Pulumi-aws-iam - Reusable IAM modules for AWS

xyz Pulumi Component Provider (Go)

This repo is a boilerplate showing how to create a Pulumi component provider written in Go. You can search-replace xyz with the name of your desired provider as a starting point for creating a component provider for your component resources.

An example StaticPage component resource is available in provider/pkg/provider/staticPage.go. This component creates a static web page hosted in an AWS S3 Bucket. There is nothing special about StaticPage -- it is a typical component resource written in Go.

The component provider makes component resources available to other languages. The implementation is in provider/pkg/provider/provider.go. Each component resource in the provider must have an implementation in the Construct function to create an instance of the requested component resource and return its URN and state (outputs). There is an initial implementation that demonstrates an implementation of Construct for the example StaticPage component.

A code generator is available which generates SDKs in TypeScript, Python, Go and .NET which are also checked in to the sdk folder. The SDKs are generated from a schema in schema.yaml. This file should be kept aligned with the component resources supported by the component provider implementation.

An example of using the StaticPage component in TypeScript is in examples/simple.

Note that the generated provider plugin (pulumi-resource-xyz) must be on your PATH to be used by Pulumi deployments. If creating a provider for distribution to other users, you should ensure they install this plugin to their PATH.


  • Go 1.15
  • Pulumi CLI
  • Node.js (to build the Node.js SDK)
  • Yarn (to build the Node.js SDK)
  • Python 3.6+ (to build the Python SDK)
  • .NET Core SDK (to build the .NET SDK)

Build and Test

# Build and install the provider (plugin copied to $GOPATH/bin)
make install_provider

# Regenerate SDKs
make generate

# Test Node.js SDK
$ make install_nodejs_sdk
$ cd examples/simple
$ yarn install
$ yarn link @pulumi/xyz
$ pulumi stack init test
$ pulumi config set aws:region us-east-1
$ pulumi up


The xyz provider's plugin binary must be named pulumi-resource-xyz (in the format pulumi-resource-<provider>).

While the provider plugin must follow this naming convention, the SDK package naming can be customized. TODO explain.

Example component

Let's look at the example StaticPage component resource in more detail.


The example StaticPage component resource is defined in schema.yaml:

    isComponent: true
        type: string
        description: The HTML content for index.html.
      - indexContent
        "$ref": "/aws/v4.0.0/schema.json#/resources/aws:s3%2Fbucket:Bucket"
        description: The bucket resource.
        type: string
        description: The website URL.
      - bucket
      - websiteUrl

The component resource's type token is xyz:index:StaticPage in the format of <package>:<module>:<type>. In this case, it's in the xyz package and index module. This is the same type token passed to RegisterComponentResource inside the implementation of NewStaticPage in provider/pkg/provider/staticPage.go, and also the same token referenced in Construct in provider/pkg/provider/provider.go.

This component has a required indexContent input property typed as string, and two required output properties: bucket and websiteUrl. Note that bucket is typed as the aws:s3/bucket:Bucket resource from the aws provider (in the schema the / is escaped as %2F).

Since this component returns a type from the aws provider, each SDK must reference the associated Pulumi aws SDK for the language. For the .NET, Node.js, and Python SDKs, dependencies are specified in the language section of the schema:

      Pulumi: 3.*
      Pulumi.Aws: 4.*
    generateResourceContainerTypes: true
    importBasePath: github.com/pulumi/pulumi-xyz/sdk/go/xyz
      "@pulumi/aws": "^4.0.0"
      typescript: "^3.7.0"
      pulumi: ">=3.0.0,<4.0.0"
      pulumi-aws: ">=4.0.0,<5.0.0"

For the Go SDK, dependencies are specified in the sdk/go.mod file.


The implementation of this component is in provider/pkg/provider/staticPage.go and the structure of the component's inputs and outputs aligns with what is defined in schema.yaml:

// The set of arguments for creating a StaticPage component resource.
type StaticPageArgs struct {
    IndexContent pulumi.StringInput `pulumi:"indexContent"`

// The StaticPage component resource.
type StaticPage struct {

    Bucket     *s3.Bucket          `pulumi:"bucket"`
    WebsiteUrl pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"websiteUrl"`

// NewStaticPage creates a new StaticPage component resource.
func NewStaticPage(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *StaticPageArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*StaticPage, error) {

The provider makes this component resource available in the construct function in provider/pkg/provider/provider.go. When construct is called and the typ argument is xyz:index:StaticPage, we create an instance of the StaticPage component resource and return its URN and state.

func constructStaticPage(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, inputs provider.ConstructInputs,
    options pulumi.ResourceOption) (*provider.ConstructResult, error) {

    // Copy the raw inputs to StaticPageArgs. `inputs.CopyTo` uses the types and `pulumi:` tags
    // on the struct's fields to convert the raw values to the appropriate Input types.
    args := &StaticPageArgs{}
    if err := inputs.CopyTo(args); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "setting args")

    // Create the component resource.
    staticPage, err := NewStaticPage(ctx, name, args, options)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creating component")

    // Return the component resource's URN and state. `NewConstructResult` automatically sets the
    // ConstructResult's state based on resource struct fields tagged with `pulumi:` tags with a value
    // that is convertible to `pulumi.Input`.
    return provider.NewConstructResult(staticPage)
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