Go forward proxy with bandwidth limiting.


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Go forward proxy with rate limiting. The code is based on Michał Łowicki's 100 LOC forward proxy.



Releases can be downloaded from here.


go get -v github.com/jamesmoriarty/goforward
go install github.com/jamesmoriarty/goforward


goforward -h
Usage of goforward:
  -port string
        Proxy listen port (default "8888")g
  -rate int
        Proxy bandwidth ratelimit (default 524288)

use with .exe on windows.


go build .\cmd\goforward.go


go test


I needed a way to download 53GB without making my household internet unusable. In summary:

  1. Free games.
  2. Australia's terrible internet.
  3. Learning Go.

First Solution

Shape the traffic in the application.

Application Bandwidth Shaping

Second Solution

Shape the traffic in kernal space.

Windows Filtering Platform

Third Solution

Shape the traffic in user space.

Forward Proxy

James Moriarty
Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them.
James Moriarty
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