/ˈdʏf/ - diff tool for YAML files, and sometimes JSON

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A diff tool for YAML files, and sometimes JSON


dyff is inspired by the way the old BOSH v1 deployment output reported changes from one version to another by only showing the parts of a YAML file that change.

Each difference is referenced by its location in the YAML document by using either the Spruce or go-patch path syntax. The output report aims to be as compact as possible to give a clear and simple overview of the change.

Similar to the standard diff tool, it follows the principle of describing the change by going from the from input file to the target to input file.

Input files can be local files (filesystem path), remote files (URI), or the standard input stream (using -).

All orders of keys in hashes are preserved during processing and output to the terminal, most notably in the sub-commands to convert YAML to JSON and vice versa.


On macOS, dyff is available via Homebrew:

brew install homeport/tap/dyff

Prebuilt binaries for a lot of operating systems and architectures can be downloaded from the releases section.

There is a convenience script to download the latest release for Linux or macOS if you want to keep it simple (you need curl and jq installed on your machine):

curl --silent --location https://tinyurl.com/y4qvdl4d | bash

You can download and build dyff from source using go get:

GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/homeport/dyff/cmd/dyff

Use cases and examples

  • Show the differences between two versions of cf-deployment YAMLs:

    dyff between \
      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudfoundry/cf-deployment/v1.10.0/cf-deployment.yml \

    dyff between example

  • Embed dyff into Git for better understandable differences

    # Setup...
    git config --local diff.dyff.command 'dyff_between() { dyff --color on between --omit-header "$2" "$5"; }; dyff_between'
    echo '*.yml diff=dyff' >> .gitattributes
    # And have fun, e.g.:
    git log --ext-diff -u
    git show --ext-diff HEAD

    dyff between example of a Git commit

  • Convert a JSON stream to YAML

    sometool --json | jq --raw-output '.data' | dyff yaml -
  • Sometimes you end up with YAML or JSON files, where the order of the keys in maps was sorted alphabetically. With dyff you can restructure keys in maps to a more human appealing order:

    sometool --export --json | dyff yaml --restructure -

    Or, rewrite a file in place with the restructured order of keys.

    dyff yaml --restructure --in-place somefile.yml
  • Just print a YAML (or JSON) file to the terminal to look at it. By default, dyff will use a neat output schema which includes different colors and indent helper lines to improve readability. The colors are roughly based on the default Atom schema and work best on dark terminal backgrounds. The neat output is disabled if the output of dyff is redirected into a pipe, or you can disable it explicitly using the --plain flag.

    dyff yaml somefile.yml
  • Convert a YAML file to JSON and vice versa:

    dyff json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudfoundry/cf-deployment/v1.19.0/cf-deployment.yml

    The dyff sub-command (yaml, or json) defines the output format, the tool automatically detects the input format itself.

    dyff yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/homeport/dyff/develop/assets/bosh-yaml/manifest.json
  • Comparing output of

    Comparing output of "kubectl diff -k" fails with "unknown command"

    dyff verison 1.5.4 on linux

    I configure dyff to be the external diff for kubectl export KUBECTL_EXTERNAL_DIFF="dyff between --omit-header --set-exit-code" Then I ask kubectl to show the diff (before applying) of kustomize output kubectl diff -k . The error is

    Error occurred
    unknown command "/tmp/LIVE-1245488198" for "dyff"

    If I instead extract the current deployment and the result of kubectl kustomize . I can show the diff just fine.


  • Ignore exclude/filter action if filterPath given is nil

    Ignore exclude/filter action if filterPath given is nil

    This hopefully solves issue 232. When comparing two YAMLs with a document removed and using the --exclude flag I noticed that dyff threw a panic. I think this is because those Diff objects don't have a Path set (must be nil) so when we do --exclude (or any of the other exclude/filter flags) it will panic trying to produce the report. Let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to do :)

  • Support different document ordering

    Support different document ordering

    Diffing two files that contain the same set of documents, but in different orders shows a diff. At least with e.g. Kubernetes resources we can identify the document uniquely using kind and metadata.name, which would allow dyff to pair up documents.

    I realise this is probably related to #16 as it's dealing with multiple documents.


    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: x
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: y


    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: y
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: x

    dyff between --ignore-order-changes --detect-kubernetes a.yaml b.yaml:

         _        __  __
       _| |_   _ / _|/ _|  between a.yaml, two documents
     / _' | | | | |_| |_       and b.yaml, two documents
    | (_| | |_| |  _|  _|
     \__,_|\__, |_| |_|   returned six differences
    apiVersion  (document #1)
      ± value change
        - apps/v1
        + v1
    kind  (document #1)
      ± value change
        - Deployment
        + Service
    metadata.name  (document #1)
      ± value change
        - x
        + y
    apiVersion  (document #2)
      ± value change
        - v1
        + apps/v1
    kind  (document #2)
      ± value change
        - Service
        + Deployment
    metadata.name  (document #2)
      ± value change
        - y
        + x
  • arm64 support

    arm64 support

    I have some issue installing on macOS with m1:

    $ curl --silent --location https://git.io/JYfAY | sudo bash
    Unsupported operating system darwin or machine type arm64: Please check https://github.com/homeport/dyff/releases manually.

    arm64 is supported in goreleaser https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser/pull/1956 with go 1.16 version

  • Support for diffing multilines string content

    Support for diffing multilines string content

    fixes #171

    If implemented, an inline diff will be processed for multilines strings, and diff hunks will be highlighted.

    Signed-off-by: Soule BA [email protected]

  • Instructions for use in Git don't work;

    Instructions for use in Git don't work; "Unsupported protocol scheme"

    I've just tried to use this as a git-dffer and get the following errors having simply copy-pasted from the readme.

    I just created a small repo to test this in:

    $ git log
    commit 93fb76bc6324c8a45e3764478634e1977ecef5ba (HEAD -> master)
    Author: Avi Greenbury <[email protected]>
    Date:   Thu Dec 23 14:22:35 2021 +0000
        add stuff
    commit 6507158842315aa75213cc41a6305ac475b11086
    Author: Avi Greenbury <[email protected]>
    Date:   Thu Dec 23 14:22:13 2021 +0000
    $ git show
    commit 93fb76bc6324c8a45e3764478634e1977ecef5ba (HEAD -> master)
    Author: Avi Greenbury <[email protected]>
    Date:   Thu Dec 23 14:22:35 2021 +0000
        add stuff
    diff --git a/test.yml b/test.yml
    index 2eb7df4..acf0792 100644
    --- a/test.yml
    +++ b/test.yml
    @@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ test: true
       - dyff
       - diff
    +  - git-diff
    +  - things
    $ git config --local diff.dyff.command 'dyff_between() { dyff --color on between --omit-header "$2" "$5"; }; dyff_between'
    $ echo '*.yml diff=dyff' >> .gitattributes
    $ git log --ext-diff -u
    commit 93fb76bc6324c8a45e3764478634e1977ecef5ba (HEAD -> master)
    Author: Avi Greenbury <[email protected]>
    Date:   Thu Dec 23 14:22:35 2021 +0000
        add stuff
    ╭ Error: failed to load input files
    │ unable to load data from
    │ /tmp/YUaX0G_test.yml: Get
    │ "/tmp/YUaX0G_test.yml": unsupported protocol scheme ""
    fatal: external diff died, stopping at test.yml
    $ git show --ext-diff HEAD
    commit 93fb76bc6324c8a45e3764478634e1977ecef5ba (HEAD -> master)
    Author: Avi Greenbury <[email protected]>
    Date:   Thu Dec 23 14:22:35 2021 +0000
        add stuff
    ╭ Error: failed to load input files
    │ unable to load data from
    │ /tmp/hbpFpg_test.yml: Get
    │ "/tmp/hbpFpg_test.yml": unsupported protocol scheme ""
    fatal: external diff died, stopping at test.yml

    This is installed from Snap on ubuntu 20.04; dyff version 1.4.6 and git 2.25.1

  • error with kubectl diff compatibility

    error with kubectl diff compatibility

    seems like kubectl is expecting the external diff variable to be just the executable name? is there a workaround? thanks

    % export KUBECTL_EXTERNAL_DIFF="dyff between --omit-header --set-exit-code"
    % kubectl diff -f foo.yaml
    error: failed to run "dyff between --omit-header --set-exit-code": executable file not found in $PATH

    % kubectl version Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.7", GitCommit:"1dd5338295409edcfff11505e7bb246f0d325d15", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-01-13T13:23:52Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"17+", GitVersion:"v1.17.17-gke.4900", GitCommit:"2812f9fb0003709fc44fc34166701b377020f1c9", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-03-19T09:19:27Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.15b4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

  • Option to filter results

    Option to filter results

    I'm using dyff for comparing k8s manifests which can be quite huge. So I think it'll be useful if we can filter out results using some pattern like below.

    dyff between file1.json file2.json --filter deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.env

    PS: Great job with the visualisation 🥇

  • Configure listItemIdentifierCandidates via settings

    Configure listItemIdentifierCandidates via settings

    I am comparing YAML files that have embedded lists that use key identifiers other than "name", "key", id". It would be useful to be able to configure list identifiers through the settings (in a more flexible way than settings.KubernetesEntityDetection).

    I think that setting "branch" as an identifier will solve a problem I am having with the following false positive: (sequence ordering is disabled):

      - two list entries removed:
        - allowedtoforcepush: false
          - name: vcdc-developers
            level: 40
          - name: "No one"
            level: 0
          - name: "Build Systems"
            level: 40
          branch: main
          codeownerapproval: true
        - allowedtoforcepush: false
          - name: vcdc-developers
            level: 40
          - name: "No one"
            level: 0
          - name: "Build Systems"
            level: 40
          branch: go1.17-boringcrypto
          codeownerapproval: true
      + two list entries added:
        - branch: main
          - name: vcdc-developers
            level: 40
          - name: "Build Systems"
            level: 40
          - name: "No one"
            level: 0
          allowedtoforcepush: false
          codeownerapproval: true
        - branch: go1.17-boringcrypto
          - name: vcdc-developers
            level: 40
          - name: "Build Systems"
            level: 40
          - name: "No one"
            level: 0
          allowedtoforcepush: false
          codeownerapproval: true
  • HumanReport output with additions including multiple '_' treats them as formatting directives in output

    HumanReport output with additions including multiple '_' treats them as formatting directives in output

    See for example:

    Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 3 42 04 PM

    in actuality, those fields are like:

      string x_forwarded_host = 53;
      string worker_status = 54;
      uint64 worker_cpu_time_micro = 55;

    I'll take a look at raising a fix myself, but just wanted to raise the issue :)

  • Support Yaml Anchors and Aliases.

    Support Yaml Anchors and Aliases.


    This tool is really good and it helped me a lot. My request is to actually run the diff logic on the "expanded' version after expanding all the anchors and aliases.

    Thx Gil

  • interaction between regular expressions and YAML path segments is unclear

    interaction between regular expressions and YAML path segments is unclear

    This bug has morphed a bit. I had originally tried to do --exclude-regexp metadata\.annotations\.checksum/.*, mistakenly thinking that the dots were part of a string that needed to be escaped in order not to match too many strings, and not the separators between path segments.

    But that raises the question of how those two syntaxes interact. For instance, if I want to exclude any item whose path starts with metadata and ends with generation, how do I express that? It seems that metadata.*generation works, but possibly by accident? At least, I wouldn't know how to filter

          generation: 5

    distinctly from

    metadata.something.something-else.generation: 5


    metadataXsomethingXsomething-elseXgeneration: 5

    There are a similar set of ambiguous patterns using / as the separator, too.

    In tracking this down, I noticed that the tests are also missing examples which contain regular expression metacharacters (not that they would have caught this particular problem).

    Ambiguity is probably fine 99% of the time, but even having that much documented would be really handy. Unfortunately, that seems like it's getting into manpage territory ....

    I'll note with a crazy look in my eye that helm uses (AFAIK completely undocumented) vertical tab (\v) as a separator internally, so if you have, say, a datadog repo configured, which has datadog, datadog-crds, and datadog-operator charts, you can search for \vdatadog/datadog\v to find just the first. Perhaps it might make sense to treat \v as a segment separator here, too, assuming it's not possible to use that character in a YAML key.

  • dyff stutters when diffing some multiline documents

    dyff stutters when diffing some multiline documents

    I have files with these contents:

    top: |
        aa_aaa: true
        bbb_bb_bbbbbbb: true
        ccccccc_ccccccc_ccccccc: true
        # Stupid comment one
        # Stupid comment two
        # Stupid comment three


    top: |
        - name
        aa_aaa: true
        bbb_bb_bbbbbbb: true
        ccccccc_ccccccc_ccccccc: true

    If I dyff them, I get

         _        __  __
       _| |_   _ / _|/ _|  between dyffbug-a.yaml
     / _' | | | | |_| |_       and dyffbug-b.yaml
    | (_| | |_| |  _|  _|
     \__,_|\__, |_| |_|   returned one difference
      ± value change in multiline text (three inserts, one deletion)
            aa_aaa: true
            bbb_bb_bbbbbbb: true
            ccccccc_ccccccc_ccccccc: true
            # Stupid comment one
            # Stupid comment two
            # Stupid comment three

    broken-dyff which I'm pretty sure is not right.

    The issue is very sensitive to the contents of the string. I haven't been able to get it to reproduce with fewer than three lines in both object and is_longenough123, or changing the keys very much. The keys in object can't be shortened (or at least not much; I haven't tried all possible combinations) either, which is weird. Other than the length, it doesn't seem like the key names matter.

    For instance, if I drop the ccccccc_ccccccc_ccccccc key, I get what I'd expect:

      ± value change in multiline text (one insert, one deletion)
            - name
            aa_aaa: true
            bbb_bb_bbbbbbb: true
            # Stupid comment one
            # Stupid comment two
            # Stupid comment three


    (Screenshots are necessary, since the colors are what actually indicate what dyff thinks is being added or removed, and the problem goes away with --color=no. The blue bits are just iTerm2 being helpful.)

  • Exclude based on value

    Exclude based on value

    From my understanding is that --exclude only works for specifing the key name.

    Would it be possbile to exclude on the value?

    For example:


      clientID: aaa49a1-9162-bbb6-bf06-d7c787ccc


      clientID: DRY_RUN

    dyff between from.yaml to.yaml --exclude-value DRY_RUN

    Should return no differences.

  • Error: failed to load input files while checking git diff

    Error: failed to load input files while checking git diff

    I follow the instructions to install dyff through homebrew and config it to git.

    brew install homeport/tap/dyff
    git config --local diff.dyff.command 'dyff_between() { dyff --color on between --omit-header "$2" "$5"; }; dyff_between'
    echo '*.yml diff=dyff' >> .gitattributes
    echo '*.yaml diff=dyff' >> .gitattributes

    But when I try to view the diff, dyff shows the following error.

    git log --ext-diff -u
    Date:   Mon Aug 22 09:10:40 2022 +0800
        Use dyff to restructure the dry run result
        Signed-off-by: R0CKSTAR <[email protected]>
    diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
    index 8b3491d..403161d 100644
    --- a/Makefile
    +++ b/Makefile
    @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ go-test:
     0200: build
            bin/kustohelmize create --from=test/testdata/0200_sample.yaml test/output/0200/mychart
            helm install --dry-run xyz test/output/0200/mychart > test/output/0200/mychart.yaml
    +       dyff yaml -i --restructure test/output/0200/mychart.yaml
     ##@ Tools
    LAST DEPLOYED  (document #1)
      ± value change
        - Mon Aug 22 08:56:48 2022
        + Mon Aug 22 09:09:58 2022
    ╭ Error: failed to load input files
    │ unable to parse data from
    │ /var/folders/p9/dbq3q88x7c39y7tmwqgj6yjr0000gn/T//HsEOwh_xyz-yourchart-deployment.yaml:
    │ yaml: line 6: did not find expected node content
    fatal: external diff died, stopping at test/output/0200/mychart/templates/xyz-yourchart-deployment.yaml

    BTW, dyff yaml -i --restructure test/output/0200/mychart.yaml doesn't work either. mychart.yaml can be found at https://github.com/yeahdongcn/kustohelmize/blob/main/test/output/0200/mychart.yaml

  • category of YAML diff?

    category of YAML diff?

    Hey all, thanks for this great tool!

    Can you please help me with the following questions?:

    • How can I get diff types from YAML files?
    • Is there a set of categories for this? Docs?

    I have been looking for docs for this, but I didn't find it.

    Thank you

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