Wl-gammarelay - Wayland utility for changing color temperature using hotkeys


This utility was developed from gammastep, a fork of redshift as well as examples from wlroots.

It allows using keybindings to dynamically change the color temperature and software brightness.

This used to be possible using redshift using the -P -O flags, but since wayland requires the client to keep running, I developed this tool that spins up a daemon and can be controlled via unix domain socket.

The first invocation to wl-gammarelay will spin up a daemon. This can be disabled using the --no-daemon/-D flag, but if the daemon isn't already running in the background the requests will fail. After the daemon starts up, the temperature and brightess will be set to the desired levels.

All other invocations act as clients only send requests via unix domain socket. The path of the socket for both the daemon and the client can be controlled using the --sock/-s flag.

The --temperature/-t flag accepts an integer in the range of [1000, 10000], when set to an absolute values. Relative changes can be specified by adding a + or - prefix before the integer.

The --brigtness/-b flag behaves similarly to temperature, only its range is [0, 1.0] and it accepts floats.

The --subscribe/-S flag can be used to subscribe to certain changes. Currently only color is supported.

Below are some examples on how this utility can be used to change the color temperature via keybindings in swaywm:

bindsym $mod+Control+Minus      exec wl-gammarelay -t -100
bindsym $mod+Control+Equal      exec wl-gammarelay -t +100
bindsym $mod+Control+0          exec killall wl-gammarelay
bindsym $mod+Control+Underscore exec wl-gammarelay -b -0.02
bindsym $mod+Control+Plus       exec wl-gammarelay -b +0.02

Sample configuration for waybar:

"modules-right": ["custom/wl-gammarelay"],
"custom/wl-gammarelay": {
    "format": "{} ",
    "exec": "wl-gammarelay --subscribe color | jq --unbuffered --compact-output -r -c '.updates[] | select(.key == \"color\") | .color | .temperature + \" \" + .brightness'"

Tested on Arch Linux and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using swaywm.


sudo make install

To install to /usr/bin set the PREFIX variable when running make:

sudo make install PREFIX=/usr

Arch Linux

This package is also on AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wl-gammarelay/

Unix Domain Socket Protocol

The default path of the unix socket will be set to $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/wl-gammarelay.sock.

The daemon expects a JSON message terminated by a newline \n character. Multiple simultaneous connections to the service are possible, but the daemon will handle each request one by one.

The daemon currently only only writes the temperature updates to the connection that made the request, but this might change in the future. For example, we might want to enable sending updates to all other connections so that applications that are interested can update the UI.

The types folder contains all the type definitions used by the protocol.

The clients send a types.Request and the server will respones with a types.Response.

The -v flag can be used to enable logging of requests and responses in both the daemon and the client.

Some examples:

$ wl-gammarelay
Daemon started

$ wl-gammarelay --no-daemon -v -t 4000 -b 0.8

$ wl-gammarelay --no-daemon -v -t 4000

$ wl-gammarelay --no-daemon -v -t +100

$ wl-gammarelay --no-daemon -v -t -100

$ wl-gammarelay --no-daemon --subscribe color


  • go 1.17
  • wayland (libwayland-dev)
Jerko Steiner
Coder, guitarist, traveler, photographer. Software architect, creator of Peer Calls & founder of rondomoon
Jerko Steiner
  • Check for added or removed outputs before setting temperature

    Check for added or removed outputs before setting temperature

    Hey @MaxVerevkin,

    I think I have something working. The trick is to call wl_display_roundtrip to execute all pending events, then all the callbacks will be executed synchronously.

    The current implementation will check for any new outputs on every call to wl_gammarelay_color_set and initialize the gamma for those.

    Ideally this would happen automatically, but that requires some more careful considerations because we'd have to access the state from different threads and that could cause race conditions, so I'm not sure if I have time to implement it at this point.

    Would be great if you could test and see if this works for you!


    Closes #3.

  • Expose the UNIX socket as public API

    Expose the UNIX socket as public API

    First of all, thanks for this project! Finally there is a tool to change the temperature without flickering under wayland.

    The README mentions that daemon and clients communicate via unix socket. It would be really nice if the API to communicate with this socket was public and documented, in which case status bars like i3status-rust could directly communicate with the daemon.

  • Initialize display after connecting to DBus

    Initialize display after connecting to DBus

    This fixes a bug where the color temperature would be reset and the service would fail to start if there was already another service registered as a primary owner of the rs.wl-gammarelay service.

    Closes #6

  • Use dbus instead of internal service

    Use dbus instead of internal service

    The same interface is implemented as wl-gammarelay-rs.

    Usage examples:

    busctl --user -- call rs.wl-gammarelay / rs.wl.gammarelay UpdateTemperature n -500
    busctl --user -- call rs.wl-gammarelay / rs.wl.gammarelay UpdateTemperature n +500
    busctl --user -- call rs.wl-gammarelay / rs.wl.gammarelay UpdateBrightness d -0.2
    busctl --user -- call rs.wl-gammarelay / rs.wl.gammarelay UpdateBrightness d +0.2
    busctl --user -- set-property rs.wl-gammarelay / rs.wl.gammarelay Brightness d 0.5
    busctl --user -- set-property rs.wl-gammarelay / rs.wl.gammarelay Brightness d 1
    busctl --user -- set-property rs.wl-gammarelay / rs.wl.gammarelay Temperature q 4000
    busctl --user -- set-property rs.wl-gammarelay / rs.wl.gammarelay Temperature q 6500


    $ busctl --user introspect rs.wl-gammarelay / rs.wl.gammarelay
    .UpdateBrightness  method    d         -            -
    .UpdateTemperature method    n         -            -
    .Brightness        property  d         1            emits-change writable
    .Temperature       property  q         6500         emits-change writable

    Closes #3

  • Watch for new outputs

    Watch for new outputs

    The daemon only sets the color for outputs that were presented on the startup: if I start the daemon, then connect a new display and then try to modify the color, newly connected display is unaffected.

  • Handle the case when the instance is already running

    Handle the case when the instance is already running

    Current behavior

    The second instance panics, while the running instance is no longer able to control the gamma table.

    Expected behavior

    The second instance exits. I've implemented this in wl-gammarelay-rs by:

    • Starting the dbus server before messing with wayland
    • Catching the "dbus name already taken" error
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