
   1.00 ┼──╯
           plot data from stdin

Realtime graph for data points via stdin:

$ ping -i.2 google.com | grep -oP '(?<=time=).*(?=ms)' --line-buffered | asciigraph -r -h 10 -w 40 -c "realtime plot data (google ping in ms) from stdin"



This package started as golang port of asciichart.


Feel free to make a pull request! :octocat:

  • Ansi colors

    Ansi colors

    Colors! This branch also includes my changes in #34 since colors are particularly useful for differentiating between different series in the same plot. AnsiRainbow

  • Remove append()

    Remove append()

    This added a bit of performance

    BenchmarkPlotOld 2058 557990 ns/op 213007 B/op 1200 allocs/op BenchmarkPlotNew 3272 367223 ns/op 105121 B/op 532 allocs/op

  • Panic when no positive values provided

    Panic when no positive values provided

    When no positive floats are provided to Plot(), a panic is observed:


    package main
    import "github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph"
    func main() {
    package main
    import "github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph"
    func main() {


    PS C:\Users\Lee\test> go run .\main.go
    panic: runtime error: index out of range
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph.Plot(0xc00007df78, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
            C:/Users/Lee/go/pkg/mod/github.com/guptarohit/[email protected]/asciigraph.go:92 +0x13aa
            C:/Users/Lee/test/main.go:6 +0x67
    exit status 2

    Line 92 is as follows:

    plot[rows-y0][config.Offset-1] = "┼" // first value
  • fixed the BADPREC issue when both the maximum and minimum values in a series are 0

    fixed the BADPREC issue when both the maximum and minimum values in a series are 0

    Currently, if each value of a series is 0, here are the test code, this PR can fix the issue and avoid if the series's value is always 0.

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        data := []float64{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        graph := asciigraph.Plot(data)


    %!(BADPREC)            0.000000 ┼──────────
  • Prevent panics when data is flat

    Prevent panics when data is flat

    This avoids division by 0 that occurs when the incoming data is all one value. Instead of panicing, Plot should now plot flat data as expected, in a flat line.

  • Axis cross (┼) is in the wrong place at some scales

    Axis cross (┼) is in the wrong place at some scales

    For some inputs and at certain scales, the axis cross doesn't line up with the plotted data: screen shot 2019-02-02 at 2 37 29 pm

    I can reproduce this with the following inputs:

    echo '3084
    2895' | asciigraph -h 24
  • Plot multiple series together

    Plot multiple series together

    Display multiple series in the same plot, just like the original ported project supports.

     20 ┤                               ╭───────╭╮───────╮
     19 ┤                        ╭──╭───╭───────╭╮───────╮───╮──╮
     18 ┤                    ╭─╭──╭─╭───╭───────╭╮───────╮───╮─╮──╮─╮
     17 ┤                 ╭─╭─╭─╭─╭──╭──────────╯╰──────────╮──╮─╮─╮─╮─╮
     16 ┤              ╭─╭─╭╭─╭─╭────╯                      ╰────╮─╮─╮╮─╮─╮
     15 ┤            ╭╭─╭─╭╭─╭──╯                                ╰──╮─╮╮─╮─╮╮
     14 ┤          ╭╭─╭╭─╭╭──╯                                      ╰──╮╮─╮╮─╮╮
     13 ┤        ╭─╭╭╭─╭╭─╯                                            ╰─╮╮─╮╮╮─╮
     12 ┤       ╭╭╭─╭╭╭─╯                                                ╰─╮╮╮─╮╮╮
     11 ┤     ╭─╭╭╭╭╭─╯                                                    ╰─╮╮╮╮╮─╮
     10 ┤    ╭╭─╭╭╭╭╯                                                        ╰╮╮╮╮─╮╮
      9 ┤   ╭╭╯╭╭╭╭╯                                                          ╰╮╮╮╮╰╮╮
      8 ┤  ╭╭╯╭╭╭╭╯                                                            ╰╮╮╮╮╰╮╮
      7 ┤  ││╭╭╭╭╯                                                              ╰╮╮╮╮││
      6 ┤ ╭╭╭╭╭╭╯                                                                ╰╮╮╮╮╮╮
      5 ┤ ││││││                                                                  ││││││
      4 ┤╭╭╭╭╭╭╯                                                                  ╰╮╮╮╮╮╮
      3 ┤││││││                                                                    ││││││
      2 ┤││││││                                                                    ││││││
      1 ┤││││││                                                                    ││││││
      0 ┼╶╶╶╶╶╯                                                                    ╰╴╴╴╴╴
  • Remove append

    Remove append

    This added a bit of performance

    BenchmarkPlotOld 2058 557990 ns/op 213007 B/op 1200 allocs/op BenchmarkPlotNew 3272 367223 ns/op 105121 B/op 532 allocs/op

  • NaN numbers

    NaN numbers

    It would be great it the library can accept NaN float64 values. It can simply create a discontinuity in the the graph. Currently I have to do a validation to prevent the package from panicking.

  • Can I plot bar graphs?

    Can I plot bar graphs?

    I would like to know if I could use this library for plotting bar graphs. I could not find any examples that show bar plot using this library.


  • Panics if data is flat

    Panics if data is flat

    If each data point in the input is the same, asciigraph panics. This can be demonstrated simply using the command line interface:

    > echo 1 1 | asciigraph
    panic: runtime error: index out of range
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph.Plot(0xc420057c18, 0x2, 0x40, 0xc420057eb8, 0x4, 0x4, 0x17, 0x115f6c0)
            /home/me/go/src/github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph/asciigraph.go:92 +0x1525
            /home/me/go/src/github.com/guptarohit/asciigraph/cmd/asciigraph/main.go:56 +0x5e0

    I've also written a test that demonstrates it: https://github.com/xordspar0/asciigraph/commit/f02e7a51539d4db8dff95971007e1b208e30ff41

  • Data offset

    Data offset

    With this PR you can add offset for the data, where render of the graph is start, so you can add some big value as first column, which going to render as Y axel labels, but not in graph. I am going to this in case, where i like to see the graph very straight if changes are small, but in bigger changes should be drawn.

  • Two options: ColorAbove and ColorBelow

    Two options: ColorAbove and ColorBelow


    I've added some code to enable options to color the parts of the graph that is above/below a certain value. So this graph: bilde

    Is produced by the following code:

    func main() {
    	series := []float64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
    	graph := asciigraph.Plot(series, asciigraph.Height(10),
    		asciigraph.Caption("A simple line graph"),
    		asciigraph.ColorAbove(asciigraph.Red, 4.0),
    		asciigraph.ColorBelow(asciigraph.DarkGreen, 2.0),

    Lemme know if you want me to contribute this in a proper manner. If so I'll but a bow on it and hand it over.



  • Confused about the Offset option

    Confused about the Offset option

    I'm a bit confused about the meaning of the Offset option.

    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    	println("offset", i, ":", Plot([]float64{0}, Offset(i)))
    offset 0 :  0.00 ┼
    offset 1 : ┼
    offset 2 :  0.00┼
    offset 3 :  0.00 ┼
    offset 4 :  0.00  ┼
    offset 5 :  0.00   ┼
    offset 6 :   0.00   ┼
    offset 7 :    0.00   ┼
    offset 8 :     0.00   ┼
    offset 9 :      0.00   ┼

    This is pretty odd behavior that raises a few questions. Is the purpose of this option to add space before or after the y-axis label? It seems to do a bit of both in an inconsistent way.

  • Print X-Axis values

    Print X-Axis values

    Hi there, pretty awesome lib!

    How complex would it be to add an option to print the x-axis in addition to the y-axis? I want to use your library in my fan2go project to print fan curve data to console, and it would be very helpful for users to see the x-axis values (0-255).


  • Code reformat

    Code reformat

    Following PR fixes issue mentioned in #18. I implemented Graph struct with it's methods and implemented already written Plot() function to use Graph struct

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