Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in your CLI and pull requests πŸ’°πŸ“‰

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Getting started

Infracost shows cloud cost estimates for Terraform projects. It helps developers, devops and others to quickly see the cost breakdown and compare different options upfront.

Example Infracost output


  1. Assuming Terraform is already installed, get the latest Infracost release:

    macOS Homebrew:

    brew install infracost

    Linux/macOS manual:

    os=$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') && \
    curl -s -L$os-amd64.tar.gz | tar xz -C /tmp && \
    sudo mv /tmp/infracost-$os-amd64 /usr/local/bin/infracost

    Docker and Windows users see here.

  2. Use our free Cloud Pricing API by registering for an API key:

    infracost register

    The key is saved in ~/.config/infracost/credentials.yml. If you prefer, you can run your own Cloud Pricing API.

  3. Run infracost using our example Terraform project to see how it works.

    git clone
    cd example-terraform
    # You can play with `aws/` and `aws/infracost-usage.yml`, and re-run infracost to compare costs
    infracost --terraform-dir aws --usage-file aws/infracost-usage.yml

Please watch/star this repo as we add new cloud resources every week or so.

Basic usage

There are 4 usage methods for Infracost depending on your use-case. The following is the default method. Point to the Terraform directory using --terraform-dir and pass any required Terraform flags using --terraform-plan-flags. Internally Infracost runs Terraform init, plan and show; init requires cloud credentials to be set, e.g. via the usual AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variables. This method works with remote state too.

infracost --terraform-dir /path/to/code --terraform-plan-flags "-var-file=myvars.tfvars"

Read the getting started docs for details, including notes for Terragrunt and Terraform Cloud users.

As mentioned in the FAQ, you can run Infracost in your Terraform directories without worrying about security or privacy issues as no cloud credentials, secrets, tags or Terraform resource identifiers are sent to the open-source Cloud Pricing API. Infracost does not make any changes to your Terraform state or cloud resources.

CI/CD integrations

The following CI/CD integrations can be used to automatically add a comment showing the cost estimate diff between a pull request and the master branch:

If you run into any issues with CI/CD integrations, please join our community Slack channel, we'd be happy to guide you through it.

Example infracost diff usage

Supported clouds and resources

Infracost supports over 70 AWS and Google resources, Azure is planned. The quickest way to find out if your Terraform resources are supported is to run Infracost with the --show-skipped option. This shows the unsupported resources, some of which might be free. Please watch this repo for new releases as we add new cloud resources every week or so.

See this page for details on cost estimation of usage-based resources.


Issues and pull requests are welcome! For development details, see the contributing file. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Join our community Slack channel, we are a friendly bunch and happy to help you get started :)


Apache License 2.0

  • HCL parsing does not work with Terragrunt project that use dependency outputs

    HCL parsing does not work with Terragrunt project that use dependency outputs

    As far as I understand it should be possible to run i.e. infracost breakdown --path=. --terraform-parse-hcl but I get following error:

    infracost breakdown --path=. --terraform-parse-hcl 
    Detected Terragrunt directory (HCL) at .
    Error: 5 errors occurred:
            * fork/exec : no such file or directory
            * fork/exec : no such file or directory
            * fork/exec : no such file or directory
            * fork/exec : no such file or directory
            * fork/exec : no such file or directory

    Just for your information, I know this is still experimental.

    The .infracost folder is created btw. If you need more information I'm happy to help.

  • Error: Failed to parse the Terragrunt code using the Terragrunt library:

    Error: Failed to parse the Terragrunt code using the Terragrunt library:

    Hello and thank you for this great tool. I have been using infracost with my cloud provider credentials and wanted to update to hcl paring for faster analysis. I am having a problem with CIDR blocks.

    Here is the output for terragrunt output on my vpc. image

    Note that I can successfully execute terragrunt plan with the following config. image

    Here is my terragrunt config which causes infracost to throw the following error


    * Recovering panic while parsing '/Users/denizgokcin/codes/fulfillment-api/terragrunt/app/qa/sg/rds/fulfillment/terragrunt.hcl'. Got error of type 'string': unknown type implementation

    If I comment out the cidr block line, infracost works fine. image

    What might be the reason for hcl parsing to behave like this? Any help is appreciated!!

  • Review/fix case sensitive Terraform inputs

    Review/fix case sensitive Terraform inputs

    • [x] Google
    • [x] Azure
    • [x] AWS

    Terraform ignores case sensitivity in most cases for AWS, GCP and Azure (I haven't checked other providers). The aim of this GH issue is to review and update all existing cloud resources to ensure that:

    1. case-insensitive string comparison are used, e.g.: Bad: input == "large" Good: strings.ToLower(input) == "large" We might be able to grep for something like == " to review/fix them all.

    2. case-insensitive Value or ValueRegex price filters are used for any user input, e.g.: Bad: {Key: "virtualInterfaceType", ValueRegex: strPtr(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/", virtualInterfaceType))}, Good: {Key: "virtualInterfaceType", ValueRegex: strPtr(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/i", virtualInterfaceType))}, # notice the/iin the regex We might be able to grep for something like , Value to review/fix them all.

    As part of this issue, we should also update the contributing guide.

  • Automatically add the cost of a repo to the Readme

    Automatically add the cost of a repo to the Readme

    When a user wants to implement an open source project, it would be very helpful to know how much the project will cost. This can be done in an automatic way by updating the Readme file of the project.

    This can be done via text, or possibly via a button (cost!)

    One example:

  • Enhancement: Allow to specify a custom text for comments to Pull requests

    Enhancement: Allow to specify a custom text for comments to Pull requests

    Hi team,

    Let me give you the following use case:

    • Single project
    • Terraform code using single module (root)
    • Multiple environments specified by distinct terraform input var files

    When I run Infracost under PR, I'm running it for all environments, meaning, specifying different input var files.

    What happens when pushing comments back to devops is this: image

    I know by order of execution which one is it, but would be really cool to have the chance to add a customized text or more detail to this comment to help distinguish between them

    Regards and keep up with awesome work

  • User defined project names (`--project-name` and `name` in config-file)

    User defined project names (`--project-name` and `name` in config-file)

    It would be nice if we could add a name parameter to the list of projects to provide a "friendly name". Instead of printing src/something/something/staging-plan.json it should then print the provided name instead (e.g. staging).

  • [WIP] Package manager chocolately

    [WIP] Package manager chocolately

    Objective: Fixes:

    Add package manager support for chocolately

    For windows

    cd scripts\chocolately\


    No .nupkg files (or more than 1) were found to build in 'C:\Users\Rupan\ops\infracost\scripts\chocolately'. 
    Please specify the .nupkg file or try in a different directory

    Status: Added chocolately folder under scripts with related files

    • build.ps1
    • nuspec
    • tools folder where the binary will be packaged

    Issues: Not able to create nupkg file by choco pack command. I think the problem is with nuspec where I define the src and target. I ended up looking at below mentioned link but couldn't understand what should be done next:

    Useful links: From a convention-based working directory:

  • HCL parsing does not work with modules that have a `source` in a private Terraform registry

    HCL parsing does not work with modules that have a `source` in a private Terraform registry

    HCL parsing does not work if the Terraform code contains a module with a source in a private Terraform registry. Private git modules work ok.

    Example this code:

    provider "aws" {
      region                      = "us-east-1"
      skip_credentials_validation = true
      skip_requesting_account_id  = true
      access_key                  = "mock_access_key"
      secret_key                  = "mock_secret_key"
    module "ec2_cluster" {
      source  = ""
      version = "~> 2.0"
      name           = "my-cluster"
      instance_count = 5
      ami                    = "ami-ebd02392"
      instance_type          = "t2.micro"
      key_name               = "user1"
      monitoring             = true
      vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-12345678"]
      subnet_id              = "subnet-eddcdzz4"

    Shows this error:

    Error: Error loading Terraform modules: error downloading 'file:///examples/terraform/.infracost/terraform_modules/ec2_cluster/': source path error: stat /examples/terraform/.infracost/terraform_modules/ec2_cluster/ no such file or directory

    There's two issues which are causing this:

    1. Our code assumes that the module API is always at <host>/v1/modules but this can be different for different registries. We should use the terraform-svchost package to discover the correct service URLs
    2. Our code does not pass through any credentials when pulling remote registry modules.

    I've created a work in progress branch here.

  • Pricing discrepancy between HCL parser and state file breakdowns

    Pricing discrepancy between HCL parser and state file breakdowns

    Bug report: I did experience something weird when testing the HCL parser feature. The displayed price was more than twice that was accused by the breakdown on the state file itself.

    Here's the infracost breakdown I've run on the state file:

    $ infracost breakdown --terraform-use-state --path=.
    Detected Terraform directory at .
      βœ” Running terraform show
      βœ” Extracting only cost-related params from terraform
      βœ” Retrieving cloud prices to calculate costs
    Project: REDACTED
     Name                                                                                     Monthly Qty  Unit                      Monthly Cost
     └─ Instance (t3.large)                                                                           730  hours                          $108.70
     β”œβ”€ Standard queries (first 1B)                                                    Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.40 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Latency based routing queries (first 1B)                                       Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.60 per 1M queries
     └─ Geo DNS queries (first 1B)                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.70 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Standard queries (first 1B)                                                    Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.40 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Latency based routing queries (first 1B)                                       Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.60 per 1M queries
     └─ Geo DNS queries (first 1B)                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.70 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Standard queries (first 1B)                                                    Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.40 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Latency based routing queries (first 1B)                                       Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.60 per 1M queries
     └─ Geo DNS queries (first 1B)                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.70 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Standard queries (first 1B)                                                    Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.40 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Latency based routing queries (first 1B)                                       Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.60 per 1M queries
     └─ Geo DNS queries (first 1B)                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.70 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Standard queries (first 1B)                                                    Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.40 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Latency based routing queries (first 1B)                                       Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.60 per 1M queries
     └─ Geo DNS queries (first 1B)                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.70 per 1M queries
     └─ Standard
        β”œβ”€ Storage                                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.023 per GB
        β”œβ”€ PUT, COPY, POST, LIST requests                                              Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.005 per 1k requests
        β”œβ”€ GET, SELECT, and all other requests                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.0004 per 1k requests
        β”œβ”€ Select data scanned                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.002 per GB
        └─ Select data returned                                                        Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.0007 per GB
     └─ Standard
        β”œβ”€ Storage                                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.023 per GB
        β”œβ”€ PUT, COPY, POST, LIST requests                                              Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.005 per 1k requests
        β”œβ”€ GET, SELECT, and all other requests                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.0004 per 1k requests
        β”œβ”€ Select data scanned                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.002 per GB
        └─ Select data returned                                                        Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.0007 per GB
     └─ Queries (on-demand)                                                            Monthly cost depends on usage: $5.00 per TB
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, preemptible, n2-standard-16)                                    1,460  hours                          $274.46
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    200  GiB                              $8.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, preemptible, n2d-highmem-2)                                     2,190  hours                           $60.40
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    300  GiB                             $12.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n2-standard-16)                                      2,920  hours                        $1,814.94
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    400  GiB                             $16.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n2-highcpu-32)                                       1,460  hours                        $1,339.85
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    200  GiB                              $8.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n2-standard-4)                                         730  hours                        $1,361.21
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    100  GiB                              $4.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, preemptible, n1-standard-16)                                   14,600  hours                        $2,336.00
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                  2,000  GiB                             $80.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n2-standard-16)                                      5,840  hours                        $3,629.88
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    800  GiB                             $32.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n2-highmem-32)                                         730  hours                        $1,224.19
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    100  GiB                              $4.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-standard-8)                                       2,920  hours                          $776.72
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    400  GiB                             $16.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, preemptible, n1-standard-4)                                       730  hours                           $29.20
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    100  GiB                              $4.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-standard-2)                                         730  hours                           $48.54
     └─ SSD provisioned storage (pd-ssd)                                                               50  GiB                              $8.50
     β”œβ”€ Message delivery data                                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ Retained acknowledged message storage                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Snapshot message backlog storage                                               Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Message delivery data                                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ Retained acknowledged message storage                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Snapshot message backlog storage                                               Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Message delivery data                                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ Retained acknowledged message storage                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Snapshot message backlog storage                                               Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Message delivery data                                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ Retained acknowledged message storage                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Snapshot message backlog storage                                               Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Message delivery data                                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ Retained acknowledged message storage                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Snapshot message backlog storage                                               Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Message ingestion data                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     └─ Message ingestion data                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     └─ Message ingestion data                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     └─ Message ingestion data                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ SQL instance (db-f1-micro, zonal)                                                             730  hours                            $7.67
     β”œβ”€ Storage (SSD, zonal)                                                                           10  GB                               $1.70
     β”œβ”€ Backups                                                                        Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.08 per GB
     β”œβ”€ IP address (if unused)                                                                        730  hours                            $7.30
     └─ Replica
        β”œβ”€ SQL instance (db-f1-micro, zonal)                                                          730  hours                            $7.67
        └─ Storage (SSD, zonal)                                                                        10  GB                               $1.70
     β”œβ”€ SQL instance (db-g1-small, zonal)                                                             730  hours                           $25.55
     β”œβ”€ Storage (SSD, zonal)                                                                           10  GB                               $1.70
     β”œβ”€ Backups                                                                        Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.08 per GB
     β”œβ”€ IP address (if unused)                                                                        730  hours                            $7.30
     └─ Replica
        β”œβ”€ SQL instance (db-g1-small, zonal)                                                          730  hours                           $25.55
        └─ Storage (SSD, zonal)                                                                        10  GB                               $1.70
     β”œβ”€ Storage (standard)                                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.026 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Object adds, bucket/object list (class A)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k operations
     β”œβ”€ Object gets, retrieve bucket/object metadata (class B)                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.004 per 10k operations
     └─ Network egress
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer in same continent                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.01 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to worldwide excluding Asia, Australia (first 1TB)            Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to Asia excluding China, but including Hong Kong (first 1TB)  Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to China excluding Hong Kong (first 1TB)                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.23 per GB
        └─ Data transfer to Australia (first 1TB)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.19 per GB
     β”œβ”€ Storage (standard)                                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.026 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Object adds, bucket/object list (class A)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k operations
     β”œβ”€ Object gets, retrieve bucket/object metadata (class B)                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.004 per 10k operations
     └─ Network egress
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer in same continent                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.01 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to worldwide excluding Asia, Australia (first 1TB)            Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to Asia excluding China, but including Hong Kong (first 1TB)  Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to China excluding Hong Kong (first 1TB)                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.23 per GB
        └─ Data transfer to Australia (first 1TB)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.19 per GB
     β”œβ”€ Storage (standard)                                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.026 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Object adds, bucket/object list (class A)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k operations
     β”œβ”€ Object gets, retrieve bucket/object metadata (class B)                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.004 per 10k operations
     └─ Network egress
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer in same continent                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.01 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to worldwide excluding Asia, Australia (first 1TB)            Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to Asia excluding China, but including Hong Kong (first 1TB)  Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to China excluding Hong Kong (first 1TB)                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.23 per GB
        └─ Data transfer to Australia (first 1TB)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.19 per GB
     β”œβ”€ Cluster management fee                                                                        730  hours                           $73.00
     β”œβ”€ node_pool[0]
     β”‚  β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-highmem-2)                                       730  hours                           $95.96
     β”‚  └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                 100  GiB                              $6.00
     └─ node_pool[1]
        β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-standard-4)                                    4,380  hours                          $924.69
        └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                 600  GiB                             $36.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-standard-4)                                       4,380  hours                          $924.69
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    600  GiB                             $36.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-highmem-2)                                          730  hours                           $95.96
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    100  GiB                              $6.00
     β”œβ”€ Storage (standard)                                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.026 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Object adds, bucket/object list (class A)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k operations
     β”œβ”€ Object gets, retrieve bucket/object metadata (class B)                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.004 per 10k operations
     └─ Network egress
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer in same continent                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.01 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to worldwide excluding Asia, Australia (first 1TB)            Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to Asia excluding China, but including Hong Kong (first 1TB)  Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to China excluding Hong Kong (first 1TB)                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.23 per GB
        └─ Data transfer to Australia (first 1TB)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.19 per GB
     β”œβ”€ Cluster management fee                                                                        730  hours                           $73.00
     └─ node_pool[0]
        β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-standard-2)                                    2,190  hours                          $145.63
        └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                 300  GiB                             $12.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-standard-2)                                       2,190  hours                          $145.63
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    300  GiB                             $12.00
     β”œβ”€ Storage (standard)                                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.026 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Object adds, bucket/object list (class A)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k operations
     β”œβ”€ Object gets, retrieve bucket/object metadata (class B)                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.004 per 10k operations
     └─ Network egress
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer in same continent                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.01 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to worldwide excluding Asia, Australia (first 1TB)            Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to Asia excluding China, but including Hong Kong (first 1TB)  Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to China excluding Hong Kong (first 1TB)                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.23 per GB
        └─ Data transfer to Australia (first 1TB)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.19 per GB
     OVERALL TOTAL                                                                                                                     $15,870.99
    266 cloud resources were detected, rerun with --show-skipped to see details:
    βˆ™ 43 were estimated, 42 include usage-based costs, see
    βˆ™ 2 weren't estimated, report them in
    βˆ™ 221 were free
    Update: A new version of Infracost is available: v0.9.18 β†’ v0.9.19
      $ curl -fsSL | sh

    Now, the HCL parser output:

    # Breakdown from .tf files
    $ infracost breakdown --path=. --terraform-parse-hcl
    Detected Terraform directory (HCL) at .
      βœ” Retrieving cloud prices to calculate costs
    Project: REDACTED
     Name                                                                                     Monthly Qty  Unit                      Monthly Cost
     └─ Instance (t3.large)                                                                           730  hours                            $0.00
     β”œβ”€ Standard queries (first 1B)                                                    Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.40 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Latency based routing queries (first 1B)                                       Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.60 per 1M queries
     └─ Geo DNS queries (first 1B)                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.70 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Standard queries (first 1B)                                                    Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.40 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Latency based routing queries (first 1B)                                       Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.60 per 1M queries
     └─ Geo DNS queries (first 1B)                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.70 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Standard queries (first 1B)                                                    Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.40 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Latency based routing queries (first 1B)                                       Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.60 per 1M queries
     └─ Geo DNS queries (first 1B)                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.70 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Standard queries (first 1B)                                                    Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.40 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Latency based routing queries (first 1B)                                       Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.60 per 1M queries
     └─ Geo DNS queries (first 1B)                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.70 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Standard queries (first 1B)                                                    Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.40 per 1M queries
     β”œβ”€ Latency based routing queries (first 1B)                                       Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.60 per 1M queries
     └─ Geo DNS queries (first 1B)                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.70 per 1M queries
     └─ Standard
        β”œβ”€ Storage                                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.00 per GB
        β”œβ”€ PUT, COPY, POST, LIST requests                                              Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.00 per 1k requests
        β”œβ”€ GET, SELECT, and all other requests                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.00 per 1k requests
        β”œβ”€ Select data scanned                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.00 per GB
        └─ Select data returned                                                        Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.00 per GB
     └─ Standard
        β”œβ”€ Storage                                                                     Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.00 per GB
        β”œβ”€ PUT, COPY, POST, LIST requests                                              Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.00 per 1k requests
        β”œβ”€ GET, SELECT, and all other requests                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.00 per 1k requests
        β”œβ”€ Select data scanned                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.00 per GB
        └─ Select data returned                                                        Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.00 per GB
     └─ Queries (on-demand)                                                            Monthly cost depends on usage: $5.00 per TB
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, preemptible, n2-standard-16)                                    4,380  hours                          $823.37
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    600  GiB                             $24.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, preemptible, n2d-highmem-2)                                     6,570  hours                          $181.21
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    900  GiB                             $36.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n2-standard-16)                                      8,760  hours                        $5,444.82
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                  1,200  GiB                             $48.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n2-highcpu-32)                                       4,380  hours                        $4,019.56
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    600  GiB                             $24.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n2-standard-4)                                       2,190  hours                          $340.30
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    300  GiB                             $12.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, preemptible, n1-standard-16)                                   43,800  hours                        $7,008.00
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                  6,000  GiB                            $240.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n2-standard-16)                                     17,520  hours                       $10,889.65
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                  2,400  GiB                             $96.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n2-highmem-32)                                       2,190  hours                        $3,672.58
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    300  GiB                             $12.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-standard-8)                                       8,760  hours                        $2,330.15
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                  1,200  GiB                             $48.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, preemptible, n1-standard-4)                                     2,190  hours                           $87.60
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    300  GiB                             $12.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-standard-2)                                       2,190  hours                          $145.63
     └─ SSD provisioned storage (pd-ssd)                                                              150  GiB                             $25.50
     β”œβ”€ Message delivery data                                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ Retained acknowledged message storage                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Snapshot message backlog storage                                               Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Message delivery data                                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ Retained acknowledged message storage                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Snapshot message backlog storage                                               Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Message delivery data                                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ Retained acknowledged message storage                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Snapshot message backlog storage                                               Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Message delivery data                                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ Retained acknowledged message storage                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Snapshot message backlog storage                                               Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Message delivery data                                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ Retained acknowledged message storage                                          Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Snapshot message backlog storage                                               Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.27 per GiB
     └─ Message ingestion data                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     └─ Message ingestion data                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     └─ Message ingestion data                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     └─ Message ingestion data                                                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $40.00 per TiB
     β”œβ”€ SQL instance (db-f1-micro, zonal)                                                             730  hours                            $7.67
     β”œβ”€ Storage (SSD, zonal)                                                                           10  GB                               $1.70
     β”œβ”€ Backups                                                                        Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.08 per GB
     └─ IP address (if unused)                                                                        730  hours                            $7.30
     β”œβ”€ SQL instance (db-g1-small, zonal)                                                             730  hours                           $25.55
     β”œβ”€ Storage (SSD, zonal)                                                                           10  GB                               $1.70
     β”œβ”€ Backups                                                                        Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.08 per GB
     └─ IP address (if unused)                                                                        730  hours                            $7.30
     β”œβ”€ Storage (standard)                                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.026 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Object adds, bucket/object list (class A)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k operations
     β”œβ”€ Object gets, retrieve bucket/object metadata (class B)                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.004 per 10k operations
     └─ Network egress
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer in same continent                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.01 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to worldwide excluding Asia, Australia (first 1TB)            Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to Asia excluding China, but including Hong Kong (first 1TB)  Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to China excluding Hong Kong (first 1TB)                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.23 per GB
        └─ Data transfer to Australia (first 1TB)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.19 per GB
     β”œβ”€ Storage (standard)                                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.026 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Object adds, bucket/object list (class A)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k operations
     β”œβ”€ Object gets, retrieve bucket/object metadata (class B)                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.004 per 10k operations
     └─ Network egress
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer in same continent                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.01 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to worldwide excluding Asia, Australia (first 1TB)            Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to Asia excluding China, but including Hong Kong (first 1TB)  Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to China excluding Hong Kong (first 1TB)                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.23 per GB
        └─ Data transfer to Australia (first 1TB)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.19 per GB
     β”œβ”€ Storage (standard)                                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.026 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Object adds, bucket/object list (class A)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k operations
     β”œβ”€ Object gets, retrieve bucket/object metadata (class B)                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.004 per 10k operations
     └─ Network egress
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer in same continent                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.01 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to worldwide excluding Asia, Australia (first 1TB)            Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to Asia excluding China, but including Hong Kong (first 1TB)  Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to China excluding Hong Kong (first 1TB)                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.23 per GB
        └─ Data transfer to Australia (first 1TB)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.19 per GB
     └─ Cluster management fee                                                                        730  hours                           $73.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-standard-4)                                       4,380  hours                          $924.69
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    600  GiB                             $36.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-highmem-2)                                          730  hours                           $95.96
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    100  GiB                              $6.00
     β”œβ”€ Storage (standard)                                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.026 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Object adds, bucket/object list (class A)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k operations
     β”œβ”€ Object gets, retrieve bucket/object metadata (class B)                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.004 per 10k operations
     └─ Network egress
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer in same continent                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.01 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to worldwide excluding Asia, Australia (first 1TB)            Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to Asia excluding China, but including Hong Kong (first 1TB)  Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to China excluding Hong Kong (first 1TB)                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.23 per GB
        └─ Data transfer to Australia (first 1TB)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.19 per GB
     └─ Cluster management fee                                                                        730  hours                           $73.00
     β”œβ”€ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, n1-standard-2)                                       2,190  hours                          $145.63
     └─ Standard provisioned storage (pd-standard)                                                    300  GiB                             $12.00
     β”œβ”€ Storage (standard)                                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.026 per GiB
     β”œβ”€ Object adds, bucket/object list (class A)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.05 per 10k operations
     β”œβ”€ Object gets, retrieve bucket/object metadata (class B)                         Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.004 per 10k operations
     └─ Network egress
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer in same continent                                             Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.01 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to worldwide excluding Asia, Australia (first 1TB)            Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to Asia excluding China, but including Hong Kong (first 1TB)  Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.12 per GB
        β”œβ”€ Data transfer to China excluding Hong Kong (first 1TB)                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.23 per GB
        └─ Data transfer to Australia (first 1TB)                                      Monthly cost depends on usage: $0.19 per GB
     OVERALL TOTAL                                                                                                                     $36,937.88
    266 cloud resources were detected, rerun with --show-skipped to see details:
    βˆ™ 43 were estimated, 42 include usage-based costs, see
    βˆ™ 2 weren't estimated, report them in
    βˆ™ 221 were free
    Add cost estimates to your pull requests:
  • Update `infracost register` to let users know upfront if they already have an API key

    Update `infracost register` to let users know upfront if they already have an API key

    I've seen many users with multiple keys soon after they register. I wonder if it's because when they run infracost register, it creates the API key then checks/informs them if one already exists. We should change this so the first step in register is to check for an existing key, and tell them that it's saved in ~/.config/infracost/credentials.yml, then ask if they'd like to create a new key.

  • terraform with eks (AWS) module - use autoscale group instance not launch template

    terraform with eks (AWS) module - use autoscale group instance not launch template

    I use Terraform to set up Kubernetes and I use autoscale groups that use launch templates. the basic launch template use EC2 type m4 but my autoscale group uses different EC2 types. The infracost calculation is based on the wrong m4 type from the launch template and not the current instance types from the autoscale group - I guess it is a bug or something you still didn't handle.

  • chore: remove concurrent hcl runner when using terraform dir

    chore: remove concurrent hcl runner when using terraform dir

    Removes logic concurrently running hcl provider when legacy terraform cli provider is selected.

    This is no longer required, as we are no longer doing comparisons between the providers.

  • chore(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0

    chore(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0

    Bumps from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0.


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • chore(deps): bump from 1.29.5 to 1.29.6

    chore(deps): bump from 1.29.5 to 1.29.6

    Bumps from 1.29.5 to 1.29.6.


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • chore(deps): bump from 1.74.1 to 1.77.0

    chore(deps): bump from 1.74.1 to 1.77.0

    Bumps from 1.74.1 to 1.77.0.


    Sourced from's changelog.

    Release (2022-12-30)

    Module Highlights

    • v1.23.0
      • Feature: Extend response headers policy to support removing headers from viewer responses
    • v1.2.1
      • Documentation: Update documentation - correct the epoch constant value of default value for expiryTime field in CreateCampaign request.

    Release (2022-12-29)

    Module Highlights

    • v1.15.28
      • Documentation: Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway
    • v1.21.0
      • Feature: Added GetClusterSessionCredentials API to allow Amazon SageMaker Studio to connect to EMR on EC2 clusters with runtime roles and AWS Lake Formation-based access control for Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Presto queries.
    • v1.17.0
      • Feature: Added owning service filter, include planned deletion flag, and next rotation date response parameter in ListSecrets.
    • v1.11.0
      • Feature: This release extends Wisdom CreateContent and StartContentUpload APIs to support PDF and MicrosoftWord docx document uploading.

    Release (2022-12-28)

    Module Highlights

    • v1.25.0
      • Feature: This release allows you to modify the encryption in transit setting, for existing Redis clusters. You can now change the TLS configuration of your Redis clusters without the need to re-build or re-provision the clusters or impact application availability.
    • v1.21.0
      • Feature: AWS Network Firewall now provides status messages for firewalls to help you troubleshoot when your endpoint fails.
    • v1.38.0
      • Feature: This release adds support for Custom Engine Version (CEV) on RDS Custom SQL Server.
    • v1.10.0
      • Feature: Added support for Python paginators in the route53-recovery-control-config List* APIs.

    Release (2022-12-27)

    Module Highlights

    • v1.11.0
      • Feature: This release adds support for MemoryDB Reserved nodes which provides a significant discount compared to on-demand node pricing. Reserved nodes are not physical nodes, but rather a billing discount applied to the use of on-demand nodes in your account.
    • v1.27.0
      • Feature: Add additional operations to throw ThrottlingExceptions

    Release (2022-12-23)

    Module Highlights

    • v1.42.0
      • Feature: Support for Routing Profile filter, SortCriteria, and grouping by Routing Profiles for GetCurrentMetricData API. Support for RoutingProfiles, UserHierarchyGroups, and Agents as filters, NextStatus and AgentStatusName for GetCurrentUserData. Adds ApproximateTotalCount to both APIs.
    • v1.13.0
      • Feature: Amazon Connect Chat introduces the Message Receipts feature. This feature allows agents and customers to receive message delivered and read receipts after they send a chat message.
    • v1.17.0
      • Feature: This release adds a missed AccessDeniedException type to several endpoints.
    • v1.27.0

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • chore(deps): bump from 1.22.1 to 1.26.0

    chore(deps): bump from 1.22.1 to 1.26.0

    Bumps from 1.22.1 to 1.26.0.


    Sourced from's changelog.

    Release (2022-12-30)

    Module Highlights

    • v1.23.0
      • Feature: Extend response headers policy to support removing headers from viewer responses
    • v1.2.1
      • Documentation: Update documentation - correct the epoch constant value of default value for expiryTime field in CreateCampaign request.

    Release (2022-12-29)

    Module Highlights

    • v1.15.28
      • Documentation: Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway
    • v1.21.0
      • Feature: Added GetClusterSessionCredentials API to allow Amazon SageMaker Studio to connect to EMR on EC2 clusters with runtime roles and AWS Lake Formation-based access control for Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Presto queries.
    • v1.17.0
      • Feature: Added owning service filter, include planned deletion flag, and next rotation date response parameter in ListSecrets.
    • v1.11.0
      • Feature: This release extends Wisdom CreateContent and StartContentUpload APIs to support PDF and MicrosoftWord docx document uploading.

    Release (2022-12-28)

    Module Highlights

    • v1.25.0
      • Feature: This release allows you to modify the encryption in transit setting, for existing Redis clusters. You can now change the TLS configuration of your Redis clusters without the need to re-build or re-provision the clusters or impact application availability.
    • v1.21.0
      • Feature: AWS Network Firewall now provides status messages for firewalls to help you troubleshoot when your endpoint fails.
    • v1.38.0
      • Feature: This release adds support for Custom Engine Version (CEV) on RDS Custom SQL Server.
    • v1.10.0
      • Feature: Added support for Python paginators in the route53-recovery-control-config List* APIs.

    Release (2022-12-27)

    Module Highlights

    • v1.11.0
      • Feature: This release adds support for MemoryDB Reserved nodes which provides a significant discount compared to on-demand node pricing. Reserved nodes are not physical nodes, but rather a billing discount applied to the use of on-demand nodes in your account.
    • v1.27.0
      • Feature: Add additional operations to throw ThrottlingExceptions

    Release (2022-12-23)

    Module Highlights

    • v1.42.0
      • Feature: Support for Routing Profile filter, SortCriteria, and grouping by Routing Profiles for GetCurrentMetricData API. Support for RoutingProfiles, UserHierarchyGroups, and Agents as filters, NextStatus and AgentStatusName for GetCurrentUserData. Adds ApproximateTotalCount to both APIs.
    • v1.13.0
      • Feature: Amazon Connect Chat introduces the Message Receipts feature. This feature allows agents and customers to receive message delivered and read receipts after they send a chat message.
    • v1.17.0
      • Feature: This release adds a missed AccessDeniedException type to several endpoints.
    • v1.27.0

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • chore(deps): bump from 0.11.3 to 0.12.1

    chore(deps): bump from 0.11.3 to 0.12.1

    Bumps from 0.11.3 to 0.12.1.

    Release notes

    Sourced from's releases.


    What's Changed


    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    Thank you for all the contributions!

    What's Changed

    This release contains several backward incompatible changes.



    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed


    ... (truncated)

    • beca00a Merge pull request #1148 from slack-go/large-files-upload-timeout
    • bddec0a refactor FileUploadV2 implementation
    • c0676fc Merge pull request #1119 from stephenwan-opal/master
    • 617bdc1 Merge pull request #989 from Yohan460/include_num_members-support
    • 58dcbfd Merge pull request #1131 from yokishava/fix/rich-text-timestamp
    • acafae8 Merge pull request #1143 from johanmcos/add-GetOtherTeamInfoContext
    • d778e9e add GetOtherTeamInfoContext method
    • f50586f Merge pull request #1097 from MattDavisRV/CustomProfileField_Update
    • 5a47d3e Merge pull request #1095 from grimmy/expose-reactions
    • c857464 Merge pull request #1140 from ameliagapin/email_url_elements
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
The Cloud Posse Terraform Provider for various utilities (E.g. deep merging)
The Cloud Posse Terraform Provider for various utilities (E.g. deep merging)

terraform-provider-utils Terraform provider to add additional missing functionality to Terraform This project is part of our comprehensive "SweetOps"

Jan 7, 2023
Terraform Provider for Confluent Cloud

Terraform Provider for Confluent Cloud The Terraform Confluent Cloud provider is a plugin for Terraform that allows for the lifecycle management of Co

Jul 19, 2022
Contentrouter - Protect static content via Firebase Hosting with Cloud Run and Google Cloud Storage

contentrouter A Cloud Run service to gate static content stored in Google Cloud

Jan 2, 2022
TurtleDex is a decentralized cloud storage platform that radically alters the landscape of cloud storage.

TurtleDex is a decentralized cloud storage platform that radically alters the landscape of cloud storage. By leveraging smart contracts, client-side e

Feb 17, 2021
Cloudpods is a cloud-native open source unified multi/hybrid-cloud platform developed with Golang
Cloudpods is a cloud-native open source unified multi/hybrid-cloud platform developed with Golang

Cloudpods is a cloud-native open source unified multi/hybrid-cloud platform developed with Golang, i.e. Cloudpods is a cloud on clouds. Cloudpods is able to manage not only on-premise KVM/baremetals, but also resources from many cloud accounts across many cloud providers. It hides the differences of underlying cloud providers and exposes one set of APIs that allow programatically interacting with these many clouds.

Jan 11, 2022
A Cloud Foundry cli plugin that offers a faster and customizable alternative for cf apps

Panzer cf cli plugin A plugin for faster interaction (less API calls) with Cloud Foundry, and choose the columns you want in your output. Instead of "

Feb 14, 2022
Fleex allows you to create multiple VPS on cloud providers and use them to distribute your workload.
Fleex allows you to create multiple VPS on cloud providers and use them to distribute your workload.

Fleex allows you to create multiple VPS on cloud providers and use them to distribute your workload. Run tools like masscan, puredns, ffuf, httpx or anything you need and get results quickly!

Jan 6, 2023
A Cloud Native Buildpack that contributes the Syft CLI which can be used to generate SBoM information The Paketo Syft Buildpack is a Cloud Native Buildpack that contributes the Syft CLI which can be used to generate SBoM i

Dec 14, 2022
The extensible SQL interface to your favorite cloud APIs.
The extensible SQL interface to your favorite cloud APIs.

The extensible SQL interface to your favorite cloud APIs.

Jan 4, 2023
Unofficial Terraform Provider for Zscaler Private Access

Terraform Provider for ☁️ Zscaler Private Access ☁️ ⚠️ Attention: This provider is not affiliated with, nor supported by Zscaler in any way. Website:

Dec 14, 2022
β˜οΈπŸƒ Get up and running with Go on Google Cloud.

Get up and running with Go and gRPC on Google Cloud Platform, with this lightweight, opinionated, batteries-included service SDK.

Dec 20, 2022
Elkeid is a Cloud-Native Host-Based Intrusion Detection solution project to provide next-generation Threat Detection and Behavior Audition with modern architecture.
Elkeid is a Cloud-Native Host-Based Intrusion Detection solution project to provide next-generation Threat Detection and Behavior Audition with modern architecture.

Elkeid is a Cloud-Native Host-Based Intrusion Detection solution project to provide next-generation Threat Detection and Behavior Audition with modern architecture.

Dec 30, 2022
Sample apps and code written for Google Cloud in the Go programming language.
Sample apps and code written for Google Cloud in the Go programming language.

Google Cloud Platform Go Samples This repository holds sample code written in Go that demonstrates the Google Cloud Platform. Some samples have accomp

Jan 9, 2023
Use Google Cloud KMS as an io.Reader and rand.Source.

Google Cloud KMS Go io.Reader and rand.Source This package provides a struct that implements Go's io.Reader and math/rand.Source interfaces, using Goo

Dec 1, 2022
A Cloud Native Buildpack that contributes SDKMAN and uses it to install dependencies like the Java Virtual Machine A Cloud Native Buildpack that contributes SDKMAN and uses it to install dependencies like the Java Virtual Machine. Be

Jan 8, 2022
Lightweight Cloud Instance Contextualizer
Lightweight Cloud Instance Contextualizer

Flamingo Flamingo is a lightweight contextualization tool that aims to handle initialization of cloud instances. It is meant to be a replacement for c

Jun 18, 2022
Go language interface to Swift / Openstack Object Storage / Rackspace cloud files (golang)

Swift This package provides an easy to use library for interfacing with Swift / Openstack Object Storage / Rackspace cloud files from the Go Language

Nov 9, 2022
Cloud-native way to provide elastic Jupyter Notebook services on Kubernetes
Cloud-native way to provide elastic Jupyter Notebook services on Kubernetes

elastic-jupyter-operator: Elastic Jupyter on Kubernetes Kubernetes εŽŸη”Ÿηš„εΌΉζ€§ Jupyter 即服劑 介绍 δΈΊη”¨ζˆ·ζŒ‰ιœ€ζδΎ›εΌΉζ€§ηš„ Jupyter Notebook ζœεŠ‘γ€‚elastic-jupyter-operator 提供δ»₯下特性

Dec 29, 2022
Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go.
Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go.

Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go.

Jan 8, 2023