GoTrue is a small open-source API written in Golang, that can act as a self-standing API service for handling user registration and authentication for Jamstack projects.


User management for APIs

GoTrue is a small open-source API written in Golang, that can act as a self-standing API service for handling user registration and authentication for Jamstack projects.

It's based on OAuth2 and JWT and will handle user signup, authentication and custom user data.


You may configure GoTrue using either a configuration file named .env, environment variables, or a combination of both. Environment variables are prefixed with GOTRUE_, and will always have precedence over values provided via file.



SITE_URL - string required

The base URL your site is located at. Currently used in combination with other settings to construct URLs used in emails.

OPERATOR_TOKEN - string Multi-instance mode only

The shared secret with an operator (usually Netlify) for this microservice. Used to verify requests have been proxied through the operator and the payload values can be trusted.


When signup is disabled the only way to create new users is through invites. Defaults to false, all signups enabled.


Header on which to rate limit the /token endpoint.



API_HOST - string

Hostname to listen on.

PORT (no prefix) / API_PORT - number

Port number to listen on. Defaults to 8081.

API_ENDPOINT - string Multi-instance mode only

Controls what endpoint Netlify can access this API on.


If you wish to inherit a request ID from the incoming request, specify the name in this value.



DB_DRIVER - string required

Chooses what dialect of database you want. Must be mysql.

DATABASE_URL (no prefix) / DB_DATABASE_URL - string required

Connection string for the database.


Adds a prefix to all table names.

Migrations Note

Migrations are not applied automatically, so you will need to run them after you've built gotrue.

  • If built locally: ./gotrue migrate
  • Using Docker: docker run --rm gotrue gotrue migrate


LOG_LEVEL=debug # available without GOTRUE prefix (exception)

LOG_LEVEL - string

Controls what log levels are output. Choose from panic, fatal, error, warn, info, or debug. Defaults to info.

LOG_FILE - string

If you wish logs to be written to a file, set log_file to a valid file path.


Currently, only the Datadog tracer is supported.



Whether tracing is enabled or not. Defaults to false.


The tracing destination.


The port for the tracing host.


A comma separated list of key:value pairs. These key value pairs will be added as tags to all opentracing spans.


The name to use for the service.

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)


JWT_SECRET - string required

The secret used to sign JWT tokens with.

JWT_EXP - number

How long tokens are valid for, in seconds. Defaults to 3600 (1 hour).

JWT_AUD - string

The default JWT audience. Use audiences to group users.


The name of the admin group (if enabled). Defaults to admin.


The default group to assign all new users to.

External Authentication Providers

We support bitbucket, github, gitlab, and google for external authentication. Use the names as the keys underneath external to configure each separately.


No external providers are required, but you must provide the required values if you choose to enable any.


Whether this external provider is enabled or not

EXTERNAL_X_CLIENT_ID - string required

The OAuth2 Client ID registered with the external provider.

EXTERNAL_X_SECRET - string required

The OAuth2 Client Secret provided by the external provider when you registered.

EXTERNAL_X_REDIRECT_URI - string required for gitlab

The URI a OAuth2 provider will redirect to with the code and state values.


The base URL used for constructing the URLs to request authorization and access tokens. Used by gitlab only. Defaults to


Sending email is not required, but highly recommended for password recovery. If enabled, you must provide the required values below.
GOTRUE_SMTP_USER[email protected]
GOTRUE_SMTP_ADMIN_EMAIL[email protected]

SMTP_ADMIN_EMAIL - string required

The From email address for all emails sent.

SMTP_HOST - string required

The mail server hostname to send emails through.

SMTP_PORT - number required

The port number to connect to the mail server on.

SMTP_USER - string

If the mail server requires authentication, the username to use.

SMTP_PASS - string

If the mail server requires authentication, the password to use.


Controls the minimum amount of time that must pass before sending another signup confirmation or password reset email. The value is the number of seconds. Defaults to 900 (15 minutes).


If you do not require email confirmation, you may set this to true. Defaults to false.


URL path to use in the user invite email. Defaults to /.


URL path to use in the signup confirmation email. Defaults to /.


URL path to use in the password reset email. Defaults to /.


URL path to use in the email change confirmation email. Defaults to /.


Email subject to use for user invite. Defaults to You have been invited.


Email subject to use for signup confirmation. Defaults to Confirm Your Signup.


Email subject to use for password reset. Defaults to Reset Your Password.


Email subject to use for email change confirmation. Defaults to Confirm Email Change.


URL path to an email template to use when inviting a user. SiteURL, Email, and ConfirmationURL variables are available.

Default Content (if template is unavailable):

Accept the invite

<h2>You have been invitedh2>

  You have been invited to create a user on {{ .SiteURL }}. Follow this link to
  accept the invite:
<p><a href="{{ .ConfirmationURL }}">Accept the invitea>p>


URL path to an email template to use when confirming a signup. SiteURL, Email, and ConfirmationURL variables are available.

Default Content (if template is unavailable):

Confirm your mail

<h2>Confirm your signuph2>

<p>Follow this link to confirm your user:p>
<p><a href="{{ .ConfirmationURL }}">Confirm your maila>p>


URL path to an email template to use when resetting a password. SiteURL, Email, and ConfirmationURL variables are available.

Default Content (if template is unavailable):

Reset Password

<h2>Reset Passwordh2>

<p>Follow this link to reset the password for your user:p>
<p><a href="{{ .ConfirmationURL }}">Reset Passworda>p>


URL path to an email template to use when confirming the change of an email address. SiteURL, Email, NewEmail, and ConfirmationURL variables are available.

Default Content (if template is unavailable):

Change Email

<h2>Confirm Change of Emailh2>

  Follow this link to confirm the update of your email from {{ .Email }} to {{
  .NewEmail }}:
<p><a href="{{ .ConfirmationURL }}">Change Emaila>p>

WEBHOOK_URL - string

Url of the webhook receiver endpoint. This will be called when events like validate, signup or login occur.


Shared secret to authorize webhook requests. This secret signs the JSON Web Signature of the request. You should use this to verify the integrity of the request. Otherwise others can feed your webhook receiver with fake data.


How often GoTrue should try a failed hook.


Time between retries (in seconds).


Which events should trigger a webhook. You can provide a comma separated list. For example to listen to all events, provide the values validate,signup,login.


GoTrue exposes the following endpoints:

  • GET /settings

    Returns the publicly available settings for this gotrue instance.

      "external": {
        "bitbucket": true,
        "github": true,
        "gitlab": true,
        "google": true
      "disable_signup": false,
      "autoconfirm": false
  • POST /signup

    Register a new user with an email and password.

      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "secret"


      "id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-5555555555555",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "confirmation_sent_at": "2016-05-15T20:49:40.882805774-07:00",
      "created_at": "2016-05-15T19:53:12.368652374-07:00",
      "updated_at": "2016-05-15T19:53:12.368652374-07:00"
  • POST /invite

    Invites a new user with an email.

      "email": "[email protected]"


      "id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-5555555555555",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "confirmation_sent_at": "2016-05-15T20:49:40.882805774-07:00",
      "created_at": "2016-05-15T19:53:12.368652374-07:00",
      "updated_at": "2016-05-15T19:53:12.368652374-07:00",
      "invited_at": "2016-05-15T19:53:12.368652374-07:00"
  • POST /verify

    Verify a registration or a password recovery. Type can be signup or recovery and the token is a token returned from either /signup or /recover.

      "type": "signup",
      "token": "confirmation-code-delivered-in-email",
      "password": "12345abcdef"

    password is required for signup verification if no existing password exists.


      "access_token": "jwt-token-representing-the-user",
      "token_type": "bearer",
      "expires_in": 3600,
      "refresh_token": "a-refresh-token"
  • POST /recover

    Password recovery. Will deliver a password recovery mail to the user based on email address.

      "email": "[email protected]"


  • POST /token

    This is an OAuth2 endpoint that currently implements the password, refresh_token, and authorization_code grant types

    grant_type=password&[email protected]&password=secret



    Once you have an access token, you can access the methods requiring authentication by settings the Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE header.


      "access_token": "jwt-token-representing-the-user",
      "token_type": "bearer",
      "expires_in": 3600,
      "refresh_token": "a-refresh-token"
  • GET /user

    Get the JSON object for the logged in user (requires authentication)


      "id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-5555555555555",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "confirmation_sent_at": "2016-05-15T20:49:40.882805774-07:00",
      "created_at": "2016-05-15T19:53:12.368652374-07:00",
      "updated_at": "2016-05-15T19:53:12.368652374-07:00"
  • PUT /user

    Update a user (Requires authentication). Apart from changing email/password, this method can be used to set custom user data.

      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "new-password",
      "data": {
        "key": "value",
        "number": 10,
        "admin": false


      "id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-5555555555555",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "confirmation_sent_at": "2016-05-15T20:49:40.882805774-07:00",
      "created_at": "2016-05-15T19:53:12.368652374-07:00",
      "updated_at": "2016-05-15T19:53:12.368652374-07:00"
  • POST /logout

    Logout a user (Requires authentication).

    This will revoke all refresh tokens for the user. Remember that the JWT tokens will still be valid for stateless auth until they expire.


  • Schema for custom user data in config file
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