A logger, for Go


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A logger, for Go!

It's sort of log and code.google.com/p/log4go compatible, so in most cases can be used without any code changes.

Breaking change

go-log was inconsistent with the default Go 'log' package, and log.Fatal calls didn't trigger an os.Exit(1).

This has been fixed in the current release of go-log, which might break backwards compatibility.

You can disable the fix by setting ExitOnFatal to false, e.g.

log.Logger().ExitOnFatal = false

Getting started

Install go-log:

go get github.com/ian-kent/go-log/log

Use the logger in your application:


// Pass a log message and arguments directly
log.Debug("Example log message: %s", "example arg")

// Pass a function which returns a log message and arguments
log.Debug(func(){[]interface{}{"Example log message: %s", "example arg"}})
log.Debug(func(i ...interface{}){[]interface{}{"Example log message: %s", "example arg"}})

You can also get the logger instance:

logger := log.Logger()

Or get a named logger instance:

logger := log.Logger("foo.bar")

Log levels

The default log level is DEBUG.

To get the current log level:

level := logger.Level()

Or to set the log level:

// From a LogLevel

// From a string

Log appenders

The default log appender is appenders.Console(), which logs the raw message to STDOUT.

To get the current log appender:

appender := logger.Appender()

If the appender is nil, the parent loggers appender will be used instead.

If the appender eventually resolves to nil, log data will be silently dropped.

You can set the log appender:


Rolling file appender

Similar to log4j's rolling file appender, you can use

// Append to (or create) file
logger.SetAppender(appenders.RollingFile("filename.log", true))

// Truncate (or create) file
logger.SetAppender(appenders.RollingFile("filename.log", false))

You can also control the number of log files which are kept:

r := appenders.RollingFile("filename.log", true)
r.MaxBackupIndex = 2 // filename.log, filename.log.1, filename.log.2

And the maximum log file size (in bytes):

r := appenders.RollingFile("filename.log", true)
r.MaxFileSize = 1024 // 1KB, defaults to 100MB

Fluentd appender

The fluentd appender lets you write log data directly to fluentd:


It uses github.com/t-k/fluent-logger-golang.

The tag is currently fixed to 'go-log', and the data structure sent to fluentd is simple:

  message: "<output from layout>"


Each appender has its own layout. This allows the log data to be transformed as it is written to the appender.

The default layout is layout.Basic(), which passes the log message and its arguments through fmt.Sprintf.

To get the current log appender layout:

appender := logger.Appender()
layout := appender.Layout()

To set the log appender layout:


You can also use layout.Pattern(pattern string), which accepts a pattern format similar to log4j:

Code Description
%c The package the log statement is in
%C Currently also the package the log statement is in
%d The current date/time, using time.Now().String()
%F The filename the log statement is in
%l The location of the log statement, e.g. package/somefile.go:12
%L The line number the log statement is on
%m The log message and its arguments formatted with fmt.Sprintf
%n A new-line character
%p Priority - the log level
%r ms since logger was created

Logger inheritance

Loggers are namespaced with a ., following similar rules to Log4j.

If you create a logger named foo, it will automatically inherit the log settings (levels and appender) of the root logger.

If you then create a logger named foo.bar, it will inherit the log settings of foo, which in turn inherits the log settings from the root logger.

You can break this by setting the log level or setting an appender on a child logger, e.g.:

logger := log.Logger("foo.bar")

If you then created a logger named foo.bar.qux, it would inherit the trace level and console appender of the foo.bar logger.


  • log4j configuration support
    • .properties
    • .xml
    • .json
  • layouts
    • fixmes/todos in pattern layout
  • appenders
    • add socket appender
    • fixmes/todos and tests for fluentd appender
  • optimise logger creation
    • collapse loggers when parent namespace is unused
    • reorganise loggers when new child tree is created
  • add godoc documentation


Before submitting a pull request:

  • Format your code: go fmt ./...
  • Make sure tests pass: go test ./...


Copyright ©‎ 2014, Ian Kent (http://www.iankent.eu).

Released under MIT license, see LICENSE for details.

Ian Kent
Love code... mostly Go, now a bit of Elm. Created @mailhog and @websysd
Ian Kent
  • The implemention of the interface in this project includes the interface itself

    The implemention of the interface in this project includes the interface itself

    type Logger interface { Level() levels.LogLevel Name() string FullName() string ... } type logger struct { Logger level levels.LogLevel name string enabled map[levels.LogLevel]bool appender Appender children []Logger parent Logger ExitOnFatal bool } In the type logger, Logger is if unnecessary or not.

  • Create multiple_appender.go

    Create multiple_appender.go

    Create a simple multiple appender. We construct it with a Layout and list/slice of Appenders. Its Write method will just loop over all appenders and perform their Write.

  • Fix Windows 7 crash

    Fix Windows 7 crash

    runtime.Caller returns filename with forward slashes so split with filepath.Separator in Windows 7 returns array with 1 item and program panic on line 47.

  • panic if first argument isn't string

    panic if first argument isn't string

    panic: interface conversion: interface is *url.Error, not string
    goroutine 22 [running]:
    runtime.panic(0x7c69e0, 0xc2080c0b00)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3.1/libexec/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:279 +0xf5
    github.com/ian-kent/go-log/logger.(*logger).write(0xc2080bec40, 0x5, 0xc2080f2730, 0x1, 0x1)
        /Users/ikent/dev/src/github.com/ian-kent/go-log/logger/logger.go:107 +0x97
    github.com/ian-kent/go-log/logger.(*logger).Log(0xc2080bec40, 0x5, 0xc2080f2730, 0x1, 0x1)
        /Users/ikent/dev/src/github.com/ian-kent/go-log/logger/logger.go:127 +0xc3
    github.com/ian-kent/go-log/log.Log(0x5, 0xc2080f2730, 0x1, 0x1)
        /Users/ikent/dev/src/github.com/ian-kent/go-log/log/log.go:42 +0x70
    github.com/ian-kent/go-log/log.Trace(0xc2080f2730, 0x1, 0x1)
        /Users/ikent/dev/src/github.com/ian-kent/go-log/log/log.go:50 +0x44
    github.com/ian-kent/gopan/getpan/getpan.(*Source).Find(0xc2080c0640, 0xc20801b8b0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /Users/ikent/dev/src/github.com/ian-kent/gopan/getpan/getpan/sources.go:214 +0x2204
    github.com/ian-kent/gopan/getpan/getpan.(*Dependency).Resolve(0xc20801b8b0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /Users/ikent/dev/src/github.com/ian-kent/gopan/getpan/getpan/dependency.go:331 +0x27d
        /Users/ikent/dev/src/github.com/ian-kent/gopan/getpan/getpan/dependency.go:224 +0x3e3
    created by github.com/ian-kent/gopan/getpan/getpan.(*DependencyList).Resolve
        /Users/ikent/dev/src/github.com/ian-kent/gopan/getpan/getpan/dependency.go:310 +0x470
  • Issue 009: Wrong File/Line from logger.Debug()

    Issue 009: Wrong File/Line from logger.Debug()

    logger.Debug(x) -- or other logger entry function -- calls logger.Log, which calls logger.Write, which calls appender.Write, which calls layout.Format, which calls layout.getCaller, which calls runtime.Caller.

    Therefore the correct number of stack frames to ascend to get to the caller of Debug -- or other logger entry function -- is 6.

    See https://github.com/ian-kent/go-log/issues/9

    See also https://golang.org/pkg/runtime/#Caller

    This code reproduces the bug:

    package main
    func main() {
        logger := log.Logger()
        appender := appenders.RollingFile("sample.log", true)
        appender.MaxFileSize = 1024
        appender.SetLayout(layout.Pattern("%p %l %m "))
        logger.Debug("Reading configuration")

    Result of runtime.Caller(n) in pattern.go for 0 >= n >= 7:

    Caller(0): DEBUG layout/pattern.go:50 Reading configuration Caller(1): DEBUG layout/pattern.go:70 Reading configuration Caller(2): DEBUG appenders/rollingfile.go:51 Reading configuration Caller(3): DEBUG logger/logger.go:129 Reading configuration Caller(4): DEBUG logger/logger.go:154 Reading configuration Caller(5): DEBUG logger/logger.go:213 Reading configuration Caller(6): DEBUG go-log/bug009.go:16 Reading configuration Caller(7): DEBUG runtime/proc.go:185 Reading configuration

  • add instruction to set customizable pattern

    add instruction to set customizable pattern

    Old readme is misleading here. I was thinking Pattern is a method provided in the layout object returned from appender.Layout(). Actually it's provided in layout package.

  •  Invalid line details when I use  %l  as layout pattren

    Invalid line details when I use %l as layout pattren

    My logger Configuration logger := log.Logger() logger.SetLevel(log.Stol("DEBUG") appender := appenders.RollingFile("sample.log", true) appender.MaxFileSize = 1024 appender.SetLayout(layout.Pattern("%p %l %m ")) logger.SetAppender(appender)

    Logger Usage sample code 18 func main() { 19 logger := logging.GetLogger() 20 logger.Debug("Reading configuration file")

    It is showing incorrect details DEBUG appenders/rollingfile.go:51 Reading configuration file

    It should display as follows DEBUG appenders/main.go:20 Reading configuration file

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