Kubernetes OS Server - Kubernetes Extension API server exposing OS configuration like sysctl via Kubernetes API

KOSS - Kubernetes OS Server

KOSS is a Extension API Server which exposes OS properties and functionality using Kubernetes API, so it can be accessed using e.g. kubectl.

At the moment this is highly experimental and only managing sysctl is supported. To make things actually usable, you must run KOSS binary as root on the machine you will be managing.

Managing multiple machines is not supported and not planned.

KOSS also do not use any of libraries to build Kubernetes API, but builts it's absolute minimal version from scratch, which is most likely missing many features.

Listing, getting and editing sysctl is only working functionality.

KOSS exposes API over HTTPS using self-signed X.509 certificate generated on the fly on server start.


To test it out, modify manifest.yaml YAML file and set externalName field to IP where KOSS will be available under right now hardcoded port 8443.

Then, apply this manifest on your cluster using e.g. kubectl apply -f command.

Now, you should be able to read your sysctl values using kubectl get sysctl like on example below:

$ kubectl get sysctl | head
NAME                                 VALUE
abi.vsyscall32                       1
debug.exception-trace                1
debug.kprobes-optimization           1
dev.hpet.max-user-freq               64
dev.i915.oa_max_sample_rate          100000
dev.i915.perf_stream_paranoid        1
dev.mac_hid.mouse_button2_keycode    97
dev.mac_hid.mouse_button3_keycode    100
dev.mac_hid.mouse_button_emulation   0

You can also write values using kubectl patch or kubectl edit:

kubectl patch sysctl vm.overcommit_ratio -p '{"value":"50"}'

As well as by applying a specific manifest:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f-
apiVersion: koss.invidian.github.io/v1alpha1
kind: Sysctl
  name: vm.overcommit_ratio
value: "50"

Testing standalone (without Aggregation API Server)

For simplicity, when starting KOSS, it will write a kubeconfig file in current working directory, so you can use it to directly communicate with Extension API server, without a need for regular API server.

Note, that when in this mode, only kubectl get and kubectl patch will work. kubectl apply, kubectl edit or kubectl create will fail right now. This limitation might be addressed in the future.

To use created kubeconfig, run the command below in directory when you started KOSS:

export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig
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