Painless middleware chaining for Go


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Alice provides a convenient way to chain your HTTP middleware functions and the app handler.

In short, it transforms



alice.New(Middleware1, Middleware2, Middleware3).Then(App)


None of the other middleware chaining solutions behaves exactly like Alice. Alice is as minimal as it gets: in essence, it's just a for loop that does the wrapping for you.

Check out this blog post for explanation how Alice is different from other chaining solutions.


Your middleware constructors should have the form of

func (http.Handler) http.Handler

Some middleware provide this out of the box. For ones that don't, it's trivial to write one yourself.

func myStripPrefix(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.StripPrefix("/old", h)

This complete example shows the full power of Alice.

package main

import (


func timeoutHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.TimeoutHandler(h, 1*time.Second, "timed out")

func myApp(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    w.Write([]byte("Hello world!"))

func main() {
    th := throttled.Interval(throttled.PerSec(10), 1, &throttled.VaryBy{Path: true}, 50)
    myHandler := http.HandlerFunc(myApp)

    chain := alice.New(th.Throttle, timeoutHandler, nosurf.NewPure).Then(myHandler)
    http.ListenAndServe(":8000", chain)

Here, the request will pass throttled first, then an http.TimeoutHandler we've set up, then nosurf and will finally reach our handler.

Note that Alice makes no guarantees for how one or another piece of middleware will behave. Once it passes the execution to the outer layer of middleware, it has no saying in whether middleware will execute the inner handlers. This is intentional behavior.

Alice works with Go 1.0 and higher.


  1. Find an issue that bugs you / open a new one.
  2. Discuss.
  3. Branch off, commit, test.
  4. Make a pull request / attach the commits to the issue.
  • Initialize Go Modules and Tag v1.0.0 release

    Initialize Go Modules and Tag v1.0.0 release

    I realize alice had a v1.0.0 release which was removed. Now that modules support for Go is stable and adoption is growing, would it be possible to add back the v1.0.0 release tag and initialize modules for alice? Thanks for your consideration!


  • PullRequest_AddingPowerSupport_golang-github-justinas-alice


    Adding Power support & making the build run for both arch: amd64/ppc64le.

    Adding power support ppc64le This is part of the Ubuntu distribution for ppc64le. This helps us simplify testing later when distributions are re-building and re-releasing. For more info tag @gerrith3.

    The go versions: 1.1.x/1.2.x/1.3.x/1.4.x are not supported on Power(arch: ppc64le) and hence have been excluded from the script. The build is successful for rest all, Please refer the Travis Build@

  • tag 1.0.0 was deleted without notice which caused errors with glide

    tag 1.0.0 was deleted without notice which caused errors with glide

    Hi, we've just noticed that our build jobs started failing because of the deleted tag in your repository.

    we use glide with a following configuration:

    • package: version: ^1.0.0

    However, with this configuration glide fails to fetch corresponding alice package To reproduce issue locally, first remove glide cache under ~/.glide/

    glide version:

    $ glide -v
    glide version v0.12.3
  • possibility to chain a context.Context capable http handler from normal chain

    possibility to chain a context.Context capable http handler from normal chain

    Hello there, I needed this, so voila :)

    It allows you to contextualise an http request.

    In my case it's for appengine

    1/ create an handler :

    package handlers
    import (
    func AppengineContext(next alice.ContextualizedHandler) http.Handler {
        fn := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            next.ServeHTTPC(appengine.NewContext(r), w, r)
        return http.HandlerFunc(fn)

    2/ now it's contextualisable and I can do


    Auth beeing something like:

    func Auth(next alice.ContextualizedHandler) alice.ContextualizedHandler {
        fn := func(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            session, err := auth(ctx, r)
            if err != nil {
                handleSessionErrors(ctx, w, err)
            ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, SessionKey, session)
            next.ServeHTTPC(ctx, w, r)
        return alice.ContextualizedHandlerFunc(fn)

    I hope someday http will handle ctx !

  • An And() method for easy extending of a stack.

    An And() method for easy extending of a stack.

    @gust1n proposed an And() method for easily returning a new stack with more middleware appended to the end of the request cycle.

    While I'm reluctant to add new methods, And() seems reasonable, as it is such an essential one. As it is now, extending the stack is a bit tricky.

    stdHandlers := []alice.Constructor{gzipHandler, ratelimitHandler,
     securityHandler, authHandler}
    indexHandlers := make([]alice.Constructor, len(stdHandlers))
    copy(indexChain, stdHandlers)
    append(indexChain, xssHandler)
    indexChain := alice.New(indexHandlers).Then(indexHandler)

    On that note, Remove() and others will probably never come to life (defining function equality is tricky, etc.).

    And() will probably return a new stack to prevent modifying existing stacks when extending them into new ones.

    stdStack := alice.New(M1, M2)
    extStack := stdStack.And(M3)
    // stdStack is left unmodified, with only two pieces of middleware.
  • Refactor tests to remove dependency ''

    Refactor tests to remove dependency ''

    To make this package not have to rely on any other third party dependencies, I refactored the tests so that is no longer necessary and allows Alice to only require the standard library. Is this okay to merge?

  • Update


    Updated to correctly reflect the nature of the middleware. Sequentially means that they're run in sequence, not concurrently, which is also how you describe it in your documentation as excerpted below.

    // When the request comes in, it will be passed to m1, then m2, then m3
    // and finally, the given handler
  • Conditional middlewares

    Conditional middlewares

    I though it might be a good idea to make alice be able to apply middlewares based on conditions which the Request must satisfy. For example some url paths need user authentication and some don't. It's a waste to apply the auth middleware to those as well.

    Any idea on this?

  • Reuse chain?

    Reuse chain?

    I haven't tried Alice yet, but I am curious if the example below is possible:

    stdStack := alice.New(gzipHandler, ratelimitHandler, securityHandler, authHandler)
    indexChain := stdStack.Then(indexHandler)
    resourceChain := stdStack.Then(resourceHandler)

    If that works, it would be nice to have it mentioned in the docs.

  • OR-Chained middlewares

    OR-Chained middlewares

    It would be cool if alice could support chaining middlewares with or instead of executing them one after one. Currently, alice executes middlewares one after the other. The thing I have in mind would be to execute the first one in the list, if that fails execute the second one etc.

    A bit more context on the use case: We would like to use this with the chain middleware in traefik which is powered by alice. We have one site which we want to secure using ip whitelist and basic auth either one should work. If a user accesses the site not on the ip whitelist, it should need to complete the basic auth.

    I'm not sure this is the right place to ask, but I figured I'd just open an issue to get the discussion going. Maybe this is a too-specific use-case for alice and would be better suited in traefik itself.

  • Gracefully handle errors

    Gracefully handle errors

    I don't like the way there are no error management. What do you think to change a little bit the code to handle errors.

    something like :

    type Constructor func(http.Handler) (http.Handler, error)
    type ErrorHandler func(http.Handler, error) http.Handler //create a new type to handle errors on Then

    And then on Method Then :

    func (c Chain) Then(h http.Handler, eh ErrorHandler) http.Handler {
    	if h == nil {
    		h = http.DefaultServeMux
    	for i := range c.constructors {
    		h, err := c.constructors[len(c.constructors)-1-i](h)
    		if err != nil && eh != nil {
    			h = eh(h, err)
    	return h

    nothing else change. But it will allow people to create middlewares like :

    var ErrInvalidParameter = errors.New("invalid parameter")
    func Mid1(h http.Handler) (http.Handler, error) {
         //Do a lot of stuff and if there are an issue with parameter 
        return h, ErrInvalidParameter // can be another error depending on the code of course this is just an example
    func ErrHandler(http.Handler, error) http.Handler {
    	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    		switch err {
    		        case ErrInvalidParameter:
                   //Add more information if wanted
    	        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
    		         "error": err.Error(),
    //And somewhere on main.go
    alice.New(Mid1, Mid2, Mid3).Then(App, ErrHandler)

    What do you think ? If you agree with the concept, I can do the code and unit tests.

  • Examples


    Hello! I’m a huge fan of Alice. I use it for all of my go servers. I almost always use the same three or four middleware’s as a baseline (logging, recovery, authentication, rate limiting, etc). Would you be open to a PR adding example middleware’s that solve common problems?

    I know there’s some in the README but something like logging or conditional middlewares are a bit more verbose than a quick start.

    If this is something you think would be helpful I’d be happy to put together a PR. I just don’t know if it’d be better as complete code in an examples folder or additions to the README.

  • Added: Endware functionality

    Added: Endware functionality

    For some use cases, the server may want to perform actions after the user's request has been serviced. Examples include:

    • logging the request
    • performing maintenance on resources
    • error handling
    • auditing
    • metrics
    • anything, really

    For these purposes, I have added Endware as a solution. Endware is a http.Handler alias that allows alice users to create "after the fact" middleware in a similar way to how they create regular middleware. Endware is executed after all constructors and handlers have been invoked by Then(h)/ThenFunc(h).

    Using endware is simple: chain := alice.New(m1, m2) becomes chainWithEndware := alice.New(m1, m2).Finally(e1, e2)

    This leads the flow of chainWithEndware.Then(h) to be m1 -> m2 -> h -> e1 -> e2

    The Append() functionality has been mirrored in AppendEndware(), as well as Extend being augmented to also extend endware. AfterFuncs() and AppendEndwareFuncs() are convenience method for those not dealing with http.Handlers directly.

    This is still a WIP, just wanted to open it so you could take a look at your leisure.

    Sorry in advance if this is not the way you are supposed to contribute code

  • Introducing Bob: middleware chaining for RoundTrippers

    Introducing Bob: middleware chaining for RoundTrippers

    I'd like to offer an important addition to Alice: middleware chaining for http.RoundTrippers. We love Alice and use it for chaining http.Handler middleware. At the same time, working in a router area, we feel the same strong need to be able to chain http.RoundTripper middleware pieces (client-side) declaratively.

    Fortunately, the mechanism of Alice can be easily extended to support http.RoundTripper. We thought that we would offer the PR to Alice instead of keeping it on our end. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!

  • Add ConstructorFunc / MiddlewareFunc

    Add ConstructorFunc / MiddlewareFunc

    MiddlewareFunc defines a standard signature for a http.HandlerFunc which accepts a chained http.Handler to invoke. ConstructorFunc supplies an adapter for converting a MiddlewareFunc into a Constructor. This is most useful for building middleware with bound parameters via closures.

    This change is Reviewable

  • Provide http.HandlerFunc alternative for middleware?

    Provide http.HandlerFunc alternative for middleware?

    After playing around with alice for a bit, I was wondering, might it be a good idea to provide a Constructor alternative whose signature is func(http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc? All my middleware are just handler functions, and so I have to do http.HandlerFunc(myMiddlewareFunc) before passing them into alice. This is not a big deal, but since there is also a .ThenFunc alternative to the .Then function to pass in the final handler, I was wondering if there is a reason not to provide the same flexibility for the middleware? I am not sure though what a good name for that alternative Constructor type would be since ConstructorFunc doesn't feel right to me.

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