Find in Go repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant


Find repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant.


There are obvious benefits to using constants instead of repeating strings, mostly to ease maintenance. Cannot argue against changing a single constant versus many strings.

While this could be considered a beginner mistake, across time, multiple packages and large codebases, some repetition could have slipped in.

Get Started

$ go get
$ goconst ./...



  goconst ARGS <directory>


  -ignore            exclude files matching the given regular expression
  -ignore-tests      exclude tests from the search (default: true)
  -min-occurrences   report from how many occurrences (default: 2)
  -min-length        only report strings with the minimum given length (default: 3)
  -match-constant    look for existing constants matching the values
  -numbers           search also for duplicated numbers
  -min          	   minimum value, only works with -numbers
  -max          	   maximum value, only works with -numbers
  -output            output formatting (text or json)
  -set-exit-status   Set exit status to 2 if any issues are found


  goconst ./...
  goconst -ignore "yacc|\.pb\." $GOPATH/src/
  goconst -min-occurrences 3 -output json $GOPATH/src/
  goconst -numbers -min 60 -max 512 .

Other static analysis tools

  • gogetimports: Get a JSON-formatted list of imports.
  • usedexports: Find exported variables that could be unexported.



Jonathan Gautheron
Continuous learning - Cloud, Go, React
Jonathan Gautheron
  • More options for golangci-lint

    More options for golangci-lint


    I can see that the linter has a rich set of flags:

      -ignore            exclude files matching the given regular expression
      -ignore-tests      exclude tests from the search (default: true)
      -min-occurrences   report from how many occurrences (default: 2)
      -min-length        only report strings with the minimum given length (default: 3)
      -match-constant    look for existing constants matching the values
      -numbers           search also for duplicated numbers

    but only a couple of options are available here

        min-len: 3
        min-occurrences: 3

    It would be very useful for us to ignore some constants, or turn off this linter for tests without touching other linters

    Could you help with that? Thanks

  • Telling types of violations one from another

    Telling types of violations one from another

    Background information is available in

    What I'm trying to achieve here is to have:

    • violation types being distinguishable one from another
    • ~types being passed back to program calling goconst.Run()~

    It useful for us in golangci-lint to start using upstream version of goconst instead of outdated fork that we have been relying on for a while.

    Fixes #11.

  • Combine matches

    Combine matches

    Using the latest release (see #7) the program prints out all matches like

    config.go:240:37:4 other occurrence(s) of "logStack" found in: config.go:241:26 config.go:366:20 config.go:368:20 pagehandler.go:160:31
    config.go:241:26:4 other occurrence(s) of "logStack" found in: config.go:240:37  config.go:366:20 config.go:368:20 pagehandler.go:160:31
    config.go:366:20:4 other occurrence(s) of "logStack" found in: config.go:240:37 config.go:241:26 config.go:368:20 pagehandler.go:160:31
    config.go:368:20:4 other occurrence(s) of "logStack" found in: config.go:240:37 config.go:241:26 config.go:366:20 pagehandler.go:160:31

    I'd prefer it if all matches were printed in a single line. (I seem to remember that goconst did that in the previous release.) Thank you!

  • `ignore-tests` option does not ignore test files

    `ignore-tests` option does not ignore test files

    As stated in the README:

    -ignore-tests exclude tests from the search (default: true)

    However, when using this linter as part of golangci-lint, I am met with errors in *_test.go files that live adjacent to their companion *.go file in the directory.

    I still notice this issue when adding the following to my .golangci.yml config:

        ignore-tests: true
  • work on more than strings

    work on more than strings

    This would be useful in cockroachdb/cockroach if it could also detect duplicate integers. In particular, we want to use constants for time.Durations in our tests - it'd be nice if this tool provided that check.

  • Add -set-exit-status flag

    Add -set-exit-status flag

    Closes #9. This adds a new flag to goconst that can be used to make it exit with a non-zero exit code if any issues are found.

    In short, I implemented this by having run/printOutput return an additional boolean value to indicate if any issues were found in the analysed code. If true (and -set_exit_status is used), goconst will now exit with a status code of 2. I chose 2 because goconst will already exit with the status code 1 if an error occurs.

    These changes should be completely backwards compatible. From manual testing I can say that this works as expected.

  • Support `-min-length` flag

    Support `-min-length` flag

    I feel like it would be useful to only report constants longer than some minimum length. For example, I don't really care if the constant "a" is repeated, but I do care if the constant "Some Long Text" is repeated, as it becomes more prone to error.

  • the releases should have `v` prefix

    the releases should have `v` prefix

    Hi, Could you please re-tag (at least latest) releases by adding v prefix to each release? Seems go get does not recognize the tags without v as versions.

    golangci-lint uses v0.0.0-20201117150253-ccae5bf973f3 in go.mod file, and I tried to update it to use the latest version and expected to see v1.4.0, but no changes. Then I found this issue: Seems the v is a convention

  • Don't count backticks as string members

    Don't count backticks as string members

    goconst -min-length 3  ./...
    goconst -min-length 4  ./...

    return both e.g.

    pagehandler.go:807:7:2 other occurrence(s) of "`xt`" found in: pagehandler.go:594:18 pagehandler.go:946:14


    goconst -min-length 5  ./..

    doesn't find anything (which is what I expect). Obviously the backticks in the first two calls are counted as string-members – which they are not.

    This is because #2 only expects " as string delimiter but not backticks and apostrophe.

  • Constant is not finding

    Constant is not finding

    I have following file, but when I run goconst -min-occurrences 1 -output text . , it does not return anything. As you can see in the code "http://" string has two occurrence, my expectation is that goconst will show some error but it does not display anything. Am I doing right?

    package main
    import "strings"
    var url string
    func getUrl() {
    	if strings.HasPrefix(url,"http://"){
    		url = strings.TrimPrefix(url,"http://")
    	} //esle do not control
    	url = strings.TrimPrefix(string(url),"/")
  • Keep getting slammed with 'multiple occurrences' warning

    Keep getting slammed with 'multiple occurrences' warning

    Sorry, I made an SO post on the issue here, before I found this git:

    I'm using Atom, I keep getting a long list of warnings like so, but what's the reasoning for it? "3 other occurrence(s) of "GET" found in: routes_pages.go:384:8 routes_pages.go:443:7 routes_pages.go:536:7 (goconst)", appears for each case of GET, POST, PUT, etc. basically a huge list of warnings.

    My routes:

    a.Router.HandleFunc("/login", a.PageLogin)
    a.Router.HandleFunc("/register", a.PageRegister)
    a.Router.HandleFunc("/event/add", a.PageEventCreate)

    My typical route funcs:

    func (a *App) PageEventCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        switch r.Method {
            case "GET":
                // Serve the resource.
            case "POST":
                // Create a new record.
            case "PUT":
                // Update an existing record.
            case "DELETE":
                // Remove the record.
                // Give an error message.
    func (a *App) PageLogin(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
            switch r.Method {
                case "GET":
                    // Serve the resource.
                case "POST":
                    // Create a new record.
                case "PUT":
                    // Update an existing record.
                case "DELETE":
                    // Remove the record.
                    // Give an error message.
  • Not support string + > += operation const scan

    Not support string + > += operation const scan

    if source like below:

    test2 := "foo" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", testInt())
    if test2 > "foo" {
        test2 += "foo"

    goconst not support.

  • Support filtering number literals in bases other than decimals

    Support filtering number literals in bases other than decimals

    The filtering logic for numbers uses strconv.Atoi to parse the value of numbers. This however assumes decimal and values in other bases like 0x0 are ignored even though they might be under the minimum threshold.

    Replacing it by something like ParseInt(s, 0, 0) would handle parsing it in bases 2, 8, or 16 (determined by the prefix) as well as base 10.

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