Utilities to prettify console output of tables, lists, progress-bars, text, etc.


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Utilities to prettify console output of tables, lists, progress-bars, text, etc.


Pretty-print tables into ASCII/Unicode strings.

|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             |
|   1 | Arya       | Stark     |   3000 |                             |
|  20 | Jon        | Snow      |   2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! |
| 300 | Tyrion     | Lannister |   5000 |                             |
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             |

More details can be found here: table/


Pretty-print lists with multiple levels/indents into ASCII/Unicode strings.

 ■ Game Of Thrones
   ■ Winter
   ■ Is
   ■ Coming
     ■ This
     ■ Is
     ■ Known
 ■ The Dark Tower
   ■ The Gunslinger

More details can be found here: list/


Track the Progress of one or more Tasks (like downloading multiple files in parallel).

Sample Progress Tracking:

Calculating Total   #  1 ... done! [3.25K in 100ms]
Calculating Total   #  2 ... done! [6.50K in 100ms]
Downloading File    #  3 ... done! [9.75KB in 100ms]
Transferring Amount #  4 ... done! [$26.00K in 200ms]
Transferring Amount #  5 ... done! [£32.50K in 201ms]
Downloading File    #  6 ... done! [58.50KB in 300ms]
Calculating Total   #  7 ... done! [91.00K in 400ms]
Transferring Amount #  8 ... 60.9% (●●●●●●●●●●●●●●◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌) [$78.00K in 399.071ms]
Downloading File    #  9 ... 32.1% (●●●●●●●○◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌) [58.50KB in 298.947ms]
Transferring Amount # 10 ... 13.0% (●●○◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌) [£32.50K in 198.84ms]

More details can be found here: progress/


Utility functions to manipulate text with or without ANSI escape sequences. Most of the functions available are used in one or more of the other packages here.

The unit-tests for each of the above show how these can be used. There GoDoc should also have examples for all the available functions.


Partial output of make bench on CI:

BenchmarkList_Render-2            	  372352	      3179 ns/op	     856 B/op	      38 allocs/op
BenchmarkProgress_Render-2        	       4	 300318682 ns/op	    3438 B/op	      87 allocs/op
BenchmarkTable_Render-2           	   27208	     44154 ns/op	    5616 B/op	     179 allocs/op
BenchmarkTable_RenderCSV-2        	  108732	     11059 ns/op	    2624 B/op	      46 allocs/op
BenchmarkTable_RenderHTML-2       	   88633	     13425 ns/op	    4080 B/op	      45 allocs/op
BenchmarkTable_RenderMarkdown-2   	  107420	     10991 ns/op	    2560 B/op	      44 allocs/op


If you are using a version of this library older than v6.0.0 and want to move to a newer version of this library, you'd have to modify the import paths from something like:




I'd recommend you fire up your favorite IDE and do a mass search and replace for all occurrences of jedib0t/go-pretty/ to jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/. If you are on a system with access to find, grep, xargs and sed, you could just run the following from within your code folder to do the same:

find . -type f -name "*.go" | grep -v vendor | xargs sed -i 's/jedib0t\/go-pretty\//jedib0t\/go-pretty\/v6\//'g
  • Set background/foreground colors by row

    Set background/foreground colors by row


    Really nice package, easy to use and direct csv/html outputs are great.

    I would like to change color row, didn't see anything related. My purpose is to set a background in red if a specific = X, green if Y, etc.

    Same idea with html export, It could specify class for rows.


  • Horizontally merged rows always centered

    Horizontally merged rows always centered

    At this point this isn't a bug report or feature request, but a question. I was attempting to create a summary footer row I wanted merged and aligned to the right, but it was always centered. Digging into it some more, it looks like this is the desired effect - https://github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/blob/main/table/render.go#L86. Could you add some context as to why you override the alignment to always be centered (instead of maybe a default if unset)?

  • add mutex to progress for prevent race condition

    add mutex to progress for prevent race condition

    it might not the best way to fix the race condition, but it fixed the overwritten in race condition and stable in thread safe state when many goroutine called progress render.

  • Question about AutoMerge option

    Question about AutoMerge option

    It is not a bug, but I have a question about generating table with auto-merge option. I wrote following code:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	t := table.NewWriter()
    	rowConfigAutoMerge := table.RowConfig{AutoMerge: true}
    	t.Style().Title.Align = text.AlignCenter
    	t.AppendRow(table.Row{"No", "Text1", "Text2", "Text3", "Text4"}, rowConfigAutoMerge)
    		{"1", "Some Text 1", "Desctiption", "Long Text Long Text", "Long Text Long Text"},
    		{"2", "Some Text 2", "Desctiption", "Text", "Text"},
    		{"3", "Some Text 3", "Desctiption", "Text", "Text"},
    		{"4", "Some Text 4", "Desctiption", "Text", "TextB"},
    	}, rowConfigAutoMerge)

    which generate output table like below:

    | No | Text1       | Text2       | Text3               | Text4               |
    | 1  | Some Text 1 | Desctiption |            Long Text Long Text            |
    | 2  | Some Text 2 | Desctiption |                    Text                   |
    | 3  | Some Text 3 | Desctiption |                    Text                   |
    | 4  | Some Text 4 | Desctiption |                    Text                   |

    The combined width of Text3 and Text4 is equal to the sum of the widths of the largest elements in Text3 and Text4. What I want to achive is more "compact" and smaller table, like below. Is there any option to merge two (Text3 and Text4) or even more columns to get width of their sum equal to the largest element in any merged row?

    | No | Text1       | Text2       | Text3    | Text4    |
    | 1  | Some Text 1 | Desctiption | Long Text Long Text |
    | 2  | Some Text 2 | Desctiption |         Text        |
    | 3  | Some Text 3 | Desctiption |         Text        |
    | 4  | Some Text 4 | Desctiption |         Text        |

    I hope I explained it clearly.

  • Sort by time.Date

    Sort by time.Date

    Firstly, thank you for this thoughtfully implemented project! The documentation (via comments and code) are very well done and the use of library is very intuitive!

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. As the title hints, sorting by the builtin time.Time struct would be a logical additional feature to this project. I have a personal project used to translate and reconcile a my bank account against my budget app (don't ask me why they don't already). So naturally, I want the table to be printed chronologically.

    My current solution is to print an additional column for the unix (int) representation of the time and sort the table by that column. This works fine but for a table hundreds or thousands of rows long, it's a pretty ugly output. I'm functionally printing 2 time.Time columns, in different formats.

    Describe the solution you'd like An option to sort tables by time.Time values.

    Describe alternatives you've considered Defining an additional column to list unix time, then sorting that by integer values. It's ugly and requires extra, likely duplicated code. Pretty much anyone who wants to sort by date will need two columns - one for human readable time, and one for sortable time.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

    My project is still incomplete, but if you're interested to see how i'm consuming this project: https://github.com/copejon/reconcilitator

    Excuse the multitude of readme typos. Written late at night and not as fun to fix as coding.

  • Respect separators with auto-merge

    Respect separators with auto-merge

    I am trying to build a table which shows who you are playing and also prints the board. The best I have been able to achive is the following:

    ┃   ┃ MY TURN ┃ OPPONENT     ┃ LAST MOVE ┃ BOARD           ┃
    ┃ 0 ┃ true    ┃ A.I. level 1 ┃ c2c3      ┃ ♖ ♘ ♗ ♕ ♔ ♗ ♘ ♖ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♙ ♙ ♙ - ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - - - - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - ♙ - - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - - - - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - ♟ ♟ - - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♟ ♟ - - ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♜ ♞ ♝ ♛ ♚ ♝ ♞ ♜ ┃
    ┣━━━╋         ┃              ┣━━━━━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┫
    ┃ 1 ┃         ┃              ┃ g8f6      ┃ ♜ ♞ ♝ ♚ ♛ ♝ - ♜ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ - ♟ ♟ ♟ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - - - ♞ - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - - ♟ - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - - ♙ - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - ♘ - - - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ - ♙ ♙ ♙ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♖ - ♗ ♔ ♕ ♗ ♘ ♖ ┃

    However I think it would look neater with each row. Especially with more games.

    ┃   ┃ MY TURN ┃ OPPONENT     ┃ LAST MOVE ┃ BOARD           ┃
    ┃ 0 ┃ true    ┃ A.I. level 1 ┃ c2c3      ┃ ♖ ♘ ♗ ♕ ♔ ♗ ♘ ♖ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♙ ♙ ♙ - ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - - - - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - ♙ - - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - - - - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - ♟ ♟ - - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♟ ♟ - - ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♜ ♞ ♝ ♛ ♚ ♝ ♞ ♜ ┃
    ┃ 1 ┃ true    ┃ A.I. level 1 ┃ g8f6      ┃ ♜ ♞ ♝ ♚ ♛ ♝ - ♜ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ - ♟ ♟ ♟ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - - - ♞ - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - - ♟ - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - - - ♙ - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ - - ♘ - - - - - ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ - ♙ ♙ ♙ ┃
    ┃   ┃         ┃              ┃           ┃ ♖ - ♗ ♔ ♕ ♗ ♘ ♖ ┃

    For now I will stick with where it is at the moment, but I think it will start to look untidy if it's constantly flipping between merged and unmerged.

    Seems to me like t.AppendSeparator should break the merge, or at least this should be an option.


  • Add unicode-bidi to support RTL languages

    Add unicode-bidi to support RTL languages

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Right to Left (RTL) languages like Hebrew and Arabic don't work well with go-pretty table functionality. The order of columns doesn't map well, and the headers spacing is also not formatted.

    This picture is taken from Konsole, a terminal that supports unicode-bidi 2022-09-23_21-56

    Describe the solution you'd like I'd like the columns to show nicely as they do for English. There's built in support for unicode bidi in go: https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi

    Describe alternatives you've considered I could try to translate them from Hebrew to English, but it would result in loss of data in case the translation is not correct, so it won't work for me.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

    Thank you for this great tool and your time.

  • Indeterminate Progress bar

    Indeterminate Progress bar

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    I have a tool which performs several operations where the total is unknown. I still use a progress bar to indicate that something is happening, but it would be nice to have a mode where the progressbar indicate that its length is unknown.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Similar to how pv works with a unknown length, it will just show the speed and have a little widget flying back'n'forth in the progress area

     [....<=>............] [34 in 3.504094s] ... Fetching ...

    Describe alternatives you've considered The current progressbar works, but it gives the user a sense that no progress is happening since it will always show 0%

    Additional context For reference, my needs come from having 10 parallel workers that each work on the same list of input. I have a master tracker for the total number of completed work, but I also have one for each worker - this way I can have a progressbar with a message for each piece of work currently being worked on:

    99.71% [#################.] [680 in 3.50413s] ... Total
     0.00% [..................] [34 in 3.504094s] ... Fetching aaa
     0.00% [..................] [34 in 3.504095s] ... Fetching bbb
     0.00% [..................] [34 in 3.504068s] ... Fetching ccc
     0.00% [..................] [34 in 3.50407s] ... Fetching ddd

    Since all workers share the same pool of work, they can't know how many they will work on in total

  • Strange padding issue when rendering `%` in a column

    Strange padding issue when rendering `%` in a column

    Describe the bug Hello, I'm working on a PR in another project which is using this library: https://github.com/rocketmiles/aws-cct/pull/9

    I'm attempting to add a column which is a percent value, so I'm also adding % as part of the fmt.Sprintf call: https://github.com/rocketmiles/aws-cct/pull/9/files#diff-2873f79a86c0d8b3335cd7731b0ecf7dd4301eb19a82ef7a1cba7589b5252261R175

    The first issue I came across is that I seemed to need to "double escape" the percentage sign (%%%% instead of %% as I expected based on Go docs). The second is that the padding on the column seems to think that there are 2 characters added instead of one (note the border is collapsed by 1 char):

    | SERVICE                                         | 2020-09-01  | 2020-10-01  | DELTA      | DELTA PERCENT |
    | Amazon Macie                                    |       $0.00 |      $56.40 |     $56.40 |       +Inf%  |
    | Amazon Comprehend                               |       $0.00 |       $0.02 |      $0.02 |       +Inf%  |
    | Amazon EC2 Container Service                    |      $64.22 |     $151.43 |     $87.21 |      135.8%  |

    To Reproduce

    • Check out code from PR: https://github.com/rocketmiles/aws-cct/pull/9/files#diff-2873f79a86c0d8b3335cd7731b0ecf7dd4301eb19a82ef7a1cba7589b5252261R175
    • Run go build && ./aws-cct (requires valid AWS creds in your config)

    If there's nothing immediately obvious about this bug report or if you think it might be some other part of my system I can try to make a more specific reproduction.

    Expected behavior

    • Escape % normally: %% instead of %%%%
    • Table padding is calculated correctly


    Software (please complete the following information):

    • OS: MacOS 10.15.7
    • go1.15.3 darwin/amd64

    Additional context None

  • Progressbar ETA when ShowOverallTracker(false)

    Progressbar ETA when ShowOverallTracker(false)

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    ETA is not displayed when using pw.ShowOverallTracker(false)

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Add a ShowETA function to display the ETA when not using OverallTracker



  • Table Title

    Table Title


    Is there a way to write a title like this and all table be aligned?

    |      |  A  |    B   |     C     |   D  |              E              |
    | 1   |   1 | Arya   | Stark     | 3000 |                             |
    | 2   |  20 | Jon    | Snow      | 2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! |
    | 3   | 300 | Tyrion | Lannister | 5000 |                             |

    I have tried creating a new BoxStyle changing TopLeft but the first line gets bigger and the others not.

  • Printing new table rows after render

    Printing new table rows after render

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'd like to be able to print new table rows after the initial data is rendered in the table. Potential footers are irrelevant for me in this case, as new data should be added in the data section of the table as it arrives.

    Describe the solution you'd like See above.

    Describe alternatives you've considered I'm not sure whether this is supported at the moment. Had a look at the API, but I can't find anything for this.

  • Background color of last row continues to bottom border of table

    Background color of last row continues to bottom border of table

    Describe the bug

    Background color of last row unexpectedly continues to the bottom border of rendered table. See the repro below.

    To Reproduce

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	t := table.NewWriter()
    	t.Style().Color.Row = text.Colors{text.Reset, text.BgHiBlack}

    Expected behavior Only the "World" row is highlighted with BgHiBlack.

    Screenshots image

    As you see, the highlighted color continues in bottom border of table ╰───────╯

    Software (please complete the following information):

    • OS: macOS 11.7
    • GoLang Version 1.19

    Additional context

    I at first saw this issue in https://github.com/google/osv-scanner and noticed the issue happened in this package.

  • Custom top and bottom table style

    Custom top and bottom table style

    First, thanks for the great library. It is excellent.

    It would be nice to be able to customize the first and last rows of the table different from the middle ones.

    From what I've seen, MiddleHorizontal (t.Style().Box.MiddleHorizontal) controls the style of all horizontal lines. However, it would be nice to have independent Top and Bottom options.

    These options could generate the following tables, which I didn't get in the current settings:

       #   FIRST NAME   LAST NAME   SALARY                                  <- no top line
    ----- ------------ ----------- -------- -----------------------------
       1   Arya         Stark         3000                               
      20   Jon          Snow          2000   You know nothing, Jon Snow! 
     300   Tyrion       Lannister     5000                               
    ----- ------------ ----------- -------- -----------------------------
                        TOTAL        10000                               
    ----- ------------ ----------- -------- ----------------------------- <- with bottom line
    =====+============+===========+========+============================= <- diferrent styles
       # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             
    -----+------------+-----------+--------+----------------------------- <- diferrent styles
       1 | Arya       | Stark     |   3000 |                             
      20 | Jon        | Snow      |   2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! 
     300 | Tyrion     | Lannister |   5000 |                             
         |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             
    ^^^^^+^^^^^^^^^^^^+^^^^^^^^^^^+^^^^^^^^+^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <- diferrent styles
       # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             
    -----+------------+-----------+--------+----------------------------- <- diferrent styles
       1 | Arya       | Stark     |   3000 |                             
      20 | Jon        | Snow      |   2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! 
     300 | Tyrion     | Lannister |   5000 |                             
         |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             
    ~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <- diferrent styles

    With this feature, custom styles would become more generic.

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