Go package for reading from continously updated files (tail -f)

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Go package for tail-ing files

A Go package striving to emulate the features of the BSD tail program.

t, err := tail.TailFile("/var/log/nginx.log", tail.Config{Follow: true})
for line := range t.Lines {

See API documentation.

Log rotation

Tail comes with full support for truncation/move detection as it is designed to work with log rotation tools.


go get github.com/hpcloud/tail/...

Windows support

This package needs assistance for full Windows support.

  • Fix fsnotify repository relocation

    Fix fsnotify repository relocation

    The https://github.com/go-fsnotify/fsnotify redirect has been disabled and replaced with an empty repo, the new path for gopkg.in is: http://gopkg.in/fsnotify/fsnotify.v1 as of yesterday.

    • Modify fsnotify import paths to: gopkg.in/fsnotify/fsnotify.v1
    • Copy vendor/fsnotify.v1 to the new import path
  • Using last stable api (v0) fetches master

    Using last stable api (v0) fetches master

    A go get gopkg.in/ActiveState/tail.v0 (to use the old stable API) will also fetch the master repo, which is due to the import of the fullly-qualified "github.com/ActiveState/tail/..." URL in several .go files.

    Replacing them with relative URLs does not work at all:

    > make fulltest
    can't load package: /go/src/github.com/ActiveState/tail/tail.go:15:2: local import "./ratelimiter" in non-local package

    Consequently it becomes impossible to go get on the old API unless the user manually clones the repo under $GOPATH/src/github.com/ActiveState/tail

    (this shouldn't affect the Stackato folks who use git commit hash to clone the repo)

  • Reopen deleted files properly, and fix BlockUntilExists for relative paths

    Reopen deleted files properly, and fix BlockUntilExists for relative paths

    This fixes two bugs:

    1. Issue #57 - the inotify watcher wouldn't notice when a file was deleted because the inotify event actually comes on the directory and it only watches the file itself.
    2. Watching a file in the current directory with a relative path that doesn't exist yet wouldn't work because the inotify events are for "./foo" not "foo". I found https://github.com/hpcloud/tail/pull/48 afterwards which also fixes this bug.

    Also many of the tests in tail_test.go weren't actually working properly because the test function wasn't waiting for the goroutine to exit. One of the tests was actually exercising the first bug, but wasn't failing for this reason.

  • Single shared Watcher used to avoid inotify limit

    Single shared Watcher used to avoid inotify limit

    When we were using this tail library, we found that the system limit on inotify watches would become an issue when we we try to tail many files at once (if many Tail objects are open simultaneously). To circumvent this, we changed the InotifyTracker struct to contain a Watcher that is shared by all Tail objects that are created.

  • Half-a-lines


    I've got a file which is growing fast (a kernel packet log). This is line based, and lines are usually around 900 bytes long.

    Sometimes range t.Lines gives a partial line (not ending in "\n"), even though I have not set MaxLineSize. This line is then 512 bytes long.

    It seems this is caused by this if: https://github.com/ActiveState/tail/blob/master/tail.go#L217 although I would expect the next 'if' to be the one we want in this case (wait for more data to complete the line).

    Linux 3.13.7, go 1.3 and this is used to open the file:

          t, err := tail.TailFile(file, tail.Config{
              Follow: true,
              ReOpen: true,
              Location: &tail.SeekInfo{
                  Offset: 0,
                  Whence: os.SEEK_END,
  • fix block until exists function

    fix block until exists function

    When we run the flow program, then execute echo 1 > not_exist in shell, the result is not we want to.

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        t, err := tail.TailFile("not_exists", tail.Config{
            Follow:    true,
            MustExist: false,
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("err=%+v\n", err)
        for {
            select {
            case line := <-t.Lines:
                fmt.Printf("line=%s\n", line)
  • Single inotify instance with multiple watchers

    Single inotify instance with multiple watchers

    An fd-per-watch quickly consumes more file descriptors than are allowed. Would you accept a patch that uses a single inotify instance and multiple watchers? This appears to be the approach recommended by the Linux kernel docs.

    There's a stumbling block that would require modifying the API. The new approach would eliminate the global inotify tracker variable and create new file watchers using a supplied instance of a tracker.

    Please let me know what you think!

    P.S. This is for Papertrail's remote_syslog2, to resolve this issue.

  • Add logging options to config

    Add logging options to config

    The library generates logging output when files are closed or recreated. I didn't want to display this to the user of my program so I added extra options to modify the way tail logs.

    There's Config.Logger, allowing you to set your own Logger (using logfile, or other prefix or flags). And there's Config.DisableLogging, which disables logging all together.. This doesn't change anything for existing users, as Config.Logger is set to the log package's default logger (Log.std) when it's nil.

    I hope this code will be useful for anyone else out there :smile:

  • Add support for arbitrary Location

    Add support for arbitrary Location

    This adds support for arbitrary Location values, both positive and negative. -n=0 and -n=-1 behave the same as before (tail from end and tail from start). To keep the code simple, we introduced a little "off by one" (so you actually use N+1 or -(N+1) to seek to the N-th byte from the end or start).

    To be closer to the original unix tail, it would be nicer to seek lines, not bytes. But for our application, it's not necessary and a lot slower.

    cc @camilo @snormore

  • Failed test under macOS

    Failed test under macOS

    running Go 1.8 under macOS Sierra 10.12.3 (16D32), HEAD at faf842bde7ed83bbc3c65a2c454fae39bc29a95f

    ~/.../hpcloud/tail $ go test
    2017/02/23 23:27:19 Waiting for /no/such/file to appear...
    2017/02/23 23:27:19 Waiting for .test/waits-for-file-to-exist/test.txt to appear...
    2017/02/23 23:27:19 Waiting for test.txt to appear...
    2017/02/23 23:27:20 Waiting for _no_such_file to appear...
    2017/02/23 23:27:20 Seeked .test/location-end/test.txt - &{Offset:0 Whence:2}
    2017/02/23 23:27:20 Seeked .test/location-middle/test.txt - &{Offset:-6 Whence:2}
    2017/02/23 23:27:21 Re-opening moved/deleted file .test/reopen-inotify/test.txt ...
    2017/02/23 23:27:21 Waiting for .test/reopen-inotify/test.txt to appear...
    2017/02/23 23:27:22 Re-opening moved/deleted file .test/reopen-polling/test.txt ...
    2017/02/23 23:27:22 Waiting for .test/reopen-polling/test.txt to appear...
    2017/02/23 23:27:22 Successfully reopened .test/reopen-polling/test.txt
    2017/02/23 23:27:22 Re-opening moved/deleted file .test/reopen-polling/test.txt ...
    2017/02/23 23:27:22 Waiting for .test/reopen-polling/test.txt to appear...
    2017/02/23 23:27:23 Successfully reopened .test/reopen-polling/test.txt
    2017/02/23 23:27:23 Re-opening moved/deleted file .test/reopen-polling/test.txt ...
    2017/02/23 23:27:23 Waiting for .test/reopen-polling/test.txt to appear...
    2017/02/23 23:27:23 Stopping tail as file no longer exists: .test/reseek-inotify/test.txt
    --- FAIL: TestReSeekInotify (0.20s)
    	tail_test.go:499: tail ended early; expecting more: [h311o w0r1d endofworld]
    2017/02/23 23:27:23 Re-opening truncated file .test/reseek-polling/test.txt ...
    2017/02/23 23:27:23 Successfully reopened truncated .test/reseek-polling/test.txt
    2017/02/23 23:27:24 Leaky bucket full (.test/rate-limiting/test.txt); entering 1s cooloff period.
    2017/02/23 23:27:24 Stopping tail as file no longer exists: .test/reseek-polling/test.txt
    2017/02/23 23:27:25 Leaky bucket full (.test/rate-limiting/test.txt); entering 1s cooloff period.
    2017/02/23 23:27:25 Seeked .test/tell-position/test.txt - &{Offset:0 Whence:0}
    2017/02/23 23:27:25 Seeked .test/tell-position/test.txt - &{Offset:12 Whence:0}
    2017/02/23 23:27:25 Waiting for .test/block-until-file-exists/test.txt to appear...
    exit status 1
    FAIL	github.com/hpcloud/tail	5.565s
  • Issue on Stop Tailing

    Issue on Stop Tailing


    I'm using this func err := t.Stop()

    to stop tailing activity on a file, however this not stops the tailing. Is this the correct aproach to stop tailing ? If not, how can I achieve my goal ? Thanks in advance

  • Tail divided/multiple logfiles

    Tail divided/multiple logfiles

    Hi. I want to tail DHCP server logfiles in Windows Server. But logfiles divided to days (like DhcpSrvLog-Mon.log, DhcpSrvLog-Tue.log etc.)

    When i call tail.TailFile() function with file path parameter as "C:/Windows/System32/dhcp/DhcpSrvLog-*.log" it doesnt works.

    Is there a way to watch multiple files?

    Note: I want to tail DHCP logs and send it to remote TCP connection. I cannot use Filebeat in Windows because it has not an option to send with TCP (or HTTP). So I decided to make a little Go service that will detect new DHCP logs with tail and send it to remote TCP. Is there a different way to send that, I am open to your guidance.

  • tail will stop when deal with rotate log

    tail will stop when deal with rotate log

    it will stop when tail the log which is deleted periodically and a new one created. I think it cased by the code follow:

    func (fc *FileChanges) NotifyDeleted() { sendOnlyIfEmpty(fc.Deleted) }

    // sendOnlyIfEmpty sends on a bool channel only if the channel has no // backlog to be read by other goroutines. This concurrency pattern // can be used to notify other goroutines if and only if they are // looking for it (i.e., subsequent notifications can be compressed // into one). func sendOnlyIfEmpty(ch chan bool) { select { case ch <- true: default: } }

    sendOnlyIfEmpty will not send true until the recevier of fc.Deleted is ready. And the receiver comes to be ready only when io.EOF appears. That means when EOF comes, the event of deleted has passed away. waitForChanges() can not do anything but wait.


    so, notifyDeleted should wait (drop sendOnlyIfEmpty). it is different with modified event. By the way, the name of sendOnlyIfEmpty makes confused.

  • Can solve the problem of file scrolling in Linux?

    Can solve the problem of file scrolling in Linux?

    like the file'/root/.bash_history'

    when my '/root/.bash_history' start roll

    root@kelpie-btf:~# wc -l /root/.bash_history 
    2000 /root/.bash_history
    root@kelpie-btf:~# echo $HISTSIZE

    this util work abnormal ,but "tail -f /root/.bash_history " can still work

    this is my config

    t, err := tail.TailFile(p, tail.Config{
    	Location: &tail.SeekInfo{
    		Offset: 0,
    		Whence: io.SeekEnd,
    	ReOpen:      true,
    	Follow:      true,
    	Poll:        true,
    	MustExist:   false,
    	Pipe:        false,
    	MaxLineSize: 10000
  • fsnotify doesn't work with Windows, polling does

    fsnotify doesn't work with Windows, polling does

    The simple example in the README doesn't work with Windows 10 Pro x64 (Version 10.0.19042 Build 19042). Adding Poll: true, insted, works:

    t, err := tail.TailFile(fpath, tail.Config{Follow: true, Poll: true})
    for line := range t.Lines {

    I think you could mention it in the README

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