Drone is a Container-Native, Continuous Delivery Platform


Welcome to the Drone codebase, we are thrilled to have you here!

What is Drone?

Drone is a continuous delivery system built on container technology. Drone uses a simple YAML build file, to define and execute build pipelines inside Docker containers.

Table of Contents


You can visit us at Discourse as well as our Slack.


We encourage you to contribute to Drone! whether thats joining in on the community slack or discourse, or contributing pull requests / documentation changes or raising issues.

Code of Conduct

Drone follows the CNCF Code of Conduct.

Setup Documentation

This section of the documentation will help you install and configure the Drone Server and one or many Runners. A runner is a standalone daemon that polls the server for pending pipelines to execute.

Usage Documentation

Our documentation can help you get started with the different types of pipelines/builds. There are different runners / plugins / extensions designed for different use cases to help make an efficient and simple build pipeline

Plugin Index

Plugins are used in build steps to perform actions, eg send a message to slack or push a container to a registry. We have an extensive list of community plugins to customize your build pipeline, you can find those here.

Example .drone.yml build file.

This build file contains a single pipeline (you can have multiple pipelines too) that builds a go application. The front end with npm. Publishes the docker container to a registry and announces the results to a slack room.

name: default

kind: pipeline
type: docker

- name: backend
  image: golang
    - go get
    - go build
    - go test

- name: frontend
  image: node:6
    - npm install
    - npm test

- name: publish
  image: plugins/docker
    repo: octocat/hello-world
    tags: [ 1, 1.1, latest ]
    registry: index.docker.io

- name: notify
  image: plugins/slack
    channel: developers
    username: drone

Documentation and Other Links

Building from source

We have two versions available: the Enterprise Edition and the Community Edition

Release procedure

Run the changelog generator.

docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app githubchangeloggenerator/github-changelog-generator -u drone -p drone -t <secret github token>

You can generate a token by logging into your GitHub account and going to Settings -> Personal access tokens.

Next we tag the PR's with the fixes or enhancements labels. If the PR does not fufil the requirements, do not add a label.

Before moving on make sure to update the version file version/version.go && version/version_test.go.

Run the changelog generator again with the future version according to semver.

docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app githubchangeloggenerator/github-changelog-generator -u harness -p drone -t <secret token> --future-release v1.0.0

Create your pull request for the release. Get it merged then tag the release.

Back to Top

  • Provide (optional) ability to use Kubernetes as the runtime engine instead of Docker

    Provide (optional) ability to use Kubernetes as the runtime engine instead of Docker

    I was wondering, has there been a consideration to move drone up the stack, and have it rely on Kubernetes features to function?

    It could potentially ease the burden of a lot of things Drone currently has to manage on top of Docker, and with minikube, running drone locally could become as simple as minikube create && drone deploy.

    I know this is an extreme oversimplification of things, and it would obviously mean giving up some freedom (dependent on a container scheduler, instead of only Docker), but there are obviously also a lot of upsides to this.

  • Gitlab credential issues. Git clone container throws error.

    Gitlab credential issues. Git clone container throws error.

    This a summary of discussions made in Gitter to keep track of progress. Leave this issue to verified information. Keep the discussion to Gitter

    Error: Within the git plugin container following error is throwed while cloning a repo from gitlab. This error have begun to appear with drone integration with recent versions of GitLab.

    $ git init
    Initialized empty Git repository in /drone/src/git.company.se/company/placeholder-prototype/.git/
    $ git remote add origin https://git.company.se/company/sleepy-prototype.git
    $ git fetch --depth=50 origin +refs/heads/master:
    fatal: could not read Username for 'https://git.company.se': No such device or address

    Versions: The error have been reproduced using: gitlab-8.0.4-0, gitlab-8.0.4-1 Anton Ikonovalov cant reproduce this error on version gitlab-8.0.3-1. Something have probably happen in later version which breaks Drone from working.

    Older versions of GitLab CE could be found here: https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce

    Next step:

    • Try clone_mode=oauth in your drone gitlab configuration string
    • Try to manually create netrc locally and test it with GitLab.
  • Support Vagrant for non-Docker Builds

    Support Vagrant for non-Docker Builds

    Hi! Thanks for open sourcing this, it's a great thing.

    I'm opening this issue to discuss a potential decoupling from Docker. It's noticeable that Drone was built for cloud services, allowing clients to run under a specific container (e.g. just Ruby2.0).

    What world needs is a good Jenkins replacement. It's something people would install with 1 click on any platform (I'm looking at you OSX), and be able to run the job on a host machine. Something people would update with just go get or git pull and go install.

    It's a big set of users, as currently there's no sane self-hosted CI for building iOS apps.

  • Support linux/arm

    Support linux/arm

    this issue will discuss a strategy for an official arm image for drone.

    • [x] ability to define platform in yaml
    • [x] ability to route builds to agents by platform
    • [x] publish linux/arm agent
    • [x] publish linux/arm64 agent
    • [x] publish linux/arm git plugin
    • [x] publish linux/arm64 git plugin
    • [x] publish linux/arm docker plugin
    • [x] publish linux/arm64 docker plugin
    • [ ] develop strategy for defining multi-platform yaml configurations

    cc @firecyberice @sokoow @djmaze

  • drone 0.4 database ping failed

    drone 0.4 database ping failed

    First of all allow me to tell you that I think drone is an exquisite piece of technology that's very easy to understand and use. Thank you for sharing :).

    I am trying to deploy drone 0.4 with Postgres Database located in another container.

    $ docker run -d --name drone-postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=drone -e POSTGRES_DB=drone -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=drone postgres

    I have verified that the database is up and running with another docker container.

    $ docker run -it --link drone-postgres:postgres --rm postgres sh -c 'exec psql -h "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U drone'

    After entering drone password I am inside a psql shell. I suppose it is working.

    Next I have run drone with environment variables.

    $ docker run --rm -it -e DATABASE_DRIVER=postgres -e DATABASE_CONFIG=postgres://drone:[email protected]:5432/drone drone/drone:0.4
    INFO[0000] using database driver postgres
    INFO[0000] using database config postgres://drone:[email protected]:5432/drone
    INFO[0000] database ping failed. retry in 1s
    INFO[0001] database ping failed. retry in 1s
    INFO[0002] database ping failed. retry in 1s
    INFO[0003] database ping failed. retry in 1s
    INFO[0004] database ping failed. retry in 1s
    INFO[0005] database ping failed. retry in 1s
    INFO[0006] database ping failed. retry in 1s
    INFO[0007] database ping failed. retry in 1s
    INFO[0008] database ping failed. retry in 1s
    INFO[0009] database ping failed. retry in 1s
    INFO[0010] database ping failed. retry in 1s

    The IP Address is from docker inspect drone-postgres. Could you please tell what have I done wrong or another way to deploy drone with Postgres, both in docker containers.

  • Gogs Private Repos

    Gogs Private Repos

    The current Gogs implementation works for public (open source) repositories only. We need a way to upload ssh keys to the repository in order to clone. Ideally we would also have a way to see if the key already exists, and either update or delete and re-upload.

    We'll need the Gogs team to expose this functionality.

    For reference, this is the code we use for GitHub: https://github.com/drone/drone/blob/master/plugin/remote/github/helper.go#L233:L255

    @compressed thoughts?

  • Implement proper Caching

    Implement proper Caching

    I was playing around with Drone.io over the weekend and I'm really impressed.

    However, there is one big issue for our Rails project: Bundling all the Gems (~ 250 Gems, where about 10 of these are git checkouts) takes about 10 minutes for each build, as I've found no way to provide a cacheable directory to Bundler.

    I've seen the issues #43 and #143, but as far as I understood the solution proposed in #43, the cache would only be invalidated when the actual setup commands have changed. In my case, it would need to re-run the commands when the content of the project's Gemfile.lock has changed.

    Furthermore, it would be neat to be able to share a cache directory between different projects. In our current Jenkins setup, we're sharing a global Bundler directory, which speeds up new project builds enormously.

    Here is an excerpt of our build file:

    bundle install --path="$BUNDLE_PATH"
  • Self Hosted Git Repo Support

    Self Hosted Git Repo Support

    Hey guys,

    thank you for this great project! It would be awesome to have support for self hosted git repositories. Then drone would be the perfect solution for a enterprise project I'm working on and I could get rid of Jenkins :)

    Cheers Sebastian

  • Stash/Bitbucket Server initial support

    Stash/Bitbucket Server initial support

    This is the first go to get Stash/Bitbucket support working(continuation of https://github.com/drone/drone/pull/567). The "happy path" works and there's a bit of clean up (First time I've written anything in golang) but if folks want to try it out or give some feedback on the dos and don'ts I'll update it.

  • Secure environment variables encrypted in Yaml

    Secure environment variables encrypted in Yaml

    Currently we have the ability to store private environment variables in the database. I'd like to expand this capability to store encrypted environment variables in the yaml itself, similar to travis.

      docker_user: U2FsdGVkX19g96OdOIRPtVNGzPP1CgGlxRxRVDvlVHZKYrulqPLlYFG3TfUw53Gk
      docker_pass: U2FsdGVkX18B3tY76uPxLe2tA6UzaBrVMMsArAUS4bo=

    the secure parameters are decrypted at runtime and injected into your build yaml, similar to how we inject private variables (entered in the UI) or matrix parameters:

        email: $$docker_user
        password: $$docker_pass

    Unlike travis, injecting the private parameters as environment variables is not sufficient since publish, deploy and notify sections (which are typically the only sections that require such secrets) are executed outside of the build container and expect very specific parameters in the yaml. This is a result of the new 0.4 plugin model.

    So for now we need to inject using the same syntax as matrix and private variables. I will spend some time, however, thinking up alternate approaches ...

  • exit code 1 instead of showing logs

    exit code 1 instead of showing logs

    Drone shows the logs until it fails, then it replaces the output of the logs with . . .

    exit code 1

    It makes it almost impossible to debug my projects when they fail

  • support custom pipeline message

    support custom pipeline message

    Support cutom pipeline customization to commit message information, which will help to view associated triggers and debug troubleshooting.


    I create custom build in another pipeline, but I can't see some useful information of these builds on the list. image


    I can customize the commit message information when creating custom build, so that it can write the build number triggered by the associated pipeline.


    # 19  Triggered by build number 15 of root/test
    # 18  Triggered by build number 14 of root/test
    # 17  Triggered by build number 13 of root/test
  • Could drone2 support subgroups like drone0.8

    Could drone2 support subgroups like drone0.8

    I used drone0.8 and update to drone2 now, however I can't see my subgroups repo, but it is ok in drone0.8, even it is ugly. For example, I have a repo /foo/bar/test.git, in drone0.8 it shows like /foo/bar but I can search foo/bar/test.git in repos. However it is doesn't work in drone2, and I see this issue 2009. I like this function although it is ugly.

  • drone-docker generate invalid Card URL for self-hosted docker registry

    drone-docker generate invalid Card URL for self-hosted docker registry

    Not sure if it is the correct place to ask, but since drone-docker does not allow filing issues, I will post my issue here.


    The mapRegistryToURL function uses a simple heuristic to generate URLs for common public registries. But a self-hosted registry using distribution or Gitea will be mapped to invalid URLs. It's desirable to have a general config entry to allow custom mapping using regex substitution mechanism, e.g., with the following configuration


    similar to a simplified version of Prometheus' relabeling config. Or a configuration entry based on template string (if general enough).

  • Multiple CVE and End of life technology

    Multiple CVE and End of life technology

    There are multiple vulnerabilities within drone images (drone, drone-runniner-kube, drone-vault-extension) as mentioned below.

    Is there any plan to address this in future release?

    CVE Name | Asset Name | Vulnerability Description | Remediation | Current Version | Recommended Version | DetailedName -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- CVE-2022-28391 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package busybox version 1.32.1-r7 was detected in APK package manager on a container image running Alpine 3.13.7 is vulnerable to CVE-2022-28391, which exists in versions < 1.32.1-r8. The vulnerability was found in the Official Alpine Security Advisories with vendor severity: High (NVD severity: High). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version 1.32.1-r8 or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: RUN apk upgrade busybox. | apk upgrade busybox | 1.32.1-r7 | 1.32.1-r8 | busybox CVE-2022-0778 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package libcrypto1.1 version 1.1.1l-r0 was detected in APK package manager on a container image running Alpine 3.13.7 is vulnerable to CVE-2022-0778, which exists in versions < 1.1.1n-r0. The vulnerability was found in the Official Alpine Security Advisories with vendor severity: High (NVD severity: High). This vulnerability has a known exploit available. Source: Packetstorm. The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version 1.1.1n-r0 or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: RUN apk upgrade libcrypto1.1. | apk upgrade libcrypto1.1 | 1.1.1l-r0 | 1.1.1n-r0 | libcrypto1.1 End-of-Life Version of Technology | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The OS Linux Alpine version 3.13.7 has been End-of-Life since 2022-11-01 as indicated in Alpine Releases. End-of-Life versions of operating systems have no further official support by the vendor and thus no security patches. Furthermore, newly discovered vulnerabilities are not reported. Thus, such technologies pose a threat that is both unknown and will not be fixed. |   | 3.13.7 | 3.14.8 | Linux Alpine End-of-Life Version of Technology | docker.io/drone/drone | The OS Linux Alpine version 3.11.13 has been End-of-Life since 2021-11-01 as indicated in Alpine Releases. End-of-Life versions of operating systems have no further official support by the vendor and thus no security patches. Furthermore, newly discovered vulnerabilities are not reported. Thus, such technologies pose a threat that is both unknown and will not be fixed. |   | 3.11.13 | 3.14.8 | Linux Alpine CVE-2022-30065 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package busybox version 1.32.1-r7 was detected in APK package manager on a container image running Alpine 3.13.7 is vulnerable to CVE-2022-30065, which exists in versions < 1.32.1-r9. The vulnerability was found in the Official Alpine Security Advisories with vendor severity: High (NVD severity: High). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version 1.32.1-r9 or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: RUN apk upgrade busybox. | apk upgrade busybox | 1.32.1-r7 | 1.32.1-r9 | busybox CVE-2022-37434 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package zlib version 1.2.11-r3 was detected in APK package manager on a container image running Alpine 3.13.7 is vulnerable to CVE-2022-37434, which exists in versions < 1.2.12-r2. The vulnerability was found in the Official Alpine Security Advisories with vendor severity: Critical (NVD severity: Critical). This vulnerability has a known exploit available. Source: Github [1, 2, 3]. The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version 1.2.12-r2 or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: RUN apk upgrade zlib. | apk upgrade zlib | 1.2.11-r3 | 1.2.12-r2 | zlib CVE-2022-37434 | docker.io/drone/drone | The package zlib version 1.2.11-r3 was detected in APK package manager on a container image running Alpine 3.11.13 is vulnerable to CVE-2022-37434, which exists in versions < 1.2.11-r4. The vulnerability was found in the Official Alpine Security Advisories with vendor severity: Critical (NVD severity: Critical). This vulnerability has a known exploit available. Source: Github [1, 2, 3]. The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version 1.2.11-r4 or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: RUN apk upgrade zlib. | apk upgrade zlib | 1.2.11-r3 | 1.2.11-r4 | zlib CVE-2018-25032 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package zlib version 1.2.11-r3 was detected in APK package manager on a container image running Alpine 3.13.7 is vulnerable to CVE-2018-25032, which exists in versions < 1.2.12-r0. The vulnerability was found in the Official Alpine Security Advisories with vendor severity: High (NVD severity: High). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version 1.2.12-r0 or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: RUN apk upgrade zlib. | apk upgrade zlib | 1.2.11-r3 | 1.2.12-r0 | zlib CVE-2022-28391 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package ssl_client version 1.32.1-r7 was detected in APK package manager on a container image running Alpine 3.13.7 is vulnerable to CVE-2022-28391, which exists in versions < 1.32.1-r8. The vulnerability was found in the Official Alpine Security Advisories with vendor severity: High (NVD severity: High). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version 1.32.1-r8 or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: RUN apk upgrade ssl_client. | apk upgrade ssl_client | 1.32.1-r7 | 1.32.1-r8 | ssl_client End-of-Life Version of Technology | docker.io/drone/vault | The OS Linux Alpine version 3.6.5 has been End-of-Life since 2019-05-01 as indicated in Alpine Releases. End-of-Life versions of operating systems have no further official support by the vendor and thus no security patches. Furthermore, newly discovered vulnerabilities are not reported. Thus, such technologies pose a threat that is both unknown and will not be fixed. |   | 3.6.5 | 3.14.8 | Linux Alpine CVE-2022-0778 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package libssl1.1 version 1.1.1l-r0 was detected in APK package manager on a container image running Alpine 3.13.7 is vulnerable to CVE-2022-0778, which exists in versions < 1.1.1n-r0. The vulnerability was found in the Official Alpine Security Advisories with vendor severity: High (NVD severity: High). This vulnerability has a known exploit available. Source: Packetstorm. The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version 1.1.1n-r0 or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: RUN apk upgrade libssl1.1. | apk upgrade libssl1.1 | 1.1.1l-r0 | 1.1.1n-r0 | libssl1.1 CVE-2022-30065 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package ssl_client version 1.32.1-r7 was detected in APK package manager on a container image running Alpine 3.13.7 is vulnerable to CVE-2022-30065, which exists in versions < 1.32.1-r9. The vulnerability was found in the Official Alpine Security Advisories with vendor severity: High (NVD severity: High). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version 1.32.1-r9 or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: RUN apk upgrade ssl_client. | apk upgrade ssl_client | 1.32.1-r7 | 1.32.1-r9 | ssl_client

  •  Drone build without ipv6 interface error

    Drone build without ipv6 interface error

    i set the docker daemon.json, its means i enable ipv6 at docker.

        "ipv6": true,
        "fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8:1::/64"

    also i can run alpine on host with ipv6 successful. but let drone runner docker do it, i don't know how it works, because host docker network bridge not have any 172.19.x.x ip.

                "b86e3bed93598cf767afd89fd3de8cc500d6630c952656ee44a6ac8228396619": {
                    "Name": "drone-runner",
                    "EndpointID": "37feadaa4f6dfff551d8c5f84eaca478498755c4b2a00642c935f9ca052e434e",
                    "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:05",
                    "IPv4Address": "",
                    "IPv6Address": "2001:db8:1::242:ac11:5/64"

    so I'm trying to figure out what it's doing with /var/run/docker.sock, and it looks like it's creating a completely different docker network and without ipv6.

    latest: Pulling from library/alpine
    Digest: sha256:bc41182d7ef5ffc53a40b044e725193bc10142a1243f395ee852a8d9730fc2ad
    Status: Image is up to date for alpine:latest
    + ip addr
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1000
        link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
        inet scope host lo
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    28: eth0@if29: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP 
        link/ether 02:42:ac:13:00:02 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet brd scope global eth0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    + ping *
    PING * (*): 56 data bytes
    ping: sendto: Address not available

    and i set --env DRONE_RUNNER_NETWORKS=bridge , but its not working. and i use dind to test my guess, i find that runner will create random docker network, so can i control it behavior? Forgive me for my English proficiency in machine translation.

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