Role Based Access Control (RBAC) with database persistence


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Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Go package with database persistence


First get authority

go get

Next get the database driver for gorm that you will be using

# mysql 
go get 
# or postgres
go get
# or sqlite
go get
# or sqlserver
go get
# or clickhouse
go get


To initiate authority you need to pass two variables the first one is the the database table names prefix, the second is an instance of gorm

// initiate the database (using mysql)
dsn := "dbuser:dbpassword@tcp("
db, _ := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})

// initiate authority
auth := authority.New(authority.Options{
    TablesPrefix: "authority_",
    DB:           db,

// create role
err := auth.CreateRole("role-1")

// create permissions
err := auth.CreatePermission("permission-1")
err = auth.CreatePermission("permission-2")
err = auth.CreatePermission("permission-3")

// assign the permissions to the role
err := auth.AssignPermissions("role-1", []string{

// assign a role to user (user id) 
err = auth.AssignRole(1, "role-a")

// check if the user have a given role
ok, err := auth.CheckRole(1, "role-a")

// check if a user have a given permission 
ok, err := auth.CheckPermission(1, "permission-d")

// check if a role have a given permission
ok, err := auth.CheckRolePermission("role-a", "permission-a")


func New(opts Options) *Authority

New initiates authority

dsn := "dbuser:dbpassword@tcp("
db, _ := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})

auth := authority.New(authority.Options{
    TablesPrefix: "authority_",
    DB:           db,

func Resolve() *Authority

Resolve returns the initiated instance

auth := authority.Resolve()

func (a *Authority) CreateRole(roleName string) error

CreateRole stores a role in the database it accepts the role name. it returns an error incase of any

// create role
err := auth.CreateRole("role-1")

func (a *Authority) CreatePermission(permName string) error

CreatePermission stores a permission in the database it accepts the permission name. it returns an error in case of any

// create permissions
err := auth.CreatePermission("permission-1")
err = auth.CreatePermission("permission-2")
err = auth.CreatePermission("permission-3")

func (a *Authority) AssignPermissions(roleName string, permNames []string) error

AssignPermissions assigns a group of permissions to a given role it accepts in the first parameter the role name, it returns an error if there is not matching record of the role name in the database. the second parameter is a slice of strings which represents a group of permissions to be assigned to the role. if any of these permissions doesn't have a matching record in the database, the operations stops, changes reverted and an error is returned. in case of success nothing is returned

// assign the permissions to the role
err := auth.AssignPermissions("role-1", []string{

func (a *Authority) AssignRole(userID uint, roleName string) error

AssignRole assigns a given role to a user. the first parameter is the user id, the second parameter is the role name. if the role name doesn't have a matching record in the data base an error is returned. if the user have already a role assigned to him an error is returned.

// assign a role to user (user id) 
err = auth.AssignRole(1, "role-a")

func (a *Authority) CheckRole(userID uint, roleName string) (bool, error)

CheckRole checks if a role is assigned to a user. it accepts the user id as the first parameter. the role as the second parameter. it returns an error if the role is not present in database

// check if the user have a given role
ok, err := auth.CheckRole(1, "role-a")

func (a *Authority) CheckPermission(userID uint, permName string) (bool, error)

CheckPermission checks if a permission is assigned to a user. it accepts the user id as the first parameter. the permission as the second parameter. it returns an error if the user donesn't have a rols assigned. it returns an error if the user's role doesn't have the permission assigned. it returns an error if the permission is not present in the database

// check if a user have a given permission 
ok, err := auth.CheckPermission(1, "permission-d")

func (a *Authority) CheckRolePermission(roleName string, permName string) (bool, error)

CheckRolePermission checks if a role has the permission assigned. it accepts the role as the first parameter. it accepts the permission as the second parameter. it returns an error if the role is not present in database. it returns an error if the permission is not present in database

// check if a role have a given permission
ok, err := auth.CheckRolePermission("role-a", "permission-a")

func (a *Authority) RevokeRole(userID uint, roleName string) error

RevokeRole revokes a user's role. it returns a error in case of any

err = auth.RevokeRolePermission("role-a", "permission-a")

func (a *Authority) RevokePermission(userID uint, permName string) error

RevokePermission revokes a permission from the user's assigned role. it returns an error in case of any

err = auth.RevokePermission(1, "permission-a")

func (a *Authority) RevokeRolePermission(roleName string, permName string) error

RevokeRolePermission revokes a permission from a given role it returns an error in case of any

err = auth.RevokeRolePermission("role-a", "permission-a")

func (a *Authority) GetRoles() ([]string, error)

GetRoles returns all stored roles

roles, err := auth.GetRoles()

func (a *Authority) GetPermissions() ([]string, error)

GetPermissions retuns all stored permissions

permissions, err := auth.GetPermissions()

func (a *Authority) DeleteRole(roleName string) error

DeleteRole deletes a given role. if the role is assigned to a user it returns an error

err := auth.DeleteRole("role-b")

func (a *Authority) DeletePermission(permName string) error

DeletePermission deletes a given permission. if the permission is assigned to a role it returns an error

err := auth.DeletePermission("permission-c")
A Full Stack Developer who likes to solve people's problems with code
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  • multi-role support

    multi-role support


    I've started using this project and it's very helpful, thank you.

    How do you feel about support for multiple roles per user? I think this is generally how RBAC works (for example these descriptions:,

    If a user can only have a single role the permissions for that role will need to be customized for that user which removes some of the benefit of RBAC (vs. just using user based access).

    Are there plans to add support for this or would you be open to a PR that adds it?


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    UserID is only of type uint.

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    Cannot use 'superAdmin' (type string) as the type uint

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