Golang library with POSIX-compliant command-line UI (CLI) and Hierarchical-configuration. Better substitute for stdlib flag.


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cmdr is a POSIX-compliant, command-line UI (CLI) library in Golang. It is a getopt-like parser of command-line options, be compatible with the getopt_long command line UI, which is an extension of the syntax recommended by POSIX.

We made many enhancements beyond the standard library flag.

There is a full Options Store (configurations) for your hierarchical configuration dataset too.

The .netCore version Cmdr.Core is available now. And, a cxx version cmdr-cxx is comming soon.


To review the image frames, go surfing at https://github.com/hedzr/cmdr/issues/1#issuecomment-567779978

Table of Contents

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The better choice is importing with go-modules enabled:

import "github.com/hedzr/cmdr"

See our extras:


  • docs (WIP):

  • v1.7.42

    • routine maintenance
  • v1.7.41

    • fixed: flags after tail-args might not be recognized. NOTE: in app cmd1 cmd2 --a file1 file2 --c, --c might be ignored.
    • updated: log+logex
  • v1.7.40

    • update log/logex to fix the wrong caller skips for logrus
  • v1.7.39

    • update log/logex to fix the wrong caller skips for zap/sugar, and ensure debug mode work
  • v1.7.38

    • improved the usage line in help screen
  • v1.7.37

    • added WithAlterLocations(...)
    • broken: LoadConfigFiles returns 3 values now
  • v1.7.36

    • fixed GetSectionFrom() now work for []interface{}. such as:
       - name: xx
         url: xx
       - name: yy
         url: yy
    • print error detail while loading and merging child config file failed
  • v1.7.35

    • update deps with log/logex fixed
  • v1.7.33

    • added project-level files
    • update deps
  • v1.7.32

    • added WithWarnForUnknownCommand
    • fixed bugs
  • v1.7.31

    • added alternative config file and folder: $CURRDIR/.<appname>.yml & $CURRDIR/.<appname>/*.yml - Using WithSearchAlterConfigFiles(true)
    • configurable auto-sub-folder-name conf.d: WithConfigSubDirAutoName(string)
  • v1.7.30

    • added docker hub image for examples/fluent
  • v1.7.29

    • added docker image for examples/fluent
    • added cmdr.InDockerEnv
    • small fixes
  • v1.7.28

    • added cmdr.NewLoggerConfigWith for better smoothing transfer cmdr internal status to log/logex.
    • added cmdr.InDevelopingTime
    • better output in PassThruChar(--) detected
    • doc and added SetTraceMode/SetDebugMode
  • v1.7.27

    • added: WithHelpScreenHooks, GetRemainArgs, ...
    • improved: WithPagerEnabled, InTesting, ...
    • fixed: missed initializing for logger-level in Option Store sometimes.
    • tests
  • v1.7.25

    • New feature: loading command definition from config file
    • fixed bugs
  • v1.7.23

    • A new feature: the builtin pluggable cmdr-addon/plugin. make build && bin/fluent --help && bin/fluent dx
    • added: WithPluginLocations(locations...), WithExtensionsLocations(locations...)
  • v1.7.21

  • v1.7.11

    • update: new log.Logger instance in log.GetLogger
    • fixed: ReadPassword in windows
  • v1.7.10

    • fixed: too much empty lines in help screen
  • v1.7.9

    • right align multi-lines desc string in help screen
    • added new envvars: HELP, NO_COLOR (HELP=1 app some sub cmd == app some sub cmd --help)
  • v1.7.8

    • tabStop in help screen will be autosize now
    • deprecated at next minor release (v1.8+): WithHelpTabStop()
    • deprecated at next minor release (v1.8+): plugins/daemon
    • BREAK: some two methods in the interface Painter has been changed.
  • v1.7.7

    • update deps to improve logging supports
    • deprecated: WithLogex(), as its replacement, WithLogx() has a better generic logging interface (hedzr/log.Logger)
  • v1.7.6:

    • using hedzr/log and remove other logging dependencies.
    • added WithLogx(logger): integrating with your logger (via log.Logger interface)
  • v1.7.5:

    • move some helper function to tool sub-package
  • For more information to refer to CHANGELOG



Old README.md: README.old.md

About the Docker build

Here is a docker build for cmdr/examples/fluent so that you can run it without go building or downloading the release files:

# from Docker Hub:
$ docker run -it --rm hedzr/cmdr-fluent
$ docker run -it --rm hedzr/cmdr-fluent --help

# from Github Packages (please following the guide of GitHub Packages Site):
$ docker run -it --rm docker.pkg.github.com/hedzr/cmdr/cmdr-fluent
$ docker run -it --rm docker.pkg.github.com/hedzr/cmdr/cmdr-fluent --help

For Developer

For Developer


  1. short
    simple codes with structured data style.

  2. demo
    normal demo with external config files.

  3. wget-demo
    partial-covered for GNU wget.

  4. fluent
    demostrates how to define your command-ui with the fluent api style.

  5. ffmain

    a demo to show you how to migrate from go flag smoothly.

  6. cmdr-http2
    http2 server with daemon supports, graceful shutdown

  7. awesome-tool
    awesome-tool is a cli app that fetch the repo stars and generate a markdown summary, accordingly with most of awesome-xxx list in github (such as awesome-go).

See Also the examples index: Examples.md (zh-cn TODO: Examples.zh-cn.md)



Feel free to issue me bug reports and fixes. Many thanks to all contributors.

Thanks to JODL

JODL (JetBrains OpenSource Development License) is good:

goland jetbrains



FOSSA Status

#devops #agile #golang #kotlin #dotnetcore #modern-cxx #android #flutter #shell
  • 双引号的问题


    const (
    	versionName = "0.0.1"
    	appName     = "cmdrtest"
    func buildRootCmd() (rootCmd *cmdr.RootCommand) {
    	root := cmdr.Root(appName, versionName)
    		Titles("o", "output-file").
    		Description("output file", "").
    		DefaultValue("", "").
    		OnSet(func(keyPath string, value interface{}) {
    	rootCmd = root.RootCommand()
    func main() {
    	rootCmd := buildRootCmd()
    	if err := cmdr.Exec(rootCmd,
    		cmdr.WithBuiltinCommands(false, false, false, false, false),
    	); err != nil {

    编译完如果 cmdrtest -o "" 就会 panic

    panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    github.com/hedzr/cmdr.(*ptpkg).preprocessPkg(0xc0002c6000, 0xc00002a0c0, 0x3, 0x4, 0x0, 0x5)
            $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/hedzr/[email protected]/ptpkg.go:170 +0x33a
    github.com/hedzr/cmdr.(*ptpkg).processTypeString(0xc0002c6000, 0xc00002a0c0, 0x3, 0x4, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xc0000220d1)
            $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/hedzr/[email protected]/ptpkg.go:280 +0x6e
    github.com/hedzr/cmdr.(*ptpkg).tryExtractingValue(0xc0002c6000, 0xc00002a0c0, 0x3, 0x4, 0xc0002784e8, 0x9e509f)
            $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/hedzr/[email protected]/ptpkg.go:100 +0x112
    github.com/hedzr/cmdr.(*ExecWorker).flagsMatched(0xc0002b8120, 0xc0002c6000, 0xc0002981c0, 0xc00002a0c0, 0x3, 0x4, 0x9c8ede, 0xc0002c6000, 0xc0002c6028)
            $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/hedzr/[email protected]/exec_match.go:133 +0x5f
    github.com/hedzr/cmdr.(*ExecWorker).flagsMatching(0xc0002b8120, 0xc0002c6000, 0xc0002981c0, 0xc00022be48, 0xc00002a0c0, 0x3, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
            $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/hedzr/[email protected]/exec_match.go:99 +0x3ce
    github.com/hedzr/cmdr.(*ExecWorker).xxTestCmd(0xc0002b8120, 0xc0002c6000, 0xc00022be48, 0xc0002981c0, 0xc00002a0c0, 0x3, 0x4, 0x0, 0x1, 0xc000134060)
            $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/hedzr/[email protected]/exec.go:244 +0x15c
    github.com/hedzr/cmdr.(*ExecWorker).InternalExecFor(0xc0002b8120, 0xc0002981c0, 0xc00002a0c0, 0x3, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0)
            $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/hedzr/[email protected]/exec.go:194 +0x2da
    github.com/hedzr/cmdr.Exec(0xc0002981c0, 0xc00022bf38, 0x1, 0x1, 0x43e6c1, 0x1081ec0)
            $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/hedzr/[email protected]/exec.go:88 +0x9e


  • Add license scan report and status

    Add license scan report and status

    Your FOSSA integration was successful! Attached in this PR is a badge and license report to track scan status in your README.

    Below are docs for integrating FOSSA license checks into your CI:

  • ToggleGroup & flag.Args()

    ToggleGroup & flag.Args()

    Hi, Maybe I'm missing what the feature ToggleGroup is but I thought that by setting a values like this would make the values mutually exclusive

                            BaseOpt: cmdr.BaseOpt{
                                    Short:       "L",
                                    Full:        "list",
                                    Description: "list command",
                                    Group:       cStartup,
                            DefaultValue: false,
                            ToggleGroup:  "target",
                            BaseOpt: cmdr.BaseOpt{
                                    Short:       "G",
                                    Full:        "grain",
                                    Description: "grain command",
                                    Group:       cStartup,
                            DefaultValue: false,
                            ToggleGroup:  "target",

    but I can run both commands and I don't get an error.

    Also, I would have wanted to have the option to get the remaining args that were not parsed just as in the official flag package.

  • 禁用 help 之后

    禁用 help 之后


    const (
    	versionName = "0.0.1"
    	appName     = "cmdrtest"
    func buildRootCmd() (rootCmd *cmdr.RootCommand) {
    	root := cmdr.Root(appName, versionName)
    	// root.NewSubCommand().
    	// 	Titles("h", "help").
    	// 	Description("show help screen", "").
    	// 	Action(func(cmd *cmdr.Command, args []string) (err error) {
    	// 		fmt.Println("this is help text")
    	// 		os.Exit(0)
    	// 		return
    	// 	})
    	// root.NewFlag(cmdr.OptFlagTypeBool).
    	// 	Titles("h", "help").
    	// 	Description("show help screen", "").
    	// 	DefaultValue(false, "").
    	// 	OnSet(func(keyPath string, value interface{}) {
    	// 		fmt.Println("this is help text")
    	// 		os.Exit(0)
    	// 		return
    	// 	})
    	rootCmd = root.RootCommand()
    func main() {
    	// To disable internal commands and flags, uncomment the following codes
    	cmdr.EnableVersionCommands = false
    	cmdr.EnableVerboseCommands = false
    	cmdr.EnableHelpCommands = false
    	cmdr.EnableGenerateCommands = false
    	cmdr.EnableCmdrCommands = false
    	rootCmd := buildRootCmd()
    	if err := cmdr.Exec(rootCmd); err != nil {

    这个时候 -h 或者 --help 似乎是无效的 (Unknown flag: -h)

    但是直接运行会默认输出 usage,最后一行仍然会是:

    Type '-h' or '--help' to get command help screen.

    如果想要实现它,用 NewSubCommand 的话会不能带 - 符号,就和最后一行的输出相矛盾了。此时该用 NewFlag(cmdr.OptFlagTypeBool)OnSet 吗?但总感觉它应该是 Command 范畴,因为可能需要实现 go help build 这种效果

  • Gallery


    wget-demo app


    demo app


    man page

    # generate man pages to `./man1`
    mkdir man1 && bin/demo gen man
    # move them to system location:
    mv ./man1/* /usr/local/man/man1/
    # And, query them via `man 1 demo` or `man 1 demo server`:
    man demo-generate

    And: image

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