Interpreted Programming Language built in Go. Lexer, Parser, AST, VM.

Gago | Programming Language Built in Go

if you are looking for the docs, go here

Gago is a interpreted programming language. It is fully written in Go.

Gago includes:

  • Lexer
  • Parser
  • VM
  • Module implementation
  • Easy embedding into your Go application
  • Standard library

View the projects timeline and progress here

The gago builtins module: (as of v0.7-alpha)

  • print(args...) type: function. Doc: prints the specified values seperated by a space
  • input type: function. Doc gets input from stdin until newline
  • teststring type: global variable. Use: testing purposes
  • sleep type: function. Doc: sleeps for the specified ms experimental
  • exit type: function. Doc: exits from the process experimental


Download from the releases page


Gago started as an experiment to find out how hard it would be to build a programming language in Go. With all the standard library written in Go, it would be faster than many programming languages, such as Python.

It can also be used as a wrapper around Go, since any Gago expression can be written in Go.


gago currently:

  • Lexes all tokens correctly
  • Parses some expressions to AST
  • Is able to run the AST available right now (in the VM)
  • Has a builtin module and module system.
  • Is able to run defined Go functions inside the Gago script.

Taking the project further is the main goal. Making a simple language which can run just like any programming language would be a end goal. Once Gago is ready to run some of the more basic code, running benchmarks will be added.

Gago is currently in a pre-release or beta state.


This project is licensed under the MIT licence.

  • Add String Module

    Add String Module

    The string module will contain functions for interaction with strings in Gago.


    • [x] Create a blank module
    • [x] Functions
      • [x] concat
      • [x] contains
      • [x] containsAny
      • [x] trimSpace
      • [x] index
      • [x] len
      • [x] charAt
    • [x] Add docs
    • [ ] Add tests

    Fixes #6

  • Create string module for working with strings

    Create string module for working with strings

    The string module will be part of the standard library, and it would make possible interaction with strings.

    Some of the functions:

    • concat
    • contains
    • containsAny
    • trimSpace
    • index
    • len
  • Object data type & module

    Object data type & module

    Create the object data type and standard library module.

    • [x] Create the basic object type
    • [x] Format for printing
    • [x] Add a set method
    • [x] Add a get method
    • [x] Add a keys method (returns a slice)
    • [x] Add docs for object
    • [x] Add tests for object

    Fixes #4

  • Add Arrays

    Add Arrays

    This PR contains the development for Arrays in Gago.

    Arrays in Gago will look like this:

    const array1 = call array.create("hello", 1, 2, "world")

    Arrays will hold values of any type, not only of one type.


    • [x] Create a blank array module
    • [x] Create a customtype data type. (for special types specific to one function, not builtin)
    • [x] Create a function for creating arrays
    • [x] Create helper functions for interacting with arrays
    • [x] Fully support arrays in every scenario.
    • [x] Create docs for array module
    • [x] Add tests for the array module
  • The parser for the `call` statement is __very__ weak

    The parser for the `call` statement is __very__ weak

    The parser splits the arguments by strings.split(s, ","), which does not allow the character , to be used but to separate arguments. This causes many problems, since a string like hello, world would error the program. Also, you can't nest functions with more than one argument, since it would also break.

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