A RESTful API written in Golang to store and retrieve ticket information.


A RESTful API written in Golang to store and retrieve ticket information.

This is a RESTful API built on top of the gin-gonic/gin package that uses a MySQL database in order to store and retrieve ticket information, though it can also be used for other types of data.


To test out the API, clone this repository using git clone https://github.com/komi-alasse/tickets-api.git

Note: In order to use this API you must have access to a MySQL server, you can install MySQL using Homebrew brew install mysql or through downloading MySQL from https://www.mysql.com/


From there you can simply run go run . from the project repository to initiate a server which will run from your local device on port 3306.

At any point you can enter Ctrl-C to stop the process.

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