Template/Starter code for Go application with Gin, System Tray, Gorm, Air, Swagger, JWT


Starter code for Go application with Gin, System Tray, Gorm, Air, Swagger, JWT


  • Windows 10
  • Go 1.17
  • Npm v8


# install air cli
curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cosmtrek/air/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin
# install swag cli
go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest
# install go dependencies
go mod tidy

Npm Scripts

Run only the http server with air hot reload,

npm run serve

Re-generate swagger configuration (do this when APIs changed)

npm run swag

Build and run the project (without flags)

npm run build:run

Build the project (with flags, -tags=jsoniter -ldflags "-H=windowsgui")

npm run build


  • /database init database connection
    • /models map database structure && provide CRUD for each table
  • /swagger auto-generated swagger configuration
  • /server init http server
    • /controllers actions for each API (request -> services -> response)
    • /middlewares hooks/filters/interceptors
      • auth.go jwt declaration and authentication gateway
    • /routers groups of APIs
    • /services services (involve multiple models) to be used in actions
    • api.go swag General API annotations with a set of API routers/groups
  • /tray init system tray
    • /icons icons for the tray and menu items
    • /locales language files for the tray
  • /air air configuration and temporary output files
    • .air.toml air cli config
  • main.go app entry
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