Keygen SDK for Go. Integrate license activation and automatic updates for Go binaries.

Keygen Go SDK godoc reference

Package keygen allows Go programs to license and remotely update themselves using the service.



To validate a license, configure keygen.Account and keygen.Product with your Keygen account details. Then prompt the user for their license token and set keygen.Token.

The Validate method accepts zero or more fingerprints, which can be used to scope a license validation to a particular fingerprint. It will return a License object as well as any validation errors that occur. The License object can be used to perform additional actions, such as license.Activate(fingerprint).

license, err := keygen.Validate(fingerprint)
switch {
case err == keygen.ErrLicenseNotActivated:
  fmt.Println("License is not activated!")

case err == keygen.ErrLicenseExpired:
  fmt.Println("License is expired!")

case err != nil:
  fmt.Println("License is invalid!")


fmt.Println("License is valid!")


Check for an upgrade. When an upgrade is available, a Release will be returned which will allow the update to be installed, replacing the currently running binary. When an upgrade is not available, an ErrUpgradeNotAvailable error will be returned indicating the current version is up-to-date.

release, err := keygen.Upgrade(currentVersion)
switch {
case err == keygen.ErrUpgradeNotAvailable:
  fmt.Println("No upgrade available, already at the latest version!")

case err != nil:
  fmt.Println("Upgrade check failed!")


if err := release.Install(); err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Upgrade install failed!")


fmt.Println("Upgrade complete! Please restart.")

keygen.Genuine(licenseKey, schemeCode)

Cryptographically verify and decode a signed license key. This is useful for checking if a license key is genuine in offline or air-gapped environments. Returns the key's decoded dataset and any errors that occurred during cryptographic verification, e.g. ErrLicenseNotGenuine.

Requires that keygen.PublicKey is set.

dataset, err := keygen.Genuine(licenseKey, keygen.SchemeCodeEd25519)
switch {
case err == keygen.ErrLicenseNotGenuine:
  fmt.Println("License key is not genuine!")

case err != nil:
  fmt.Println("Genuine check failed!")


fmt.Printf("Decoded dataset: %s\n", dataset)


License activation

import ""

func activate() error {
  keygen.Account = os.Getenv("KEYGEN_ACCOUNT")
  keygen.Product = os.Getenv("KEYGEN_PRODUCT")
  keygen.Token = os.Getenv("KEYGEN_TOKEN")

  // The current device's fingerprint (could be e.g. MAC, mobo ID, GUID, etc.)
  fingerprint := uuid.New().String()

  // Validate the license for the current fingerprint
  license, err := keygen.Validate(fingerprint)
  switch {
  case err == keygen.ErrLicenseNotActivated:
    // Activate the current fingerprint
    machine, err := license.Activate(fingerprint)
    switch {
    case err == keygen.ErrMachineLimitExceeded:
      fmt.Println("Machine limit has been exceeded!")

      return err
    case err != nil:
      fmt.Println("Machine activation failed!")

      return err
  case err == keygen.ErrLicenseExpired:
    fmt.Println("License is expired!")

    return err
  case err != nil:
    fmt.Println("License is invalid!")

    return err

  fmt.Println("License is activated!")

Automatic upgrade example

import ""

func upgrade() error {
  keygen.Account = os.Getenv("KEYGEN_ACCOUNT")
  keygen.Product = os.Getenv("KEYGEN_PRODUCT")
  keygen.Token = os.Getenv("KEYGEN_TOKEN")

  // The current version of the program
  currentVersion := "1.0.0"

  // Check for upgrade
  release, err := keygen.Upgrade(currentVersion)
  switch {
  case err == keygen.ErrUpgradeNotAvailable:
    fmt.Println("No upgrade available, already at the latest version!")

    return nil
  case err != nil:
    fmt.Println("Upgrade check failed!")

    return err

  // Download the upgrade and install it
  if err := release.Install(); err != nil {
    return err

  fmt.Println("Upgrade complete! Please restart.")
A dead-simple software licensing and distribution API built for developers
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    package main

    import ( "fmt"



    func main() { keygen.Account = "YOUR_KEYGEN_ACCOUNT_ID" keygen.Product = "YOUR_KEYGEN_PRODUCT_ID" keygen.LicenseKey = "key/..."

    fingerprint, err := machineid.ProtectedID(keygen.Product)
    if err != nil {
    // Validate the license for the current fingerprint
    license, err := keygen.Validate(fingerprint)
    switch {
    case err == keygen.ErrLicenseNotActivated:
    	// Activate the current fingerprint
    	machine, err := license.Activate(fingerprint)
    	switch {
    	case err == keygen.ErrMachineLimitExceeded:
    		panic("machine limit has been exceeded!")
    	case err != nil:
    		panic("machine activation failed!")
    case err == keygen.ErrLicenseExpired:
    	panic("license is expired!")
    case err != nil:
    	panic("license is invalid!")
    fmt.Println("License is activated!")


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