CLI to support with downloading and compiling terraform providers for Mac with M1 chip


A CLI to help with managing the installation and compilation of terraform providers when running a new M1 Mac.


While using my new Macbook with M1 chip I often encountered issues in client projects when working with Terraform projects. Either some terraform providers have no adapted to the new darwin_arm64 at all or the version of the used provider is pinned to an older version. In both cases, there is no pre-compiled binary for darwin_arm64 => you have to compile it yourself. There is a nice writeup on how to compile in a Terraform Issue. As I am constantly switching forth and back between using own-compiled binaries and pre-build, I wanted to have an elegant solution which manages all the details by itself.


brew install kreuzwerker/taps/m1-terraform-provider-helper


A CLI to manage the installation of terraform providers for the Mac M1 chip

  m1-terraform-provider-helper [command]

Available Commands:
  activate    Activate the usage of m1 provider helper
  deactivate  Deactivate the usage of M1 provider helper
  help        Help about any command
  install     Downloads (and compiles) a terraform provider for the M1 chip
  status      Shows the status of the m1 provider installations

  -h, --help   help for m1-terraform-provider-helper

Example: You want to install the terraform-provider-vault in version 2.10.0 because you are using it in a project and let's assume it has no pre-build binary for Mac M1:

m1-terraform-provider-helper activate # (In case you have not activated the helper)
m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/vault -v 2.10.0 # Install and compile


To run tests execute:

make test
make lint

in the project's root directory.


To build the app execute:

make build

in the project's root directory. This will generate the executable dist/m1-terraform-provider-helper file that you can run.


If you want to generate the changelog and see it only (it will neither commit, tag nor push) run one of the following commands:

make patch
make minor
make major

If you want it automated prepend TAG=1 to the command as follows:

# TAG=1 indicates to tag and generate the changelog
TAG=1 make minor
git push origin main --tags 


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

kreuzwerker GmbH
We touch running systems
kreuzwerker GmbH
  • template provider not working with terraform 0.12.31

    template provider not working with terraform 0.12.31

    Hi there,

    I've installed the template provider as per:

    m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/template -v 2.2.0

    Expected Behavior

    Terraform commands work:

    Actual Behavior

    Error installing provider "template": no available version is compatible for the requested platform.

    Steps to Reproduce (including precondition)

    m1-terraform-provider-helper status
    Status: Active
    Local providers are us
    m1-terraform-provider-helper list
    hashicorp/template -> 2.2.0
    ben/.terraform.d -> plugins

    terraform init (with trace logging):

    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] checking for provider in "."
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] checking for provider in "/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/bin"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] checking for provider in ".terraform/plugins/darwin_arm64"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] found provider "terraform-provider-aws_v3.75.2_x5"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] checking for provider in "/Users/ben/.terraform.d/plugins"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] checking for provider in "/Users/ben/.terraform.d/plugins/darwin_arm64"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [WARN] found legacy provider "terraform-provider-template_2.2.0_x5"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] found valid plugin: "template_2.2.0_x5", "0.0.0", "/Users/ben/.terraform.d/plugins/darwin_arm64/terraform-provider-template_2.2.0_x5"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] found valid plugin: "aws", "3.75.2", "/Users/ben/Code/owsy/infrastructure-live/scotam-prod/us-west-2/scotam-prod/data-stores/flowable/postgres/.terragrunt-cache/CoUyt-8Q4K3IIvxGLbTrKVSQw-c/wQX_94XlHXOC511wEnd47cONrjA/data-stores/rds/.terraform/plugins/darwin_arm64/terraform-provider-aws_v3.75.2_x5"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] plugin requirements: "template"=""
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] plugin requirements: "aws"="~> 3.0"
    Initializing provider plugins...
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] Service discovery for at
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [TRACE] HTTP client GET request to
    - Checking for available provider plugins...
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] fetching provider versions from ""
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] GET
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [TRACE] HTTP client GET request to
    Error installing provider "template": no available version is compatible for the requested platform.
    Terraform analyses the configuration and state and automatically downloads
    plugins for the providers used. However, when attempting to download this
    plugin an unexpected error occurred.
    This may be caused if for some reason Terraform is unable to reach the
    plugin repository. The repository may be unreachable if access is blocked
    by a firewall.
    If automatic installation is not possible or desirable in your environment,
    you may alternatively manually install plugins by downloading a suitable
    distribution package and placing the plugin's executable file in the
    following directory:

    I don't know if this is a problem, but terrform asks for the plugin to be in ~/.terraform.d/plugins/darwin_arm64, but it's in ~/.terraform.d/plugins/

    after copying terraform-provider-template_2.2.0_x5 to ~/.terraform.d/plugins/darwin_arm64, the log is slightly the different:

    (note the WARN] found legacy provider "terraform-provider-template_2.2.0_x5")

    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] checking for provider in "."
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] checking for provider in "/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/bin"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] checking for provider in ".terraform/plugins/darwin_arm64"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] found provider "terraform-provider-aws_v3.75.2_x5"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] checking for provider in "/Users/ben/.terraform.d/plugins"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] checking for provider in "/Users/ben/.terraform.d/plugins/darwin_arm64"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [WARN] found legacy provider "terraform-provider-template_2.2.0_x5"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] found valid plugin: "template_2.2.0_x5", "0.0.0", "/Users/ben/.terraform.d/plugins/darwin_arm64/terraform-provider-template_2.2.0_x5"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] found valid plugin: "aws", "3.75.2", "/Users/ben/Code/owsy/infrastructure-live/scotam-prod/us-west-2/scotam-prod/data-stores/flowable/postgres/.terragrunt-cache/CoUyt-8Q4K3IIvxGLbTrKVSQw-c/wQX_94XlHXOC511wEnd47cONrjA/data-stores/rds/.terraform/plugins/darwin_arm64/terraform-provider-aws_v3.75.2_x5"
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] plugin requirements: "template"=""
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] plugin requirements: "aws"="~> 3.0"
    Initializing provider plugins...
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] Service discovery for at
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [TRACE] HTTP client GET request to
    - Checking for available provider plugins...
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] fetching provider versions from ""
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [DEBUG] GET
    2022/06/16 11:19:35 [TRACE] HTTP client GET request to
    Error installing provider "template": no available version is compatible for the requested platform.
    Terraform analyses the configuration and state and automatically downloads
    plugins for the providers used. However, when attempting to download this
    plugin an unexpected error occurred.
    This may be caused if for some reason Terraform is unable to reach the
    plugin repository. The repository may be unreachable if access is blocked
    by a firewall.
    If automatic installation is not possible or desirable in your environment,
    you may alternatively manually install plugins by downloading a suitable
    distribution package and placing the plugin's executable file in the
    following directory:

    Screenshot on This Problem (if possible)

    Your Environment

    • OS: 12.4
    • m1-terraform-provider-helper version: 0.6.0
  • Error: Failed to install provider

    Error: Failed to install provider

    Receiving the error Error: Failed to install provider when installing hashicorp/template in a repo which uses aws provider. Below is the exact error.

    │ Error: Failed to install provider
    │ Error while installing hashicorp/template v2.2.0: the local package for
    │ 2.2.0 doesn't match any of the
    │ checksums previously recorded in the dependency lock file (this might be
    │ because the available checksums are for packages targeting different
    │ platforms)

    Following is the command that I used.

    m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/template -v v2.2.0

    Expected Behavior

    When using the command the build generated should match the checksum in the lock file.

    Actual Behavior

    The generated build is not matching the checksum in lock file

    Steps to Reproduce (including precondition)

    1. Run m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/template -v v2.2.0
    2. Run terraform init
    3. The error is generated at the end of above command

    Screenshot on This Problem (if possible)


    Output after running terraform init

    Your Environment

    • OS: MacOS Monterey 12.2.1
    • m1-terraform-provider-helper version: Latest, installed yesterday
  • Feature request: pass in custom build command

    Feature request: pass in custom build command

    Looking for some future proofing here. I know you've been trying to maintain a map of provider to build commands, but a custom command argument would be greatly appreciated for supporting custom builds before you get a chance to update your map in the code.

    Right now, I'm trying to build mongo atlas provider 0.8.2:

    $ m1-terraform-provider-helper install mongodb/mongodbatlas -v v0.8.2
    GitRepo: [email protected]:mongodb/terraform-provider-mongodbatlas
    2022/01/21 13:17:51 Executingcd /Users/<home_dir>/.m1-terraform-provider-helper && git clone [email protected]:mongodb/terraform-provider-mongodbatlas
    Cloning into 'terraform-provider-mongodbatlas'...
    2022/01/21 13:17:56 Cloning into 'terraform-provider-mongodbatlas'...
    HEAD is now at 454ea9c8 Fix 1.2 upgrade/info guide formatting error (#657)
    2022/01/21 13:17:56 version: v0.8.2
    ==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
    gofmt needs running on the following files:
    You can use the command: `make fmt` to reformat code.
    make: *** [fmtcheck] Error 1
    2022/01/21 13:17:59 Bash code did not run successfully: exit status 2

    So it is another case of make build not being sufficient.

  • FATA[0047] Bash execution did not run successfully

    FATA[0047] Bash execution did not run successfully

    Hello! I got an error trying to install provider "hashicorp/aws -v v3.23.0"

    Thanks for a lot

    Output: m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/aws -v v3.23.0 Getting provider data from terraform registry Getting source code... Compiling... FATA[0047] Bash execution did not run successfully: exit status 2

    Expected Behavior

    I don't know, because it's the first time I try this application.

    Actual Behavior

    m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/aws -v v3.23.0 Getting provider data from terraform registry Getting source code... Compiling... FATA[0047] Bash execution did not run successfully: exit status 2

    Steps to Reproduce (including precondition)

    {Please write here}

    Screenshot on This Problem (if possible)


    Your Environment

    • OS: Monterrey 12.5
    • m1-terraform-provider-helper version: Current version: 0.7.4%
  • Add lockfile upgrade command

    Add lockfile upgrade command

    What does this do / why do we need it?

    Provide a command lockfile upgrade to update the hashes in a lockfile to also contain the hashes of the locally compiled providers. This fixes the problem, that terrraform init won't work when an lockfile exists and local providers are used.

    Check lists

    • [ ] Test passed
    • [ ] Coding style (indentation, etc)
    • [ ] Update README
    • [ ] Enhance install command: When a lockfile exists, encourage users to also use the lockfile upgrade command

    Which issue(s) does this PR fix?

    fixes #38

  • Build fails if gofmt fails

    Build fails if gofmt fails

    Expected Behavior

    Binary successfully builds even if linting checks fail.

    Actual Behavior

    Build fails due to linting checks failing

    Steps to Reproduce (including precondition)

    m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/kubernetes -v v1.13.3


    go version go1.17.2 darwin/arm64

    It fails with

    2021/11/02 15:46:10 versionv1.13.3
    ==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
    gofmt needs running on the following files:
    You can use the command: `make fmt` to reformat code.
    make: *** [fmtcheck] Error

    Which is annoying because it's only a formatting fail and it builds fine. Also, Home-brew doesn't have 1.14 for ARM so to get that version which should pass fmt, it still blows up...

    I'm not really sure what's the best solution, make fmt by default seems like a hard hammer that might not work for all providers.

  • Hashes not generated, impossible to use in existing projects.

    Hashes not generated, impossible to use in existing projects.

    On m1 mac, obviously, when I try to install a provider (say HashiCorp/google v4.11.0), it successfully installs, however I am not able to run 'terraform init' because it fails to find a checksum for the installed version in lock file.

    Expected Behavior

    After the installation, terraform init successfully initialise terraform.

    Actual Behavior

    After the installation, terraform init logs the following:

    Initializing modules...
    Initializing the backend...
    Initializing provider plugins...
    - Reusing previous version of hashicorp/archive from the dependency lock file
    - Reusing previous version of hashicorp/google from the dependency lock file
    - Reusing previous version of hashicorp/google-beta from the dependency lock file
    - Reusing previous version of hashicorp/template from the dependency lock file
    - Installing hashicorp/google v4.11.0...
    - Installing hashicorp/google-beta v4.11.0...
    - Installed hashicorp/google-beta v4.11.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
    - Installing hashicorp/template v2.2.0...
    - Installing hashicorp/archive v2.2.0...
    - Installed hashicorp/archive v2.2.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
    │ Error: Failed to install provider
    │ Error while installing hashicorp/google v4.11.0: the local package for 4.11.0 doesn't match any of
    │ the checksums previously recorded in the dependency lock file (this might be because the available checksums are for packages targeting
    │ different platforms)
    │ Error: Failed to install provider
    │ Error while installing hashicorp/template v2.2.0: the local package for 2.2.0 doesn't match any
    │ of the checksums previously recorded in the dependency lock file (this might be because the available checksums are for packages targeting
    │ different platforms)

    Steps to Reproduce (including precondition)

    1. Have a project already configured with google provider for Google Cloud Platform, working on a normal amd64 machine.
    2. Clone the project on an m1 mac
    3. Run m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/template -v v2.2.0
    4. Run m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/google -v v4.11.0
    5. Run terraform init

    Your Environment

    • OS: MacOS Monterey 12.2.1
    • m1-terraform-provider-helper version: 0.5.1
  • Does not work with aws provider version 2.70.1

    Does not work with aws provider version 2.70.1

    We are stuck on version 2.x of AWS provider. When attempting to use the tool for this specific version, I get errors from what looks like failure to run bash commands:

    Expected Behavior

    It works!

    Actual Behavior

    It fails with sh line 0 errors (see below).

    m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/aws -v v2.70.1
    GitRepo: [email protected]:hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws
    HEAD is now at 2ff8acfb9b Merge pull request #22396 from GlennChia/f-aws_dax_cluster
    2022/01/04 10:05:22 version: v2.70.1
    sh: line 0: cd: tools: No such file or directory
    2022/01/04 10:06:16 Bash code did not run successfully: exit status 1

    Steps to Reproduce (including precondition)

    m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/aws -v v2.70.1

    Your Environment

    • OS: 12.1
    • m1-terraform-provider-helper version: 0.2.4
  • Error after compiling

    Error after compiling

    Expected Behavior

    tf-m1=m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/random -v v3.4.3

    Actual Behavior

    Getting provider data from terraform registry
    Getting source code...
    2022/12/15 14:06:31 rename /Users/austiin/go/bin/terraform-provider-random /Users/austiin/.terraform.d/plugins/ no such file or directory

    Steps to Reproduce (including precondition)

    I'm pretty sure this occurred after I complied on a v2.1.2 from a older tf module then went to another folder and asked to use latest so I complied latest. Latest is no longer working and I get the above error when I retry.

    It doesn't seem to be creating terraform-provider-random_3.4.3_x5 in the path that it is looking but I don't know enough myself on how terraform stores plugins on the OS.

    Screenshot on This Problem (if possible)

    Screenshot 2022-12-15 at 2 09 42 PM

    Your Environment

    • OS: Ventura 13.0.1 | Apple M1 Max
    • m1-terraform-provider-helper version: Current version: 0.8.0%

    FYI: love the tool. Definitely has saved myself having to write a bunch of module.

  • Cannot install providers ##new##

    Cannot install providers ##new##

    Expected Behavior

    installing providers to local plugin cache

    Actual Behavior

    error with downloading from source

    Steps to Reproduce (including precondition)

    m1-terraform-provider-helper activate m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/aws "Getting provider data from terraform registry Getting source code... Compiling... error: Malformed version"

    Screenshot on This Problem (if possible)

    Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 15 46 56

    Your Environment

    • OS: Mac OS 12.5.1 (Apple M1)
    • m1-terraform-provider-helper version: 0.7.5
  • fails to install hashicorp/random -v v2.3.1

    fails to install hashicorp/random -v v2.3.1

    m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/random -v v2.3.1 Repo: GitRepo: HEAD is now at d89f018 v2.3.1 2022/06/22 16:02:43 Pulling newest changes from fatal: ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD is not a symbolic ref You are not currently on a branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1) for details.

    git pull <remote> <branch>

    2022/06/22 16:02:45 Bash code did not run successfully: exit status 1

  • Install command should notify users when a lockfile needs to be upgraded

    Install command should notify users when a lockfile needs to be upgraded

    With the newest v0.7.0 version this tool now has the capability to add the hashes of the locally compiled providers to the lockfile.

    Whenever a user runs the install command, the users should be notified if there is an already existing lockfile and whether it should be updated (to not run into the terraform init issue with the checksums)

  • Dependency Dashboard

    Dependency Dashboard

    This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

    This repository currently has no open or pending branches.

    Detected dependencies

    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/setup-go v3
    • goreleaser/goreleaser-action v4
    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/setup-go v3
    • golangci/golangci-lint-action v3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/setup-go v3
    • goreleaser/goreleaser-action v4
    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/setup-go v3
    • jandelgado/gcov2lcov-action v1.0.9
    • coverallsapp/github-action 1.1.3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/setup-go v3
    • go 1.19
    • v5.5.1
    • v1.6.0
    • v2.15.0
    • v1.2.0
    • v1.6.1
    • v1.12.1
    • v0.7.0
    • v1.9.0

    • [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository
  • Fix build command for version 2.x of AWS provider

    Fix build command for version 2.x of AWS provider

    Underlying issue:

    What does this do / why do we need it?

    This fixes the install of the AWS provider 2.x due to a bug in Go sys module

    How this PR fixes the problem?

    Updates the sys module before running the various build commands, only for the command used to compile the AWS provider

    What should your reviewer look out for in this PR?


    Check lists

    • [ ] Test passed
    • [ ] Coding style (indentation, etc)

    Which issue(s) does this PR fix?


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