A utility to generate SPDX-compliant Bill of Materials manifests

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  • Migrate in `k8s.io/release/cmd/bom` and associated packages

    Migrate in `k8s.io/release/cmd/bom` and associated packages

    /hold for module fixups ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/org/issues/3106

    FYI to previous contributors of this code: @puerco @hasheddan @saschagrunert @mattmoor @cpanato @hectorj2f @jayonlau

    (Also, woooo, I found yet another way to migrate content!)

    Figure out what to migrate:

    ❯ go list -deps ./cmd/bom/... | grep k8s.io/release/

    Package up the commit history as packages:

    ❯ git format-patch -o /tmp/mergepatchs \
    $(git log cmd/bom/ docs/bom/ pkg/license/ pkg/provenance/ pkg/spdx/|grep ^commit|tail -1|awk '{print $2}')^..HEAD \
    cmd/bom/ docs/bom/ pkg/license/ pkg/provenance/ pkg/spdx/

    Apply the patches to the new repo:

    ❯ git am /tmp/mergepatchs/*.patch
    Applying: k8s.io/release/pkg/license package
    Applying: License package implementation fakes
    Applying: License package tests
    Applying: Use dateless license boilerplate in all generated go files
    Applying: Update import references to sigs.k8s.io/release-utils
    Applying: Move from ioutil to os/io packages
    Applying: Spin SPDX into own package
    Applying: Refactor SPDX pkg to implementation
    Applying: SPDX Document builder
    Applying: Image analyzer packages
    Applying: Split license interface to catalog obj
    Applying: Split license logic to implementation
    Applying: Update license and download code to new interfaces
    Applying: Write license files in prallel and unexport catalog options
    Applying: Update license tests and fakes
    Applying: SPDX pkg unit and integration tests
    Applying: Regenerate SPDX package fakes
    Applying: BOM utility: Generate SPDX docs
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:217: trailing whitespace.
    the libraries developed for the Kubernetes SBOM for other
    warning: 1 line adds whitespace errors.
    Applying: Consolidate license directories and naming
    Applying: Fix bug where lic dnld errors where lost
    Applying: Go module supprt
    Applying: Directory scanning support
    Applying: Full support for .gitignore files and patterns
    Applying: Add package dependency capabilities
    Applying: Import add go packages as pkg deps
    Applying: Ensure package files are checksummed at the right times
    Applying: Scan go.mod when checking directories
    Applying: Correctly implement LicenseInfoFromFiles in spdx packages
    Applying: Handle go module downloads by commit sha
    Applying: Allow bom generate command to read directories from arguments
    Applying: Parallelize go module downloads
    Applying: Shift license output to debug and fix div/0 bug
    Applying: Include full list of transient dependencies in SBOM
    Applying: Regenerate SPDX fakes
    Applying: Move spdx keywords NONE and NOASSERTION to constants
    Applying: Prewarm license cache during release.PrepareWorkspaceStage()
    Applying: Reduce SPDX file verbosity
    Applying: HOWTO Guide about creating a BOM
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:35: trailing whitespace.
    To generate a Bill of Materials for your project, download `bom`, our utility
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:40: trailing whitespace.
    bom -n 'http://mybom.com/' .
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:44: trailing whitespace.
    for more information about our tools, SBOMs, and the SPDX standard.
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:64: trailing whitespace.
    SBOM can express all of them in the same document.
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:90: trailing whitespace.
    by the SPDX Workgroup, a project of the Linux Foundation.
    warning: squelched 6 whitespace errors
    warning: 11 lines add whitespace errors.
    Applying: bom utility README file
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:16: trailing whitespace.
    Bill of Materials project. It enables software authors to generate an
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:23: trailing whitespace.
    has a built-in license classifier that recognizes the 400+ licenses in
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:32: trailing whitespace.
    have created a
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:74: trailing whitespace.
    bom generate -n http://example.com/ --image k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver:v1.21.0
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:86: trailing whitespace.
        -f other/file.txt
    warning: 5 lines add whitespace errors.
    Applying: bom command documentation
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:459: trailing whitespace.
    Create SPDX compliant Bill of Materials
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:465: trailing whitespace.
    ## Summary
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:474: trailing whitespace.
    the libraries developed for the Kubernetes SBOM for other
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:523: trailing whitespace.
    Create SPDX compliant Bill of Materials
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:529: trailing whitespace.
    ## Summary
    warning: 5 lines add whitespace errors.
    Applying: Add support for configuring BOM in a YAML file
    Applying: Add more fields to document build options
    Applying: Unit test file for doc builder
    Applying: Parallelize file processing
    Applying: Fix error in go modules flag
    Applying: Make directory paths relative
    Applying: Use cached package replacements
    Applying: Avoid erasing modules from GOPATH
    Applying: Correct cache/data directories handling
    Applying: Return full license text after scanning
    Applying: Switch to license.ReadTopLicense()
    Applying: Regenerate license fakes
    Applying: Use native `errors` methods instead of `fmt.Sprintf`
    Applying: spdx.buildIDString function
    Applying: Fix spdx date bug
    Applying: Download all platforms when generating spdx packages from images
    Applying: Object interface
    Applying: SPDX Relationships
    Applying: Fix template bug
    Applying: Fix bug downloading packages
    Applying: Add ExternalDocRef to SPDX package
    Applying: Regenrate layer SPDX ID to add imageref
    Applying: SBOM: Link source SBOM to artifacts SBOM
    Applying: Ensure SPDX relationship rednering
    Applying: SPDX: Support relationships with remote entities
    Applying: License Catalog: Ignore deprecated license IDs
    Applying: SPDX: Correctly form layer ref for single img ref
    Applying: fix: panic when LICENSE file is not found
    Applying: Clean up extra spaces
    Applying: lint(revive): Fixup variable declaration warnings
    Applying: lint(nolintlint): Enforce stricter settings
    Applying: Fix SPDX relationship order btw images and ref
    Applying: Support license definition from command flag
    Applying: Add possibility to build custom Kubernetes forks
    Applying: lint(gosec): Add `nolint`s for SHA1 file integrity usage
    Applying: lint(gosec): Guard against decompression bombs when using `io.Copy`
    Applying: lint(gosec): Guard against decompression bombs when using filepath.Join
    Applying: spdx: Fix panic when unable to dnload err
    Applying: SPDX Parser
    Applying: SPDX Banner
    Applying: lint: Fix typo
    Applying: spdx: Document outliner
    Applying: bom: document outline subcommand
    Applying: Switch to buffered output of the outline
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:41: trailing whitespace.
    This subcommand draws a tree-like outline to help the user visualize
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:42: trailing whitespace.
    the structure of the bom. Even when an SBOM represents a graph structure,
    .git/rebase-apply/patch:47: trailing whitespace.
    attached directly to the root of the document.
    warning: 3 lines add whitespace errors.
    Applying: spdx: Use -1 to represent unlimited recursion in outline
    Applying: spdx: Make regular expressions global to avoid recompiling
    Applying: spdx parser: Fix bug in File.Name and NONE Dnld
    Applying: spdx: SLSA Provenance export
    Applying: Fix several typos/nits in comments

    ref: https://dxarts.washington.edu/wiki/git-tricks#copy

  • Add --format flag to output SPDX document as JSON

    Add --format flag to output SPDX document as JSON

    // Description updated by @puerco

    This commit builds on @jdolitsky 's work to enable JSON output in bom by combining his SPDX-JSON code with one of my branches implementing a new query and filtering feature.

    Query Language

    The query feature enables adds a query subsystem to bom to enable a new subcommand that allows searching in an sbom. Using the test sbom included in this pr we can now do things like, for example, searching for packages of bash in the sbom:

    bom document query pkg/spdx/testdata/nginx.spdx 'name:bash'

    The initial implementation is rough still but already includes 4 filters (all, purl, depth and name). Documentation of the query language will come soon

    JSON Output

    Building on Josh's work, we now have a native JSON serializer. The serializer uses the query language filters to flatten the packages and files and render them in the JSON package, the output validates now but I (@puerco) need to add a couple of tests to ensure different SBOM sources render correctly.

    Generation now takes the flag added by @jdolitsky and writes JSON and Tag-Value. Example:

    ❯ bom generate --format=json . > spdx.json
    ❯ java -jar tmp/tools-java-1.0.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar Verify spdx.json 
    WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance.
    This SPDX Document is valid.

    Check the attached sample SBOM below for a sample

    Resolves #103

    - **bom now can write SBOMs in JSON!**
    - New `bom document query` subcommand allows querying SBOMs using a new filtering language
  • update docs with new install instruction

    update docs with new install instruction

    Signed-off-by: Christopher Angelo Phillips [email protected]

    What type of PR is this?

    /kind documentation

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    Add docs clarity for installation.

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    Special notes for your reviewer:

    See Screenshot for updated install command that works

    Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?


    Screen Shot 2021-12-01 at 3 58 45 PM

  • Add cloudbuild job to generate binaries and images

    Add cloudbuild job to generate binaries and images

    What type of PR is this?

    /kind feature

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    • add cloudbuild job and mage rules to build the binaries and images and push those to our bom staging GCP project to be later promoted when needed
    1. I need to run a test before we merge this but it is pending some final bits in the GCP project
    2. also need to create the postsubmit job which I will do soon

    /assign @puerco @justaugustus cc @kubernetes-sigs/release-engineering

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:


    Special notes for your reviewer:

    Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?

  • Record a new terminal animation

    Record a new terminal animation

    The animation on the main project page is very outdated. Some of the flags are no longer current and the tools supports a lot more features.

    We need to record a new animation that can show how to generate an SBOM but also how to check the output, etc.

  • Global and non-standard gitignore files are not respected

    Global and non-standard gitignore files are not respected

    What happened:

    I have a global gitignore that ignores .DS_Store files. When I ran bom against a local git repo, it included .DS_Store in the output.

    $ git config --global --get core.excludesFile               
    $ git check-ignore --verbose .DS_Store
    ~/.config/git/ignore:2:.DS_Store      .DS_Store
    $ bom generate -d . -n http://example.com/
    Relationship: SPDXRef-Package-my-repo CONTAINS SPDXRef-File-86f7fc8c194db4803d37c5b2feecf09c3ee135fb
    FileName: .DS_Store
    SPDXID: SPDXRef-File-1f11d692242833beff175ce40424d9f280dd3c8a
    FileChecksum: SHA1: 0a9e0aee4f8f8d9bf492bfc64d896d157045fe23
    FileChecksum: SHA256: ec746d722904dc246254c17bb76bc7e8579af01ea124f38b06df02200c1d503e
    FileChecksum: SHA512: a6f5b29d97fb892fd3ca6189c589f7d1af178d212eebf0294848eb734ec7dbb13d69a09c83419199a0936295f0c7ca936b78898a0b6c9fba1745fd288296aebd
    LicenseConcluded: NOASSERTION
    LicenseInfoInFile: NONE
    FileCopyrightText: NOASSERTION

    I also confirmed this behavior is present for non-standard gitignore files (i.e., not named .gitignore) set locally with (core.excludesFile).

    What you expected to happen:

    I expected bom to ignore the .DS_Store file, and any others excluded by my global gitignore.

    How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

    $ git init bom-gitignore-test
    Initialized empty Git repository in ~/bom-gitignore-test/.git/
    $ cd bom-gitignore-test
    $ touch some-file
    $ echo some-file > ignores
    $ git config --global core.excludesFile ignores # or use --local to only affect this repo
    $ git check-ignore --verbose some-file
    ignores:1:some-file     some-file
    $ bom generate -d . -n http://example.com/
    Relationship: SPDXRef-Package-bom-gitignore-test CONTAINS SPDXRef-File-cbbba3a3cb11930313b724a71f4775324a43ff61
    FileName: some-file
    SPDXID: SPDXRef-File-45e075645e9d6d3346b37d8e0cd826a0b203f055
    FileChecksum: SHA1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
    FileChecksum: SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
    FileChecksum: SHA512: cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e
    LicenseConcluded: NOASSERTION
    LicenseInfoInFile: NONE
    FileCopyrightText: NOASSERTION

    Anything else we need to know?:

    Global gitignore files can exist at several paths without being set in the user's gitconfig, so the output of git config --global --get core.excludesFile is not sufficient alone. Here is an excellent gist with some background.


    • Cloud provider or hardware configuration: Macbook Air M1
    • OS (e.g: cat /etc/os-release): MacOS Monterery
    • Kernel (e.g. uname -a): darwin 21.2.0
    • Others: n/a
  • Replace pkg/errors dependency

    Replace pkg/errors dependency

    What type of PR is this?

    /kind cleanup

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    A new approach to replace the pkg/errors dependency on a package-by-package basis. Concerned packages for this PR: pkg/provenance magefile.go

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    Refers to: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/bom/issues/114

    Special notes for your reviewer:


    Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?

  • Make license package more resilient to unexpected output

    Make license package more resilient to unexpected output

    What type of PR is this?

    /kind bug /kind cleanup

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    This PR improves the licensing code to be more resilient when encountering unexpected license tags in the classifier output. Since v2.0.0, [the classifier will now return a pseudo license tag when finding copyright information] in files. This caused our libraries to return an error when scanning files.

    It also fixes another bug where the secondary license list was lost after scanning and classifying a file.

    The verbosity of the licensing code has now been reduced to make it more understandable.

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    Part of https://github.com/kubernetes/release/issues/2729

    Special notes for your reviewer:

    /assign @jeremyrickard @xmudrii @cpanato

    Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?

    - Fixed a bug where the secondary license list returned by the classifier was not being returned
    - Improved the licensing code to be more resilient to unexpected output from the classifier
    - Licensing output is now less verbose. Use `--log-level=debug` to see all messages
  • build(deps): bump github.com/google/licenseclassifier/v2 from 2.0.0-alpha.1 to 2.0.0-pre5

    build(deps): bump github.com/google/licenseclassifier/v2 from 2.0.0-alpha.1 to 2.0.0-pre5

    Bumps github.com/google/licenseclassifier/v2 from 2.0.0-alpha.1 to 2.0.0-pre5.

    • ead99f4 Fix structuring of tools to work with versions
    • 5a81a75 Adding updated versioning for identify_license tool
    • 24b3127 Pushing updated backend configs so they can be pulled
    • 5d426f3 Updating go.mod files to support pre-release version
    • a6f4b9f Add v2 versions of identify_license packages
    • 0f3a421 Add Apache contributions note
    • ed28d7e Add Entessa Public License
    • 283c056 Add the HTK license
    • 5b53b31 Added Open Game License 1.0a.
    • 6087498 Add RSA
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • Flag to reference external documents.

    Flag to reference external documents.

    What would you like to be added:

    SPDX has support for referencing elements defined in external SBOMs and building relationships pointing to them, while we already have support in the libraries for it already, the command line utility does not have a flag to define them.

    Why is this needed:

    If you want to use Micro SBOMs, there is no way to link them together using only the command line tool.

  • chore: use different base image to include go

    chore: use different base image to include go

    Signed-off-by: Batuhan Apaydın [email protected] Co-authored-by: Jason Hall [email protected]

    What type of PR is this?

    /kind feature /kind bug

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    Fixes #135

    Special notes for your reviewer:

    After a quick chat with @imjasonh, thanks to him, we have agreed that the best way of providing a go binary for an image that is building with ko is changing the image's base with the one of the go binary installed. Fortunately, we have one, https://github.com/distroless/go. distroless.dev/go is an apko-built distroless image that includes go.

    cc: @imjasonh

    Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?

    chore: use different base image to include go
  • Error When Creating SBOM for Image Specified with Digest

    Error When Creating SBOM for Image Specified with Digest

    What happened:

    An error occurred when creating an SBOM for a container image specified using a digest.

    What you expected to happen:

    I expected no error to happen when creating an SBOM for a container image specified using a digest.

    How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

    bom generate --image alpine@sha256:8914eb54f968791faf6a8638949e480fef81e697984fba772b3976835194c6d4


    panic: interface conversion: name.Reference is name.Digest, not name.Tag
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/implementation.go:253 +0xed3
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx.getImageReferences({0xc0000de870, 0x4e})
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/implementation.go:211 +0x25d
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx.(*spdxDefaultImplementation).PullImagesToArchive(0x0?, {0xc0000de870?, 0x15755c3?}, {0xc0000de960, 0x45})
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/implementation.go:359 +0x4c
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx.(*spdxDefaultImplementation).ImageRefToPackage(0xc0000ca000?, {0xc0000de870, 0x4e}, 0x1e?)
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/implementation.go:698 +0x172
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx.(*defaultDocBuilderImpl).GenerateDoc(0x0?, 0x1988850, 0xc0000c10e0)
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/builder.go:234 +0xb6a
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx.(*DocBuilder).Generate(0xc0000edb50?, 0x1?)
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/builder.go:96 +0xb5
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom/cmd/generate.go:341 +0x3db
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom/cmd.AddGenerate.func1(0xc0001cc000?, {0xc0000c7760?, 0x2?, 0x2?})
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom/cmd/generate.go:146 +0xe8
    github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute(0xc0001cc000, {0xc0000c7740, 0x2, 0x2})
    	github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:916 +0x862
    	github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:1044 +0x3bd
    	github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:968
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom/cmd/root.go:71 +0x25
    	./main.go:24 +0x17

    Anything else we need to know?:

    Is this the intended behavior? If only tags are supported on purpose, then please close this issue. Thank you for this great tool!


    OS: M1 Mac w/ macOS 13.0.1 Go: 1.19.2

  • Error When Installing With Published Command

    Error When Installing With Published Command

    What happened:

    Error when installing using the README installation instructions:

    $ go install sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom
    go: 'go install' requires a version when current directory is not in a module
    	Try 'go install sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom@latest' to install the latest version

    What you expected to happen:

    A successful installation when using go install

    How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

    $ go install sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom

    Anything else we need to know?:

    Adding @latest onto the end of the command solves this problem. A simple PR could likely solve this. I'm glad to submit such a PR.


    • OS: M1 Mac w/ macOS 13.0.1
    • Go: 1.19.2
  • downloaded go modules are not being picked up by the go interpreter when bom generate runs

    downloaded go modules are not being picked up by the go interpreter when bom generate runs

    What happened:

    bom does not leverage the local go cache to look for dependency data while generating SBOM in Cilium image build actions.

    Generating SBOM describing the source in the Cilium repository using bom takes, on average, 10 minutes. As a result, the CI build time increases by 30 minutes if we generate an SBOM describing the source for all three CI images in Image CI Build and the CI ultimately fails, throwing an error that no space is left on the runner.

    In theory, if you run "bom generate" in the same environment where you are building (especially after building), all modules should be there already downloaded, and bom can reuse them. But this does not happen. One thing that bom will not do is download stuff into your go directory. If a module is missing, bom will download it to /tmp/spdx/gomod-scanner/, look at it there, and remove it. Even after performing a "go mod download" before running "bom generate", the downloaded modules are not being picked up by the go interpreter when bom runs.

    The downloaded modules are not being picked up by the go interpreter when bom runs: https://github.com/cilium/cilium/actions/runs/3490449396/jobs/5841895937#step:23:1755 for this workflow file.

    What you expected to happen:

    If bom generate is run in the same environment where you are building (especially after building), all modules should be there already downloaded and bom can reuse them.

    Anything else we need to know?:

    Discussion on this in K8s slack linked here.

    cc @puerco @aanm @nbusseneau

  • Distribute license data as an embed fs.

    Distribute license data as an embed fs.

    The code is a first draft. The idea is to make it work first, then simplify and make code beautiful.

    • [X] Add mage file target
    • [x] Modify code to use embed fs.
    • [ ] Prettify code
    • [ ] Create a job / pipeline to renew the embed FS in the binary distribution
  • Don't use one HTTP request per license download

    Don't use one HTTP request per license download

    bom currently makes almost 500 requests to download various license data.

    INFO Read data for 496 licenses. Downloading.     
    INFO Sending GET request to https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0.json 
    INFO Sending GET request to https://spdx.org/licenses/Libpng.json 
    INFO Sending GET request to https://spdx.org/licenses/blessing.json 
    INFO Sending GET request to https://spdx.org/licenses/VSL-1.0.json 
    INFO Sending GET request to https://spdx.org/licenses/BSD-4-Clause-Shortened.json 
    INFO Sending GET request to https://spdx.org/licenses/OFL-1.0-no-RFN.json 

    Caching these is not an option on docker based installation.

    We could fix this by either:

    1. Request SPDX to publish these as an archive Or
    2. Cloning https://github.com/spdx/license-list-data/tree/master/json/details

    (2) is something we could immediately do.

  • panic: interface conversion: name.Reference is name.Digest, not name.Tag

    panic: interface conversion: name.Reference is name.Digest, not name.Tag

    The following command

    bom generate -o sbom_ci_pr_docker-plugin_dee90ec522b992efa8962579f9e0e9be243388cd.spdx \
      bom generate -o sbom_ci_pr_docker-plugin_dee90ec522b992efa8962579f9e0e9be243388cd.spdx \
      --dirs=. \
      bom generate -o sbom_ci_pr_race_docker-plugin_dee90ec522b992efa8962579f9e0e9be243388cd.spdx \
      --dirs=. \
      bom generate -o sbom_ci_pr_unstripped_docker-plugin_dee90ec522b992efa8962579f9e0e9be243388cd.spdx \
      --dirs=. \

    results in

    panic: interface conversion: name.Reference is name.Digest, not name.Tag
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/implementation.go:253 +0xed3
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx.getImageReferences({0xc0000308c0, 0x67})
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/implementation.go:211 +0x25d
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx.(*spdxDefaultImplementation).PullImagesToArchive(0x0?, {0xc0000308c0?, 0x973a03?}, {0xc00835f6a0, 0x19})
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/implementation.go:359 +0x4c
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx.(*spdxDefaultImplementation).ImageRefToPackage(0xc0000a2000?, {0xc0000308c0, 0x67}, 0x1e?)
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/implementation.go:698 +0x172
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx.(*defaultDocBuilderImpl).GenerateDoc(0x0?, 0xd82b00, 0xc00009cfc0)
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/builder.go:234 +0xb6a
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx.(*DocBuilder).Generate(0xc0000b9b50?, 0x1?)
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/pkg/spdx/builder.go:96 +0xb5
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom/cmd/generate.go:341 +0x3db
    sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom/cmd.AddGenerate.func1(0xc000178000?, {0xc000167100?, 0x4?, 0x4?})
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom/cmd/generate.go:146 +0xe8
    github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute(0xc000178000, {0xc0001670c0, 0x4, 0x4})
    	github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:916 +0x862
    	github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:1044 +0x3bd
    	github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:968
    	sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom/cmd/root.go:71 +0x25
    	./main.go:24 +0x17

    Version v0.4.1/bom-linux-amd64

    as seen in https://github.com/cilium/cilium/actions/runs/3392808891/jobs/5640821590#step:22:202 cc @sandipanpanda @puerco

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