Nomad Pack is a templating and packaging tool used with HashiCorp Nomad.

Nomad Pack

Nomad Pack is currently a Tech Preview.

Nomad Pack is a templating and packaging tool used with HashiCorp Nomad.

Nomad Pack is used to:

  • Easily deploy popular applications to Nomad
  • Re-use common patterns across internal applications
  • Find and share job specifications with the Nomad community



Nomad Pack users must have Nomad running and accessible at the address defined in the NOMAD_ADDR environment variable.

If Nomad ACLs are enabled, a token with proper permissions must be defined in the NOMAD_TOKEN environment variable.

Basic Use

First, run the registry list command to see which packs are available to deploy.

nomad-pack registry list

To deploy one of these packs, use the run command. This deploys each jobs defined in the pack to Nomad. To deploy the hello_world pack, you would run the following command:

nomad-pack run hello_world

Each pack defines a set of variables that can be provided by the user. To get information on the pack and to see which variables can be passed in, run the info command.

nomad-pack info hello_world

Values for these variables are provided using the --var flag.

nomad-pack run hello_world --var message=hola

Values can also be provided by passing in a variables file. See the variables section of the Detailed usage guide for details.

tee -a ./my-variables.hcl << END

nomad-pack run hello_world -f ./my-variables.hcl

If you want to remove all of the resources deployed by a pack, run the destroy command with the pack name.

nomad-pack destroy hello_world

Adding Non-Default Pack Registries

When using Nomad Pack, the default registry for packs is the Nomad Pack Community Registry. Packs from this registry will be made automatically availible.

You can add additional registries by using the registry add command. For instance, if you wanted to add an example Gitlab registry, you would run the following command to download the registry.

nomad-pack registry add example

To view the packs you can now deploy, run the registry list command.

nomad-pack registry list

Packs from this registry can now be deployed using the run command.

Writing your own Packs

Nomad Pack is valuable when used with official and community packs, but many users will also want to use their own.

Converting your existing Nomad job specifications into reusable packs is achievable in a few steps, see the Writing Packs documentation for more details.

Pack Registries

Packs are organized into "registries" which contain multiple packs and shared templates.

The Nomad Pack Community Registry is a public registry for community-maintained packs. Nomad community members are encouraged to share their packs and collaborate with one anothr in this repo.

Pull Requests and feedback on both repositories are welcome!

Upcoming Features and Changes

  • Support for Volumes and ACLs
  • Support for other Vesion Control Systems
  • Pack search command
  • Integration into the official Nomad CLI

Additional Documentaion

Consistent workflows to provision, secure, connect, and run any infrastructure for any application.
  • Add support for adding and versioning registries

    Add support for adding and versioning registries

    This PR should meet the following requirements from #8

    • [x] Use @ syntax for specifying version (e.g.[email protected])
    • [x] Add pack or registry @tag
    • [x] Add pack or registry @release
    • [x] Add pack or registry @SHA
    • [x] Add or update pack or registry @latest - will store in the global cache and log SHA at time of installation
    • [x] Add registry with alias
    • [x] List registries and packs at all versions
  • cant pass the output of nomad-pack render to file

    cant pass the output of nomad-pack render to file

    The following commands all yield an empty jenkins.nomad

    nomad-pack render jenkins -f jenkins/vars.nomad > jenkins.nomad nomad-pack render jenkins -f jenkins/vars.nomad &> jenkins.nomad nomad-pack render jenkins -f jenkins/vars.nomad 2>&1 | tee jenkins.noma nomad-pack render jenkins -f jenkins/vars.nomad | tee jenkins.nomad nomad-pack render jenkins -f jenkins/vars.nomad |& tee jenkins.nomad

  • Panic when planning

    Panic when planning

    I get this error when I try to plan a pack. It works properly when rendering and when running though.

    ➜  pack plan ./packs/promtail
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x1b422ab]
    goroutine 1 [running]:{0x0, 0xc0006908a0, 0x0, 0xc00009e618, 0xc000690890, 0x0}, 0x2, 0x0, {0x2036ed8, 0xc00054c8a0})
    	/Users/mike/Code/nomad-pack/internal/runner/job/format.go:105 +0x3ab{0xc00009e480, 0xc0006905f0, 0x0, 0xc00009e528, 0xc0006905e0}, 0x0, {0x2036ed8, 0xc00054c8a0})
    	/Users/mike/Code/nomad-pack/internal/runner/job/format.go:90 +0x5a5*Runner).outputPlannedJob(0xc00091fb08, {0x2036ed8, 0xc00054c8a0}, 0xc00022ea20, 0xc0004e7a80)
    	/Users/mike/Code/nomad-pack/internal/runner/job/plan.go:118 +0xab*Runner).PlanDeployment(0xc000540190, {0x2036ed8, 0xc00054c8a0}, 0xc00009e498)
    	/Users/mike/Code/nomad-pack/internal/runner/job/plan.go:57 +0x627*PlanCommand).Run(0xc00009e1b0, {0xc0000300e0, 0x0, 0x0})
    	/Users/mike/Code/nomad-pack/cli/plan.go:104 +0x659*CLI).Run(0xc00012e140)
    	/Users/mike/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cli.go:262 +0x5f8{0xc0000300c0, 0x3, 0x3})
    	/Users/mike/Code/nomad-pack/cli/main.go:94 +0x2ad
    	/Users/mike/Code/nomad-pack/main.go:12 +0x7f
  • Parse pack URLs with URL.Parse to get clean hostnames.

    Parse pack URLs with URL.Parse to get clean hostnames.

    Switches implementation to use URL parsing to enable hostnames other than This fixes #161.

    There is an open question about unparsable URLs in the Pack.URL field of the metadata. For now, I opted to output the error message in the list output but continue rather than failing completely, since the pack would still be able to be rendered.

  • some errors returned are obtuse

    some errors returned are obtuse

    the newly added jenkins pack contains an error and when i try to run it the error returned by nomad-pack is less than useful. I had to render the pack and manually and run the job, to get presented with some reasonable feedback from the system.

    to reproduce.

    packs ❯ pwd nomad-pack-community-registry/packs packs ❯ nomad-pack run jenkins -f jenkins/vars.nomad ! Failed To Parse Job Specification

    Error:   400 Bad Request
    Type:    client.GenericOpenAPIError
             - Template Name: jenkins/templates/jenkins.nomad.tpl
             - Registry Name: dev
             - Pack Name: jenkins
             - Pack Ref: dev
             - Deployment Name: jenkins

    packs ❯ nomad-pack render jenkins -f jenkins/vars.nomad

    safe the output to a file (see #163 for my bug report about not being able to pass directly to file) and run it using the nomad cli

    packs ❯ nomad run jenkins.nomad
    Error getting job struct: Failed to parse using HCL 2. Use the HCL 1 parser with nomad run -hcl1, or address the following issues: jenkins.nomad:61,7-13: Unsupported argument; An argument named "config" is not expected here. Did you mean to define a block of type "config"?

  • docs: update contributing doc to mention `make boostrap`

    docs: update contributing doc to mention `make boostrap`


    make bootstrap is a necessary step for development that needs to run at least once.


    • [ ] Add entry (not necessary)
  • Render to Files

    Render to Files

    • Implement --render-to-file
    • Add non-interactive ErrorWithContext
    • Format Error Context Elements
    • Add auto-approve flag
    • Update to --to-dir; adopt --auto-approve flag for overwrite
    • Implemented Input in glintUI
    • Missed the callsite renaming confirmOverwrite

    Closes #109

  • NOMAD_NAMESPACE not evaluated

    NOMAD_NAMESPACE not evaluated


    Some packs does (may) not have a namespace variable and I tried to deploy to a different namespace using env var NOMAD_NAMESPACE but this didn't work.

  • Nomad registry for in-premise

    Nomad registry for in-premise

    We would like to see internal registry where we have deployed our nomad cluster and and we can deploy registry like container registry for eg. Harbor or we can try to integrate to Harbor registry

  • On init, the `--from` flag appears to be ignored

    On init, the `--from` flag appears to be ignored

    When I tried switching the upstream repo URL while running nomad-pack init the --from flag appears to have no effect:

    nomad-pack on  main via 🐹 v1.16.5 
    ❯ ./bin/nomad-pack init --from
      created global cache directory: /Users/lennon/.nomad/packs
      Initializing registry...
      Downloading source from [email protected]:hashicorp/nomad-pack-registry.git
      Installing into: /Users/lennon/.nomad/packs/default

    The local clone created confirms the the upstream is using the SSH ([email protected]:...) URL, despite the --from line specifying an HTTP origin:

    ❯ cat ~/.nomad/packs/default/.git/config 
    	repositoryformatversion = 0
    	filemode = true
    	bare = false
    	logallrefupdates = true
    	ignorecase = true
    	precomposeunicode = true
    [remote "origin"]
    	url = ssh://[email protected]/hashicorp/nomad-pack-registry.git
    	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    [branch "main"]
    	remote = origin
    	merge = refs/heads/main

    This is on main as of a7ef2357

  • Update Nomad Pack Nomad API Libraries to 1.3.X+

    Update Nomad Pack Nomad API Libraries to 1.3.X+

    I was working on Nomad Pack deployments and found that they couldn't submit jobs correctly with max_client_disconnect. From what I can tell this is related to the Nomad libraries that are used (I am using tech preview 2). Can you please pull in the PR #249 (once they update it to 1.3.1 😄 ) as I believe that will solve it. Thank you @mikenomitch !

  • Add support for locals

    Add support for locals

    I am trying to build a job that contains the following network and service resources and i currently have to specify the port number in both. Of course i can turn this into a pack variable and be done with it, but that feels weird/wrong since the port number is incredibly static in this particular case.

    network {
      mode = "bridge"
      port "mysql" {
        to = 3306
    [[ if .my.register_consul_service ]]
    service {
      name = "[[ .my.consul_service_name ]]"
      tags = [[ .my.consul_service_tags | toStringList ]]
      port = "mysql"
      connect {
        sidecar_service {
          tags = [""]
          proxy {
            local_service_port = 3306
    [[ end ]]

    In terraform we have something called locals, this would be a nice solution to be able to use this with packs as well. While attempting to use a local block in the variables.hcl file nomad-pack fails with the following error

    nomad-pack run packs/mysql -f vars/mysql.hcl -f vars/lab.hcl
    ! Failed To Process Pack
            Error:   Blocks of type "locals" are not expected here.
            Type:    *errors.errorString
                     - HCL Range:
                     - Registry Name: <<local folder>>
                     - Pack Name: mysql
                     - Pack Ref: <<none>>
                     - Pack Path:
                     - Deployment Name: mysql
  • UI: When a command fails due to a missing argument, the error is unhelpful

    UI: When a command fails due to a missing argument, the error is unhelpful

    When trying to use nomad-pack generate pack, I initially ran the command bare (mostly by accident).

    I'd usually expect that either the command would interactively ask for what it wanted, or to fail with usage information that would guide me to the correct invocation.

    However instead it failed with:

    ! Error Parsing Args Or Flags
            Error:   this command requires exactly 1 args(s), received 0
            Type:    *errors.errorString

    This is somewhat a jarring error string for incorrect input (and feels more like what I'd expect if some other, less expected, failure occurred).

  • When Run nomad-pack info .

    When Run nomad-pack info .


    I was following the tutorial in the hashcorp website, and when i was doing this command gave me this error

    nomad-pack info .

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x8 pc=0x18c91c1] goroutine 1 [running]:*Parser).loadPackFile(0xc0004fce40, 0x0, 0xc0005bf730, 0x203000, 0x203000, 0x187, 0xf) /home/circleci/project/project/internal/pkg/variable/parser.go:174 +0xa1*Parser).parseRootFiles(0xc0004fce40, 0xc0005bf820, 0x1862b74, 0x1ffade0) /home/circleci/project/project/internal/pkg/variable/root.go:14 +0x125*Parser).Parse(0xc0004fce40, 0xc0004fce40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /home/circleci/project/project/internal/pkg/variable/parser.go:94 +0x45*InfoCommand).Run(0xc000060360, 0xc00008c050, 0x1, 0x1, 0xc000060200) /home/circleci/project/project/internal/cli/info.go:60 +0x3a5*CLI).Run(0xc00054a8c0, 0xc0005bfef8, 0xc00000e008, 0x1) /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cli.go:262 +0x41a, 0x3, 0x3, 0x0) /home/circleci/project/project/internal/cli/main.go:93 +0x225 main.main() /home/circleci/project/project/main.go:12 +0xa5

  • Would love to see a post-render equivalent documented

    Would love to see a post-render equivalent documented

    Not that Nomad-Pack needs to be like Helm, but for work I came across a use-case, namely how can I take a community Helm Chart and make changes to it without forking / committing to the repo, and was left wondering "how would I do that with Nomad-Pack"?

    It looks like there would be a way to perhaps do a render and then run a script against that output. Or perhaps some hcl-to-json converstion before processing. Either way, it would be cool to see some docs walking through how one would alter or add to an existing community pack.

    Thanks, Sam

  • `nomad-pack run .` with `-f` isn't working as expected

    `nomad-pack run .` with `-f` isn't working as expected

    hello we're trying to develop our nomad pack,

    as our nomad-pack is extended version of nomad-autoscaler community pack

    after that want to run the pack with custom variables, notes that the, metadata.hcl is no different from nomad-autoscaler community pack we just adding vault stanza in the config for now.

    then we run the command like below :

    nomad-pack run ./packs/nomad-autoscaler -f ./config/development/development_variables.hcl

    but got many error :

    ❯ nomad-pack run ./packs/nomad-autoscaler -f ./config/development/development_variables.hcl 
    ! Failed To Process Pack
            Error:   There is no variable named "job_name". An override file can only override a variable that was already declared in a primary configuration file.
            Type:    *errors.errorString
                     - HCL Range: ./config/development/development_variables.hcl:1,1-33
                     - Registry Name: <<local folder>>
                     - Pack Name: nomad_autoscaler
                     - Pack Ref: <<none>>
                     - Pack Path: /home/kholis/packs/nomad-autoscaler
                     - Deployment Name: nomad-autoscaler
    ! Failed To Process Pack
            Error:   There is no variable named "datacenters". An override file can only override a variable that was already declared in a primary configuration file.
            Type:    *errors.errorString
                     - HCL Range: ./config/development/development_variables.hcl:2,1-28
                     - Registry Name: <<local folder>>
                     - Pack Name: nomad_autoscaler
                     - Pack Ref: <<none>>
                     - Pack Path: /home/kholis/packs/nomad-autoscaler
                     - Deployment Name: nomad-autoscaler

    this is inside development_variables.hcl

    job_name    = "nomad_autoscaler"
    datacenters = ["us-west-2"]
    region      = "global"
    namespace   = "default"
    autoscaler_agent_network = {
      autoscaler_http_port_label = "http"
    autoscaler_agent_task = {
      driver               = "docker",
      version              = "0.3.7",
      additional_cli_args  = ["-nomad-address=http://$${}:4646", "-http-bind-address="],
      config_files         = ["./config/development/development_config.hcl"],
      scaling_policy_files = ["./config/development/development_policy.hcl"],

    but when we try to use l use nomad-pack with the default registry

    ❯ nomad-pack run nomad_autoscaler -f ./config/development/development_variables.hcl
      Evaluation ID: 37f4ce41-411b-df92-41ca-2f4d55f7744b
      Job 'nomad_autoscaler' in pack deployment 'nomad_autoscaler@latest' registered successfully
    Pack successfully deployed. Use nomad_autoscaler with --ref=latest to manage this deployed instance with plan, stop, destroy, or info

    its success.

    is this intended behavior or bug?

  • Variables declaration doesn't support validation stanza

    Variables declaration doesn't support validation stanza

    I stumbled upon it in the Packer documentation and assumed this was an HCL2 feature available across all products.

    It doesn't look like nomad-pack supports it making variable validation somewhat painful. The best I could find was to have my whole template surrounded by a giant [[ if ]] [[ end ]] condition.

    Sample variable:

    variable "location_type" {
      type        = string
      default     = "dc"
      description = "Type of physical location (dc, pop or stx)."
      validation {
        condition     = contains(["dc", "pop", "stx"], var.location_type)
        error_message = "No bueno"

    Output I'm getting:

    ! Failed To Process Pack
            Error:   Blocks of type "validation" are not expected here.
            Type:    *errors.errorString
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