An API client for the Notion API implemented in Golang


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An API client for the Notion API implemented in Golang

Supported APIs

It supports all APIs for Notion API version 2021-05-13

  • Databases
  • Pages
  • Blocks
  • Users
  • Search


$ go get

Getting started

Follow Notion’s getting started guide to obtain an Integration Token.


Make a new Client

import ""

client := notionapi.NewClient("your-integration-token")

Then, use client's methods to retrieve or update your content

page, err := client.Page.Get(context.Background(), "your-page-id")
if err != nil {
	// do something
  • Proposal: Defined Basic Block for embedding

    Proposal: Defined Basic Block for embedding

    This PR is in relation to #46. It implements the proposed changes.

    This commit adds a Basic Block type. The struct holds the common fields that Notion blocks have like ID, Creation data, etc. It implements the Block Interface. As a result, first, the embedding types will have access to all of the same fields, and second, will also implement the block interface.

  • Parent in PageCreateRequest is invalid

    Parent in PageCreateRequest is invalid

    parent is databaseParent or PageParent

    use a map format like

        "parent": {
            "database_id": "abcd"

    Current in sdk is

        "parent": {
            "type": "database_id",
            "database_id": "abcd"
  • Empty interfaces on some properties types.

    Empty interfaces on some properties types.

    While using the lib, I noticed that a bunch of properties have some fields typed with interface{}:

    • DateProperty.Date
    • PeopleProperty.People
    • CheckboxProperty.Checkbox
    • ...

    While technically, this doesn't prevent to use the API, it still shifts the work on the library user to handle those fields. Is there a particular reason motivating this choice?

    From my understanding so far, the API data structures for these fields are rather straightforward, thus it should be simple to handle those cases.

    I don't want to meddle with unwanted PRs, so I thought it'd be best to first discuss things here!

  • Added Property array to support unmarshalling

    Added Property array to support unmarshalling

    This is response to #51.

    This adds the PropertyArray type and defines an unmarshalling function for it. This will allow for the unmarshalling of Rollup arrays.

    This also moves some switch logic in parsePageProperties to a decodeProperty function which so it can be used in the unmarshalling of PropertyArray.

  • Added Blocks type for Unmarshalling

    Added Blocks type for Unmarshalling

    Currently there is a problem with unmarshalling into a Block interface, since the decodeBlock function is unexported. This is an issue when trying to use the Block type outside of the API, such as loading a Block from a JSON file. A Block itself cannot be defined to unmarshal into, as it is an interface and can't be a receiver, but a []Block can be, as done here.

    []Block cannot be unmarshalled into as it is an interface. This defines a Blocks type, which is just a []Block, and an UnmarshallJSON method so that a JSON string/byte slice can unmarshall into a []Block.

  • Block appendChildren Will return a error, but request is success

    Block appendChildren Will return a error, but request is success

    example code

    	key := "token token token"
    	client := notionapi.NewClient(notionapi.Token(key))
    	childrenvv := notionapi.ParagraphBlock{
    		Object: notionapi.ObjectTypeBlock,
    		Type:   notionapi.BlockTypeParagraph,
    		Paragraph: notionapi.Paragraph{
    			Text: []notionapi.RichText{
    					Type: notionapi.ObjectTypeText,
    					Text: notionapi.Text{
    						Content: "AAAAAA",
    					Annotations: &notionapi.Annotations{
    						Bold:          true,
    						Italic:        false,
    						Strikethrough: false,
    						Underline:     false,
    						Code:          false,
    						Color:         "",
    					Type: notionapi.ObjectTypeText,
    					Text: notionapi.Text{
    						Content: " BBBBB",
    					Annotations: &notionapi.Annotations{
    						Bold:          false,
    						Italic:        false,
    						Strikethrough: false,
    						Underline:     false,
    						Code:          false,
    						Color:         "",
    	req := notionapi.AppendBlockChildrenRequest{Children: []notionapi.Block{childrenvv}}
    	appendChildren, err := client.Block.AppendChildren(context.TODO(), "blockId(is a page)", &req)
    	if err != nil {

    get error : interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not string in[email protected]/block.go:537

  • fix RichText definition

    fix RichText definition

    According to the notion js definition for RichText, we have:

    type TextRequest = string
    type RichTextItemRequest =
      | {
          text: { content: string; link?: { url: TextRequest } | null }
          type?: "text"


    but the definition in the current implementation was that the Link was a string instead of an object containing a URL.

    As an example, I have a page with:

            "text": {
              "content": "Gastbsy",
              "link": {
                "url": ""

    This PR changes the type - and I was able to confirm that it is working for my notion page.

    PS: my vscode does some formatting automatically. It also caught a typo (omtiempty)

  • Query database: sort by page timestamps doesn't work

    Query database: sort by page timestamps doesn't work

    Thanks for developing this SDK within a few weeks after the public beta launch!

    Notion doc:

    Sorts are similar to the sorts provided in the Notion UI. Sorts operate on database properties or page timestamps and can be combined.

    It seems that Property Field of SortObject should be omitted in case of an empty value, to allow sort by page timestamps

    Otherwise notion API returns:

        "object": "error",
        "status": 400,
        "code": "validation_error",
        "message": "Could not find sort property with name or id: "
  • Supports update page's icon and cover

    Supports update page's icon and cover

    HiHi master, thanks for your SDK!

    The official API supports updating the icon and cover of the page. Could you update the SDK to support this function ?

  • Added some unsupported block types

    Added some unsupported block types

    This is for #45

    The following block types were added:

    • Breadcrumb
    • Column and Column List
    • Synced Block
    • Link to Page
    • Template
    • Equation
    • Link Preview Based on and testing.
  • Block's children not being decoded

    Block's children not being decoded

    The JSON decoder doesn't know how to parse the type []Block of children attributes.

    type ListItem struct {
    	Text     []RichText `json:"text"`
    	Children []Block    `json:"children,omitempty"`
    type NumberedListItemBlock struct {
    	Object           ObjectType `json:"object"`
    	ID               BlockID    `json:"id,omitempty"`
    	Type             BlockType  `json:"type"`
    	CreatedTime      *time.Time `json:"created_time,omitempty"`
    	LastEditedTime   *time.Time `json:"last_edited_time,omitempty"`
    	HasChildren      bool       `json:"has_children,omitempty"`
    	NumberedListItem ListItem   `json:"numbered_list_item"`

    This is due to Block beign an interface and JSON can't resolve dynamically the Block type.

    One way to solve this is creating a Block struct with the common attributes, decoding it first and then resolving the concrete type dynamically.

  • creating an inline database?

    creating an inline database?

    Thx for the cool package!

    Looks like the is_inline field was added in but I don't see suppport for in DatabaseCreateRequest. Of course I may just be missing it somewhere.

    I'd be willing to open a PR supporting is_inline on DB creation if there's interest.

  • Support for editing BasicBlock in every block

    Support for editing BasicBlock in every block

    Is it possible to add support for returning pointer to BasicBlock which is part of every block type? This would help editing the basic block field without needing to type cast Block interface to concrete block type object. Something similar to this

    type Block interface {
    	GetBasicBlock() *BasicBlock.  <-  New addition
    func (b *BasicBlock) GetBasicBlock() *BasicBlock {
    	return b

    If any client wants to edit something from BasicBlock which is common to all blocks, the client would always need to type cast the block interface to a particular block type and edit the BasicBlock info even when the client is not making any change specific to given block type.

  • Generating structs based on the typescript types from the official JS sdk

    Generating structs based on the typescript types from the official JS sdk

    After going back and forth on #9, it feels like making sure the API reference is properly implemented is a quite meticulous task that is quite error prone and may introduce vicious bugs that will be hard to track down.

    The official JS SDK has all the API types properly defined in Typescript, which could be used to generate those structs:

    An example on how to achieve that can be found in gopls, which uses that approach to handle the structs that deals with the Language Server Protocol:

    I may give it a try in the upcoming days, I'll post here if I do!

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