HTTP traffic mocking and testing made easy in Go ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽

gock Build Status GitHub release GoDoc Coverage Status Go Report Card license

Versatile HTTP mocking made easy in Go that works with any net/http based stdlib implementation.

Heavily inspired by nock. There is also its Python port, pook.

To get started, take a look to the examples.


  • Simple, expressive, fluent API.
  • Semantic API DSL for declarative HTTP mock declarations.
  • Built-in helpers for easy JSON/XML mocking.
  • Supports persistent and volatile TTL-limited mocks.
  • Full regular expressions capable HTTP request mock matching.
  • Designed for both testing and runtime scenarios.
  • Match request by method, URL params, headers and bodies.
  • Extensible and pluggable HTTP matching rules.
  • Ability to switch between mock and real networking modes.
  • Ability to filter/map HTTP requests for accurate mock matching.
  • Supports map and filters to handle mocks easily.
  • Wide compatible HTTP interceptor using http.RoundTripper interface.
  • Works with any net/http compatible client, such as gentleman.
  • Network delay simulation (beta).
  • Extensible and hackable API.
  • Dependency free.


go get -u


See godoc reference for detailed API documentation.

How it mocks

  1. Intercepts any HTTP outgoing request via http.DefaultTransport or custom http.Transport used by any http.Client.
  2. Matches outgoing HTTP requests against a pool of defined HTTP mock expectations in FIFO declaration order.
  3. If at least one mock matches, it will be used in order to compose the mock HTTP response.
  4. If no mock can be matched, it will resolve the request with an error, unless real networking mode is enable, in which case a real HTTP request will be performed.



Declare your mocks before you start declaring the concrete test logic:

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
  defer gock.Off() // Flush pending mocks after test execution

    JSON(map[string]string{"foo": "bar"})

  // Your test code starts here...

Race conditions

If you're running concurrent code, be aware that your mocks are declared first to avoid unexpected race conditions while configuring gock or intercepting custom HTTP clients.

gock is not fully thread-safe, but sensible parts are. Any help making gock more reliable in this sense is appreciated.

Define complex mocks first

If you're mocking a bunch of mocks in the same test suite, it's recommended to define the more concrete mocks first, and then the generic ones.

This approach usually avoids matching unexpected generic mocks (e.g: specific header, body payload...) instead of the generic ones that performs less complex matches.

Disable gock traffic interception once done

In other to minimize potential side effects within your test code, it's a good practice disabling gock once you are done with your HTTP testing logic.

A Go idiomatic approach for doing this can be using it in a defer statement, such as:

func TestGock (t *testing.T) {
	defer gock.Off()

	// ... my test code goes here

Intercept an http.Client just once

You don't need to intercept multiple times the same http.Client instance.

Just call gock.InterceptClient(client) once, typically at the beginning of your test scenarios.

Restore an http.Client after interception

NOTE: this is not required is you are using http.DefaultClient or http.DefaultTransport.

As a good testing pattern, you should call gock.RestoreClient(client) after running your test scenario, typically as after clean up hook.

You can also use a defer statement for doing it, as you do with gock.Off(), such as:

func TestGock (t *testing.T) {
	defer gock.Off()
	defer gock.RestoreClient(client)

	// ... my test code goes here


See examples directory for more featured use cases.

Simple mocking via tests

package test

import (

func TestSimple(t *testing.T) {
  defer gock.Off()

    JSON(map[string]string{"foo": "bar"})

  res, err := http.Get("")
  st.Expect(t, err, nil)
  st.Expect(t, res.StatusCode, 200)

  body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  st.Expect(t, string(body)[:13], `{"foo":"bar"}`)

  // Verify that we don't have pending mocks
  st.Expect(t, gock.IsDone(), true)

Request headers matching

package test

import (

func TestMatchHeaders(t *testing.T) {
  defer gock.Off()

    MatchHeader("Authorization", "^foo bar$").
    MatchHeader("API", "1.[0-9]+").
    BodyString("foo foo")

  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
  req.Header.Set("Authorization", "foo bar")
  req.Header.Set("API", "1.0")
  req.Header.Set("Accept", "text/plain")

  res, err := (&http.Client{}).Do(req)
  st.Expect(t, err, nil)
  st.Expect(t, res.StatusCode, 200)
  body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  st.Expect(t, string(body), "foo foo")

  // Verify that we don't have pending mocks
  st.Expect(t, gock.IsDone(), true)

Request param matching

package test

import (

func TestMatchParams(t *testing.T) {
  defer gock.Off()

    MatchParam("page", "1").
    MatchParam("per_page", "10").
    BodyString("foo foo")

  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)

  res, err := (&http.Client{}).Do(req)
  st.Expect(t, err, nil)
  st.Expect(t, res.StatusCode, 200)
  body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  st.Expect(t, string(body), "foo foo")

  // Verify that we don't have pending mocks
  st.Expect(t, gock.IsDone(), true)

JSON body matching and response

package test

import (

func TestMockSimple(t *testing.T) {
  defer gock.Off()

    JSON(map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}).
    JSON(map[string]string{"bar": "foo"})

  body := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(`{"foo":"bar"}`))
  res, err := http.Post("", "application/json", body)
  st.Expect(t, err, nil)
  st.Expect(t, res.StatusCode, 201)

  resBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  st.Expect(t, string(resBody)[:13], `{"bar":"foo"}`)

  // Verify that we don't have pending mocks
  st.Expect(t, gock.IsDone(), true)

Mocking a custom http.Client and http.RoundTripper

package test

import (

func TestClient(t *testing.T) {
  defer gock.Off()

    BodyString("foo foo")

  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
  client := &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{}}

  res, err := client.Do(req)
  st.Expect(t, err, nil)
  st.Expect(t, res.StatusCode, 200)
  body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  st.Expect(t, string(body), "foo foo")

  // Verify that we don't have pending mocks
  st.Expect(t, gock.IsDone(), true)

Enable real networking

package main

import (

func main() {
  defer gock.Off()
  defer gock.DisableNetworking()

    SetHeader("Server", "gock")

  res, err := http.Get("")
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", err)

  // The response status comes from the mock
  fmt.Printf("Status: %d\n", res.StatusCode)
  // The server header comes from mock as well
  fmt.Printf("Server header: %s\n", res.Header.Get("Server"))
  // Response body is the original
  body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  fmt.Printf("Body: %s", string(body))

Debug intercepted http requests

package main

import (

func main() {
	defer gock.Off()

		JSON(map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}).

	body := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(`{"foo":"bar"}`))
	http.Post("", "application/json", body)

Hacking it!

You can easily hack gock defining custom matcher functions with own matching rules.

See add matcher functions and custom matching layer examples for further details.


MIT - Tomas Aparicio

  • Add example for networking partially enabled

    Add example for networking partially enabled

    I have some integration tests that I would like to allow real networking for my local server. But any request from that local server should be mocked. With the current version it isn't working because the mocked request will hang up forever. Seems this is the same problem from And following the suggestions from that issue I could get it working. Removing the mutex.Lock makes the hanging go away. But I'm not sure this is the right solution. Although I'm also not sure mutex.Lock is really necessary in that RoundTrip. At least the real Go implementation doesn't have any mutex.Lock that I could find

  • AddMatch


    AddMatch only use once in a go program?

    package main

    import ( "fmt" "net/http" "regexp" "" )

    func test_a() { defer gock.Off()

    	AddMatcher(func(req *http.Request, ereq *gock.Request) (bool, error) {
    	matched, err := regexp.MatchString("/aa/[A-Za-z0-9]{6}/ii/[A-Za-z0-9]{6}/calculator", req.URL.Path)
    	return matched && "GET" == req.Method, err
    	SetHeader("Server", "gock")
    res, err := http.Get("")
    if err != nil {
    	fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", err)
    fmt.Printf("Status: %d\n", res.StatusCode)
    fmt.Printf("Server header: %s\n", res.Header.Get("Server"))


    func test_b() { defer gock.Off() gock.New(""). Get("/application"). Reply(200). SetHeader("Server", "gockbin")

    res, err := http.Get("")
    if err != nil {
    	fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", err)
    fmt.Printf("Status: %d\n", res.StatusCode)
    fmt.Printf("Server header: %s\n", res.Header.Get("Server"))


    func main() { test_a() test_b() }

  • Is possible to enable verbose mode to see all requests which cross Gock?

    Is possible to enable verbose mode to see all requests which cross Gock?


    is possible to enable verbose mode to see all requests which cross Gock? If not, I suggest to add it, it is very useful to debug.

    Best regards, Stéphane

  • gock: cannot match any request

    gock: cannot match any request

    I keep getting this error no matter what I do with this mock. This is the mock:


    And this is the error I get: Failed to query ESPN: Get gock: cannot match any request"

    As you can see it's the exact same URL. What's wrong?

  • Allow connections to an httptest Server

    Allow connections to an httptest Server


    I'm finding gock extremely useful, however I have a test where I need to make a real call to an httptest Server which will then spawn a couple of requests which gock should intercept. However, I can't seem to find a way to do it. I tried enabling networking and filtering, which makes it work, but it won't call the actual server, it just mocks that call, too.

    It("receives a complete trigger [DOC]", func() {
      defer gock.DisableNetworking()
      defer gock.DisableNetworkingFilters()
      var a args
      a.Host = docServer.URL
      a.Path = "/triggers"
      a.Body = completeTrigger
      a.Method = "POST"
      a.Headers = map[string]string{
        "Authorization": "Token token=" + configuration.Config.AppToken,
        "Content-Type":  middleware.MimeType,
        "Accept":        middleware.MimeType,
      gock.NetworkingFilter(func(req *http.Request) bool {
        return req.URL.String() == docServer.URL
      // here are the actual mocks I need
      resp, err :=

    The first Expect will generate this error:

    Expected error:
        <*url.Error | 0xc4204040f0>: {
            Op: "Post",
            URL: "",
            Err: {
                s: "gock: cannot match any request",
        Post gock: cannot match any request
    not to have occurred

    Am I missing something?

    Thanks a lot for your help!

  • Support for custom mime types

    Support for custom mime types

    I'm having trouble trying to write a mock that matches POST requests based on the request body and the issue seems to be a result of gock being a bit too strict when it comes to validating mime types.

    From reading the source code I noticed that gock checks to see if the request content type header value matches a fixed list of supported mime types: but the problem is that the API i'm writing a mock for uses a custom json mime type like application/vnd.apiname.v1+json, so it never matches.

    Do you have any suggestions on how I could workaround this?

  • Multiple mocks for the same path

    Multiple mocks for the same path

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	defer gock.Off()
    		AddMatcher(func(request *http.Request, request2 *gock.Request) (b bool, e error) {
    			return false, nil
    		AddMatcher(func(request *http.Request, request2 *gock.Request) (b bool, e error) {
    			return false, nil
    		AddMatcher(func(request *http.Request, request2 *gock.Request) (b bool, e error) {
    			return true, nil

    Expected Output:


    Actual Output:

  • Multiple response headers with same name are not set on http response

    Multiple response headers with same name are not set on http response

    I am trying to set multiple cookies with the same name on the gock response, but it always seems to only set the first cookie on the response object.

    Am I doing something wrong - is there a better way to set cookies?

    The mergeHeaders function appears to be the culprit. I have a solution and test here:


  • feat(matchers): Add custom body type matcher

    feat(matchers): Add custom body type matcher

    PR to add the custom body type matcher that was proposed in

    The logic is pretty simple - If a user passes a non-empty mime type to the BodyType function, then the Content-Type header on the http request must be the same for there to be a match. If there's no mime type passed then it falls back to the the existing logic of checking against the hardcoded list of supported mime types.

    One thing I'm a bit unsure of - I discovered MatchType and now I feel like adding this additional method will be confusing to people, since there will be two separate methods for matching based on the Content-Type header but the behaviour is different.

    @h2non Any thoughts on this?

  • Are you open to adding context expiration/cancellation support?

    Are you open to adding context expiration/cancellation support?

    Our HTTP proxy application uses contexts pretty extensively to implement timeouts. We also use (and love) gock throughout our unit tests.

    I recently added some unit tests around timeouts and noticed in the process that gock does not support context expiration or cancellation. This makes the behavior different than what you'd get using the full HTTP stack. For an example, look here: (note that you can't run the non-gock version from the Playground)

    I looked into the code and I think adding context support is a pretty easy change in response.go. Would you be open to a PR for that?


  • when i access the uri twice in one test, i must gock.New(Uri) twice too

    when i access the uri twice in one test, i must gock.New(Uri) twice too

    my func is

    { defer gock.Off() gock.New("https//").Get("path").Reply(200) gock.New("https//").Get("path").Reply(200) gock.Observe(gock.DumpRequest) // some test in the func maybe access url twice or more }

    if i use once, other access got Matches: false why

  • Matching an array in the request body

    Matching an array in the request body

    I cannot match an array in the JSON request body.

        JSON(map[string]interface{}{"body": "Hello user1", "uids": []string{"user1"}}).

    It seems that JSON matching works only with type map[string]string but not with more complex objects (like array fields).

    I always get: gock: cannot match any request.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you

  • test code with EnableNetworking does not pass through header info

    test code with EnableNetworking does not pass through header info

    Using the example in the README:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
      defer gock.Off()
      defer gock.DisableNetworking()
        SetHeader("Server", "gock")
      res, err := http.Get("")
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", err)
      // The response status comes from the mock
      fmt.Printf("Status: %d\n", res.StatusCode)
      // The server header comes from mock as well
      fmt.Printf("Server header: %s\n", res.Header.Get("Server"))
      // Response body is the original
      body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
      fmt.Printf("Body: %s", string(body))

    The response I get is

    ➜  test go run gock.go
    Status: 201
    Server header: gunicorn/19.9.0
    Body: {
      "args": {},
      "headers": {
        "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
        "Host": "",
        "User-Agent": "Go-http-client/1.1",
        "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-637bb59b-7debf317641b7b092a0d1887"
      "origin": "",
      "url": ""

    Note the server header is gunicorn/19.9.0 instead of gock

  • TestResponderPreExpiredContext fails with go1.16 and up

    TestResponderPreExpiredContext fails with go1.16 and up

    Starting with go1.16, TestResponderPreExpiredContext fails quite often, up to 80% of the time on my computer:

    --- FAIL: TestResponderPreExpiredContext (0.00s)
            responder_test.go:118: should be == 
             	have: (<nil>) <nil>
            	want: (context.deadlineExceededError) context deadline exceeded
            responder_test.go:119: should be == 
             	have: (bool) false
            	want: (bool) true

    With go1.15, TestResponderPreExpiredContext seemingly never fails.

    Tested with gock.v1 v1.1.2 and the newer commit cd5aaaacd302f278fae7cbe9747fa56c859016fe on Debian sid.

  • Mocking InsecureSkipVerify requests

    Mocking InsecureSkipVerify requests

    If i attempt to mock the following request it does not work. However, if I change client to the following it passes. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

    client := &http.Client{}
            MatchHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; chartset=UTF-8").
            JSON(map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}).
            BodyString(`{"foo": "foo"}`)
    body := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(`{"foo":"bar"}`))
    tr := &http.Transport{
            TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
    client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", body)
    req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; chartset=UTF-8")
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("error building request: %v", err)

    Error is:

    error building request: Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
  • gock issue while mocking Prometheus with URL escaped query parameters

    gock issue while mocking Prometheus with URL escaped query parameters

    It seems there is an issue while mocking Prometheus URLs with gock. Prometheus URLs contain a query which is written in PromQL. The resulting URLs look similar to http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=scalar(anyMetric)

    This test fails as long as the MatchParam() is present in Line 18 in main_test.go

    // file : main.go
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	err := fetchMetrics()
    func fetchMetrics() error {
    	promURL := &url.URL{
    		Scheme: "http",
    		Host:   "prometheus-k8s.monitoring:9090",
    		Path:   "/api/v1/query",
    	q := promURL.Query()
    	q.Set("query", "scalar(testMetric)")
    	promURL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
    	resp, err := http.Get(promURL.String())
    	if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
    		return err
    	return nil
    // file : main_test.go
    package main
    import (
    func TestFetchMetrics(t *testing.T) {
    	defer gock.Off()
    	promQuery := "scalar(testMetric)"
    		MatchParam("query", url.QueryEscape(promQuery)).
    		// MatchParam("query", promQuery).
    	err := fetchMetrics()
    	if err != nil {

    I tried passing promQuery variable as a normal string as well as a URL encoded string but the test fails in both the scenarios. Test command -

    go test -count 1 -v .

    Is this a issue due to gock ?

  • Mocked response with 301 status code and location header returns an error

    Mocked response with 301 status code and location header returns an error

    When I mocked a response just with 301 status code, I got an error with a message: 301 response missing Location header. After adding the location header, there was another error with a message: gock: cannot match any request.

    The code is shown as below:

    import (
    func TestWithLocationHeader(t *testing.T) {
    	defer gock.Off()
    		SetHeader("Location", "")
    	_, err := http.Get("")
    	assert.Equal(t, "Get \"\": gock: cannot match any request", err.Error())
    func TestWithoutLocationHeader(t *testing.T) {
    	defer gock.Off()
    	_, err := http.Get("")
    	assert.Equal(t, "Get \"\": 301 response missing Location header", err.Error())
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