gqlgenc is a fully featured go gql client, powered by codegen


Note: ⚠️ This is a WIP, backward-compatibility cannot be guaranteed yet, use at your own risk

gqlgenc is a fully featured go gql client, powered by codegen

Why yet another Go GQL client ?

Package Codegen Websocket Subscription Extensions

GQL Client


gqlgenc is transport agnostic, and ships with 3 transport implementations:

  • http: Transports GQL queries over http
  • ws: Transports GQL queries over websocket
  • split: Can be used to have a single client use multiple transports depending on the type of query (query, mutation over http and subscription over ws)


Quickstart with a client with http & ws transports:

package main

import (

func main() {
    wstr := &transport.Ws{
        URL: "wss://",
    defer wstr.Close()

    httptr := &transport.Http{
        URL: "",

    tr := transport.SplitSubscription(wstr, httptr)

    cli := &client.Client {
        Transport: tr,


var res struct {
    Room string `json:"room"`
_, err := cli.Query(ctx, "", "query { room }", nil, &res) // or Mutation
if err != nil {


sub, stop := cli.Subscription(ctx, "", "subscription { newRoom }", nil)
defer stop()

for sub.Next() {
    msg := sub.Get()
    if len(msg.Errors) > 0 {
        // Do something with them
    var res struct {
        Room string `json:"newRoom"`
    err := msg.UnmarshalData(&res)
    if err != nil {
        // Do something with that

if err := sub.Err(); err != nil {

GQL Client Codegen

Create a .gqlgenc.yml at the root of your module:

  package: graph
  filename: ./graph/gen_models.go
  package: graph
  filename: ./graph/gen_client.go
# The schema can be fetched from files or through introspection
  - schema.graphqls
  url: # Where do you want to send your request?
  headers: # If you need header for getting introspection query, set it
    Authorization: "Bearer ${ANNICT_KEY}" # support environment variables
  - query.graphql

Fill your query.graphql with queries:

query GetRoom {
    room(name: "secret room") {

Run go run


// Create codegen client
gql := &graph.Client{
    Client: cli,




Automatic Persisted Queries can be enabled by adding:



TAG=v0.0.x make tag
  • Don't send 'null' when optional fields are not set

    Don't send 'null' when optional fields are not set

    Continuing the discussion from

    Given this schema:

    input GetFooInput {
        optionalParam1: String
        optionalParam2: String
    type Query {
        getFoo(input: GetFooInput!): String!

    this operation:

    query getFoo($p1: String, $p2: String) {
      getFoo(input: {optionalParam1: $p1, optionalParam2: $p2})

    and this example code:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	wstr := &transport.Ws{
    		URL: "ws://localhost:8686/subscribe",
    	defer wstr.Close()
    	httptr := &transport.Http{
    		URL: "http://localhost:8686/subscribe",
    	tr := transport.SplitSubscription(wstr, httptr)
    	cli := &client.Client{
    		Transport: tr,
    	c := dgraphclient.Client{Client: cli}
    	p1 := "hi"
    	c.GetFoo(context.Background(), &p1, nil)

    Following request is being made to the server:

      "query": "query getFoo ($p1: String, $p2: String) {\n\tgetFoo(input: {optionalParam1:$p1,optionalParam2:$p2})\n}\n",
      "operationName": "GetFoo",
      "variables": { "p1": "hi", "p2": null }

    This is problematic, because setting p2 to null is different than not sending it in the first place. Sending null can (and will) invoke actions on the server side. E.g. deleting some database entry.

    Therefore it would be great if we could have the concept of undefined in this golang client, which is of course difficult as golang does not support an undefined type.

    Possible Solution

    Maybe something like this could work:

    type OptionalString struct {
    	Value *string
    type GetFooInput struct {
            OptionalParam1 *OptionalString `json:"optionalParam1,omitempty"`
    	OptionalParam2 *OptionalString `json:"optionalParam2,omitempty"`

    I.e. when optional input types are present (on any depth) an Optional<Type> type is used in combination with jsons omitempty tag instead. This behavior could be made configurable via .gqlgenc.yml.

    Case A: When the field is nil, it will not be serialized. Case B: When it is set to &OptionalString{}, the client sends null. Case C: When it is set to &OptionalString{Value: "foo"}, the client sends "foo".

    Here is an working example:

    package main
    import (
    type OptionalString struct {
    	Value *string
    func (o *OptionalString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    	return json.Marshal(o.Value)
    type GetFooInput struct {
    	OptionalParam1 *OptionalString `json:"optionalParam1,omitempty"`
    	OptionalParam2 *OptionalString `json:"optionalParam2,omitempty"`
    func main() {
    	s := "foo"
    	f := GetFooInput{
    		OptionalParam1: &OptionalString{Value: &s},
    	result, err := json.Marshal(f)
    	if err != nil {

    Which outputs:


    It would be great if you could add this feature!

  • [input_as_map] Can't send null for slice inputs

    [input_as_map] Can't send null for slice inputs


    input FooInput {
       ids: [String!]


    func WithIDs(v []string) { ... }

    I think that instead this should be generated so a list is also nullable:

    func WithIDs(v *[]string) { ... }
  • [Bug] OperationName is always capitalized

    [Bug] OperationName is always capitalized


    mutation foo {


    res, err := Ξc.Client.Mutation(ctх, "Foo", FooDocument, Ξvars, &data)

    Note how the generated operation-name Foo is capitalized while the schema says that it's not capitalized. This is resulting in an error when doing the actual request.

  • How to handle custom scalars?

    How to handle custom scalars?

    I have custom scalars like scalar uuid in my schema.

    When generating the client, following panic is thrown:

    panic: scalars must be predeclared: uuid

    What can we do here? Is this currently completely unsupport as the code suggests?

  • nil pointer deref when trying to run first time

    nil pointer deref when trying to run first time

    Trying to debug this but haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet.

    ❯ gqlgenc
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x2 addr=0x28 pc=0x100433d00]
    goroutine 1 [running]:, 0x1400bea4fc0, 0x1400bea50e0, 0x1008beb60, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1008beb60, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1008beb60, ...)
    	/.../go/pkg/mod/!yamashou/[email protected]/clientgen/template.go:22 +0x2c0*Plugin).MutateConfig(0x140000e4a80, 0x14000083380, 0x140000e4a80, 0x128f3a1e8)
    	/.../go/pkg/mod/!yamashou/[email protected]/clientgen/client.go:80 +0x62c, 0x140000ac000, 0x140000d07e0, 0x14000107f50, 0x1, 0x1, 0x14000036800, 0x100081584)
    	/.../go/pkg/mod/!yamashou/[email protected]/generator/generater.go:52 +0x230
    	/.../go/pkg/mod/!yamashou/[email protected]/main.go:30 +0x154

    With this yaml config:

      package: generated
      filename: ./generated/models.go # http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql
      package: generated
      filename: ./generated/client.go # Where should any generated client go?
      url: http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql # Where do you want to send your request?
        x-hasura-admin-secret: admin-secret # support environment variables
      - "./query/*.graphql" # Where are all the query files located?
  • updated gqlgen to v0.16.0 and fixed compilation

    updated gqlgen to v0.16.0 and fixed compilation

    When working alongside gqlgen in the same project with tool vendoring, gqlgenc fails to compile due to it using v0.13.0 and breaking changes since then.

    Since gqlgen's version is marked as unstable (v0.*) go does only complain at compile time. For an example see

  • [Bug] gen type already defined

    [Bug] gen type already defined


    type A {
        a: String!
    type Foo {
        blub: String!
        aA: A!
    type Payload {
        foo1: Foo!
        foo2: Foo!
    type Query {
        getFoo: Payload


    query getFoo {
      getFoo {
        foo1 {
          aA {
        foo2 {
          aA {

    There is some issue with deeply nested objects that have the same name.

  • Subscriptions not working

    Subscriptions not working


    I cannot get subscriptions to work. What am I doing wrong? This should be a very simple, working example.

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	wstr := &transport.Ws{
    		URL: "ws://localhost:8686/subscribe",
    	defer wstr.Close()
    	httptr := &transport.Http{
    		URL: "http://localhost:8686/subscribe",
    	tr := transport.SplitSubscription(wstr, httptr)
    	cli := &client.Client{
    		Transport: tr,
    	sub := cli.Subscription(context.Background(), "", "subscription  { subscribeFoo { name }}", nil)
    	for sub.Next() {
    		msg := sub.Get()
    	if err := sub.Err(); err != nil {

    The server is working correctly and I get results for instance with altair.

  • fix: load remote schema

    fix: load remote schema

    Loading a remote schema using the endpoint config option fails, because the program cannot unmarshal the received data. The problem stems from an misnamed stuct tag on the Query type.

  • Generating queries from json structs

    Generating queries from json structs

    Trying to migrate from for sake of subscriptions, I'm wondering if it is still supported to create the query from the result struct?

  • Use Optional Types for GraphQL Optional

    Use Optional Types for GraphQL Optional

    With go 1.18 generics are now possible to use.

    These can be used for example to implement the Optional concept:

    Although the current workaround with input_as_map works, we also have following issues:

    • When the order of arguments change for a GraphQL input object, we must migrate our existing code
    • When the variable-name order changes but the type order does not, we won't even notice this through our linter
    • auto-completion is not very good for function arguments

    When instead we go back to structs but use the Optional concept from above package, we could have the best of both worlds:

    • no order dependencies
    • don't send optional values as nil
  • How to provide the content-type for the Upload file?

    How to provide the content-type for the Upload file?

    How to set the content-type for the Upload file?

    Its default value: application/octet-stream, but I would like to provide a custom one (e.g. "text/csv").

  • Fieldname

    Fieldname "map"


    first of all: Thanks for the great work.

    I have a mutation like this:

    mutation testmutation {
      addFile(input: {
        Ids: ["xyxy", "xyxy2"]
        Maps: {
          Id: "daw"
          map: ....

    The Field "map" is of type Upload!, but map is also a keyword in go. The generator ends up in the following error: "mixed named and unnamed parameters" because the generated go func has the form

    type ObjectInput map[string]interface{}
            func ObjectInput(map transport.Upload,probability float64,) ObjectInput {
                return map[string]interface{}{
                    "map": map,
                    "probability": probability,

    (this is another mutation, but it should be clear)

    The generator should filter for some keywords, i.e. map and change it to something like

    type ObjectInput map[string]interface{}
            func ObjectInput(map_ transport.Upload,probability float64,) ObjectInput {
                return map[string]interface{}{
                    "map": map_,
                    "probability": probability,

    Any Ideas how to do it and where? I could also do a PR if I had a starting point


  • Implement Typename as Enum

    Implement Typename as Enum

    It would be great if you could implement Typename as an enum.

    Currently a string type is used which is error prone because you have to type out possible types (e.g. from interfaces or enums) per hand.

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