A terminal UI (TUI) for HashiCorp Nomad

Damon - A terminal Dashboard for HashiCorp Nomad

Damon is a terminal user interface (TUI) for Nomad. It provides functionality to observe and interact with Nomad resources such as Jobs, Deployments, or Allocations.

Additional Notes

Damon is in an early stage and is under active development. We are working on improving the performance and adding new features to Damon. Please take a look at the Damon project board to see what features you can expect in near future. If you find a bug or you have great ideas how Damon can be improved feel free to open an issue. To avoid duplicates, please check the project board before submitting one. Thank you!





--> Comming soon

Building from source and Run Damon

Make sure you have your go environment setup:

  1. Clone the project
  2. Run $ make build to build the binary
  3. Run $ make run to run the binary
  4. You can use $ make install-osx on a Mac to cp the binary to /usr/local/bin/damon


$ go install ./cmd/damon

How to use it

Once Damon is installed and avialable in your path, simply run:

$ damon

Environment Variables

Damon reads the following environment variables on startup:


You can read about them in detail here.



On every table or text view, you can use:

  • k or arrow up to navigate up
  • j or arrow down to navigate down

Top Level Commands

  • Show Jobs: ctrl-j
  • Show Deployments: ctrl-d
  • Show Namespaces: ctrl-n
  • Jump to a Jobs Allocations: ctrl-j
  • Switch Namespace: s
  • Quit: ctrl-c

Job View Commands

  • Show Allocations for a Job: <ENTER> (on the selected job)
  • Show TaskGroups for a Job: <t> (on the selected job)
  • Filter Job: </> (on the selected job)

Allocation View Commands

  • Show logs on STDOUT for an allocation: <ENTER>
  • Show logs on STDERR for an allocation: <ctrl-e>

Log View

When Damon displays logs, you can navigate through the logs using j, k, G, and g. To filter logs you can hit / which will open a input field to enter the filter string.

Consistent workflows to provision, secure, connect, and run any infrastructure for any application.
  • Crash while tailing a pretty active web log

    Crash while tailing a pretty active web log

    panic: runtime error: index out of range [507] with length 0 [recovered]
            panic: runtime error: index out of range [507] with length 0
    goroutine 1 [running]:
            /Users/james/go/pkg/mod/github.com/rivo/[email protected]/application.go:243 +0x7c
    panic(0x104d10c80, 0x1400013c4b0)
            /opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.16/libexec/src/runtime/panic.go:965 +0x14c
    github.com/rivo/tview.(*TextView).Draw(0x14000200600, 0x104d50218, 0x14000254240)
            /Users/james/go/pkg/mod/github.com/rivo/[email protected]/textview.go:1017 +0xb18
    github.com/rivo/tview.(*Flex).Draw(0x14000069590, 0x104d50218, 0x14000254240)
            /Users/james/go/pkg/mod/github.com/rivo/[email protected]/flex.go:183 +0x2b8
    github.com/rivo/tview.(*Flex).Draw(0x140000695c0, 0x104d50218, 0x14000254240)
            /Users/james/go/pkg/mod/github.com/rivo/[email protected]/flex.go:183 +0x2b8
    github.com/rivo/tview.(*Pages).Draw(0x14000069680, 0x104d50218, 0x14000254240)
            /Users/james/go/pkg/mod/github.com/rivo/[email protected]/pages.go:277 +0xb0
    github.com/rivo/tview.(*Application).draw(0x1400021c1c0, 0x0)
            /Users/james/go/pkg/mod/github.com/rivo/[email protected]/application.go:597 +0xac
            /Users/james/go/pkg/mod/github.com/rivo/[email protected]/application.go:550 +0x28
    github.com/rivo/tview.(*Application).Run(0x1400021c1c0, 0x0, 0x0)
            /Users/james/go/pkg/mod/github.com/rivo/[email protected]/application.go:376 +0x850
            /Users/james/Developer/damon/cmd/damon/main.go:104 +0x9d8
  • HCD: Implement nomad job status display

    HCD: Implement nomad job status display

    What is this about?

    This PR adds the nomad job status view to Damon, which can be displayed when hitting i on a selected job in the jobs view. The status gives the exact same response as the command nomad job status <job-id>


  • Seeing Tasks groups of namespace NB in namespace NA

    Seeing Tasks groups of namespace NB in namespace NA

    Hello guys,

    I started to use damon version v0.1.0-dev (8ff5085) with is a great tool for quick debugging. Let's say I deployed an application A in namespace NA and NB. I noticied that when I'm in a namespace NA, I'm able to see taskgroup of namespace NB. Anyone else noticed that? Any fix soon?

  • Feature: highlight string in logs

    Feature: highlight string in logs

    It would be cool to be able to specify a highlight string/regex to quickly see log lines that I'm looking for. This is a great feature of multitail. https://www.vanheusden.com/multitail/

  • Missing dependency tcell

    Missing dependency tcell

    I have e79c4a3e913841c7251c9aaa6b830b5bbaa3098c check out and my repo is clean.

    ❯ make build
    go build -o bin/damon ./cmd/damon
    go: github.com/rivo/[email protected] requires
            github.com/gdamore/tcell/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry; to add it:
            go mod download github.com/gdamore/tcell/v2
    make: *** [build] Error 1
  • Unactionable 500 from watcher

    Unactionable 500 from watcher

    Fresh install of damon, nomad is remote with anonymous acl write access.

    If I press a key after more than a short ( < 1s?) time has passed, I get an "Unexpected response code: 500 (Permission Denied)". At this point, the only action is to press enter/escape/ctrl+c, which does nothing, and then any key press, which will then quit. If I press enter before that short time window, then I can trigger the error dialog and then press enter to pop up a level and continue to navigate despite the large error window in the center of the screen. Commenting out line 128 of watcher/watcher.go lets me browse uninterrupted so it doesn't seem all that fatal.

    It would be nice to be able to close the dialog box without quitting the application. Secondarily, the modal behavior seems to race with other ui interactions.

    Running on ubuntu 20.04/tmux/kitty

    Totally understand that this is early stage and I was just tooling around with it and wanted to pass along my experience. It's super cool and look forward to seeing more!

  • Random task is selected for log viewing when selecting an allocation with multiple tasks

    Random task is selected for log viewing when selecting an allocation with multiple tasks

    When selecting an allocation from the list to view logs, if the allocation has more than one task it appears to be selecting the task to show logs for at random.

    $ nomad alloc status 92ffac07 | grep '^Task "' 
    Task "postgres" (prestart sidecar) is "running"
    Task "sonarperl" is "running"

    In this case, I've had both the logs for the postgres the sonarperl tasks be shown without any indication as to why it was selected.

    I checked the projects board and didn't see anything that looked like this so I figured I'd open the issue just in case.

    Let me know if I can provide any further info!

  • Rendering magic

    Rendering magic

    How do you draw to a terminal aware of the height of the terminal? I know with ANSI control codes you can move the cursor to print on a preceding line or clear the screen and rewrite, but I've never seen how to implement a more complex full terminal screen rendering application.

    I did a skim of ./layout and ./view and didn't notice anything.

  • As a user, I want to be able to select which task I want to show the logs for!

    As a user, I want to be able to select which task I want to show the logs for!


    Currently, when viewing logs for an allocation that has multiple tasks, it will pick a task randomly to show the logs.


    Add a selection to Damon that allows users to select a task from a task list.


    • Deploy a job with multiple tasks
    • As a user, I can see that I can select the desired task i want to view the logs for.
  • Segfault while viewing allocation logs

    Segfault while viewing allocation logs

    First off, this project is amazing and will be a staple in my day to day for a long time!

    I just built the binary and was testing it out and I left the log viewer open on an allocation for maybe 30-60 seconds while I was reading the projects README when Damon crashed with the error below.

    (Note, the TUI crashing left me unable to copypasta the error and it was a bit mangled format-wise in my terminal so I had to hand type it, apologies if the formatting is a bit different)

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation on violation code=0x1 addr=0x10 pc=0x73a1b8]
      goroutine 242 [running]:
          github.com/hcjulz/damon/watcher.(*Watcher).SubscribeToLogs.func1(0xc0004c20c0, 0xc000254190, 0xc0006285a0, 0xc0004a23c0) /workspaces/damon/watcher/logs.go:35 +0x118
          created by github.com/hcjulz/damon/watcher.(*Watcher).SubscribeToLogs /workspaces/damon/watcher/logs.go:31 +0x385

    Environment Information

     ➜  consul-cluster git:(master) ✗ cat /etc/lsb-release 
    DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS"
    $ nomad version
    Nomad v1.1.3 (8c0c8140997329136971e66e4c2337dfcf932692)
    $ nomad server members
    Name                        Address      Port  Status  Leader  Protocol  Build  Datacenter  Region
    nomad-0.global      4648   alive   true         2          1.1.3  awe-prod-1  global
    nomad-1.global       4648   alive   false       2           1.1.3  awe-prod-1  global
    nomad-2.global      4648   alive   false       2           1.1.3  awe-prod-1  global

    Haven't been able to reproduce the error again since but i'll try to watch more closely when monitoring logs to try and see if I can get some more context.

  • ⚙️ Allow a subscriber to subscribe to multiple topics at a time.

    ⚙️ Allow a subscriber to subscribe to multiple topics at a time.


    Currently, a subscriber (that can be a particular view like the Job View) can subscribe to only a single topic (Jobs, Allocs, Deployments). However, there is use-cases where a view is interested in multiple topics.


    Update the watcher such that a subscriber can subscribe to multiple topics and that a view is notified for all subscribed topics.

  • Feature request: optionally merge stdout and stderr

    Feature request: optionally merge stdout and stderr

    Sometimes it's really helpful to have stdout and stderr in the same window. I would love to have them optionally mixed together with color-coding for each.

  • Show healthy / desired allocs in job summary #17

    Show healthy / desired allocs in job summary #17

    What is this about?

    Show healthy and desired allocs count in job summary along with a status indicator. (Follow up on #17)

    Example : 2/3 ( 2 allocs are healthy out of 3 desired.)

    The status indicator represents the below,

    • ⚠️ Deployment cancelled/failed
    • ❌ Unhealthy allocs
    • ✅ Deployment Success and Healthy
    • ⌛ Deployment Running
    • --- Pending



  • Show healthy/running/desired allocs in Job summary

    Show healthy/running/desired allocs in Job summary

    What is the problem?

    The current summary data in Jobs view is not very intuitive. Currently it shows, how many groups are running out of total groups in a Job. But people are really interested on whether the desired allocs are running and healthy within a job. Something similar to the below one. This is Job overview from Nomad UI dashboard.


    How to solve?

    We can show below detail in Summary.

    <healthy allocs> / <running allocs> / <desired allocs>



    The allocs should be the sum of allocs from each group. (Mostly each job will have one group. I still can’t find a good use case, where we run multiple groups in a Job)

    I can give a PR on this change 😎 . Let me know if this improvement make sense.

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