Collection library using generics in Go


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Collection library using generics in Go


This is a library to provide useful collection data structures and methods for Gophers. This library uses generics feature which gets available in Go officially at 1.18.


Go 1.18 or later.

If Go 1.18 has not been released but you want to try this package, you can use gotip command.

$ go install
$ gotip download # latest commit
$ gotip version
go version devel go1.18-c2397905e0 Sat Nov 13 03:33:55 2021 +0000 darwin/arm64

You must use gotip build to build this library instead of go build .

What to be implemented

  • ArrayList
  • ComparableArrayList
  • LinkedList
  • DoublyLinkedList
  • Deque
  • Queue
  • PriorityQueue
  • HashSet
  • TreeSet
  • Stack
Hidetatz Yaginuma
Hidetatz does infrastructures, database, concurrent programming, transactions, distributed systems
Hidetatz Yaginuma
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