An immutable radix tree implementation in Golang

go-immutable-radix CircleCI

Provides the iradix package that implements an immutable radix tree. The package only provides a single Tree implementation, optimized for sparse nodes.

As a radix tree, it provides the following:

  • O(k) operations. In many cases, this can be faster than a hash table since the hash function is an O(k) operation, and hash tables have very poor cache locality.
  • Minimum / Maximum value lookups
  • Ordered iteration

A tree supports using a transaction to batch multiple updates (insert, delete) in a more efficient manner than performing each operation one at a time.

For a mutable variant, see go-radix.


The full documentation is available on Godoc.


Below is a simple example of usage

// Create a tree
r := iradix.New()
r, _, _ = r.Insert([]byte("foo"), 1)
r, _, _ = r.Insert([]byte("bar"), 2)
r, _, _ = r.Insert([]byte("foobar"), 2)

// Find the longest prefix match
m, _, _ := r.Root().LongestPrefix([]byte("foozip"))
if string(m) != "foo" {
    panic("should be foo")

Here is an example of performing a range scan of the keys.

// Create a tree
r := iradix.New()
r, _, _ = r.Insert([]byte("001"), 1)
r, _, _ = r.Insert([]byte("002"), 2)
r, _, _ = r.Insert([]byte("005"), 5)
r, _, _ = r.Insert([]byte("010"), 10)
r, _, _ = r.Insert([]byte("100"), 10)

// Range scan over the keys that sort lexicographically between [003, 050)
it := r.Root().Iterator()
for key, _, ok := it.Next(); ok; key, _, ok = it.Next() {
  if key >= "050" {
// Output:
//  005
//  010
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  • SeekLowerBound not working correctly

    SeekLowerBound not working correctly

    I was trying to replace our custom Seek behavior in my fork with SeekLowerBound described in here but hit some issues.

    First thing I discovered was that an empty key (root) confuses the seeker. Tried to fix this in

    But then I discovered some more cases that behave weirdly. Added tests for them in

        --- FAIL: TestIterateLowerBound/case015 (0.00s)
            iradix_test.go:1712: keys=[ aaa bbb] search=aa want=[aaa bbb]
            iradix_test.go:1730: mis-match: key=aa
                  want=[aaa bbb]
        --- FAIL: TestIterateLowerBound/case016 (0.00s)
            iradix_test.go:1712: keys=[ aaa bbb] search=aaab want=[bbb]
            iradix_test.go:1730: mis-match: key=aaab
        --- PASS: TestIterateLowerBound/case017 (0.00s)
            iradix_test.go:1712: keys=[ aaa bbb] search= want=[ aaa bbb]
        --- FAIL: TestIterateLowerBound/case018 (0.00s)
            iradix_test.go:1712: keys=[a aa bbb] search=aa want=[aa bbb]
            iradix_test.go:1730: mis-match: key=aa
                  want=[aa bbb]
        --- FAIL: TestIterateLowerBound/case019 (0.00s)
            iradix_test.go:1712: keys=[a aaa bbb] search=aa want=[aaa bbb]
            iradix_test.go:1730: mis-match: key=aa
                  want=[aaa bbb]

    @banks @thaJeztah

  • Fix SeekLowerBound where tree contains keys that are prefixes of each other

    Fix SeekLowerBound where tree contains keys that are prefixes of each other

    Fixes #37 #28.

    This seems like a trivial case to miss however it stemmed from some confusion (on my part) about whether iradix was ever intended to support keys that were prefixes. It's a long story and I don't even recall exactly why I thought this was the case now given that every other operation on iradix supports this and most even include this case in their test examples. We even had it in the README example!

    But some combination of:

    • I was working at the time on a related radix tree that did have the assumption of null-terminated keys
    • hashicorp/go-memdb always null terminates even for simpler string indexes

    Anyway the fix is simple and the examples now pass.

    In addition the fuzz test (which explicitly used the null-termination trick to never trigger this assuming it was necessary in general) now passes without null terminating keys every time I've run it.

  • Added Clone method to Txn to create an independent copy of a transaction

    Added Clone method to Txn to create an independent copy of a transaction

    This PR adds a Clone method to Txn.

    A subsequent PR will add similar functionality to Txn in memdb (txn.Snapshot returning a read-only transaction), dependent on this one.

  • add regular seek

    add regular seek

    I'm not the original author of this patch, but trying to see if this patch can be upstreamed. BuildKit ( has been using a fork of this project with this patch applied for the last 3 years; depending on a fork is not "ideal", so I'm opening this pull request to discuss the option of upstreaming this patch (also see the discussion on

    I must admit that I don't have a lot of background around the purpose of this patch, so pinging @tonistiigi to provide more details if needed (also if tests are needed (happy to give you write access to my branch, or apply additional patches))

  • iradix.go error: cannot use lru (type simplelru.LRUCache) as type *simplelru.LRU in assignment: need type assertion

    iradix.go error: cannot use lru (type simplelru.LRUCache) as type *simplelru.LRU in assignment: need type assertion

    Hi, I'm trying to install hugo, and this package is giving me an error:

    $ go get -v                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    ../../../gocode/src/ cannot use lru (type simplelru.LRUCache) as type *simplelru.LRU in assignment: need type assertion

    I'm using go 1.9.3 on Debian testing amd64.

  • v2: use generics to enforce type invariants

    v2: use generics to enforce type invariants

    This PR introduces a v2 of go-immutable-radix, centered on utilizing generics.

    The major version bump is necessary because although the package is now generic, the exported type signatures have changed to be generic; rather than assuming interface{} in places.

    • sets minimum Go version to 1.18
    • module is bumped to
    • CI is swapped from Circle to GitHub Actions
    • Exported types and their methods are now generic
    • minor code lint fixes

    Closes #42 Closes #36

    r := iradix.New[string]() // e.g.

    note: if this gets merged, be sure to tag with v2.0.0

    Adding some benchmarks (via this harness). I suspect in practice the performance difference is negligible - the differences here could just be luck with GC going one way or the other.

    Work/go/iradix-bench 24s
    ➜ go run main.go 
    Scenario   Type        Size           V1           V2        Delta      Pct
     insertion byte        1000   1.697583ms   1.140482ms   -557.101µs  -32.82%
     insertion byte       10000  11.958884ms   9.357029ms  -2.601855ms  -21.76%
     insertion byte      100000 105.298741ms 110.699253ms   5.400512ms    5.13%
     insertion byte     1000000 741.490742ms 733.548246ms  -7.942496ms   -1.07%
     insertion employee    1000   1.231465ms   1.193493ms    -37.972µs   -3.08%
     insertion employee   10000  13.319666ms  14.263141ms    943.475µs    7.08%
     insertion employee  100000 110.649808ms  98.866248ms  -11.78356ms  -10.65%
     insertion employee 1000000 748.178939ms 681.968127ms -66.210812ms   -8.85%
     insertion int64       1000    1.33419ms   1.126917ms   -207.273µs  -15.54%
     insertion int64      10000  10.679749ms  10.884198ms    204.449µs    1.91%
     insertion int64     100000 113.991954ms 113.522559ms   -469.395µs   -0.41%
     insertion int64    1000000 754.626542ms 723.907751ms -30.718791ms   -4.07%
     insertion string      1000    993.762µs    559.075µs   -434.687µs  -43.74%
     insertion string     10000   12.36633ms  11.791997ms   -574.333µs   -4.64%
     insertion string    100000  97.246453ms  99.044017ms   1.797564ms    1.85%
     insertion string   1000000 697.957946ms 656.948516ms  -41.00943ms   -5.88%
       iterate byte        1000     17.052µs     12.504µs     -4.548µs  -26.67%
       iterate byte       10000    312.355µs    192.366µs   -119.989µs  -38.41%
       iterate byte      100000   6.272204ms   6.321789ms     49.585µs    0.79%
       iterate byte     1000000  62.505377ms   60.94112ms  -1.564257ms   -2.50%
       iterate employee    1000      10.46µs     12.905µs      2.445µs   23.37%
       iterate employee   10000    292.166µs    306.554µs     14.388µs    4.92%
       iterate employee  100000   5.937789ms   6.243939ms     306.15µs    5.16%
       iterate employee 1000000  64.140997ms   80.17852ms  16.037523ms   25.00%
       iterate int64       1000     16.511µs     14.368µs     -2.143µs  -12.98%
       iterate int64      10000     262.46µs    126.381µs   -136.079µs  -51.85%
       iterate int64     100000   6.378087ms   6.439172ms     61.085µs    0.96%
       iterate int64    1000000  60.678524ms  60.375718ms   -302.806µs   -0.50%
       iterate string      1000      7.134µs      6.763µs       -371ns   -5.20%
       iterate string     10000     194.05µs     105.27µs     -88.78µs  -45.75%
       iterate string    100000   6.041565ms   6.171173ms    129.608µs    2.15%
       iterate string   1000000  64.068893ms  64.387791ms    318.898µs    0.50%
  • Insert returns false even if an element was set

    Insert returns false even if an element was set

    I noticed that Insert method returns true even though a value was set under a given key. Looks like this problem is coming from Txn.insert method which returns bool is used by the Tree's Insert method. The code where a new edge is creating is here

    	// No edge, create one
    	if child == nil {
    		e := edge{
    			label: search[0],
    			node: &Node{
    				mutateCh: make(chan struct{}),
    				leaf: &leafNode{
    					mutateCh: make(chan struct{}),
    					key:      k,
    					val:      v,
    				prefix: search,
    		nc := t.writeNode(n, false)
    		return nc, nil, false

    You can see that we return false on purpose.

    So I cannot understand if it's a bug or a flaw in the documentation.

  • After using iterator.SeekPrefix, the iterator stop working beyond the current element

    After using iterator.SeekPrefix, the iterator stop working beyond the current element

    func TestSeekPrefix(t *testing.T){
        index := iradix.New()
        index, _ , _ = index.Insert([]byte("aaa"),"aaa")
        index, _ , _ = index.Insert([]byte("bbb"),"bbb")
        index, _ , _ = index.Insert([]byte("ccc"),"ccc")
        index, _ , _ = index.Insert([]byte("ddd"),"ddd")
        index, _ , _ = index.Insert([]byte("eee"),"eee")
        iterator := index.Root().Iterator()
        k,v,got := iterator.Next()
        for got{
            k,v,got = iterator.Next()
        k,v,got = iterator.Next()
        for got{
            t.Log("SF: ", k,v)
            k,v,got = iterator.Next()
  • Fix caching problem

    Fix caching problem

    My understanding is we should cache the newly copied node, otherwise the cache will never be used.

    Run the test TestTest_HugeTxn, with the fix it takes ~7.5 seconds to run, without the fix it takes ~9.4s.

  • a panic risk of function SeekPrefixWatch in file

    a panic risk of function SeekPrefixWatch in file "iter.go"

    As following code, the variable "search" could be 0-length byte slice. But the last line of following code quote the "search[0]" directly.

    		// Consume the search prefix
    		if len(n.prefix) > len(search) {
    			search = []byte{}
    		} else {
    			search = search[len(n.prefix):]
    		// Otherwise, take the lower bound next edge.
    		idx, lbNode := n.getLowerBoundEdge(search[0])
  • Go 1.10: iradix_test.go:176: Fatalf format %#v reads arg #2, but call has only 1 arg

    Go 1.10: iradix_test.go:176: Fatalf format %#v reads arg #2, but call has only 1 arg

    59b67882ec612f43b9d4c4fd97cebd507be4b3ee does not pas Go 1.10 unit tests. At least:

    + go test -buildmode pie -compiler gc -ldflags '-extldflags '\''-Wl,-z,relro  '\'''
    ./iradix_test.go:176: Fatalf format %#v reads arg #2, but call has only 1 arg
    FAIL [build failed]
  • Marshal


    Would it be possible to add Marshal/Unmarshal functions? I'm creating very large tries and it burns my lap to generate them 🔥 I'd like to save them to disk so I don't have to regen again.

    Would that be possible?

  • Add a copyright / notice file

    Add a copyright / notice file

    This project doesn't appear to include any copyright information or a NOTICE file. Can you add one? This is desired to comply with the open source license conditions.

  • Add fuzzy prefixing tree walking

    Add fuzzy prefixing tree walking

    This allows trees to be walked with non-exact prefixes. The Levenshtein distance is used to determine how far the input can deviate, which is highly useful for tasks such as autocompletion or suggestions where the spelling is often not quite correct

  • Queryable Sub-Trees

    Queryable Sub-Trees

    I see that the implementation is recursive, but this isn't exposed in the public API.

    For example:

    • Get(k []byte) is defined on *Node, but the only Node that is publicly accessible is the root node. It would be powerful to be able to make queries relative to any Node (e.g. Get("xyz") on the "abc" Node finding "abcxyz").
    • The docs state "Iterator is used to return an iterator at the given node to walk the tree", but the only possible "given node" is the root node.

    I might be able to figure it out reverse engineering the code, but I'm hoping the maintainers know whether this is something that is (a) already supported; just need to provide public access to non-root nodes, (b) not supported but could be with some reasonalble changes or (c) technically not possible given the current implementation.

    This is a great library. I'm trying to do some great open source code with it.

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