Custom configured cheatsheet for your hotkeys


keyb is a custom configured, global hotkey cheatsheet, inspired by awesomeWM's very own cheatsheet.

With keyb, you can list any hotkeys from any program, all in one place!


List your custom keybindings in a config file. keyb supports yaml & json config files.

  prefix: ctrl + a
    - command: split vertical
      key: "|"
    - command: split horizontal
      key: "-"
    - command: open configs
	  key: super + z


  • Questions related to the config

    Questions related to the config

    I test keyboarders since a week and this is certainly a great tool event in its first stages.

    I'm on macos with no declared XGD variables and as a result, after installation the source file to add keybindings is at the following directory : $HOME/Library/Application Support/keyb/keyb.yml

    I have two questions :

    • there is no config.yml file in this folder, should I create one there to set various UI elements ?
    • would it not be a good idea to display the kb by alphabetical order by default ?

    Thanks for the excellent work keyb has already its own keybinding to open it in a tmux popup and send the "/" key to query for a keybinding

  • Pick up config file from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME if set

    Pick up config file from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME if set

    I'm on a Mac, but use the XDG dirs. A lot of apps use these directories even though its not the default mac location. My suggestion is to use the XDG_CONFIG_HOME env var if it exists and if not fallback to ~/.config. If that also doesn't exist, you can fallback to Application Support. I've seen that I can use the --config flag but that means I have to use the app with an alias.

  • Pressing esc to quit the app

    Pressing esc to quit the app

    I like having esc quit the app. In some apps you can define that as a custom keybinding like in lazygit:

    Currently only q quits the app.

  • Added some more cheat sheets

    Added some more cheat sheets

    Hey, I modified some more files. There is also sh file containing only sed commands to convert files to mark down. Also I left longer cheats unchanged wherever applied. Regards

  • fix: fix search bar cursor not blinking when focused

    fix: fix search bar cursor not blinking when focused

    Closes #14.

    textinput's cursor was not blinking as:

    • Blinking was not properly initialized
    • The Update function call of handleSearch was placed inside the KeyMsg switch-case statement, which meant the cursor would only blink on every key press.
    • m.Reset() was being infinitely called when the search bar was empty (oops)
  • Support searching in section headers by default

    Support searching in section headers by default

    I find it a bit cumbersome to type h: in order to search for a keybinding related to a specific app. Can it be done so you search in both the section titles and items by default?

  • More color configurations

    More color configurations

    I'd like to be able to change the colors of:

    • The titles of sections (defined as top level - name: "title")
    • The name of a keybinding
    • The separator (default to ;)
    • The keybinding itself
  • homebrew support

    homebrew support

    I like to manage my packages with homebrew. Fragmenting my packages over different sources is less ideal. With 1 package manager, I can easily switch computers, or get a list of what I have installed.

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