Apache H2 Database Go Driver

Apache H2 Database Go Driver

This driver is VERY experimental state

NOT use for production yet


Apache H2 Database is a very-low footprint database with in-memory capabilities.

It's written in Java and it's fully ACID compliant.

You can use H2 as embedded database or via TCP/IP.

It has interfaces for Postgres protocol and native TCP server.


Until now, using H2 in your Go projects could only be done through the Postgres driver.

This approach has several cons. The poor error messagens or not being able to use native data types are some of them.

This pure Go driver uses the native TCP interface.


In "contrib" folder you can find the scripts to download and launch the H2 database server. You need to have any Java Runtime installed.

cd contrib


First make sure the H2 server is running in TCP server mode. You can launch using the runStandalone.sh or with a command similar to the following:

java -classpath h2.jar org.h2.tools.Server -tcp -tcpAllowOthers -ifNotExists

This starts the server at the defaulr port (9092)

The following example connect to H2 and creates an in-memory database.

package main

import (
	_ "github.com/jmrobles/h2go"

func main() {
	conn, err := sql.Open("h2", "h2://sa@localhost/testdb?mem=true")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Can't connet to H2 Database: %s", err)
    err = conn.Ping()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Can't ping to H2 Database: %s", err)
    log.Printf("H2 Database connected")

In the folder examples you can find more examples.

Connection string

In the connection string you must specify:

  • Database driver: h2 literal
  • Username (optional)
  • Password (optinal)
  • Host: format (:)?
  • Database name
  • Other connection options


You can use the following options:

  • mem=(true|false): to use in-memory or in-disk database
  • logging=(none|info|debug|error|warn|panic|trace): the common logging level


For the use of parameters in SQL statement you need to use the ? placeholder symbol.

For example:

    conn.Exec("INSERT INTO employees VALUES (?,?,?)", name, age, salary)

Data types

The following H2 datatypes are implemented:

H2 Data type Go mapping
String string
StringIgnoreCase string
StringFixed string
Bool bool
Short int16
Int int32
Long int64
Float float32
Double float64
Byte byte
Bytes []byte
Time time.Time
Time with timezone time.Time
Date time.Time
Timestamp time.Time
Timestamp with timezone time.Time

H2 Supported version

This driver supports H2 database version 1.4.200 or above.


  • Rest of native data types (UUID, JSON, Decimal, ...)
  • NamedValue interface
  • Multiple result sets
  • Improve context usage (timeouts, ...)
  • Submit your issue



Pull Requests are welcome


MIT License

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  • Fix issues with string reading from buffer

    Fix issues with string reading from buffer

    Also increate the max fetch size to java Integer.MAX_VALUE (like in https://github.com/h2database/h2database/blob/45b609dec0e45125e6a93f85c9018d34551332a1/h2/src/main/org/h2/command/CommandRemote.java#L165 when scrollable)

  • Fix issues with string reading from buffer

    Fix issues with string reading from buffer

    Also increate the max fetch size to java Integer.MAX_VALUE (like in https://github.com/h2database/h2database/blob/45b609dec0e45125e6a93f85c9018d34551332a1/h2/src/main/org/h2/command/CommandRemote.java#L165 when scrollable)

  • What's the URL for this JDBC connection?

    What's the URL for this JDBC connection?

    I am able to connect with a test H2 database with the following URL:

    • jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/./test

    using the dBeaver database workbench.

    The URL example from the README gives an error whe I use that as my model with usql:

    • error: h2: driver: bad connection

    for this command:

     $ usql  h2://sa@localhost/test?mem=true
    error: h2: driver: bad connection
     $ usql  h2://sa@localhost/./test?mem=true
    error: h2: driver: bad connection
     $  usql  h2://sa@localhost:9092/./test

    The server is started with this command.

    • java -jar h2/bin/h2-1.4.200.jar -webAllowOthers -tcpAllowOthers -ifNotExists

    I think more explaination is needed to format a URL effectively.

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