You had one job, or more then one, which can be done in steps


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Leprechaun is tool where you can schedule your recurring tasks to be performed over and over.

In Leprechaun tasks are recipes, lets observe simple recipe file which is written using YAML syntax.

File is located in recipes directory which can be specified in configs.ini configurational file. For all possible settings take a look here

By definition there are 3 types of recipes, the ones that can be scheduled, the others that can be hooked and last ones that use cron pattern for scheduling jobs, they are similiar regarding steps but have some difference in definition

First we will talk about scheduled recipes and they are defined like this:

name: job1 // name of recipe
definition: schedule // definition of which type is recipe
	min: 0 // every min
	hour: 0 // every hour
	day: 0 // every day
steps: // steps are done from first to last
	- touch ./test.txt
	- echo "Is this working?" > ./test.txt
	- mv ./test.txt ./imwondering.txt

If we set something like this

	min: 10 // every min
	hour: 2 // every hour
	day: 2 // every day

Task will run every 2 days 2 hours and 10 mins, if we put just days to 0 then it will run every 2 hours and 10 mins

name: job2 // name of recipe
definition: hook // definition of which type is recipe
id: 45DE2239F // id which we use to find recipe
	- echo "Hooked!" > ./hook.txt

Hooked recipe can be run by sending request to {host}:{port}/hook?id={id_of_recipe} on which Leprechaun server is listening, for example localhost:11400/hook?id=45DE2239F.

Recipes that use cron pattern to schedule tasks are used like this:

name: job3 // name of recipe
definition: cron // definition of which type is recipe
pattern: * * * * *
steps: // steps are done from first to last
	- touch ./test.txt
	- echo "Is this working?" > ./test.txt
	- mv ./test.txt ./imwondering.txt

Steps also support variables which syntax is $variable, and those are environment variables ex: $LOGNAME and in our steps it will be available as $LOGNAME. We can now rewrite our job file and it will look like something like this:

name: job1 // name of recipe
definition: schedule
	min: 0 // every min
	hour: 0 // every hour
	day: 0 // every day
steps: // steps are done from first to last
	- echo "Is this working?" > $LOGNAME

Usage is very straightforward, you just need to start client and it will run recipes you defined previously.

Steps also can be defined as sync/async tasks which is defined by ->, but keep in mind that steps in recipes are performed by linear path because one that is not async can block other from performing, lets take this one as example

- -> ping
- echo "I will not wait above task to perform, he is async so i will start immidiatelly"

but in this case for example first task will block performing on any task and all others will hang waiting it to finish

- ping
- -> echo "I need to wait above step to finish, then i can do my stuff"

Step Pipe

Output from one step can be passed to input of next step:

name: job1 // name of recipe
definition: schedule
	min: 0 // every min
	hour: 0 // every hour
	day: 0 // every day
steps: // steps are done from first to last
	- echo "Pipe this to next step" }>
	- cat > piped.txt

As you see, first step is using syntax }> at the end, which tells that this command output will be passed to next command input, you can chain like this how much you want.

Step Failure

Since steps are executed linear workers doesn't care if some of the commands fail, they continue with execution, but you get notifications if you did setup those configurations. If you want that workers stop execution of next steps if some command failes you can specifify it with ! like in example:

name: job1 // name of recipe
definition: schedule
	min: 0 // every min
	hour: 0 // every hour
	day: 0 // every day
steps: // steps are done from first to last
	- ! echo "Pipe this to next step" }>
	- cat > piped.txt

If first step fails, recipe will fail and all other steps wont be executed

Remote step execution

Steps can be handled by your local machine using regular syntax, if there is any need that you want specific step to be executed by some remote machine you can spoecify that in step provided in example under, syntax is rmt:some_host, leprechaun will try to communicate with remote service that is configured on provided host and will run this command at that host.

name: job1 // name of recipe
definition: schedule
	min: 0 // every min
	hour: 0 // every hour
	day: 0 // every day
steps: // steps are done from first to last
	- rmt:some_host echo "Pipe this to next step"

Note that also as regular step this step also can pipe output to next step, so something like this is possible also:

steps: // steps are done from first to last
	- rmt:some_host echo "Pipe this to next step" }>
	- rmt:some_other_host grep -a "Pipe" }>
	- cat > stored.txt


Go to leprechaun directory and run make install, you will need sudo privileges for this. This will install scheduler, cron, and webhook services.

To install remote service run make install-remote-service, this will create leprechaunrmt binary.


Go to leprechaun directory and run make build. This will build scheduler, cron, and webhook services.

To build remote service run make build-remote-service, this will create leprechaunrmt binary.

Starting/Stopping services

To start leprechaun just simply run it in background like this : leprechaun &

For more available commands run leprechaun --help


For cli tools take a look here


To run tests with covarage make test, to run tests and generate reports run make test-with-report files will be generated in coverprofile dir. To test specific package run make test-package package=[name]

  • very good design ,but can give us more detail document to explain?

    very good design ,but can give us more detail document to explain?

    @kilgaloon has any detail document for quick start ?,i think why so few person stars is that the leprechaun is not friendly to users to teach them how to build schedule system with it. your readme is far from enough. I expect see the document as soon as possible.because i like the leprechaun.

  • add systemd unit file

    add systemd unit file

    I have added very simple systemd unit file, please provide info where would you like it to be located in source tree as i put it now directly into root.

    pc:~ # systemctl start leprechaun.service 
    pc:~ # systemctl status leprechaun.service 
    ● leprechaun.service - Leprechaun service
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/leprechaun.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2018-10-30 19:16:02 CET; 1s ago
     Main PID: 21163 (leprechaun)
        Tasks: 11 (limit: 4915)
       CGroup: /system.slice/leprechaun.service
               └─21163 /usr/bin/leprechaun
    Oct 30 19:16:02 systemd[1]: Started Leprechaun service.
    pc:~ # 
    pc:~ # 
  • Create help command to return available leprechaun commands and explanations

    Create help command to return available leprechaun commands and explanations

    socket.Registrator now has method Command where we specify commands for our app, extend command defining to provide description on how to use specific command.

    This will be used to display each command and description for it when command help is passed

  • Reportcard issues

    Reportcard issues

    Resolve issues reported by report card. Race conditions were detected. consider change tests to go test -race ./client -coverprofile=./client/coverage.txt -covermode=atomic image

  • Task priority

    Task priority

    Prioritize tasks with following specifications.

    If all workers are already populated to maximum, and some high priority task is standing in queue to be executed, take lowest priority task and stop it, move it to queue and wait available worker slot to continue on that task.

    Started task can't be paused (needs more investigation), this can be killed and restarted again.

  • Recipe lock file should hold information about that recipe

    Recipe lock file should hold information about that recipe

    Use yml format inside *.lock file.

    Informations in file:

    • [ ] Started
    • [ ] Current step
    • [ ] Errors
    • [ ] ErrorMessage (empty if Errors != true)
    • [ ] Finished (If finished properly)

    If we implement this, we will know did recipe finished properly, next time we can know which recipes to push to queue and which not.

    This can take a Locking recipe functionality into considiration for change.

    Issues that can be affected: #30 #31

  • Introduce new step syntax for failed command

    Introduce new step syntax for failed command

    Possible new marker for this should be "!"

    This can only apply to sync steps.


        - ! cmd // this cmd will fail for some reason
        - another_cmd // this won't be executed because first one failed
  • api.Resolver should be more dynamic

    api.Resolver should be more dynamic

    api.Resolver should build endpoint from available informations in command.

    currently resolver match available commands with methods which is not extensible, new resolver should be able to build endpoint alone from command provided and handle it properly

  • Steps can be executed by remote hosts

    Steps can be executed by remote hosts

    General idea is that different hosts can execute different steps sync or async. If there is very heavy calculation of something you can run that command on remote host:

    Steps maybe or can look something similar like this

    • remote("calculate something and return me output") }>
    • "i take previous output and do something" }>
    • anotherRemote("Do something again") }>
    • "save that here"

    }> is newly introduced syntax for piping output from one step to another

  • When ini_path flag isn't default for every --cmd you need to provide --ini_path

    When ini_path flag isn't default for every --cmd you need to provide --ini_path

    We need to open default port on which agent with listen and provide basic information about running process through that port.

    When user runs binary and pass --cmd flag check is default port of agent opened, if it is then get info about agent and execute command otherwise print error that agent need to be started first.

  • Using Cobra/Viper

    Using Cobra/Viper

    Hi... i was reading the project and realized that parsing command line and configuration codes are in daemon/main.go file. How you think about separating daemon and project bootstrapping logic and use some packages like{cobra,viper}? thanks

  • Command to read error log and tail error log

    Command to read error log and tail error log

    Introduce new command that read/tail error/info log

    Possible read commands:

    • leprechaun error-log
    • leprechaun info-log

    Possible tail commands:

    • leprechaun tail-error-log
    • leprechaun tail-info-log

    These commands will try to read global error and info logs if they are specified as global. Every service can have it's own error and info log so we should include default commands in agent for this:

    • leprechaun --cmd="{agent} error-log"
    • leprechaun --cmd="{agent} info-log"
    • leprechaun --cmd="{agent} tail-error-log"
    • leprechaun --cmd="{agent} tail-info-log"
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