Go(lang) Environment Variable Parsing / Unmarshaler / Decoder


import "github.com/halorium/env"


Set some environment variables:

export TEST_STRING="some value"
export TEST_BOOL=true
export TEST_INT=1
export TEST_FLOAT=1.2
export TEST_DURATION="5s"
export TEST_LIST="one,two,three"
export TEST_MAP="one:1,two:2,three:3"

Write some code:

package main

import (


type Config struct {
	StringField   string         `env:"TEST_STRING"`
	BoolField     bool           `env:"TEST_BOOL"`
	IntField      int            `env:"TEST_INT"`
	FloatField    float64        `env:"TEST_FLOAT"`
	DurationField time.Duration  `env:"TEST_DURATION"`
	ListField     []string       `env:"TEST_LIST"`
	MapField      map[string]int `env:"TEST_MAP"`

func (c Config) String() string {
	val := fmt.Sprintf(

	val += "ListField:\n  " + strings.Join(c.ListField, "  \n") + "\n"

	val += "MapField:\n"
	for k, v := range c.MapField {
		val += fmt.Sprintf("  %s: %d\n", k, v)

	return val

func main() {
	var cfg Config
	err := env.Unmarshal(&cfg)
	if err != nil {



Struct Tags

The default tag is 'env' however this can be changed in the options.


type Config struct {
	StringField   string         `custom:"TEST_STRING"`
	BoolField     bool           `custom:"TEST_BOOL"`
	IntField      int            `custom:"TEST_INT"`
	FloatField    float64        `custom:"TEST_FLOAT"`
	DurationField time.Duration  `custom:"TEST_DURATION"`
	ListField     []string       `custom:"TEST_LIST"`
	MapField      map[string]int `custom:"TEST_MAP"`

var cfg Config
options := env.Options{Tag: "custom"}
err := env.Unmarshal(&cfg, options)
if err != nil {


env doesn't assume any validation, if an environment variable is not found then it is skipped.

The 'Required' option can be set to have an error returned if any environment variables are not set. Example:

var cfg Config
options := env.Options{Required: true}
err := env.Unmarshal(&cfg, options)
if err != nil {

Ignored Fields

env will ignore the field if the tag is set to either an empty string '' or a hyphen '-'. Example:

type Config struct {
	StringField   string `env:"TEST_STRING"`
	BoolField     bool   `env:""`  // ignored
	IntField      int    `env:"-"` // ignored

Supported Field Types

  • string
  • int8, int16, int32, int64
  • bool
  • float32, float64
  • slices of any supported type
  • maps (keys and values of any supported type)
  • time.Duration

Note: Embedded structs using these fields are also supported.

Custom Unmarshaler

Any field whose type (or pointer-to-type) implements env.UnmarshalENV can control its own deserialization:

export IP=
type CustomIP net.IP

func (c *CustomIP) UnmarshalENV(v string) error {
    *c = CustomIP(net.ParseIP(v))
    return nil

type Config struct {
    IP CustomIP `env:"IP"`

Other Ways to Use 'env'

env implements helper functions if you simply want to get environment variables as a specified type.

s, err := env.AsString("TEST_STRING") // returns (string, error)

b, err := env.AsBool("TEST_BOOL") // returns (bool, error)

i, err := env.AsInt("TEST_INT", 64) // returns (int64, error)

i, err := env.AsUint("TEST_UINT", 64) // returns (uint64, error)

f, err := env.AsFloat("TEST_FLOAT", 64) // returns (float64, error)

d, err := env.AsDuration("TEST_DURATION") // returns (time.Duration, error)
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