Sparse matrix formats for linear algebra supporting scientific and machine learning applications

Sparse matrix formats

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Implementations of selected sparse matrix formats for linear algebra supporting scientific and machine learning applications. Compatible with the APIs in the Gonum package and interoperable with Gonum dense matrix types.


Machine learning applications typically model entities as vectors of numerical features so that they may be compared and analysed quantitively. Typically the majority of the elements in these vectors are zeros. In the case of text mining applications, each document within a corpus is represented as a vector and its features represent the vocabulary of unique words. A corpus of several thousand documents might utilise a vocabulary of hundreds of thousands (or perhaps even millions) of unique words but each document will typically only contain a couple of hundred unique words. This means the number of non-zero values in the matrix might only be around 1%.

Sparse matrix formats capitalise on this premise by only storing the non-zero values thereby reducing both storage/memory requirements and processing effort for manipulating the data.



The sparse matrices in this package implement the Gonum Matrix interface and so are fully interoperable and mutually compatible with the Gonum APIs and dense matrix types.

// Construct a new 3x2 DOK (Dictionary Of Keys) matrix
dokMatrix := sparse.NewDOK(3, 2)

// Populate it with some non-zero values
dokMatrix.Set(0, 0, 5)
dokMatrix.Set(2, 1, 7)

// Demonstrate accessing values (could use Gonum's mat.Formatted()
// function to pretty print but this demonstrates element access)
m, n := dokMatrix.Dims()
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
    for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
        fmt.Printf("%.0f,", dokMatrix.At(i, j))

// Convert DOK matrix to CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) matrix
// just for fun (not required for upcoming multiplication operation)
csrMatrix := dokMatrix.ToCSR()

// Create a random 2x3 COO (COOrdinate) matrix with
// density of 0.5 (half the elements will be non-zero)
cooMatrix := sparse.Random(sparse.COOFormat, 2, 3, 0.5)

// Convert CSR matrix to Gonum mat.Dense matrix just for fun
// (not required for upcoming multiplication operation)
// then transpose so it is the right shape/dimensions for
// multiplication with the original CSR matrix
denseMatrix := csrMatrix.ToDense().T()

// Multiply the 2 matrices together and store the result in the
// sparse receiver (multiplication with sparse product)
var csrProduct sparse.CSR
csrProduct.Mul(csrMatrix, cooMatrix)

// As an alternative, use the sparse BLAS routines for efficient
// sparse matrix multiplication with a Gonum mat.Dense product
// (multiplication with dense product)
denseProduct := sparse.MulMatMat(false, 1, csrMatrix, denseMatrix, nil)


With Go installed, package installation is performed using go get.

go get -u


See Also



James Bowman
CTO @Fresh8 Gaming. Go | Microservices | Machine Learning | NLP
James Bowman


    Could you clarify your point of view about adding implementation for iterative methods? For example GMRES:

  • implement mat.tracer for dia, csc and csr types

    implement mat.tracer for dia, csc and csr types

    add tests for tracer add benchmarks for trace (which is now much faster)

    also added a colnnz() to csc which was part of the trace implementation at one point. left in as feels like a gap. open to removing if someone has strong views. not clear why rownnz() would be on csr without colnnz() on csc though.

    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS3/0.010000-100-41.16µs ± 3%0.72µs ± 3%−37.76%(p=0.000 n=10+8)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS4/0.010000-100-41.15µs ± 5%0.70µs ± 3%−38.94%(p=0.000 n=10+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS3/0.400000-100-45.28µs ± 1%5.35µs ± 3%~(p=0.189 n=9+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS4/0.400000-100-45.06µs ± 1%4.85µs ± 5%−4.14%(p=0.005 n=8+9)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS3/0.010000-200-42.45µs ± 2%1.80µs ± 2%−26.69%(p=0.000 n=10+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS4/0.010000-200-42.50µs ± 3%1.83µs ± 2%−26.81%(p=0.000 n=9+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS3/0.400000-200-416.5µs ± 4%16.2µs ± 3%~(p=0.108 n=9+9)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS4/0.400000-200-416.3µs ± 2%16.0µs ± 2%−2.17%(p=0.001 n=8+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS3/0.010000-400-46.35µs ± 4%5.57µs ± 7%−12.34%(p=0.000 n=10+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS4/0.010000-400-46.71µs ± 6%4.94µs ± 3%−26.35%(p=0.000 n=9+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS3/0.400000-400-455.2µs ± 2%56.6µs ± 6%~(p=0.278 n=9+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS4/0.400000-400-456.0µs ± 2%55.5µs ± 6%~(p=0.053 n=10+9)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS3/0.010000-800-422.3µs ± 1%20.9µs ± 7%−5.97%(p=0.003 n=8+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS4/0.010000-800-422.7µs ± 2%20.5µs ± 4%−9.86%(p=0.000 n=10+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS3/0.400000-800-4229µs ± 7%212µs ± 2%−7.03%(p=0.000 n=10+9)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS4/0.400000-800-4221µs ± 1%216µs ± 3%−2.34%(p=0.006 n=9+9)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS3/0.010000-1600-463.7µs ± 6%59.2µs ± 4%−6.99%(p=0.000 n=9+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS4/0.010000-1600-463.8µs ± 6%57.6µs ± 3%−9.76%(p=0.000 n=10+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS3/0.400000-1600-41.00ms ± 9%0.97ms ±10%~(p=0.156 n=9+10)
    TraceCS/BenchTraceCS4/0.400000-1600-4952µs ± 3%957µs ± 5%~(p=0.529 n=10+10)
    TraceDIA/BenchTraceDIA-100-4657ns ± 3%142ns ± 5%−78.43%(p=0.000 n=8+10)
    TraceDIA/BenchTraceDIA-200-41.29µs ±14%0.17µs ±18%−86.80%(p=0.000 n=10+10)
    TraceDIA/BenchTraceDIA-400-42.30µs ± 3%0.20µs ± 3%−91.31%(p=0.000 n=10+10)
    TraceDIA/BenchTraceDIA-800-44.70µs ± 7%0.28µs ± 3%−94.12%(p=0.000 n=10+10)
    TraceDIA/BenchTraceDIA-1600-49.06µs ± 8%0.45µs ± 9%−95.00%(p=0.000 n=10+10)
  • go get fails

    go get fails

    Running the go get command yields following message:

    $ go version
    go version go1.16.2 linux/amd64
    $ go get -u
    ../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/blas/matrix.go:83:7: undefined: floats.EqualWithinAbs
    ../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/blas/matrix.go:105:8: undefined: floats.EqualWithinAbs


    For go to get module. I did not have this problem go geting gonum.

  • sparse cholesky solver

    sparse cholesky solver

    this is an attempt at a sparse cholesky implementation. i've taken parts of the interface from gonum.mat.Cholesky but not all. curious your thoughts on how to organize this.

    many of the methods on mat.Cholesky are not associated with interfaces. so it feels safe to just implement what's needed as-needed. i expect designing this well will lead to a proposal to add a mat.Solver/Factorizer interface into gonum. Or something like that.

    some of mat.Cholesky's methods don't feel useful here, at least not on their own. the symmetric stuff might make sense if associated with sparse.SymCSR etc. somewhat similar for inverse.

    i'm stopping well short of implementing cholmod in the same manner this package implements sparseblas because a) it's a v large piece of work i don't really need it and b) memory savings >> improved performance here.

  • add MulMatSparseVec function and test

    add MulMatSparseVec function and test

    This is an attempt at dense matrix * sparse vector multiplication. AFAIK there is no standard Sparse BLAS routine for this operation so I've tried to do it in a consistent style. As for naming: MulMatVec and MulMatMat are taken for the sparse matrix * dense something case.

    Maybe it makes more sense to make MulMatVec fully generic and have it delegate to MulMatSparseVec, MulSparseMatVec? The latter would be a renaming of today's MulMatVec; the new MulMatVec would change BlasCompatibleSparser to mat.Matrix in the signature and contain type assertion logic with no math. That's a larger change though.

  • Clarify NNZ behavior on COO format sparse matrices

    Clarify NNZ behavior on COO format sparse matrices

    PR clarifies behavior of NNZ on a coordinate matrix. The current documentation for this method states that COO.NNZ() returns the number of non-zero elements in the sparse matrix. Rather, the length of the underlying data is returned, which could differ from the number of non-zero elements. For example, NNZ() could return a number greater than 0 on a zero matrix if duplicate entries summed to zero or if zeroes are explicitly stored. NNZ() could also return a number greater than the size of the matrix with enough duplicates.

  • Add Vector.Set and Vector.SetVec methods

    Add Vector.Set and Vector.SetVec methods

    I needed a version of a sparse vector that that I could update similar to the gonum mat.Dense so I have added Set and SetVec methods to Vector and their accompanying tests. By adding the Set method, Vector also now satisfies the mat.Mutable interface from gonum. Also updated the import in vector.go from "" to "".

    Hopefully this is helpful to project.

  • Sparse vectors in blas package

    Sparse vectors in blas package

    Hi. I'm just wondering if you have any plan for adding the sparse vector representation into blas package the same way as the sparse matrix (referring to RawMatrix() method)?. having access to the actual elements of a sparse vector (data and ind) would be quite useful. Thanks

  • add TODO view in test log

    add TODO view in test log

    Now, result:

    --- PASS: TestTodo (0.03s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/benchmarks_test.go (0.01s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/binary.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/binary_test.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/compressed.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/compressed_arith.go (0.00s)
        	sparse_test.go:42: compressed_arith.go:113  // TODO: handle cases where both matrices are DIA
        	sparse_test.go:42: compressed_arith.go:189  // TODO Consider converting all Sparser args to CSR
        	sparse_test.go:42: compressed_arith.go:300  // TODO optimisation for DIA matrices
        --- PASS: TestTodo/compressed_arith_test.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/compressed_test.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/coordinate.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/coordinate_test.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/diagonal.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/diagonal_test.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/dictionaryofkeys.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/dictionaryofkeys_test.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/doc.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/example_test.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/matrix.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/matrix_test.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/persistence.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/persistence_test.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/pool.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/sparse_test.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/vector.go (0.00s)
        --- PASS: TestTodo/vector_test.go (0.00s)
  • Updating gonum/matrix/mat64 dependency to gonum/gonum/mat

    Updating gonum/matrix/mat64 dependency to gonum/gonum/mat

    Interested in using this implementation for sparse linear algebra! Noticed that the current underlying matrix type is deprecated, so I went ahead and updated to the current gonum standard.

  • Optimal way to resize matrix

    Optimal way to resize matrix

    Hi, is there any recommended way to resize sparse matrixes? Thinking about backing storage i would think coo matrixes should be easier to resize right?

  • Scalar multiplication

    Scalar multiplication

    Do you have an example of how to do an efficient scalar multiplication of a COO matrix somewhere?

    And one for vertically stacking two matrices similarly to Dense.Stack in gonum?

  • Leading duplicates breaks coo to csr conversion

    Leading duplicates breaks coo to csr conversion

    When leading duplicates are present in a COO matrix, the conversion towards CSR becomes invalid and not identical to the original COO representation.

    An example and solution are proposed in pull request #19

  • Fix leading duplicates in COO.

    Fix leading duplicates in COO.

    When leading duplicates are present in a COO matrix, the conversion towards CSR becomes invalid and not identical to the original COO representation. This changes the dedupe function, such that leading duplicates are treated correctly by starting the counter at -1 compared to 0.

    The following illustrates the problem:

    // create identity matrix with a duplicate at (0,0) that should drop out
    coo := NewCOO(2, 2, make([]int, 0), make([]int, 0), make([]float64, 0))
    coo.Set(0, 0, 100)
    coo.Set(0, 0, -100)
    coo.Set(0, 0, 1)	
    coo.Set(1, 1, 1)
    csr := coo.ToCSR()
    // compare matrices after conversion to CSR, expect equal matrices. 
    if !mat.Equal(coo, csr) {
        fmt.Printf("Expected:\n%v\n but created:\n%v\n", mat.Formatted(coo), mat.Formatted(csr))

    When evaluated, we observe the output, showing the influence of the leading duplicates.

    ⎡1  0⎤
    ⎣0  1⎦
    but created:
    ⎡100    0⎤
    ⎣  0    1⎦

    The committed change should resolve this.

  • How to we set/remove a value to is suppose to be set to 0.0

    How to we set/remove a value to is suppose to be set to 0.0

    When assigning a value to a CSR (might be others too, but I know that one), how do we set the value back to 0.0?

    From, we can see that the value of 0.0 will not be set.

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