Build - The axelar-core app based on the Cosmos SDK is the main application of the axelar network

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The axelar-core app based on the Cosmos SDK is the main application of the axelar network. This repository is used to build the necessary binaries and docker image to run a core node.

Prerequisites for building binaries and docker images

  1. Have a SSH key on your machine
  2. Add your public key to your Github account for authentication
  3. Run ssh-add ~/.ssh/{private key file name} to add your private key to your ssh agent. IMPORTANT: the ssh agent only keeps your priate key in memory so you have to repeat this step every time you restart your machine. You can automate this step in two ways as described here:
    • Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config file:
    Host *
       AddKeysToAgent yes
       UseKeychain yes     
    • Add ssh-add ~/.ssh/{private key file name} &>/dev/null in your shell's .rc file (eg. ~/.bash_profile).
  4. Run git config --global url."[email protected]:axelarnetwork".insteadOf to force go get to authenticate via ssh

Building binaries locally

Execute make build to create local binaries for the validator node. They are created in the ./bin folder.

Creating docker images

To create a regular docker image for the node, execute make docker-image. This creates the image axelar/core: latest.

To create a docker image for debugging (with delve), execute make docker-image-debug. This creates the image axelar/core-debug:latest.

Interacting with a local node

With a local (dockerized) node running, the axelard binary can be used to interact with the node. Run ./bin/axelard --help after building the binaries to get information about the available commands.

Show API documentation

Execute GO111MODULE=off go get -u to ensure that godoc is installed on the host.

After the installation, execute godoc -http ":{port}" -index to host a local godoc server. For example, with port 8080 the documentation is hosted at http://localhost:8080/pkg/ The index flag makes the documentation searchable.

Comments at the beginning of packages, before types and before functions are automatically taken from the source files to populate the documentation. See for more information.

CLI command documentation

For the full list of available CLI commands for axelard see here

Test tools

Because it is an executable, is not automatically downloaded when executing go mod download or similar commands. Execute go get to install the moq tool to generate mocks for interfaces.

Bug bounty and disclosure of vulnerabilities

See the Axelar documentation website.

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