A simple Golang-based application that queries a PostgreSQL database

Qwik-E-Mart Demo App

A simple Golang-based application that queries a PostgreSQL database named qwikemart to read and return customer data stored in the customers table.

Database Structure

Database Name: qwikemart Table Name: customers

id first_name last_name pmt_type
1 Homer Simpson cash
2 Montgomery Burns credit
3 Barney Gumble debit
4 Waylon Smithers cash
5 Ned Flanders credit

Required Environment Variables

variable name expected value
DB_HOST hostname to PostgreSQL database
DB_USERNAME username to use for authentication
DB_PASSWORD password to use for authentication
DB_NAME name of the database to connect to

Run with Summon



summon -p $provider_name go run main.go
summon -p $provider_name -e $env_name go run main.go

Build Binary From Source

Build for current OS and OS Architecture

go build .

Build for different OS and OS Architecture

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build .
  • GOOS is the operating system name
  • GOARCH is the architecture to compile for

Example Output

$ summon -p summon-conjur -e demo -f secrets.yml go run main.go
Connected successfully to conjur-demo.xxxxxxxxx.rds.amazonaws.com
Database Username: apu
Database Password: xxxxxxxx

id, first_name, last_name, pmt_type
1, Homer, Simpsons, cash
2, Montgomery, Burns, credit
3, Barney, Gumble, debit
4, Waylon, Smithers, cash
5, Ned, Flanders, debit



Joe Garcia
DevOps Security Engineer for @cyberark
Joe Garcia
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