COCO (Color Converter) is a color conversion library for Go.

COCO (Color Converter) for Go

COCO (Color Converter) is a color conversion library for Go. Heavily inspired by NPM's color-convert. It converts all ways between rgb, hsl, hsv, hwb, cmyk, and hex strings.


Just run this:

go get


  • RGB Base

You can change an RGB base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// RGB to CMYK
coco.Rgb2Cmyk(140, 200, 100) // Output [4]float64: [30 0 50 22]

// RGB to HSL
coco.Rgb2Hsl(140, 200, 100) // Output [3]float64: [96 48 59]

// RGB to HSV
coco.Rgb2Hsv(140, 200, 100) // Output [3]float64: [96 50 78]

// RGB to HWB
coco.Rgb2Hwb(140, 200, 100) // Output [3]float64: [96 39 22]

// RGB to LAB
coco.Rgb2Lab(140, 200, 100) // Output [3]float64: [75 -37 44]

// RGB to XYZ
coco.Rgb2Hwb(140, 200, 100) // Output [3]float64: [34 48 20]

// RGB to HEX
coco.Rgb2Hex(140, 200, 100) // Output string: 8CC864

// RGB to HCG
coco.Rgb2Hcg(140, 200, 100) // Output [3]float64: [96 39 65]

// RGB to Apple
coco.Rgb2Apple(140, 200, 100) // Output [3]float64: [29041 54998 7710]

// RGB to Gray
coco.Rgb2Apple(140, 200, 100) // Output [1]float64: [58]
  • HSL Base

You can change an HSL base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// HSL to RGB
coco.Hsl2Rgb(136, 54, 43) // Output [3]float64: [50 169 82]

// HSL to HSV
coco.Hsl2Hsv(136, 54, 43) // Output [3]float64: [136 70 66]

// HSL to HCG
coco.Hsl2Hsv(136, 54, 43) // Output [3]float64: [136 46 37]
  • HSV Base

You can change an HSV base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// HSV to RGB
coco.Hsv2Rgb(4, 78, 92) // Output [3]float64: [235 64 52]

// HSV to HSL
coco.Hsv2Hsl(4, 78, 92) // Output [3]float64: [4 82 56]

// HSV to HCG
coco.Hsv2Hcg(4, 78, 92) // Output [3]float64: [4 72 72]
  • HWB Base

You can change an HWB base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// HWB to RGB
coco.Hwb2Rgb(136, 0, 43) // Output [3]float64: [0 145 107]

// HWB to HCG
coco.Hwb2Hcg(136, 0, 43) // Output [3]float64: [136 57 0]
  • CMYK Base

You can change an CMYK base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// CMYK to RGB
coco.Cmyk2Rgb(70, 0, 51, 34) // Output [3]float64: [50 168 82]
  • XYZ Base

You can change an XYZ base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// XYZ to RGB
coco.Xyz2Rgb(21, 18, 5) // Output [3]float64: [166 103 46]

// XYZ to LAB
coco.Xyz2Lab(21, 18, 5) // Output [3]float64: [49 20 41]
  • LAB Base

You can change an LAB base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// LAB to XYZ
coco.Lab2Xyz(50, 21, 38) // Output [3]float64: [22 18 6]

// LAB to LCH
coco.Lab2Lch(50, 21, 38) // Output [3]float64: [50 43 61]
  • LCH Base

You can change an LCH base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// LCH to LAB
coco.Lab2Xyz(30, 79, 50) // Output [3]float64: [30 51 61]
  • HEX Base

You can change an HEX base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// HEX to RGB
coco.Hex2Rgb("4287F5") // Output [3]uint8: [66 135 245]
  • HCG Base

You can change an HCG base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// HCG to RGB
coco.Hcg2Rgb(44, 98, 50) // Output [3]float64: [252 186 3]

// HCG to HSV
coco.Hcg2Hsv(44, 98, 50) // Output [3]float64: [44 99 99]

// HCG to HSL
coco.Hcg2Hsl(44, 98, 50) // Output [3]float64: [44 98 50]

// HCG to HWB
coco.Hcg2Hwb(44, 98, 50) // Output [3]float64: [44 1 1]
  • Apple Base

You can change an Apple base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// Apple to RGB
coco.Apple2Rgb(64764, 47802, 771) // Output [3]float64: [252 186 3]
  • Gray Base

You can change an Gray base value to other types of value. To use it:

import (

// Gray to RGB
coco.Gray2Rgb(46) // Output [3]float64: [117 117 117]

// Gray to CMYK
coco.Gray2Cmyk(46) // Output [4]float64: [0 0 0 46]

// Gray to HEX
coco.Gray2Lab(46) // Output string: 757575

// Gray to HSL
coco.Gray2Hsl(46) // Output [3]float64: [0 0 46]

// Gray to HSV
coco.Gray2Hsv(46) // Output [3]float64: [0 0 46]

// Gray to HWB
coco.Gray2Hwb(46) // Output [3]float64: [0 100 46]

// Gray to LAB
coco.Gray2Lab(46) // Output [3]float64: [46 0 0]

Pending Implementation

  1. RGB to keyword
  2. Keyword to RGB
  3. Ansi16 & Ansi256


Hisam A Fahri: @hisamafahri



Hisam Fahri
Attempting to make the world a better place, even just a little.
Hisam Fahri
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