Go configuration made easy!

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Go configuration made easy!

  • Just define a struct and call Gofigure
  • Supports strings, ints/uints/floats, slices and nested structs
  • Supports environment variables and command line flags

Requires Go 1.2+ because of differences in Go's flag package.


go get github.com/ian-kent/gofigure

package main

import "github.com/ian-kent/gofigure"

type config struct {
  gofigure interface{} `envPrefix:"BAR" order:"flag,env"`
  RemoteAddr string `env:"REMOTE_ADDR" flag:"remote-addr" flagDesc:"Remote address"`
  LocalAddr  string `env:"LOCAL_ADDR" flag:"local-addr" flagDesc:"Local address"`
  NumCPU int `env:"NUM_CPU" flag:"num-cpu" flagDesc:"Number of CPUs"`
  Sources []string `env:"SOURCES" flag:"source" flagDesc:"Source URL (can be provided multiple times)"`
  Numbers []int `env:"NUMBERS" flag:"number" flagDesc:"Number (can be provided multiple times)"`
  Advanced struct{
      MaxBytes int64 `env:"MAX_BYTES" flag:"max-bytes" flagDesc:"Max bytes"`
      MaxErrors int64  `env:"MAX_ERRORS" flag:"max-errors" flagDesc:"Max errors"`

func main() {
  var cfg config
  err := gofigure.Gofigure(&cfg)
  if err != nil {
  // use cfg

gofigure field

The gofigure field is used to configure Gofigure.

The order tag is used to set configuration source order, e.g. environment variables first then command line options second.

Any field matching camelCase format will be parsed into camel and case, and passed to the source matching camel.

For example, the envPrefix field is split into env and prefix, and the tag value is passed to the environment variable source as the prefix parameter.

Arrays and environment variables

Array support for environment variables is currently experimental.

To enable it, set GOFIGURE_ENV_ARRAY=1.

When enabled, the environment variable is split on commas, e.g.

struct {
    EnvArray []string `env:"MY_ENV_VAR"`


EnvArray = []string{"a", "b", "c"}


Copyright ©‎ 2014, Ian Kent (http://www.iankent.eu).

Released under MIT license, see LICENSE for details.

Ian Kent
Love code... mostly Go, now a bit of Elm. Created @mailhog and @websysd
Ian Kent
  • Cannot get application using gofigure to work with tests/goconvey

    Cannot get application using gofigure to work with tests/goconvey

    Have added test.v and test.timeout to application struct{} to get tests working, but is a bit ugly. However test parameter -convey-json is causing grief as it is supplied by goconvey without a parameter, and gofigure expects a parameter, even if the flag is bool. golang flag does not expect a parameter.

    Not resolved the problem yet. Any help would be appreciated.

    It might be nice to automatically accept the known test parameters in gofigure, if running in test mode (or not complain if a command line flag is given that is not declared).

  • Feature request: Expose access to `SetOutput` and maybe `Usage`

    Feature request: Expose access to `SetOutput` and maybe `Usage`

    It would be useful to be able to access Usage and SetOutput in particular, so any logs/usage dumpage can get emitted by structured logging instead of the default Stdout/err.

    I thought that the following would work in the app:

     // Capture flag output 
     buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
     err := gofigure.Gofigure(cfg)
     // We may have output to spew:
     if buf.Len() > 0 {

    but alas.... no :-(

    Either the execution order is not what I expect, or flag.CommandLine is being reset (though I thought I had 'cured' that (see issue on "test flags not working"). Maybe something else!

  • Debug in registerFields() incorrect ouput

    Debug in registerFields() incorrect ouput

    Debug output in registerFields() outputs the wrong values, such as:

    2017/03/21 13:51:03 Registering 'ConveyJson' for source 'env' with key 'ConveyJson'
    2017/03/21 13:51:03 Registering 'ConveyJson' for source 'flag' with key 'CONVEY_JSON'

    This should be

    2017/03/21 13:51:03 Registering 'ConveyJson' for source 'env' with key 'CONVEY_JSON'
    2017/03/21 13:51:03 Registering 'ConveyJson' for source 'flag' with key 'convey-json'

    Debug printf is in the wrong place. Have fixed on a branch and will issue pull request.

  • Detection of GOFIGURE_DEBUG failes

    Detection of GOFIGURE_DEBUG failes


    Have fixed as below and will issue pull request at some point!

    var _ = func() (_ struct{}) {
  • Nondeterministic flags when using nested structs

    Nondeterministic flags when using nested structs

    Earlier we noticed an issue with gofigure when using nested structs in our configuration struct. Each time we run our Go binary, the command line flags which are accepted by the application were constantly changing.

    This can be reproduced by doing the following.

    • Define a config struct with nested structs
    • Run your Go binary multiple times with the -h flag

    You should then see that the usage output changes each time.

  • Add gofigure:

    Add gofigure:"ignore" support

    A simple change that allows a field of a struct to be ignored if it is tagged with gofigure:"ignore" This can be useful for unsupported field types or configuration that is rather derived from other parameters, not read directly.

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